
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 307 Member
    Username: davors19
    Weigh-in week: Week 2
    Weigh-in day: Fri
    Previous Weight: 285
    Todays Weight: 285
  • vanjan14
    vanjan14 Posts: 7 Member
    Username: vanjan14
    Weigh-in week: Week 2
    Weigh-in day: Fri
    Previous Weight: 255.2
    Todays Weight: 252.6

    Back on track this week.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 691 Member
    its_cleo wrote: »
    @raleigh_girl always ok to ask that’s why we’re here….I started out tracking calories last January. I tried different things- following MFP etc. I could never do it, although I have cut back a lot on junk food, eating out etc. So partway through last year, maybe last summer, I was tracking regularly but couldn’t stick to any goal.

    So last fall I thought set an easy goal, try to stick to it for 3 months and then adjust downward. So the last three-6 months my goal was an average of 1900 calories a day per week. So I pretty much met it. So now I started a new 3 month challenge and adjusted it down to 1800 calories per day, and hoping my weekly average would be under 1800.
    I’m 3 weeks in. I had success week 1 and week 2, and now week 3 I won’t make the goal I don’t think. So I think I’ll just keep on with my plan and do the best I can for the 3 months. My last 3 month “challenge”- I was over 1800 5x. So even if I can bring that down this time it’s some success.

    I find setting a flat rate works better for me than using the MFP calories/exercise calories, but I do track everything consistently on MFP.

    Hopefully that makes sense! My weight is okayish- I fluctuate around 155-160 at 5’2”. I would like to drop 20 lbs but my body may just not be okay with that lol. I have checked the fat to muscle ration, and there is definitely fat that could be lost theoretically.

    I feel a little better about it today.

    @its_cleo so glad you feel better about it! This makes much more sense in context - I thought you went from 0 to 60 and I was wondering why, and sensing the struggle and your disappointment to be going through said stuggle. So maybe this is still adjustment curve for you getting used to the 1800. And even just 100 calories can be felt and there is always the mental side to consider as it sho' 'nuff makes a difference.

    I also do not do the exercise calories - I used to. A friend who is not on MFP said she had read that the best way to do it was to not have the exercise calories "come back" and show how many were earned. I thought about it and disengaged that on my MFP - best decision I ever made. My loss has been much more consistent now that I, essentially, consume fewer calories..... I'll wait for everyone to clear their head from the booming DUH that just - raced by.... => I have a philosophy on the topic of how much to eat for weight loss: there are two ways to legitimately lose weight. 1- eat as much as you can get away with and lose weight or 2- eat as little as you can get away with and lose weight. They both work but what you gain in speed from one, you get some peace of mind from the other; there isn't a wrong answer in this equation, only personal preference.

    I wonder if my little diatribe and mini-meltdown over a Zaxby's salad having so many calories - and yet I still really wanted it - is somewhat the same as what you are experiencing. I just want to not have to think/work so hard on it and have this whole journey finally be somewhat effortless. @AustinRuadhain said something in response to me on her MFP page about maintenance and what she thought it would be - as opposed to what it is. I have actually been thinking about it a LOT and thinking that I must get past any notion that there will be a monumental difference in what I am doing now as opposed to what I think I'll be doing in maintenance in order for me to secure that long-term success. Some may have just heard the DUH go by again but I - I am still figuring this out and I am, apparently, still able to have a hissy fit over it which means I have not achieved the enlightenment I need. =>

    It seems you are figuring it out, @its_cleo, even if it feels clunky. I bet you doing these challenges are good as they keep you thinking about it and continuing to ponder changes needed, even in the midst of feeling unsure and annoyed with it - I think this is how we grow. This looks to me to be an excellent strategy in guiding your body's calorie cravings in a gentle way and allowing time for the habits to form. Is it possible that some of the frustration is a hold over from a perceived failure some six months ago...? I hope not as I think this was genius - you are teaching yourself maintenance, is my take on it, and has my wheels turning. I'm glad you've been talking about it and that I asked. =>
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,957 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

    @mrmcgrath nice loss, wtg!

    @TeresaW1020 congratulations on your loss! I hope you had a wonderful dinner with your husband.

    @AustinRuadhain I thought the issue was solved by putting my watch on my non-dominant hand, it stopped logging earlier then I just noticed I was up 2000 a few minutes ago from my goal from the day! Listening to music while online is impossible not to rock to! I spent some time following the advice of that link and can't get it to work though somehow I did at the gym, I'll probably just have to start removing it if I'm going to participate in the tracker. For now I'm just subtracting it from my total. Glad you had time to enjoy the sauna!

    @Kpaige428 good loss, glad things are going better for you!

    @its_cleo I like how you're doing three month challenges at a time, it's giving you a chance to adjust to changes, reevaluate, and make new ones. I can understand not paying attention to exercise calories, they tend to throw me off too. I hope you had a great hike, that sounds like fun!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,957 Member
    @davors19 good job maintaining!

    @vanjan14 wtg, glad things are looking up!

    @raleighgirl09 I always enjoy reading your thoughts on weight loss, you're very insightful. I agree about looking toward maintaining while losing to make things sustainable, I went real hardcore losing and maintenance has definitely been harder for me to switch and adjust to than losing. I wish I'd thought more about maintaining and not just thought I'd have more to eat when I got there.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,957 Member
    Friday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- stair treadmill, weights, yoga, strength/core
    Water- over

    Weights 3xs a week- done
    Cardio 30 minutes a day- done
    Strength/core- done and have added in weights
    Yoga- have done daily
    Decluttering- no time today
    Recipe- going to make a chicken/asparagus stir-fry tomorrow

    Good day overall. Went to make personal pizzas for Valentine's Day at my brother and SIL's house so I picked up pizza toppings and ice cream. I tried not to eat the whole thing but didn't succeed. Ice cream was buy 1 get 1 free so I had a scoop of each and left it all there for my nephews, it was less calories than I thought but still not something I could trust myself to have in the house. If I've binged light ice cream pints I'd devour the real thing! Told myself no dessert seconds meant I had room for popcorn when I got home, then decided normal people don't still want to eat after pizza and ice cream so I've kept myself busy!

    I'm in a weird place right now about my health and body. I've typed and deleted my thoughts a few times now so I'm just going to leave it at that.
  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    Friday Weigh In
    Week 2
    Previous Weight: 338.0lbs
    Current Weight: 339.0lbs

    For a travel week and eating out I'll take a +1.
    Would rather see a loss but I know where I need to improve.
    Look out Week 3-- here I come :)

    2/7: 6534
    2/8: 6608
    2/9: 11145
    2/10: 6589
    2/11: 4713
    2/12: 6790
    2/13: 5798
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 691 Member
    Friday/Saturday check in
    Steps: 2/13 5,018 - 12/14 11,334 (these are correct on FitRokr!)

    So Thursday night - after whining about the Zaxby's salad, I proceeded to be a jerk to myself and have snacks (some more wine, cheese, almonds and a small hunk of ham, maybe 3 ounces). I was really irritated with myself not just yesterday for that but literally - while I was snacking Thursday night. I was able to come to the conclusion yesterday that the Zaxby's thing was much more simple than I was making it out to be; I didn't have the garlic toast with it and I brought a better-for-me salad dressing and didn't eat the mega calorie dressing at the restaurant. I saved 300 calories doing those two small things and I had the salad I really like. Which does include fried chicken strips cut up and rolled around in buffalo sauce - I'd eat your arm if it had buffalo sauce on it. So maybe that's a thing. => Anyway, yesterday I was over by around 35 calories because I also wanted two glasses of wine. I'll take that lump and thank myself for not being a worse jerk to me on Thursday and for not being a jerk yesterday, to me, at all.

    It's a stunningly sunny day in Morehead City, NC right now, gorgeous blue skies without a cloud. And very windy and cold - 36 degrees Fahrenheit. In my book, though, a cold day at the coast is still a day at the coast.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited February 2020
    Friday Check-in
    Calories: a little over, but I'm okay with that today, as I was under on Thursday and will be under on Saturday as well; all good, on-plan choices
    Exercise: platform stepping (45 min)
    Water: on track
    Habit Tracker
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ❌
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) ✔️
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) ✔️
    Grateful: my sore heel is improving!

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Saturday)
    -- Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    -- Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)
    -- M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)
    -- Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    -- Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    - Work on the To Do List, including at least 2 minutes of cleaning my desk and making my office a great place to work.
    - Work on martial arts forms at home so I am not so anxious when I go to class. I am so stuck on getting this stuff right. Okay. Breathe. Just practice.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @raleighgirl that’s a great idea to bring your own salad dressing…and yes when I read what you were going through with that I did think it sounded similar to some of my struggles this week…..and I totally concur about buffalo sauce. Or I have this smoky BBQ sauce I buy and I’m pretty much in love with it.

    Being over 35 cals is nothing. ….being by the coast is nice. Yesterday I did a hike with my club- 10 km. Part of it was by Lake Ontario. It was beautiful and kind of cool to see, there was a thin layer of ice, lights reflecting off it….also I meant to say thanks for the bit of info on menopause. I’m 43 and I think I’m just sort of waiting for it/wondering how it will be. It's not like I want it or something, it more just seems strange to me, I mean we live with this almost our entire lives to a point, then it all changes!

    @katmary71 hope your thoughts get more settled. Yep hike was good. We were to do 11 km but trimmed it to 10 bc of the temps. I enjoyed it.

    @AustinRuadhain I think practicing forms is a good idea....why do you get anxious? Like are you afraid you can't keep up?
  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    Friday check-in
    Calories- under
    Water- under (16.9oz)
    Exercise- 0

    It's been a crazy, stressful last few days. Hopefully things will start calming down.
    Smoked almost full pack yesterday, 17 cigarettes. I told DH that I feel like a hamster running around on one of those little wheels but never getting anywhere. I was hoping for a quiet, peaceful weekend but grandkids came over last night so we've got them for the weekend. I'm in desperate need of some "me time" but don't see that happening any time soon. I don't know why I just can't say no to anyone. Yes I do...cause then I'll feel guilty. I'll try to catch up on all the posts sometime this weekend. Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day. I did good with all the chocolate around here lol. I had 2 Hershey's minature (snack size) candy bars and around 10 m&m's, the new kind with the hazelnut filling. I was sure tempted to eat more of the m&m's but I didn't.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited February 2020
    @prowell57 - Hey there! Congratulations on resisting more than your chosen amount of hazelnut M&M's. That's great!
    As a mom, I can so sympathize with being short on "me time." So I have no idea what your life looks like, but would it help at all to look for any little niches of time? 15 minutes soaking in a bathtub in the evening, with everyone on "Do Not Disturb" alert? Waking up 5-10 minutes early and just breathing/meditating, before you get out of bed? A 5-minute walk around the block with husband on grandkid duty for that 5-10 minutes? You may already be doing stuff like this, or it doesn't call to you, and if so, that's fine. Anyway, sending sympathy! 👐👐👐

    @its_cleo - I worry about not knowing, at a basic "what move comes next" level, the forms for my level/belt. I know a lot, when I stop to think about it, but I am not super quick at learning forms and I mentally draw a blank on getting started on a form sometimes. I read recently that it's not "fight or flight" but "fight, flight, or freeze," and I think I do a mental freeze. So, yeah, more breathing and more practice are called for.

    So today, I started by reviewing the basic 5 forms I know well, easy peasy stuff for me, and then got one-on-one help from a senior instructor, and got much, much clearer on the next set of 5 forms, the set that I was iffy on. The whole set was bothering me. Working through the set, I found the issue was actually some very specific places where I was fuzzy, and was able to whittle it down from "oh, man, that entire series of 5 complex forms is terrible" to "I don't know exactly what's happening here" to being sorta comfy doing all 5 forms. I did the last/hardest over and over, just that form, for over an hour. More practice again tomorrow! And now I am excited about that! The more I work, the better sense they make. Too much info? Anyway, I was so excited about all the work I put in. Boy howdy, will I enjoy posting my green check mark on forms practice for my Saturday check-in!

    @raleighgirl09 - Thank you, again, as so often, for bringing us along on your journey. Your figuring out the Zaxby's thing is inspiring.

    I think many of us have some version of buffalo sauce. I will here and now confess that my husband was astonished, when we got together, to learn that there are so many variations on mustard. I love most of them, and will be happy to try a new one, and never have fewer than 2-3 mustard options in my fridge. Current count is 4, I think. 😋

    ❤️ And this was maybe my favorite sentence of the day today:❤️
    Anyway, yesterday I was over by around 35 calories because I also wanted two glasses of wine. I'll take that lump and thank myself for not being a worse jerk to me on Thursday and for not being a jerk yesterday, to me, at all.

    Here's to all of us not being jerks to ourselves! That makes me smile and feel inspired! I hope you enjoyed your lovely day at the coast, cold and all! 😃🏖️🥶

    @mlhopp93 - Man, your update is a shining example of excellent attitude and, to @raleighgirl09 's point, being kind to yourself. Not the number you wanted, but you know what to do next, and you are not stooped! Yippee! 🌞🌞🌞
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hi everyone! :) Please forgive me for not posting to each of you but I'm worn out. I did read all your post and I don't know about the other teams on F2F but I'm VERY sure that I have the best team of all!! You guys rock!! B)

    I did do my accountability post since I haven't done one for the last two days! :#

    2/15 Accountability (Habit Tracker)

    Track Every Bite-yes and I’m right where I need to be.
    NO gain on the scale
    - The scale was up a little because DH took me out for pizza and beer for Valentine's Day. It was worth it!
    Workout or 7500 steps-I did a 60 minute BOD leg day workout and then 4 hours of deep cleaning my house. I can’t move! Steps 2/14-7356
    IF (17+ hrs)- 18 hrs. 26 min.
    Thoughts for the day-Today has been hard because it’s the 2nd anniversary of my daughter’s death. She died of a drug overdose that was 8 years in the making. I know she is free from that terrible addiction and waiting for me in Heaven. Still doesn’t make me miss her less or wish so badly that it had all turned out differently. :'( I kept myself busy today and cleaned my house. I have dear friends coming to dinner on Monday. She is 8 months pregnant with her second son and he has Trisomy 13 which is a fatal condition. Watching my friends go through this horrible and painful time with such grace and faith fills me with awe and I am so blessed to have such people in my life. There is no explanation as to why bad things happen to us but it’s our response to the tragedies of our lives that grow us and provide us an opportunity to love others when they need it. Be good and kind to those around you. <3
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,970 Member
    Username: Digger61
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    February week 2
    PW: 213
    CW: 213
  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    Saturday check-in
    Water- under
    Exercise- 0

    Not having a good day, really dreading weigh-in tomorrow! I've been doing a lot of stress eating and smoking. A family friend passed away. She lost her husband to liver disease 2 months ago. I honestly feel like she just grieved herself to death over losing him. Then I hear my 12 yr old Grandaughter may be self harming herself. That news just pushed me over the edge! Hoping for the best as far as weigh-in goes but not expecting it to look good. We shall see.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,957 Member
    @mlhopp93 love your attitude going into the next week!

    @raleighgirl09 Coast sounds beautiful! You did an awesome job at finding a way to still enjoy your salad in a way that works for you.

    @prowell57 wonderful stopping at a small amount of M&Ms, I doubt I could've done that! I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Your poor Granddaughter, I'm praying the best for her.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter, I can only imagine what a difficult day it must be for you. Prayers for your friend.

    @digger61 good job maintaining!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,957 Member
    Saturday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- bike, strength, yoga
    Water- over

    Weights 3xs a week- done
    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Yoga most days- done
    Core/strength- done
    Decluttering- done
    Recipe- went with grilled Dijon chicken breasts on the George Foreman my brother didn't want. It was pretty easy and tasted great. I'm still pretty new to cooking from scratch so I'm still learning flavor combos.
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in
    Week 3 - Feb 2020
    PW 160.9 (73kg)
    CW 162.4 (73.7kg)

    Ate a whole pizza last night. But during the week I was doing well not to snack but towards the end of the week i couldn't help it.

    GOALS for week coming:
    1. Eat low carb lunches
    2. Go for a morning walk daily
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    @Apple852hk - I love your goals for the week! Morning walks can set the tone for the whole day!

    @Katmary71 - Great job with the habits, including the new recipe! What fun! You can do so many things with chicken breasts. The possibilities are endless!

    @prowell57 - I am so sorry for your loss of your family friend. I will have you and your granddaughter in my prayers. Be kind to yourself, whatever the number on the scale says on this or any given day.

    @Digger61 - Great job maintaining!

    @TeresaW1020 - It sounds like you did an amazing job of getting through a very difficult day. Your friend, her husband and their child will be in my prayers.
  • prowell57
    prowell57 Posts: 140 Member
    Week 2 - Feb 16
    PW - 196.4
    CW - 195.6
This discussion has been closed.