

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in
    Week 2 - Mar 2020
    PW 160 (72.6kg)
    CW 158.9 (72.1kg)

    Little reduction but when i weighed my myself before bed weighed a lot more. So I only weigh myself first thing in the morning.
    Ate dessert pancakes for 2 nights in a row as they were reduced from pancake day. That adds to my carb intake.
    Achieved my goal of drinking tea before eating so to fill belly before breakfast. Also did eat smaller portions but then ate sweet things to fill the gap. So not sure if that technique worked.

    GOALS next week
    1. Not to eat any cookies/biscuits
    2. Eat more fruit like kiwi when wanting a snack

  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    edited March 2020
    Weigh in day Saturday
    Week 1 weight. 340 lbs
    Up three pounds from prior week.
    Sorry to the team. I will do better this week.

    I had a pretty good cold this week. Did not do much exercise or get steps in. But continued to eat like normal.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 689 Member
    Sunday check in

    Hey gang! Getting back into the swing of things here at home after being away - it's always so nice to return home! This week I have to check in for jury duty - hoping I won't need to because I have plans to be at a friend's house to help her prep for her daughter's wedding. But also was not smart enough to see that I did have a small window for mailing in a request to not be called in; I just didn't know about it until too late. I don't mind being a juror, it's just seriously bad timing. Anyway, whether it's jury duty or going to my friend's house, I'll need a good, clear plan for eating and some ideas of how to avoid eating things sane Maria doesn't want. Because insane Maria can be quite compelling. => I am totally planning to have wedding cake and looking forward to it as my pal is a master baker and makes amazing cakes and cupcakes. And macaroons, wowie.

    Great NSV day yesterday, shopping for the dress I'll wear at the wedding. It felt amazing to try on dresses in much smaller sizes than the last time I shopped for a dress and see them look really good - it felt so much better than any foods I could think of to eat would taste. True story.

    @Mlhopp93 the wonderful thing about that is - the next meal and next day are always a clean slate and fresh start... => You can get back to the green!
    @sunshineplace wow, awesome stepping!! I found pre-planning and pre-logging to be the best things that helped me - no surprises and it made it pretty easy to follow my plan.
    @TeresaW1020 and @Cornanda we've all been here, scale creep is no fun at all! The best thing I ever heard in my fave podcast was the thought that "Who better to lose this 1.5 pounds (or whatever it is) than the person who has already lost X amount?" You can do this!
    @TeraBbreakingFree hey, we have all been there in the space of feeling crappy about food choices... =< What I see in that is you recognizing it right away and taking action; assessing, sharing, getting in movement and learning some things about yourself and your journey. You didn't hide from the experience, you embraced it and that can be very difficult - but you did it. I say congratulations are in order!
    @davors19 awesome holding steady on the weigh in! =>
    @AustinRuadhain this made **me** shiny and happy inside!! I immediately pictured the whole thing including a great big smile on your face! And you are really kicking some Tiny Habit booty! ;)
    One habit I have taken on is that each morning after I press the Start button on our electric kettle to heat up water for coffee, I turn around and do one left and one right inside crescent kick (it's a martial arts move I want to improve), and then I celebrate (for me, V for victory arms in the air; nobody is around to see and it makes me feel happy and shiny inside!).

    @Digger61 congrats on a really nice loss and please keep us updated, we're praying for you and thinking of you
    @Katmary71 I think there were two things going on. 1- I decided to just go for letting go of calorie counting and be ok with what happened and work through it. Also, 2- I kind of felt like I'd be in a fishbowl if I overate because everyone was amazed and complimentary of the weight loss. So I was kinda motivated by some feelings that are not really healthy. I'll take that for now but it's something I'll need to work on because I need to do the right things - for the right reasons. I love that you are finding the ways to keep a nice balance of enjoying the events and meals while still having limits, very nicely done and your steps are just amazing! <3
    @Apple852hk I really like your straight forward analysis of what you're doing and the results you net from that - and a very nice payoff with a great weigh in!!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 689 Member
    Hey - thought you all would enjoy this as much as I did. All I can say is....SHAZAM. I am envious of this lady's butt and I know she worked super hard to get it!! I want to be her when I grow up!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Sunday Morning Check-in

    Saturday Report
    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices
    Exercise: outdoor walking (15+ minutes); platform stepping (30 min)
    Water: on track
    Habit Tracking
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ❌
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) ✔️
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) ✔️
    - Prep for big project meeting! ✔️

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Sunday)
    -- Meditation (daily 2+ min)
    -- Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)
    -- M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)
    -- Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    -- Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    -- Office cleaning/decluttering
    -- Tiny Habits study
    -- House cleaning (Deep cleaning) ✔️
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Weight No More 0.62%
    2nd Shrinking Assets 0.38%
    3rd Mission Slimpossibles 0.11%

    1st Weight No More 28.8 Lbs
    2nd Shrinking Assets 19.5 Lbs
    3rd Mission Slimpossibles 4.6 Lbs

    1st @kirsten11872 4.77 %
    2nd @ErinBEW 4.59%
    3rd @Vegan4lyfe2012 2.31 %

    1st @kirsten11872 8.7 Lbs
    2nd @ErinBEW 7.2 Lbs
    3rd @vegan4lyfe2012 4.6 Lbs
    3rd @Beka3695


  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member

    Last weight: 155.4
    Current weight: 154.8

    Hey all. Sorry I've been MIA just a busy time at work. I expect next week will also be busy and then hopefully it will ease up.

    I've done well on calories this week and exercise. I was really pleased with my weigh in today. I haven't weighed under 155 for years and years. I can't even remember the last time.

    I've been thinking about running a 5 km race this spring. I've very very slow bc I can only run/walk so it would take me maybe 40 or 45 mins? I'm not sure. But I would really like to try. I have wanted to do it for a long time so it would be a nice accomplishment to just participate.

    I'm also thinking about joining a kickball league for 10 weeks in spring. I've never played kickball before and I am not very athletic but I'd like to try. Mainly it would get me out to meet some new people. Kickball is like baseball but with a soccer ball....? I'm hoping it is more for fun than competitive.

    Both of those things would be hard for me to do bc I get so anxious, but I really need to do something to not be so isolated.

    It feels like spring is coming, and I'm really enjoying the slightly improved weather
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1. Weight No More 64.0%
    2. Shrinking Assets 60.0%
    3. Trimstones 54.2%
    4. Mission Slimpossibles 52.4%
    5. Downsizers 52.2%
    6. Waist Aways 34.6%

    Congratulations WEIGHT NO MORE!!!!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited March 2020

    Hello, all!
    Step Challengers, there's still time to get in some more steps today, if you are itching to change your final number for this week. After the week closes at the end of today, FitRockr will allow another day for people to sync up if needed,* and then we will post weekly winners on Tuesday.

    The most cool thing, though? As of this afternoon, the Slimpossibles Step Challengers have logged more than 500,000 steps this week! I have such a big smile on my face, thinking about everyone getting in those walks this week. Whatever the healthy number of steps is for each of us, it is just so cool that we are all in motion, all taking steps toward our health and fitness goals!

    @leonadixon -FitRockr support resolved the issue with your not showing up on the weekly rankings. So all now seems to be well there.

    @sunshineplace - I know you had a problem a couple of times early on, but that seems to have settled out as well. You are definitely on the list now, and have been consistently there when I have checked in over the rest of the week.

    Check in on current status here: https://www.fitrockr.com/#!/challenge/5e5e38b1c5f4ba00016a1849

    *FYI - everyone shows as having synced up today. So whatever you are doing as regards syncing up with your fitness tracker platform, it appears to be working just fine.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,144 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 194.6
    CW: 191.2

    I had a good week up until yesterday when my bipolar daughter had an episode and I had to sit at the ER with her while she got stitches. The pent up stress released itself today in the form of binging on peanut butter. Over calories by almost 700. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Sunday check in...

    The weekend was busy but pretty good. Usually I go way overboard on the weekends but this weekend I indulged but didn’t go overboard as I usually do and I’m so happy about that.

    Unfortunately the *kitten* has hit the fan once again just as things were getting under control for me and I have a rough week ahead. So much illness in my daycare this year and I feel like I just can’t keep up. Long story short is that I don’t have much in the tank so I am going to focus on drinking my water, tracking my food, not getting sick and not losing my mind. Lol. I don’t know how much I will be checking in but I will be with you all spirit.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,629 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 @Jactop @TeraBbreakingFree congratulations on being on the leaderboard! Great losses team!

    @its_cleo way to go on getting under 155, your hard work is paying off! I love that you're looking at ways to explore fitness outside of your comfort zone. I tend to be the same way about isolating and having to fight through anxiousness but it's rarely not been worth it to try something new.

    @raleighgirl09 I'm so happy dress shopping was fun for you! It's such a different experience when you can see how different you look from all the changes you've been making. I know what you mean about feeling like you're in a fishbowl around people, that helps me not overdo it as well. That and not wanting to eat more than everyone else, unfortunately doesn't mean that I'm being mindful!

    @sunshineplace It's amazing to be able to say you didn't overdo it but were able to eat in a healthy manner. Do the best you can this week, good luck with everything.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I'm sorry to hear about your daughter and hope she's doing better. Tomorrow is a new day, you'll get through this.

    @apple852hk nice loss!

    @mlhopp93 I hope you're feeling better! Sounds like a tough week, hang in there.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,629 Member
    Sunday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- bike, walking, strength, yoga

    Weights 3xs a week- tomorrow's day 1
    Cardio 30 minutes a day- done
    Strength/Yoga- done
    Decluttering/cleaning- none today
    Recipe- made red lentil chili, it came out really good! She uses a lot of spices in her recipes which I like, plus I love the medium-hot chili powder I used with beans. I really like the blog, there's a bunch of recipes I saved and I want to get her cookbooks at the library.

    Aside of a few minutes before bed I don't let myself read novels unless working out (mostly on the bike but I'll dance at the same time or march in place too). I was on my last minute on the bike and the chapter ended with the main character's husband dying so I had to work out more to find out what happened! I don't know how many times I've stayed on the bike for extra long to finish a book.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning team! I am sorry that I have been absent for the last few days. I came down with tonsillitis (something I haven’t had since I was a kid!) and I’ve been laying low and being really lazy trying to feel better. I have no pain this morning and I’m ready to tackle the week! B)

    @Katmary71, I think that it is great that you stayed on your bike to finish your book! What a perfect way to get in extra time. ;)

    @sunshineplace, ((Hugs))) I hope that things settle down soon and those kiddos start getting better. You just take care of yourself and pop in and say hi when you can! <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012, I am so sorry that you have had such a tough time. I hope you DD is OK! It is a new day so just move forward. <3

    @its_cleo, wahooooo congrats on being under 155 lbs!! I know that made you do the happy dance! :D I think it’s fantastic that you are willing to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to do things that will help you meet new people and not be so isolated. I think you will have a blast doing both the 5K and the kickball! :)

    @raleighgirl09, that 73 year old woman is amazing!! :o What an inspiration to us all that it’s NEVER too late. I’m about to redo my workouts and made my own hybrid calendar that mixes different BOD programs and my treadmill. Two days a week I’m doing a booty program. So maybe one day I too will have an awesome butt. :D

  • TeraBbreakingFree
    TeraBbreakingFree Posts: 15 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 164.8
    CW: 165.4

    Well I did a step back this week. 2 days way in the red. Happy I could make the top last week. Looks like I'll have to work even harder to get back on in week 3.
    Thank yous to @AustinRuadhain @Katmary71 and @raleighgirl09 for your kind words and being so encouraging.
  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Monday weigh in:
    Username: wrknonmedaily
    Week 10
    PW 231.4
    TW 226.4
    Back on the down swing! :)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited March 2020
    Monday Morning Check-in

    Sunday Report
    Calories: under; all good, on-plan choices
    Exercise: stretching/Essentrics (24 min); martial arts (19 minutes); platform stepping (46 min)
    Water: on track
    Habit Tracking
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min) ✔️
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) ✔️
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) ✔️
    - Prep for big project meeting! ✔️

    Goals and Improvements for Today (Sunday)
    Habit Tracking
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min)
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min)
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily 2+ min)
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min)
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily)
    Goals for Today
    - Office cleaning/decluttering
    - Tiny Habits study
    - House cleaning (Deep cleaning)
    - Prep for tomorrow's project meeting!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I didn't even realize I was in the top 3 - nice! Even with yesterday's hiccup, I am back on track and expect to win this race. Daughter is doing ok. Her college class was cancelled today, so she's at work with me. I don't want her being alone. Luckily my office has a secondary desk, so she takes that spot and is doing some creative drawing.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic week! Don't forget to drink your water :smiley:
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 693 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Week: 2
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 206
    Todays Weight: 203
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    @Jactop - Great weigh-in! Congratulations! 🥳 You took a big step closer to Onederland!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - How great that your office has a second desk, so your daughter can join you.

    Hurray, Slimpossibles! #3 on the team leaderboard last week!
    @vegan4lyfe2012 , @Jactop , @TeraBbreakingFree - Congratulations for being our three loss leaders for the week!

    @TeraBbreakingFree and @vegan4lyfe2012 -- What a great reminder this is of how well you are doing overall!

    @wrknonmedaily - You are only up 0.6! Just get back in the game, and this will be a little blip in the noise.

    @TeresaW1020 - How great to see you online! So glad you are feeling better!

    @KatMary71 - This is a super great idea! I do this, too -- have things I only get to listen or watch to while I am working out. This is a super easy way to get yourself to work out more. Someone actually did a research study and confirmed that this is a very effective strategy!!

This discussion has been closed.