

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 3
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Weight: 208.7
    Todays Weight: 208.4
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    Friday Weigh in
    PW- 184
    CW- 184.3
    Week- 4

    Tough week, so I'm pretty happy with this. :)
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    @Motiv8tedMom Hope you keep on feeling better.
    @raleigh_girl your posts always make me smile
    @Katmary71 excellent work staying on the exercise in spite of tempting ice cream video! And wow. Decluttering- great work on that too!
    @TeresaW1020 Will pray for your pastor.

    Thank you to everyone for the sleep support. I really appreciate it!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member

    Sending you a hug! Sleep is my issue (one of many!), too. It seems like EVERYTHING is worse without the right amount and kind of sleep. I have to be so careful because I tend to spiral. I have my last child graduating high school this year and I just keep telling myself that it will be fine. I'm going to miss her so much. Also, so much of my life activities and my identity are wrapped up in motherhood. In anticipation of her leaving, I got a job and a cat. One day at a time and one foot in front of the other is about all I can manage at this point.
    P.S. Eating, sleeping, whatever - you ARE a good girl![/quote]

    Thank you especially for this. That's right where I am with my kids and my identity. I know it will be OK, but I get scared when I start to trying to figure out what I'm going to do with myself. I will get there.

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Official weigh in 198.3
    Check In
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 197.4
    Todays Weight 198.3💥

    Calories: over
    Water: over/under? Over
    Macros: right on

    Yesterday’s Fitbit/mfp stats:
    5166 steps. 4500 goal steps
    2.22 miles
    2236 burned calories
    0 active
    83 sleep score
    62 resting sleep
    1673 calories consumed

    Macros by grams. carb 219g, goal > 219g, fat 40g, goal 44-77g, protein 80g, goal 70g

    Basic Goals
    30 active (heart rate driven) minutes: 👎
    Complete food diary: 📖
    Stay hydrated(more than 64 oz): 💦
    Stay below sugar goal: candy 🍭
    Meet fiber in range:🥬
    Daily self care: meditating, crafting, reading, etc. 🧚🏻
    Sleep: minimum 7 hours 💤

    My vision for 2020:
    To find out who I am outside of “mom” since I will be an empty nester in the 5 months.
    To love me no matter where I am at in my journey.
    To pursue habits and hobbies that I will enjoy and that will enrich my soul.
    To focus on total health (mind, body, and soul)

    Don’t let any one weigh-in dictate what I do.
    Choose to do the work.
    Choose to show up & do the actions.
    Don’t give up when you get your first bit of resistance.
    Stick to your habits no matter what. Ignore your ego and avoid complacency.
    Keep a connection with others who understand what this journey. Isolation is not helpful
    Don’t hide when weight gain happens. Assume it will. Share your truth, and don’t let your mind tell you no one will understand.
    Make up your mind that you are and will be successful.
    Accept that this is your struggle, and you will not be fixed. I will need to continuously manage my condition.

    It is what it is. ...
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Wednesday Check-in: Sorry I missed checking in yesterday. Big family doings! Quick sum-up is that Wednesday was a good, on-plan day, and that I got in weights in the morning and a 55 min outdoor walk (date walk with husband!) in the evening.

    Thursday Check-in
    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices
    Water: on target
    Exercise: 60 min on elliptical trainer (SUCH fun!)
    5 Habits: Checks for 4 out of 5! ✔️✔️❌✔️✔️ (missed martial arts forms; interrupted in the morning & then forgot)
    Grateful for: joints that work and do not hurt; the love and partnership of my husband

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Friday)
    Work my 5 Habits!
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min)✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)✔️
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    - Weights session at gym ✔️
    - Outdoor walk or platform stepping

    Other thoughts
    Someone was talking about rewards a while back, and I have been thinking about them as I work my way through the book Tiny Habits. I was noticing that I get super excited about my "5 minutes in the sauna" reward after working out at the gym. I thought on Wednesday that my husband might need us to get out of the gym faster, and offered to skip it. He was a big no to that, as it is his reward. It had me notice how well it is working as my reward, too. I love that 5 minutes in the sauna right after working out to a ridiculous level, and I was super glad we did not skip that reward that morning. I added it in to was done on the elliptical, and was, again, super excited about it.
  • MaegyS
    MaegyS Posts: 9 Member
    Week 3

    PW: 217
    CW: 216.3

    Not much of a loss but it's a loss!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2020
    @MaegyS - 😊Great weigh-in! Seriously -- a loss is a loss! Nearly a pound is nothing to sniff at! Something you are doing is working! Congratulations on being in the green this week! ✔️👍🏽

    @mrmcgrath - Sorry the number isn't a happier one this week, but a big YAY👍🏽 to your checking in and to your continuing to look at where you are getting the work done and what's being effective. With all your commitment to this, you will get to your goal!

    @Cornanda - 👐 Hurray for dealing with your tough week with so much continued focus on your health!
    Sleep is something I have to pay attention to, too.
    Have you come across Headspace? They have some stuff on YouTube and a nice app. I like both their meditation and their sleep wind-down pieces. If interested, you can check out Headspace for free on Youtube.

    @TeresaW1020 - 👐😟 I am so SO sorry to hear about your pastor. I hope you and your husband are doing okay. I am sending thoughts and prayers to your pastor and his family, you and your DH and to all the many people that this affects. I do hope that recovery moves quickly for him. 👐

    Decluttering/cleaning- OK, I was unsuccessfully on hold for going on 5 hours, I scrubbed the stove, went through 3 boxes of paperwork, organized my cookbooks and gardening books, put together another box to donate, and more! Kitchen looks awesome!
    😵 😲 🤯 You just have to picture someone reading this with a stunned look on her face. 5 hours on hold? Yikes! What you got done with that time? Awesome! Just. Wow.

    @sunshineplace - Hurray for your check-in (in the green!!✔️) and for your having had such a great day! 👍🏽

    @Motiv8tedMom - I so hope you are feeling better after your terrible root canal. Sending hugs. 👐

    ... the difference in actions and intentions made a difference in my habits for the day and not having the ease of the day today that I had yesterday.
    😊 How great to notice the power of planning and taking those actions in having you have a different day!
    😔 I also found your post about pre-dinner eating and making sure you keep track of that very thought-provoking. I, too, find myself nudging at edges (what can I get away with?) and bringing myself back. With my track record for gaining lots of weight quickly and being surprised, I see myself continuing to pay attention to portions. I salute everyone who reaches a place where they don't keep track, but don't feel I am there.

    @Kayla7303 - Shazam! What a great weigh-in! I had the same question as @TeresaW1020 -- do you know of anything you did that had it be such a blockbuster week? It's always interesting to watch for those patterns, and figure out what to repeat, where it's possible. (And sometimes it's a mystery!) 😊😊😊

    @gwamajtw91 - Congratulations on holding steady despite a 3-day weekend! It sounds like you are doing really well with IF! 👍🏽

    @leonadixon - ✔️ Hurray for that weigh-in! Down is down! And your exercise adventures are so inspiring! 😲😊

    @rachelleahsmom - These life changes are such a big deal. Hang in there, and keep up the great work to take care of yourself! (Be as kind you yourself as you would be to those great kids of yours!) 👐👐👐

    @bethanie0825 - ✔️ Woohoo! In the green this week! Congratulations!

    @Katmary71 - Um, a huge WOW to your climbing 189 flights of stairs! 🤯
    👐 And a hug as regards the evil ice cream video.
    Gym TV is such an odd mishmash. I think all of my current knowledge of Harry and Meghan and the Kardashian sisters is due to gym TV. Not as tortuous as ice cream, but yes, I mostly bring podcasts and try to exercise my brain, too! (Come to think of it -- it's a reward for me, just like the sauna.)
    Oh -- thanks for the compliment on the Habit Tracker! .... and I broke my streak yesterday on one of my habits. Started back anew today! I had my morning schedule interrupted yesterday in the flurry of getting my son packed and on a plane to go compete in a science competition and see a college (eep! he was so excited; I had so many feelings all at once about it 😢😵😊; and yes, that hour later on the elliptical was SO therapeutic). Anyway, I did not remember it that open item until I was almost asleep (at which point I decided I would live with it; sleep is important, too). New day today, though, and I got back to my still-new morning routine today. Getting those new habits nailed in by making them first-thing-in-the-morning things is being super helpful for me.
  • vanjan14
    vanjan14 Posts: 7 Member
    Username: vanjan14
    Weigh in week: 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight (PW): 255.7
    Today's (Current) Weight (CW): 252.1

    Continuing 16-8 intermittent fasting along with calorie counting. Was over my calorie limit twice this week but I made up for it on other days.
    Leaving for vacation tomorrow so this next week probably won't be the best for weight loss. Hopefully with being active will counter all the good food!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    @TeresaW1020 way to go!

    @Cornanda glad you finished a tough week strong.

    @mrmcgrath hang in there!

    @AustinRuadhain When I think of rewards now I think of the link you put on my feed about rewards being non-monitary like congratulating yourself after a workout. I love that you spend time in the sauna when done. For me after working out I get in the shower and have various scented soaps to choose from, then have a few lotions that I've been adding essential oils to so there's a whole relaxation experience followed by herbal tea after dinner. Funny how things pop in your mind once in bed, mine are usually that I forgot to do side planks or log an apple!

    @MaegyS nice loss!

    @vanjan14 great loss! Have a wonderful vacation!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    Friday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- stair treadmill, weights, core, yoga
    Water- over

    Somehow I managed to injure a few muscles in my chest and back, have no clue what triggered it but probably shouldn't have done arm weights or planks and pushups.I'll cut back core workout tomorrow but still try yoga. I took a coffee water bottle into the gym, I usually leave mine in the car so I don't have to carry it. The stair treadmill has to be restarted every 20 minutes so it's the perfect time to slam some water! Definitely helped! @TeresaW1020 thanks for getting me thinking, my usual water bottle needs to be unscrewed and I hadn't even thought of my coffee one! The one I have with a straw doesn't have a secure top so this will do for now, I refilled it twice and it helped a lot.

    Weights 3xs a week- done
    Core daily- done
    Yoga- done
    Cardio 30 minutes-done
    Decluttering- none today
    Recipe- just a bunch of basic stuff like lentils in the Instant pot. Tomorrow's potatoes. Maybe Sunday or Monday.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 295 Member
    Username: davors19
    Weigh-in week: Week 3
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 285
    Todays Weight: 285
  • kayla7303
    kayla7303 Posts: 154 Member
    @TeresaW1020 @AustinRuadhain

    I haven’t changed anything about my diet or exercise since mid-December, some weeks I retain more water if I eat out so I think I was retaining some water from that last week and this week I didn’t go out at all.

    I eat a high protein/moderate fat diet. I eat carbs too, I just don’t have much room for them depending on how many calories I eat each day.

    Some days I eat 1200 others 2000 depending on my workout and if I’m extra hungry.

    On a 1200 calorie day I eat
    165g protein minimum
    40g fat minimum
    The rest of the calories come from carb or more protein and fat.

    If I am eating at a higher calorie that day I always eat my minimum amounts of protein and fat plus whatever else I want that day.

    I work out almost everyday. Cardio is either the treadmill at the steepest incline or stair master (I have a sedentary job so need to get steps in) and I do weights 4 days a week.

    I drink a gallon of water a day minimum and loosely follow an intermittent fasting schedule naturally because I skip breakfast and don’t eat lunch until 2. I don’t do that every day though.

    I’ve lost 80 pounds so far all together. The first 55 were just with calorie deficit even though I was eating terribly. The last bit has been from what I described above.
  • Motiv8tedMom
    Motiv8tedMom Posts: 89 Member
    Weekends tend to throw off all the work I've done during the week. Anyone else? Trying to be strong today since I have weigh in tomorrow. Any advice welcome!!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @kayla7303, huge congrats on losing 80 pounds! What an awesome achievement! I really like how practical your routine is. I can see where I’m already doing much of the same things as you are doing but my biggest failure has been staying in a consistent calorie deficit. You have inspired me! <3

    @Motiv8tedMom, I know that so many people struggle with the weekends. I think the best advice is to have a plan in place before you go into the weekend. If you know that you will eat more then maybe you can bank some extra calories during the week to help balance what you do on the weekends. Is there a reason you have Sundays as your weigh-in day? I know some like it so that they are more careful on the weekends but if it becomes a discouragement then maybe you should think about switching it. I have Fridays for my weigh-in for that very reason. Sunday church potlucks are a killer for me! :#

    @Katmary71, glad you found a water bottle you can use until you get a more secure one. Ouch on the injured muscles. Definitely stop until they are better! Especially your back!! I’m very prone to injuring myself and right now I’m having to baby my knees and not doing my normal routine, which I hate but I’m trying to use wisdom. :/

    @vanjan14, congrats on the awesome weight loss!! Have a great vacation and just do the best you can. If you do gain, you know exactly how to get it back off. ;)

    @AustinRuadhain, thank you for the much-appreciated prayers for my pastor! <3 He is such a stubborn man and doesn’t want to accept his health limitations, which stresses out his family and his staff. We are all praying that he starts exercising more wisdom. Hey, I liked your thoughts on rewards. I don’t think I have any rewards built in to give me something to look forward to. I’m going to have to work on that! :)

    @MaegyS, hey a loss is a loss and meant to be celebrated!! B)

    @Cornanda, thanks for the prayers and congrats on your loss this week! :)

    Good morning! :) Well, my good news is that my pastor was able to go home last night. He still has some vision loss, which they are hoping will improve soon. I was just telling him at our last staff meeting that he has to stay healthy and working until I retire. We are both the same age and the last thing I want to do is train a new pastor!! :D Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. <3
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    @AustinRuadhain I love me some sauna time!
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    @Motiv8tedMom I'm with you! Weekends are hard! That's why I set my weigh in day as Monday - to try to keep myself accountable on the weekend!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2020
    Friday Check-in
    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices
    Water: on target
    Exercise: strength training (35 min); platform stepping (47 min; watched 2 episodes of Martha Bakes, which I am foolishly fond of and watch ONLY while exercising -- another reward)
    5 Habits: Checks for 5 out of 5! ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
    Grateful for: cell phones and fellow parent/chaperones who are updating me while my son is off on his trip; the love and partnership of my husband; to-do lists (I am goofily excited about the to-do list we put together over breakfast, and the chance to cross things off it today!); podcasts and audiobooks

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Saturday)
    Work my 5 Habits!
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min)✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)✔️
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    - Elliptical at gym followed by sauna
    - Work on the To Do List!
    - Includes working on my office!
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh-in week: Week 3
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 213
    Todays Weight: 213
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - Thanks so much for checking in despite all that is going on! 👐👐👐
    And a big Hurray! for your pastor getting to go home last night. I hope he works at the things he needs to work at. Being there for his church and family may help him get to work on his health, even if he doesn't feel like it.

    @Motiv8tedMom - @TeresaW1020 's advice about having a plan in place is certainly what works best for me. Whatever the plan that works for you. But thinking about food decisions in advance can help you make better choices, at least it does me. 🎯
    And, yes, I too have my weigh-in day as Monday, because it helped nudge me to make better choices on the weekends.

    @kayla7303 - 😲😊 80 pounds down. Wow! Your routine is great and sounds super practical. And clearly it is working for you! The bump being from eating out makes perfect sense. Restaurant food can have so much hidden salt!

    @davors19 - 👍🏽 Hurray for holding steady this week!

    @Katmary71 - You are kicking booty on those Habits! 👍🏽
    I love your thinking about hydration and the water bottle. 🌊
    And on the reward conversation -- scented soaps, hmmm! I love that! 🕯️

    @vanjan14 - ✔️ Woohoo! Congratulations on the great weigh-in!
This discussion has been closed.