What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • Cindy4Change
    Cindy4Change Posts: 18 Member
    Alcohol is a real issue at times for me. I don't drink often but when I do I overdo it then eat on top of it. Ugh
  • shygazer
    shygazer Posts: 14 Member
    I always seem to over eat on my WI days, regardless of the outcome. I could have gained 20 pounds and still I would eat. I am trying to do things that aren't food related but they are really hard.

    I can stay on track at work most days, really well actually. It is when I get home and relax I slip. I am about to put a lock on my food cabinets and fridge...
  • Grimmerdhore
    Grimmerdhore Posts: 68 Member
    I overeat for any reason, or no reason. However, in the short two weeks I've been doing this new effort, I've removed almost all of the foods I would normally binge on - and replaced them with cucumbers. They are crunchy and sweet, and leave me feeling satisfied - but I only really use them when I want to binge. As a result, my binging is almost gone - but I do find myself being very tempted when eating favorite dishes - but so far I've been able to manage.
  • annflaherty1
    annflaherty1 Posts: 76 Member
    Pleasure. As a caregiver, I spend all of my day tending to the needs of someone I love. But, it gets weary. Late night, alone time is when I indulge...overindulge!
  • KMatovina
    KMatovina Posts: 16 Member
    @jonathansrcom I'm a big fan of this tactic, either cucumbers or dill pickles knocks it out for me when I'm having a really bad craving.

    I overeat to deal with emotional issues or because I just plain love the food. Sometimes it's because I'm bored, but I keep myself pretty busy these days so this doesn't happen nearly as often now.
  • annflaherty1
    annflaherty1 Posts: 76 Member
    @jonathansrcom Aldi’s has delicious half sour pickles. Salty, crunchy and only 5 calories each! Fills that need for chips, for me. 🙂
  • andrea76figueroa
    andrea76figueroa Posts: 13 Member
    I overeat when I am stressed or board. I also over eat when I cook something I love, or we eat out someplace. I often feel like I can never cook the food again or can't go back to the restaurant again. I know that sounds silly but that is what I tend to do.
  • Malimalai
    Malimalai Posts: 276 Member
    I pan roasted almond nuts yesterday. They tasted so good . So, my calories were over because I ate 60 g of them. I eat low carbs and no sugary foods so I don't have cravings or strong hunger. I have to keep busy when I want to snack when I'm not even hungry. I'm still slowly losing weight though.🥜
  • paba2025
    paba2025 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with the othets. Food is my best friend and I need to figure out how break this destructive relationship and develop a new healthy one.
  • mitsilee
    mitsilee Posts: 1 Member
    My worst food moments are sadness, stress or boredom. Food has always been a comfort to turn to, a distraction, and a way to occupy time. My relationship with it has never been 100% healthy but it’s gotten out of hand lately and I need to change the way I relate to food.
  • healingnurtrer
    healingnurtrer Posts: 217 Member
    Stress, stress, stress! Also pain, boredom.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    I overeat. I binge eat. I eat when I’m not hungry. I eat when I’m bored. I eat to distract me from my feelings.
  • Crissypanda
    Crissypanda Posts: 872 Member
    Any very strong negative emotions
  • philanders1773
    philanders1773 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys, I'm new to this community and commenting on forums online in general lol. I've been wanting to lose weight and I know the biggest thing to losing weight is good nutrition and diet. Obviously, it's not an easy process to lose weight but I couldn't just cling onto keeping a good diet and exercise as my only hope. AND as yall know, It is probably the hardest thing for anyone (or is it just me HAHa but lowkey depressed lol ;( ) to not eat all the desserts and carbs I want to eat. So I started to look towards other things online. This might be a super dumb question but do yall think its helpful to take products like these to lose weight? https://fatlosssecret.health.blog/ I stumbled upon this blog and the product but I am still on edge about it. If not this are there any other recommendations or should I not even try to weight loss pills etc.? Thank you guys for your time!
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 397 Member
    @ philanders1773
    Not sure what the ingredients are in the pills your considering but in general if they are marketed towards weight loss, it’s likely a marketing gimic to make money, that being said I don’t shy against taking supplements that can support and honor your body during the “becoming healthy” process. Some supportive herbs for you liver could help (dandelion root, milk thistle, yellowdock, artichoke) and taking amino acids could help with food cravings, and b vitamins could help with energy assimilation and digestive enzymes could support digestion. So take a look at what issues you have with becoming healthy and do some research to see what could support you on your journey. Be sure to ask your doctor before adding anything new to your regime, especially if you have any liver/kidney disease or diabetes or if you currently take medications.
    Best health to you in the future ...
  • maradevs7
    maradevs7 Posts: 1 Member
    When I am stressed. Or when I am around foods I LOVE. So to avoid that i try and avoid buying those snacks. I heard cravings pass in 20 minutes so I just try and distract myself.
  • LauraRN73952017
    LauraRN73952017 Posts: 23 Member
    I eat when I’m stressed. When something is upsetting me. I tend to reach for the carbs and chocolate for the comfort. I also will eat when I’m bored. It seems like that would be simple to fix, but it is also easy to fall back into old patterns
  • I guess one problem is buying it in the first place. Not making healthy choices. Over indulging in sugary sweets and comfort foods. I have depression and anxiety and stress, loneliness, etc. I guess I just eat unhealthy foods to feel better. Like a coping mechanism or something. I feel better when I’m eating it and enjoying the sugar and carbs and taste but then afterwards I feel guilty and terrible about indulging and then I beat myself up inside. Then it’s like a toxic cycle. It’s so mentally challenging to say no to those unhealthy foods.
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    For me I tend to over eat when I'm feeling stressed, when dealing with anxiety, when dealing with painful emotions from losing loved ones, and when I'm premenstrual.
  • MrsSloffee
    MrsSloffee Posts: 34 Member
    What makes me overeat? Making too much yummy food, having too many choices, stress, being bored, being sad.

    I've been trying to start mindful eating and actually tracking why I'm eating, how I'm feeling before I eat, and how I feel afterwards. I kinda took a break from writing it all down, only because I started online classes last week, and I ran out of my printed up paperwork. I know it's an excuse, but my printer is very low on toner and I kinda need it to keep up with school. And toner is expensive...($95 for one or $170 for two). So kinda waiting until we run out and we HAVE to buy it.
    I think so far the mindful eating has helped.