TEAM: The Slimsons (January)



  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    Good morning. I am Erin, 39, from Minnesota (@fanncy0626 you are missing fun freezing rain). I am also short and would I to eventually be in the 120-130 range. Right now my main goal is to not go backward at all this month. If I can get under 190 in the next couple months I'll be thrilled, everytime I get close I seem to give up and go right back to where I started plus some. Logging food is where I get stuck, especially for dinners. I like to cook and trying to put those homemade items in drive me crazy.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @schlerin we live up in Walker. They got around 20” of snow that I definitely don’t mind missing out on! Originally from Minneapolis. Good luck with your goals.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    FYI, January's challenge starts January 5th. Until then. current members still post in December.
  • jiminelle
    jiminelle Posts: 7 Member
    @AB0215 Is it possible to change my weigh in days from Wednesday to Friday? Thanks!
  • jiminelle
    jiminelle Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Danielle! I am 26 and from Chicago. I currently weigh around 214 and am looking to be at a healthy weight by November for my trip to Florida. I hope to keep these pounds off for good! ☺️
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    Hello everyone! New member ....
    So I would like to focus on exercising this time. Of course, counting calories is key and staying under my calorie goal is my main concern, but I need to learn how to incorporate exercise into my daily routine. My first goal was to go to the gym at 5 this morning, that I didn't do. Hehe, I think I should start a little softer? I do love my sleep.

    Hoping to be an assett to this team and even if we arent #1, as long as we are losing ;) I am okay with that!

    Starting out IS tough- especially the first month ( gotta find your mojo!) but you will get it done. What’s your regular routine now?
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    Daily check in Jan 2
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes ( a couple short runs plus 10 burpees & a 1minute plank)
    Getting my groove back 🤗
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Hello everyone! New member, so here's my intro:

    My name is Brandi. I have been up and down with my weight for the past couple of years. In 2016, I was at my highest weight of 270. By Feb 2017, I was down to 200. I didn't stay at 200 long, went back up to 220 and lingered between 215-230 for the past couple of years. Now at 235, I am ready to start losing again. I did it last time by just counting calories. I didnt exercise much as I was a server. I now have a new job in an office, not much movement though I do have a sit to stand desk. I still serve a shift or two throughout the week, but its not enough activity.

    So I would like to focus on exercising this time. Of course, counting calories is key and staying under my calorie goal is my main concern, but I need to learn how to incorporate exercise into my daily routine. My first goal was to go to the gym at 5 this morning, that I didn't do. Hehe, I think I should start a little softer? I do love my sleep.

    Hoping to be an assett to this team and even if we arent #1, as long as we are losing ;) I am okay with that!

    You can also add extra steps by taking stairs instead of the elevator when able and parking further away from your destination. Sounds like a small thing to start with, but adds up fast.
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    schlerin wrote: »
    Good morning. I am Erin, 39, from Minnesota (@fanncy0626 you are missing fun freezing rain). I am also short and would I to eventually be in the 120-130 range. Right now my main goal is to not go backward at all this month. If I can get under 190 in the next couple months I'll be thrilled, everytime I get close I seem to give up and go right back to where I started plus some. Logging food is where I get stuck, especially for dinners. I like to cook and trying to put those homemade items in drive me crazy.

    You got this
  • gridirongrrl
    gridirongrrl Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all!

    I’m Adrienne and I just turned 42. I’m excited to be here! I started my weight loss journey last year at 235 and got down to around 180 at my lowest at the beginning of the summer. Hadn’t seen numbers like that since college! Summer is hard for me.. we live near a lake and spend summers out on the boat which usually involves drinking. My goal was to just maintain over the summer and then get back to losing in the fall. Didn’t really happen... I maintained for the summer, but since August I never got back to tracking and the weight slowly inched back up. I weighed back in at 194.8 yesterday. Not great but at least all of the new clothes I had bought still fit, so there’s that! (I donated all of my “fat” clothes last summer to get rid of my safety net!!)

    My ultimate goal is to have a healthy BMI, so my goal weight is 155. I don’t have a specific number in mind for this month. My goal for January is to track consistently and work our regularly (5-6x/week).

    I’m glad to be here and excited to get started!!
  • southgirl94
    southgirl94 Posts: 778 Member
    Jan Wk 1 - Thurs, 1/2

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Some lower body stretches
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    jiminelle wrote: »
    @AB0215 Is it possible to change my weigh in days from Wednesday to Friday? Thanks!

    @jiminelle That's fine, but can you post an updated weight today (friday) so it runs friday to friday?
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Jan Wk 1 - Thurs, 1/2

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Some lower body stretches

    @southgirl94 We are still in the December challenge this week, so these go towards December. January starts with Sunday January 5.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hi all!

    I’m Adrienne and I just turned 42. I’m excited to be here! I started my weight loss journey last year at 235 and got down to around 180 at my lowest at the beginning of the summer. Hadn’t seen numbers like that since college! Summer is hard for me.. we live near a lake and spend summers out on the boat which usually involves drinking. My goal was to just maintain over the summer and then get back to losing in the fall. Didn’t really happen... I maintained for the summer, but since August I never got back to tracking and the weight slowly inched back up. I weighed back in at 194.8 yesterday. Not great but at least all of the new clothes I had bought still fit, so there’s that! (I donated all of my “fat” clothes last summer to get rid of my safety net!!)

    My ultimate goal is to have a healthy BMI, so my goal weight is 155. I don’t have a specific number in mind for this month. My goal for January is to track consistently and work our regularly (5-6x/week).

    I’m glad to be here and excited to get started!!
    @gridirongrrl Welcome Adrienne! I tend to go through phases where I do really well and then phases where it seems like I take a step back, sadly I think this is normal for a lot of people. In any case, we're glad you're here! You'll be at your goal in no time!!

  • RetroJoe28
    RetroJoe28 Posts: 218 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    jiminelle wrote: »
    @AB0215 Is it possible to change my weigh in days from Wednesday to Friday? Thanks!

    @jiminelle That's fine, but can you post an updated weight today (friday) so it runs friday to friday?

    If you need updated weight for me since i moved from mon to Friday its the same as mondays so no worries :)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily check in Jan 2
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes ( a couple short runs plus 10 burpees & a 1minute plank)
    Getting my groove back 🤗

    @SammyDee2015 We are still in December's challenge for current members, January starts with Jan 5th.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    jiminelle wrote: »
    Hi everyone! My name is Danielle! I am 26 and from Chicago. I currently weigh around 214 and am looking to be at a healthy weight by November for my trip to Florida. I hope to keep these pounds off for good! ☺️
    @jiminelle Welcome Danielle. You got this, take it one day at a time and you'll build up new healthier habits and will be at your goal before you know it!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited January 2020
    schlerin wrote: »
    Good morning. I am Erin, 39, from Minnesota (@fanncy0626 you are missing fun freezing rain). I am also short and would I to eventually be in the 120-130 range. Right now my main goal is to not go backward at all this month. If I can get under 190 in the next couple months I'll be thrilled, everytime I get close I seem to give up and go right back to where I started plus some. Logging food is where I get stuck, especially for dinners. I like to cook and trying to put those homemade items in drive me crazy.

    @schlerin Welcome Erin! I get where you're coming from when you get close to your goal. I've been there several times, I get close to my goal and then lose focus for a bit because it is a lot harder to get to your goal as you get closer to it.

    And I had that issue with tracking my food, homemade for sure, but I add them as recipes and make them the same each time so it does go quicker after you initially put it in.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Hello everyone! New member, so here's my intro:

    My name is Brandi. I have been up and down with my weight for the past couple of years. In 2016, I was at my highest weight of 270. By Feb 2017, I was down to 200. I didn't stay at 200 long, went back up to 220 and lingered between 215-230 for the past couple of years. Now at 235, I am ready to start losing again. I did it last time by just counting calories. I didnt exercise much as I was a server. I now have a new job in an office, not much movement though I do have a sit to stand desk. I still serve a shift or two throughout the week, but its not enough activity.

    So I would like to focus on exercising this time. Of course, counting calories is key and staying under my calorie goal is my main concern, but I need to learn how to incorporate exercise into my daily routine. My first goal was to go to the gym at 5 this morning, that I didn't do. Hehe, I think I should start a little softer? I do love my sleep.

    Hoping to be an assett to this team and even if we arent #1, as long as we are losing ;) I am okay with that!

    @Lively_2020 Welcome Brandi! It is a bit of an adjustment when you are trying to add in exercise and especially when you need to get it in around a work schedule. I might suggest starting with a short walk every day before or after work. Eventually it gets easier and you might find that you're ready to add something else or go for a longer walk. My suggestion is baby steps. I get up early and do my workouts generally before work because after work I am far less motivated, but I've also been doing this for a couple years now and I didn't start by getting up at 5am to workout. So that is my suggestion.
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi my names Beth, I’m 43. Ive got 2 young sons. I’ve been with the Slimsons for s year but in the last 4 months I’ve slipped back into old habits and have gsined about 20 lbs.

    I’m still down about 23 lbs from this time last year so super happy about that but still have a lot to go. I’ve spent the last 2 months under stress and getting crappy broken sleep, I’ve got my hormones all in a mess. Heading to the doctors to look into that but in the mean time I want to reestablish my presence on this feed daily and cut the sugar. I do miss my salads but I’ve gotten lazy again and don’t even want to make myself food. Need to be diligent and get back to it!!

    Good luck to everyone!
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