

  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    Hello! So happy to be here!

    I'm Jen, 50 years young, three amazing adult children and two adorable grand babies. I have two silly rescued pit bulls and volunteer with several rescues in the area. I love all animals and nature. My kids call me a hippy dippy lol.
    I started running in 2010 and bought a road bike in 2012. In 2017, an accident sidelined all exercise for me. It took quite a while to recover but I am finally 100 percent again!
    Looking forward to making this journey with you all! I have about 75 pounds to lose. Let's make this year wonderfully successful!
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I’m 28, and 2019 was a year of big change: I graduated from law school and transitioned to a full time job, got married and we bought our own apartment. The apartment building is currently under construction and the estimated move-in date is in December 2020. I live in Finland, anyone else non-American on this team?

    I’m 5’8” (173 cm) and my current weight is 218.5lbs (99.1kg). I have 44lbs (20kg) to lose before re-evaluating my goals, so I have some work to do this year. Hoping to lose 0.6-1.1lbs (0.3-0.5kg) per week.
  • 171lake
    171lake Posts: 894 Member
    I’m so excited to be back and I’m ready to work on getting back on the horse after the holidays.

    I got a new scale so I’m not sure how much actual weight I gained, but I do weigh daily and as long as I wear on the same scale the number doesn’t really matter, more about the general trend.

    current weight 132.5
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    For our iphone users I joined a challenge and created a team 'ShrinkingAssets'

    Apple Watch⌚️ New Year's Challenge 💪🎉 starts on Wednesday! 🙌😝🎶 Group: 'Nance’s New Year’s Challenge''

    To join, first, download the app, Challenges:

    Once you have the app, enter invite code: 'p6ac' ...or tap on the link below to join:

    I don't have an apple watch but if any fitbit users want to make a shrinking assets steps challenge group I'm up for that!
  • CatherineElizabeth13
    I'm game for a step challenge if I can dig out my Fitbit. It's been buried somewhere in the house move.

    I need to increase my steps, I work at a desk for 8 hours and commute 2 hours a day. At lunch I have to study so I don't get an lot of free time. Hoping to get some steps in after the kids go to bed!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    OK, Kate Kilobykilo is back, watch out as I spam the thread with a few posts!

    Well done on the 10K @TheMrWobbly I'm actually excited about getting back out and running this weekend, I guess that must mean it is time!

    @boehle is the idea you print off the image and colour in each day? Or is it to track if your goals are met or not by only colouring in those days? I like it!

    @hipari hello! I'm with you on using the beginning of the year to declutter both mentally and physically, how are you getting on?
    Great work at the gym and fab you've got your husband on board, too!

    @Beka3695 I'm officially ignoring the doughnut post just now as I may have just finished an open bag of chocolate with my morning coffee...... whoops!

    @SheilaCali wow to the goals, you're hitting the month hard, nice one!
    I like the last question: January will have been successful for me if I've been here in the group everyday and logged in the app. And if I've hit 10k steps each day and spent less time on my sofa. And of course, if I'm a few pound down. Simple then 🙄🙂

    @iamworthy14 I read your post and got a bit scared..... if I stay on track which like you I hope to, I'll also be living life at maintenance by the end of the year. Exciting but scary! Good luck!

    @KittyInBoots17 great resolutions. Your words on restrictions resonant strongly with me and stopping that cycle is something I'm determined to achieve this year.

    @CatherineElizabeth13 welcome! When's your first weigh in? I hope this is a great year for you and look forward to sharing your journey.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    @bigblues11 hello! You're making me so dog broody right now :wink: great that your health is back and you're ready to get back on the bike and run. I'm a runner in training and hope to have a great year with it in 2020!

    @hipari congratulations on a great year in 2019 and yay to the new apartment in the making! I'm a Brit living in Portugal and am now used to waking up to a pile of posts from our north American team mates waiting, I MFP over breakfast :) there are a few others from around the world in the group, too.

    @CharlesScott78 keep your eye on the big picture, you're doing really well overall :)

    @beka3695 love it! It's really clean and clear

    @171lake hello! Enjoy being back on the horse and yeah, inwoildnt worry too much about the scale change.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    My introduction, I'm Kate, 34 from the UK living in Portugal and, as you will see above not capable of responding to all posts in one go if they straddle two pages so I spam instead, sorry!

    I've been on MFP on and off for years but joined this group in the middle of last year and love it!

    I was a bit overweight as a teen and then got fat as a uni student which wasnt helped by moving to Asia for ten years and living a sedentary life. I love food, I love fatty food, so I need need to be burning cals to allow me to also enjoy the foods i need to keep me sane!

    I was about 220lb when I arrived in portugal in August 2016 and slowly lost despite too much wine and eating out and was 202lb at the beginning of 2019 when I really started to focus on my weight again. I got down to 174 in july and ended the year at 184.

    I think my goal weight is probably 160ish... but I've no idea what low weight will suit me!

    I started learning to run last year and did my first 10km in November. I had to compete it in walk/jog intervals but was so proud of finishing it in around 70 minutes. My next 10km is in april and my only goal is to jog the whole way.

    As for food, I'm a calorie counter and must get back to logging every day. This year I'm aiming on not restricting to avoid the need to over eat at the weekends and to see if I can make binging a thing of the past....

    Looking forward to sharing 2020 with you guys!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    My final post of the morning!

    January start weight 184.8lb

    Could I move my weigh day to Thursday, please? Next week I'm away for work so will weigh in a day early on Wednesday.

    Happy Friday one and all :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,182 Member
    kilobykilo wrote: »
    My final post of the morning!

    January start weight 184.8lb

    Could I move my weigh day to Thursday, please? Next week I'm away for work so will weigh in a day early on Wednesday.

    Happy Friday one and all :)

    You are now officially a Thursday person! Good to see you, spam and all!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,182 Member
    UPDATE! F2F's own Habit Tracker

    Everyone on any team is welcome to use our habit tracking spreadsheet. The tracking starts on Sunday, but please go in and set up your name and list of habits before then if you can. Here is how it works:
    1. open
    2. go to the bottom, and choose your team from the tabs
    3. put your MFP use name in the column on the left (highlight "name" and type in yours to replace it)
    4. add up to five habits you want to track daily
    5. check the box when you do it!
    It is completely up to you to update your own tracking. Do it every time you finish, daily, weekly - however you want. Just be sure it is complete at the end of every Saturday so we can include this in the weekly winners circle!

    Any problems? Message me @jugar or ask here and your Captains can find out!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    @jugar what a fab idea! Spreadsheet isn't working for me just yet, attaching what I get. Might be because I'm jumping the gun? 4t75lfgjldsk.jpg
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    Happy Friday! Here are my weekly stats;
    SW 10/19/19 222
    CW 01/03/20 206.3

    The weekends are my downfall so my goal is to not completely blow calories out of the water and to get a least 10,000 steps.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    @bigblues11 great work and love how realistic your weekend goals are, too! Have a good one :)
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi all! I am going to miss you all. Pop on over to the Downsizers thread and say hi 👋. My finial weighin of the December challenge is an ok one. I stayed the same. Considering we had Chinese takeout and cheesecake to celebrate my daughters birthday, I am at peace with that. My daughter, granddaughter and husband go back to Scotland on Sunday. It has been an awesome month visiting with them and I am terribly sad to see them go.

    PW 212.8
    CW 212.8

    I'm going to miss your support :'(
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi there, Happy New Year! Weigh in a bit depressing this week but we did go out to eat last night and I can feel the salt retention. I’ve finished up PT and start with a trainer on Tuesday. I’m a bit nervous! My knee had been feeling better until today and it’s been irritated most of the day. So frustrating! I’ve spent the afternoon looking at menu ideas and will plan on grocery shopping tomorrow. We’re heading out of town next weekend to see our daughter for her birthday so that means more eating out. I’ve always considered that our holidays continue until her birthday so it’s a bit jarring to try to reset before that.

    Here’s to a productive 2020!

    PW: 200.5
    CW: 202.0
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    PW 371.4
    CW 372

    Man that makes me crazy. Lol. I stayed in my calorie goal all last week. Must be the salt that did me in. It will come off - I have a love/hate relationship with my scale 🤔

    Wow Charles, I just read some of your blog. Thanks for sharing your story! You may have a love/hate with your scale, but at least you have a dialogue. Sometimes any forward progress is a win. I'm glad we're on a team that can help us with accountability and encouragement. Baby steps are helping you gain momentum- to keep losing weight and gaining health. I wish you a successful journey in 2020. We're in it together with you. B)
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