TEAM: The Slimsons (January)



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2020
    Username fanncy0626
    Weigh in day Friday week 2
    PW 137.8
    CW 139.8

  • RetroJoe28
    RetroJoe28 Posts: 218 Member
    Jan week 2

    PW: 185.5
    CW: 185.5

    Well my first week of not having a loss in 7 weeks. But not a gain ill take it. Gave up alcohol this week but found i replaced it with snacks lol. My calories are good just need to dial it in better make healthier snack choices.
  • satchel2008
    satchel2008 Posts: 136 Member
    Weigh in day Friday
    PW 230
    CW 235
    As I'm sure you have all noticed my weight is crazy latley! It's due to alot of different factors but mostly my own. I've never been good at dealing with extreme stressful situations without food. I know that's sounds so weird but I feel this group if any can understand what I mean when I say that. It's an issue I struggle with and am trying to learn to deal with in a more healthy way, but I don't know how and I always shut down when I get like this. I don't wanna do that anymore. I wanna turn this around! Thanks for all the support you guys give it really means alot! I did consider quitting the group so I didn't let you guys down and I was embarrassed, but that's what I always did in the past so I'm just gonna face it and change it! Thanks guys.
    WMEJA Posts: 652 Member
    Daily post
    Wk 2 - 1/17
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: No, been fighting something nasty that has been going around so I need to use my first pass.
  • KT4everFree
    KT4everFree Posts: 206 Member
    Track: Yes
    Calories: slightly over,
    I don’t eat my exercise calories earned
    Exercise: Yes

    What does everyone do with their earned exercise calories? Do you eat them?
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Daily Post - Friday

    Track ✔
    Calories ✔

    Went out for dinner still able to stay under.
  • southgirl94
    southgirl94 Posts: 778 Member
    Jan Wk 2 - Fri, 1/17

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: Very little walking
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    Daily Routine
    Track Yes
    Calories under
    Exercise yes
  • jiminelle
    jiminelle Posts: 7 Member
    Week 2
    CW: 204.8
    PW: 207
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    Daily Post
    Track: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: Daily Burn: 14280 steps
  • Jen_967
    Jen_967 Posts: 1,924 Member
    Daily Post
    Week 2 (Friday)
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Walked
  • RetroJoe28
    RetroJoe28 Posts: 218 Member
    Track: Yes
    Calories: slightly over,
    I don’t eat my exercise calories earned
    Exercise: Yes

    What does everyone do with their earned exercise calories? Do you eat them?


    No i never eat them i get normally 1800 a day with exercise it puts it at about 2400 and i stick to 1800 and only lose about a pound a week. I know if i go up to 2400 ill gain
  • KT4everFree
    KT4everFree Posts: 206 Member
    PW- 217.4
    CW- 216.4

    Slow but steady.
    Went to gym 5x, plus bowling 🎳
  • KT4everFree
    KT4everFree Posts: 206 Member
    RetroJoe28 wrote: »
    Track: Yes
    Calories: slightly over,
    I don’t eat my exercise calories earned
    Exercise: Yes

    What does everyone do with their earned exercise calories? Do you eat them?


    No i never eat them i get normally 1800 a day with exercise it puts it at about 2400 and i stick to 1800 and only lose about a pound a week. I know if i go up to 2400 ill gain

    Thanks for the reply
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Weigh in day Friday
    PW 230
    CW 235
    As I'm sure you have all noticed my weight is crazy latley! It's due to alot of different factors but mostly my own. I've never been good at dealing with extreme stressful situations without food. I know that's sounds so weird but I feel this group if any can understand what I mean when I say that. It's an issue I struggle with and am trying to learn to deal with in a more healthy way, but I don't know how and I always shut down when I get like this. I don't wanna do that anymore. I wanna turn this around! Thanks for all the support you guys give it really means alot! I did consider quitting the group so I didn't let you guys down and I was embarrassed, but that's what I always did in the past so I'm just gonna face it and change it! Thanks guys.

    @satchel2008 Well, quitting isn't going to help your situation, that's for sure. And if it makes you feel any better, I am in a similar boat this week. Last week I stuck to my plan like glue, lost 6 lbs, this week, couldn't do it for anything and damn near gained them all back (most of it is water weight from eating things that I KNOW don't agree with me) but yeah, it is a normal part of the process. You will have ups and downs but really some of the best things you can do for yourself are: forgive yourself, you are after all only human, really think about why it happened--are you trying to eat your feelings, push stress down, etc and can you deal with that in a different way, maybe go for a short 20 min walk or something (that was a tool I used a while back), but you really did touch on the important part, you identified what you normally do and how that hasn't helped you in the past. Now, you really just need to figure out what WILL help you moving forward. I have really been trying to address a lot of similar things lately. I go through a week or 2 where I do so great and get close to a goal, then I take a step back and mess it all up, it's like mentally I am self-sabotaging it and I need to figure out why, so I have been journaling, trying to figure out why I am doing what I am doing, like am I feeling a certain way when something hits me, etc. Maybe something like that can help you. And as always, we are always here to help offer suggestions, we all face issues, it's not an easy journey!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    What does everyone do with their earned exercise calories? Do you eat them?

    @KT4everFree I really can't recommend eating back those calories. One big reason why I don't is that they're estimates and are generally very over estimated and if you eat them back, you will likely over eat because of the over estimation. And I look at it as a bonus, anything you burn over what you planned to is just less fat on your body...which is really the goal anyway.

    I have written this response and re-written it 3 times now, trying not to give too much information on a somewhat simple question.
    The bottom line is that for the first 2.75 years of my journey I did not pay any attention to those exercise calories, but now I am looking at them a bit differently because of my current situation so for most people what I am currently worried about won't apply since I am a competitive weightlifter and fuel for my body matters and my weight also matters.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    RetroJoe28 wrote: »
    Jan week 2

    PW: 185.5
    CW: 185.5

    Well my first week of not having a loss in 7 weeks. But not a gain ill take it. Gave up alcohol this week but found i replaced it with snacks lol. My calories are good just need to dial it in better make healthier snack choices.

    @RetroJoe28 As I am sure you already know, this is normal, you wont lose every single week and some weeks you will see a big drop on the scale. The trick is to not get discouraged and make adjustments when you need to, like making better snack choices :wink:
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited January 2020
    Happy Saturday Team!!

    Today's Weigh ins are:

    Weights still missing:

    All weights need to be posted today in order to count for this week!
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Sat week 2
    PW 183.5
    CW 185.0

    Not a good week
  • caloricus
    caloricus Posts: 591 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Happy Friday Team!!


    @caloricus Nice loss! Diet is really the primary factor in weight loss and exercise can of course help, but even when low energy, sticking to your diet will get you where you want to go! Nice job!

    Still Missing this week:

    @AB0215 I already posted my weight yesterday. You commented that it was a nice loss above.

    Here it is again though:

    Username: caloricus
    Week: January, week 2
    PW: 155
    CW: 153
This discussion has been closed.