WEIGHT NO MORE - February 2020 Chat



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @JillyBT I woke up feeling depressed. Your post gave me some hope. Thanks so much!
    @hope002 damn girl you look amazing. You are rocking those jeans!!!
    I’m still taking it easy watching tv. I have had to handle lots of work issues over the phone. My teams sent me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.
    Everyone’s comments are super appreciated!
    I see some nice weight loss this week!
    @Freeglerock I’m so proud of you for ceasing smoking!!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,446 Member
    Day 5 - February 6th. What gifts do you give yourself?

    Remember you can discuss here on our thread or over at the thread for the challenge (or both)
    I am happy to see members of our team over in the discussion. I am so far behind on this but will catch up on Saturday.

    Here is the link-
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @sleepymom5 just be glad you do not get as sick as I do when I drink, although it definitely deters me from drinking more than 1 or 2. I really think I have something in my body that rejects alcohol, because I get really sick even when I only have a few. I think for you, it is the atmosphere, to be social. It is so easy to get caught up when everyone is having a few.
    I suffer from hot flashes, they are awful! I do not get too many at night, mostly during the day. I kick the covers off and wait for it to pass.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @hope002 - You look great in your new jeans! A 66 hour fast is a long time to go without food. I have been doing a lot of reading on IF in general including Dr. Fung’s Obseity code and Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s website and podcats. Dr. Fung in particular makes certain recommendations for longer fasts and also advises getting medical advice for them. Do you find that you have to take any additional steps or precautions for a longer fast? Also, do you have a particular regimen for the long fast (eg exercise, or no exercise)? Do you do any electrolyte replacement or any supplementation such as magnesium? Is there a particular frequency for your longer fasts? I have only ever done the occasional 24 hour fast, and even then I find I need to take sodium or electrolytes. Yes, I am question lady today!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday Check in

    Food - logged and on target, but some food not in plan
    Water - 1.2 l
    Exercise - 8,555 steps

    My younger son is sick today, so sorry for the late check in. Yesterday was a busy one, and now my plans for the day have change due to my son’s cold. I am cancelling him for hockey tonight, so at least I have my evening free!

    @sleepymom5 - Socializing with drinking is always a challenge. You have your plan and just try to have fun! As for the hot flashes, yup I get them, although not all of the time and only at night in bed. I find that alcohol and caffeine trigger them, or eating rich food, but it is different for everyone. I have been in menopause under a year. I go for months without a hot flash, and then I have a week where I get them a few nights in a row. To curb the sweating, I sleep in summer PJs (a tank top & shorts), and I just throw my blanket off when they start. But they can wake me up if they last longer than a few minutes. Given that they are not frequent, I am just tolerating them when they happen. There are various hormone treatments out there for really bad night sweats, but speak to your doctor about it. You can experiment with foods as well to see if something triggers them.

    Nstephenson01- Fantastic loss!

    @kirsten11872 - Nice day and great plan for tonight!

    @rundgrenrocks. - Great loss!

    @brown6267 - Fantastic steps!

    @xX_Phoenixrising_Xx - Great day! I wonder if basketball courts are any more pleasant than hockey arenas? The hockey arenas are cold and have bad food!

    @JillyBT - Great day! What do you do in your HIIT class?

    @starcrystal - Great day even though you hit some snags! I have not seen the Doritos commercial, but will look it up! The great thing about cancelling hockey tonight is that I don’t have to listen to Old Town Road on repeat in the car!

    @tryingain5 - Nice loss! Hope that you dad continues to do well.

    @freeglerock - I hope that you get through this difficult day as best you can. Diet Ben & Jerry’s is not so bad anyway. Sending you a huge hug.

    @Mrsbell8well - Keep up that resting. Work issues will crop up, but you have a great team to help you. Your main job right now is your recovery! Lot’s of great stuff on Netflix and elsewhere, so binge watch with your feet up!

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @Cafelelia I agree, I heard caffeine is a trigger for hot flashes. I am also under a year in menopause, well it started in my early 40's, but I have not had a period for over 9 months & I do not miss it! I do miss not sweating all the time, lol, & losing weight more easily! I hope your son feels better! Enjoy your night off from hockey! :smile:
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited February 2020
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    @hope002 - You look great in your new jeans! A 66 hour fast is a long time to go without food. I have been doing a lot of reading on IF in general including Dr. Fung’s Obseity code and Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s website and podcats. Dr. Fung in particular makes certain recommendations for longer fasts and also advises getting medical advice for them. Do you find that you have to take any additional steps or precautions for a longer fast? Also, do you have a particular regimen for the long fast (eg exercise, or no exercise)? Do you do any electrolyte replacement or any supplementation such as magnesium? Is there a particular frequency for your longer fasts? I have only ever done the occasional 24 hour fast, and even then I find I need to take sodium or electrolytes. Yes, I am question lady today!

    I will try to answer all your questions :)

    Do you find that you have to take any additional steps or precautions for a longer fast? - no additional steps

    do you have a particular regimen for the long fast (eg exercise, or no exercise)? - I only do light cardio: walks, hulahoop

    Do you do any electrolyte replacement or any supplementation such as magnesium? - I don't feel the need for it. Dr Fung says if you feel lightheaded it's a sign. I feel great the whole time. I drink mostly mineral sparkling water on my second full fast day. For example: I started my fast Saturday 7pm, Sunday was normal, just plain water and 1 coffee, Monday - mostly mineral water. I also had 2 small pinches of hymalaian salt strait on my tongue followed by water. But all this as precaution, not because I felt the need.

    Is there a particular frequency for your longer fasts? - this is my second one. First one was between Xmas and New Year - too many parties :). I want to do 1 66-70 fast a month for health reasons.

    I've been doing IF since July. I struggled a lot in the beginning, as you all remember. Especially at night. I just stuck to it and slowly it became easier. Now I eat OMAD and don't even think about food the rest of the day.


  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @hope002 Looking good!! Wow!! How exciting to see all your progress. I am so happy you post, I remember you starting and it was hard for you at first but that didn't seem to last long. I don't know if I could ever fast as long as you did but I am determined to do the 14-16 hour fasts more consistently. How tall are you? I also am curious how you know your body fat percentage?

    I used a body fat calculator that popped first on my google search. I'm 5'10"


  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    I was curious as well... thanks for sharing the calculator @hope002!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thursday 2/6 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: none

    I ended up saying yes to OT today. I had planned on saying no. I've already went through my schedule for next week and have decided which days I'll say yes, if I get asked. Tomorrow I'm getting an oil change and need to leave work on time so I have to say no. They've gotten smart and are asking people if they want to stay late or come in early just after our first break. If they waited until later they know people will be tired and probably say no.

    Work provided lunch last night. Chili cheese dogs, chips and cookies. Not the healthiest things but the food was from a different department thanking us for our hard work so that was nice.

    I didn't get to bed to almost 10 am. I had planned on getting up at my normal time to go to the gym but was too tired when the alarm went off. I tried to go back to sleep but even though I was tired I couldn't sleep so I got up and got ready for my day. Normally I would volunteer on Thursdays but we all have the night off. I just finished eating and since I'm short on sleep and don't have anywhere to go tonight, I'm going to try and nap before work. I am pretty tired so I think I will fall asleep.

    I talked with my dad. He stopped by his doctor's office and got the results of the CT scan. Apparently everything looked ok, no stroke or anything like that so that's good. Of course, since they didn't find anything wrong we're not going to know what caused him to pass out. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 187.8
    Cw 187.6
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    edited February 2020
    I was curious as well... thanks for sharing the calculator @hope002!

    You have to remember, it's just a tool. I only use it to see the numbers going down. Don't stress too much about it.
    Take me for example : the calculator says 36.3%
    This is me

    And this is what internet says

  • starcrystal3
    starcrystal3 Posts: 91 Member
    @tryingagain5 - I'm just finishing Killers of the Flower Moon and next up is The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. It sounds a bit weird, but I think mental exercise contributes to overall health so book club is a nice workout :) What are you reading?

    @nstephenson01 -Great job today!!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    You are right mental health is just as important as physical health. Every doctor's office I go to has been asking people about their mental health for several years now. Reading, puzzles, games, anything that makes you think helps with mental health.

    I haven't heard of either of those books. My one book club is reading Still Alice and the other is reading the Book of forgiving.
    The one reading Still Alice is meeting on Tuesday and I still have over 150 pages to go. The other one is meeting on Sunday and I haven't started the book yet. I've missed the last several meetings for the Sunday one. We usually do a few chapters at a time for this one as the books aren't novels but more faith based books.
  • Fi45
    Fi45 Posts: 21 Member
    PW 205.3
    CW 203.2

    Sadly can’t take any credit for this one as I am still full of cold/cough and not eating brilliantly.

    Good luck to everybody with their weigh-I’m this week xx
This discussion has been closed.