WEIGHT NO MORE January 2020 Chat



  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    01/24 steps 11686
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I am working hard to live the level 10 life. I am doing good on health, exercise, home, and this past week, work and romance and family. It is so hard to get everything in. I’m loving my planner but I need time to plan too. Trying to figure it all out. Today we’re doing our lake hike. Had to postpone it with being sick on New Years.
    Had to give up tv watching this week to stay productive. Food prep has been a game changer.
    Hope to catch up on posts at sometime but we do what we can when we can. Keep setting our goals and priorities and work them.
    Have a great weekend everyone
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Nice loss @zumba_luvah and terrific NSV. Feels good, doesn't it??!
    Cute dog @1theresamcvean !!
    @Cafelelia Have a wonderful vacation. Being on the beach sounds heavenly! I'm living vicariously through you.
    @sleepymom5 I'm right there with you re the good with water and exercise but overeating at night. We'll figure this out. We know what we need to do, we just need to do it.

    FIL is back home and barn loft is mostly done. Life should hopefully return to somewhat normal next week whatever that means. Today's 24 hour plan is done and my agenda is purposely light as I need a mini-break. Going to spend some time this weekend meal planning for the week and try to regain some control over my routine/schedule.

    Have a great weekend team! Let's kick butt on our goals!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Friday weigh in
    Week 3
    pw 195.4
    cw 197

    Check in for Friday
    Food Not logged and over
    Water over 64 oz
    Exercise 30 min walk, PT, stretching and Strength
    Steps 9932

    I am not surprised with my gain. I am gaining and losing the same 2 lbs all month. I have a week to finish January strong. I need to get my head in the game. I have a quiet weekend planned. I hope to catch up on some things and plan my week. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    @Cafelelia Thinking of you! Hope you all got up and out and to St Maarten safely. Enjoy!
    @lennoncpa . I never responded about your cute little foster dog. I love that the family is sending pics. That is awesome! It is so nice that you give your time and home for these little cuties.
    @KUMEcycling Nice loss! This must have been the week for that test on this team! Lol! Glad it is over for you. Hopefully this will be a better week! :)
    @tryingagain5 Thank you for posting the information. I think I am going to try start making both of them. I am amazed at your busy life. I don't know how you do it all. Hope you are catching up with your sleep now.
    @1theresamcvean That is not a bad weigh in at all. Basically a maintain for you, which I think is good, especially after the week you have had. I am sorry to hear about your daughter. It is good that she was being followed closely. Will she start treatment soon? I am sorry to hear about your Mother too. We had a rough year or so with my Mom about 2 years ago. She declined so quickly and her level of care changed along with her condition. She is settled for now but it seems like her condition can change at any moment. Hopefully the transition goes smoothly for your Mom and family. It is hard. I was reading a post of your on the regular MFP newsfeed and you were saying the things you are doing for the Meniere's disease. That sounds tough. Just thinking about doing them made me dizzy. Hang in there. Many times the things that are the toughest to do make a difference. Hugs! Don't ever feel bad about not commenting or being on here. I don't want this team to be a stressful thing. It is supposed to be helpful. That story about Pippa is so funny!! Lol!! What a cutie! I feel like I would like Legoland. I can't believe they make things so big! I am glad that Gilbert liked it. I am glad you had time to catch up today, we missed you! Your dog is the cutest too! Those toys are so funny! Thank you also sharing that your child did turn out well. It helps to hear that. xo
    @hope002 Wow! Thank you so much for posting those pictures. It is amazing how different your body looks even though you are at a higher weight. (you look amazing by the way) I just finished reading the obesity code so your post came at a perfect time for me. It explains why IF works. You can tell that you are losing fat. That's why the scale isn't the best indicator of what is going on. Maybe this post will give me the push to get started. Thank you again for posting this.
    @timibotkin Wow! Nice loss! Hope you have another good week!
    @brown6267 Nice loss and amazing steps as usual! You are doing awesome!
    @Mrsbell8well Enjoy that hike! I hope you aren't due to get the rain we are getting. No worries, check in when you can. Enjoy your weekend!
    @Zumba_Luvah Nice loss!! How exciting about your NSV too! You have been working hard and it is all paying off! Keep up the good work! xo
    @nstephenson01 You will have to send a pic when this part of the project is done. I know you said this is a big project so I am assuming there is still more to do after this. It is amazing your husband can do all of this. You must be pretty handy too. Sounds like a good plan for the weekend, mine plan is similar. We got this!!
    @kirsten11872 I am not surprised at your loss. It sounds like you are back in the groove!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member

    Week 3 still due

    Week 4
    Sunday's Weigh Ins
    Monday's Weigh Ins
    Tuesday's Weigh In
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @1theresamcvean I love your picture of Xavy! Obviously I’m a dog lover! When the first dog I fostered got adopted I cried and thought I had made a mistake but now I’ve fostered 10 dogs and I’ve had them anywhere from 1 week to 3 months. Usually if I have them for longer it’s because they have health problems. I had one that had double knee surgery and she could hardly walk. I wish I was able to see how she is progressing because she was just the sweetest little thing but was so deformed. She got adopted quickly after the surgery so I didn’t get to see how she recovered.
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Daily Check in for Saturday, 1/25
    I missed yesterday as I was dealing with both of my parents health issues. Some days are just so time consuming.

    Tracked food
    Just under calorie count
    water, not sure but definitely not 8 glasses
    exercise: 1 hour brisk walk
    Steps for Saturday: 12,510
    Steps for Friday: 9,433
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Congratulations weight loss winners this week! There’s a lot of you. Cute dog pictures ladies!
    Yes getting older does bring more screenings and more challenges.
    Thanks for all those that continue to reach out with your love and support!
    @Zumba_Luvah I remember that feeling vividly of going down the scale and fitting into old jeans congratulations!
    @hope002 I’m on Day 14 of lectin free low carb. Down 6 pounds. But...the fat is most definitely coming off my waist, belly and under by bra on my backside. I do think this is a different kind of fat loss than I’m used to. Your pictures really show a difference. Thanks for sharing.
    @sleepymom5 I will Ck out those podcasts from the doc you mentioned.
    @Cafelelia I hope your holiday is wonderful. I love thinking of you and your family on the beach.
    @1theresamcvean you always have the nicest things to say. I love having you in our group.
    My daughter suggested epsom salt bath for magnesium. Going to do that this morning then begin my day of food prepping. Not sure how much endurance I have but will do what I can. Skylynn is with us today. She is a great assistant in the kitchen.
    Have a good Sunday everyone!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    01/25 steps 9069
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Saturday 1/25 check in
    Food: didn't track
    Water: 32 oz
    Exercise: none

    Last night I slept from 7:45 pm to 6:30 am. I slept well except for waking a couple of times. Still tired after 10 hours of sleep. I made the chicken and veggie crockpot meal and had planned on making the Mason jar salads and overnight oats but was really tired so I slept from 2pm to 7:30 pm. I stayed up for a little while after that and went to bed around 9:30.

    I'm not sure if I'm tired from the 3rd shift schedule or the anemia or both. I'm sure the 3rd shift schedule doesn't help but I've been on 3rd for 4 years and don't remember being this tired. Of course, I only slept 1 1/2 hours on Friday after work so I was definitely short on sleep and haven't been sleeping enough during the week. And the OT I did when I was in the other building was coming in early so I got more sleep then. I do more in the evenings now so I stay late for OT in the building I'm in now.
  • lburch
    lburch Posts: 7 Member
    I was really hoping to see another couple lbs down bc I ate and exercised really good last week, but I just maintained.

    PW: 145
    CW: 145
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