WEIGHT NO MORE - February 2020 Chat



  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 599 Member
    Thank you to everyone who wrote out to me. 😊 I have a appointment with my Dr. On March 3rd, however with everything that's been going on lately, I would really like to see her sooner! I went ahead and sent her a message, asking if I can be put on a cancellation list. So let's hope I can get in sooner! My left arm is still sore, not as bad as yesterday, but it still feels tender and aches. My BP this morning was 147/99! Higher than last nights reading.

    Since I haven't been able to find my FitBit, I downloaded MapMyWalk, as I had that before and it seemed pretty cool. Especially if you lose your device...lol! Now, MFP said my 38 minute walk today was a 350 calorie burn...MapMyWalk said 158 or something...Lol, which is the more accurate one here? I tried to connect MapMyWalk with MFP, but when I go to connected, it just shows FitBit as the only one...But when I open MapMyWalk, (How many times am I gonna say that! Lol.) It says MFP is connected with it...So, who knows! Lol. 🤪
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I hope you feel better! Maybe you should go to urgent care if your BP is high. Take care of yourself!

    @ljdanny sorry you are not feeling well, but that is exciting news about a new granddaughter!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 - That BP is quite high, and I agree with Kirsten that maybe you should go to urgent care. If you don’t want to do that, call you nurse advisor again.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    User ID: amsandos
    Week Number: 2
    Previous weight: 154
    Current weight: 160

    Storms manflu busted computers. I will claw my back. Not a great week draw the line and get back to it.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx thanks for the recipe I’m excited to try it! Do you use a normal blender? Does it come out smooth? Can you tell I’m excited about my hummus!! Lol
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @rundgrenrocks Thanks for the information about the blender. I saw your post after I asked @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx about what she mixed it in. It’s definitely a daily mental battle to avoid the chips and pita bread!! I mean for real that hummus has become a daily treat for me! Yesterday I used raw cauliflower and today I used green pepper strips! I wanted so bad to get pita chips but I knew once I started- I would never stop!!! Crazy mental games I have to play with myself. I still need to learn not to shop hungry!! I’m much more likely to make bad decisions when I’m hungry and I always shop after work when I’m hungry!! Dumb me!!!!😝
  • @CassieGetsFit2013 Putting my ex-Personal Trainer hat on for a few mins, I'd really like you to get checked out before you do any more exercise. If you presented to me as a client with that BP, I'd have to refer you for doctor's clearance before I could prescribe any exercise at all. Even walking.

    That said, your question about MFP and the accuracy of calorie burns... assume it isn't accurate at all. Most actual calorie burns are more like half of what MFP gives you. I'm pretty sure whoever programmed it was drunk, high or both! To give you some of my own numbers - If I log 30 mins of Elliptical Trainer into MFP, it tells me I burned 553 calories. My Samsung Galaxy Watch (which tracks my HR throughout my workout) gives me around 230 calories. My Elliptical says around 200-ish, but it thinks I'm lighter than I actually am which will throw its calculations off slightly.

    It's the same for almost every exercise. The only one that comes close is for me is cycling outdoors, but to put that in context, on an outdoor ride I spend almost the entire ride with my HR averaging 160 beats per min. My Last ride was 67 minutes with 39 of them spent in my Max HR range and 26 more in my Vigorous HR range.

    To work out Max HR range, take 220 - your age which gives you your theoretical Max safe HR, then any time your HR is above 90% of that number while exercising you're in Max HR range. 80% - 90% is Vigorous range. So I had to work super super hard to get anywhere close to what MFP said my calorie burn should be. For further context, my resting HR is around 58 bpm, and I'm 41 so my max HR is 179.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Logged my food and feel much fuller than what the calorie count shows. I might be underestimating portions so it'll be back to weighing everything soon.

    Almost pushed myself to run again to try to catch up with the program and avoid rain this week, but decided not to risk hurting myself. Opting for yoga tonight.

    Everybody keep up the great work!
  • @lennoncpa I have a really budget food processor that mixed it okay. It came out smooth, I actually used canned chick peas even though that recipe is from a bag of dried ones lol. I couldn't be bothered soaking them etc until I knew the recipe was edible!

    I love fresh veggies I have no problem there; I like Pita bread too but I have honestly stopped buying it. My problem was toasting pita bread and adding far too much margarine to it - that habit had to go!

  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 599 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Putting my ex-Personal Trainer hat on for a few mins, I'd really like you to get checked out before you do any more exercise. If you presented to me as a client with that BP, I'd have to refer you for doctor's clearance before I could prescribe any exercise at all. Even walking.

    That said, your question about MFP and the accuracy of calorie burns... assume it isn't accurate at all. Most actual calorie burns are more like half of what MFP gives you. I'm pretty sure whoever programmed it was drunk, high or both! To give you some of my own numbers - If I log 30 mins of Elliptical Trainer into MFP, it tells me I burned 553 calories. My Samsung Galaxy Watch (which tracks my HR throughout my workout) gives me around 230 calories. My Elliptical says around 200-ish, but it thinks I'm lighter than I actually am which will throw its calculations off slightly.

    It's the same for almost every exercise. The only one that comes close is for me is cycling outdoors, but to put that in context, on an outdoor ride I spend almost the entire ride with my HR averaging 160 beats per min. My Last ride was 67 minutes with 39 of them spent in my Max HR range and 26 more in my Vigorous HR range.

    To work out Max HR range, take 220 - your age which gives you your theoretical Max safe HR, then any time your HR is above 90% of that number while exercising you're in Max HR range. 80% - 90% is Vigorous range. So I had to work super super hard to get anywhere close to what MFP said my calorie burn should be. For further context, my resting HR is around 58 bpm, and I'm 41 so my max HR is 179.

    I spoke with my Dr. Today and told her my appointment with her wasnt until March 3rd, and I said since I am having a lot happening lately, could I please be put on the cancellation list. Well, a while after that, the nurse messaged me and said they got me an appointment to see her Feb. 24th. 😊 But I can't stop walking because I have a dog that I HAVE to walk. I've already told the owner that he will be walked and usually she wouldn't need me every day of the week, but so far she had me Tues. Wed. Tomorrow and now Sat. And Sun As well. I've been trying not to go at a fast pace, if that makes a difference?

    Thank you for all of that information! 🙃 I found my FitBit an hour ago! Charged it and put it on!! So now I don't even need to use that app, lol. I calculated my safe max HR and it is 190, my resting HR is usually... Well, the lowest has been 80 something, but normally it's 114-116, sometimes 120.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    02/13 steps 10640
  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    Weigh in

    Week 2
    PW: 224
    CW: 224

    Period due any moment so I’ll take it 🤪
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @JillyBT oh no! Hope it is just a bruise. That’s discouraging when your geared up to work out but needing to take care of your boo boos.
    @sleepymom5 safe travels Pam. It’s such a sad occasion. Your a good friend.
    Thank you team for all the daily comments and well wishes.
    I was able to get everything done on my to do list yesterday. Goal 6k steps, did 7400. I am loving being home. Molly said our house has never looked so clean.
    Today was supposed to be vacation day. Molly is taking it off. We’re meeting with tax accountant this morning. We need to do some banking and I’m taking her to lunch.
    My to do list is shrinking and getting a lot more fun.
    I’m planning to reorganize my kitchen cabinets and vacuum and mop upstairs floors. I was going to do it last night but decided to wait until today to rack up step count towards goal of 8k today.
    I have 2 birthdays coming up and a care package I want to put together for my son in the army.
    I’m excited to make a valentines meal for Molly tomorrow. She requested polenta. I have a recipe with red wine mushrooms to put on top. And chocolate strawberry shortcake cupcakes I plan to bake.
    I am hoping she will take me grocery shopping as well.
    I’m feeling better everyday. I’m expecting to go back to work March 2nd. I’m giddy thinking of all I can accomplish between now and then. And yes I know to take lots of rest breaks.
    @GingerPwr how is your son doing? Is he in the marines? I may be moving to your state. We keep talking about it. Maybe we can have lunch some day in the future.
    @ljdanny I miss having a baby around. How exciting. I am so sorry your suffering. Exercise is important but so is rest. Especially when your in pain. Hope you find answers soon.
    Teammates...how in the world do we get things done when we have full time jobs? My goodness! I see things that need to be done and I do them. That’s 40 extra hours I have to do my to do list when I’m not working. And those with children??? No idea how you do it all and still keep your sanity.
    @Cafelelia I appreciated the post about your son. It’s good to have gratitude on how far he’s come and appreciate the good days.
    Someone told me some great advice a long time ago”build memories “. I always think about that.
    Off to start my to do list!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Just checking in quick! I am getting a lot done this am but my to do list may not be realistic...Hopefully I can check in later today. I already went shopping this am so I am hoping I can have a relaxing morning tomorrow. It will just be my daughter Nicole who is driving down with me, her husband who had a work convention in Atlantic city and is already down there and the two dogs. Nicole and I are bringing Daisy and her dog Dakota. I have to pick her up at work so it will be interesting how this car ride goes...Jim, Shannon and her friends come tomorrow and then my niece and her boy friend come Saturday. We actually have 2 going in this year. It should be fun!

    @JillyBT Another great day! Except for the toe :s I hope it ends up being nothing.
    @phoebe112476 MFP is glitchy Thanks for reposting
    @brown6267 Nice stepping!
    @rundgrenrocks Not a bad weigh in, may even be a loss if it wasn't for the dreaded TOM
    @Mrsbell8well. I am glad you are feeling like you are back to your normal self! Have a great day!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 2
    PW 168.4
    CW 168

    A particularly stressful week. Grateful for any loss. Miss checking in... hope to catch up on posts this weekend. Take care everyone
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Food - logged & on track
    Water - 1.5l
    Excercise - Stretching and 8,148 steps

    Good day yesterday and I am doing some stretching work in the hopes of starting some running next week. The kids are home due to the strike today and several of my older son’s friends will be here soon. A house full of teens, omg! So I have to run, and will check back later if I can.

    @kirsten11872 - I am so sorry about your son. I can totally relate. About half of my son’s last school year was like the day that you described. It was very draining and I cried a lot too. Don’t give up on him or yourself. I love that you are determined to get your workouts in today. It is exactly what you have to do. Even though yesterday was a crisis, you are determined to get back to the routine today. I don’t know a lot about your son’s situation, but maybe counselling would help at this point. My son acted out a lot last year, and it turned about to be anxiety. Working a counsellor really helped him. Both my husband and I also attended some sessions, as a family and also on our own. It felt good to have somebody listen, offer strategies and help. Sending you a big hug today and I hope that it is a routine, calm day for everyone.

    @nstephenson01 - Great loss! I am sorry that you had a stressful week and sending you a big hug too!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @Cafelelia thanks for your support! I agree, I think counseling would be good for him, I am going to look into finding someone in the area. I mentioned it to him, he was very resistant. I have been dealing with his learning issues since he was in 1st grade, but it did not get bad until 7th grade. He is now in 10th & I'm just trying to get him through the next couple years.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @kirsten11872 - My son was resistant as well, at first. I asked around quite a bit and found a psychotherapist who has speciality with adolescents and teens. We managed to get my son to the first appointment (I think we may have bribed him with new soccer shoes, not great parenting but whatever works). He soon warmed to her as she is so good with teens. My son has an eye teaming & tracking issue (eg. He skips lines with smaller print), so reading is more challenging, and he needs a computer and special glasses. I think that these differences can cause kids more stress than we even realize. Especially, junior high and high school as they just want to fit in. My son’s acting out really turned out to be anxiety and once we got that identified, he got counselling specifically for that and has improved tremendously. He never needed meds, but there are meds for it too. Very similar history for my son. He had issues in school from the beginning. The school never caught the eye issue, but I did and got him his treatment, glasses and accommodations. That horrible year for him last year was grade 7 as well. Even though he is doing much better this year, we have to stay vigilant. Just keep trying and trying, it is all you can do. I know it can be very draining, so just remember your self-care, even small amounts. If he absolutely refuses the counselling, you can go and at least get support and some advice.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @Cafelelia thanks! It is very draining! I'm hoping things improve! :neutral:
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm not feeling too well today. I just got back from dog walking and I just feel out of it. I don't neccessarily have a headache, my head just feels weird, like kind of tight and foggy? My eyes feel sleepy too and I just feel off. But anyway, I wore my FitBit during my walk today and when I finished my walk, the device said I burned 399 calories, then I checked my diary on here and it only put down 125 for my FitBit calorie burn...How come??
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I really think you should go to Urgent care or the ER if you are still not feeling well! I am concerned for you! I think Fitbit over estimates on the calories burned. I think 125 calories is more accurate.
  • @CassieGetsFit2013 did you tell your Fitbit that you were doing a workout and have it track it specifically? Or did it automatically pick up walking? Also do you have MFP set for negative calorie adjustments based on your measured activity?

    If you didn't specifically tell it it was a workout, then the calorie burn could have included calories that you would have burned during that period of time anyway.

    If you have MFP set for negative cal adjustments, then it will adjust your exercise calories during the day depending on how much you move, and how active you are overall compared to the activity level you have MFP set to. It won't give you the calorie burn from specific exercise, but the difference in calories between your set level and your actual level. Even if that's a negative number.

    Also - go get checked out! Don't wait for the 24th. I am also concerned for you. BP over 140/90 is considered high, and while yours isn't super super high, you're experiencing symptoms and you don't feel right. You need to get checked! I know you said you're not walking fast, but it's concerning.

    I guess my other question here is are you eating enough? And I also say that from experience. If you've cut your calories too low, it could also be causing all manner of feeling terrible. Once upon a time I cut my calories down and also my carbs down a bit (before I studied and really knew what I was doing with nutrition) and wound up feeling like crap for a few days, kept exercising and eating low cal because "weight loss" and then I fainted. And TBH I was just eating MFP's recommended calories, and not eating back any exercise calories. I do like to learn things the hard way! After that I learned that I could eat a lot more and still lose a lot of weight. Just a thought, I obviously have no idea what your calorie goal is.
This discussion has been closed.