

  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    We're under a snowfall warning.

    The roads suck and it's cold as heck.

    Work is closing early.

    It may not reopen on Monday.

    The future is terrifying.

    TGIF I guess.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Something a little more lighthearted.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    Hoooo boy. It is crazy out there. I hope everyone is doing OK. My daughter who is in the Canadian Army (based in Alberta) has been sent out on shopping expeditions for cleaning supplies, dressed in civvies so no one thinks the Army is hoarding, just to keep the training base open. All other functions are on leave. Sounds serious - but they need to be healthy in case everything goes to heck in a hand basket. And our Prime Minister is in self-quarantine, so we are all feeling very stay-at-home right now.

    Hoping everyone is OK! Being at home more means more home workouts, right? And more control over how well you eat, right? Let's DO this!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    Remaining Friday people:

    HEADS UP! Saturday people:

    The world may be travelling in a hand basket, but our weigh-ins are still strictly enforced!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Hi Friends! It sure has been a heck of a week for all of us. This whole Covid-19 thing is surreal. It changes minute by minute. Today, hubby, Juliet and I went out to get some food. We figured we better go early before everyone gets off work. It was a good idea. We were able to get everything on our list. Not hoarding. I know enough people with toilet paper that if I run out, I'm going to their house to get some. Funny thing while there, I was brought to tears by the friendliness and kindness of all the people around us. Way more than what would be normal. I think the fear of the unknown of this virus has brought about an awareness of our shared humanity. It really was a silver lining in this shared experience. So now, we are pretty much set on social distancing for a while. Schools are closing all around us. My husband's college will likely go to online classes for the rest of the semester. They extended the spring break another week to finalize everything. I will have a chance to work in my yard and clean it up. Maybe work on the earrings I make and organize some things. Of course, walk and exercise here at home. I think I may skip the gym for a while, although I am often the only one there when I go. My eating has been fine, drinking plenty of water, steps are good, exercise has been so so. I need to get my Pilates done today, but it's getting late. We'll see. I did get on the scale this morning and I am up. : :'( It makes me so sad. I sure hope I don't have a gain again that takes me a month to get off. I'm not sure why I would have gained, but who knows. We shall see tomorrow when I officially weigh in.

    Hope you are all doing well. Hugs and good wishes being sent your way.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 550 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    The sky is blue with breezes blowing away the clouds of yesterday, sun warming up the clothes line where a few loads of laundry will soon be hung. The first of the season. I love using the clothes line!
    We've got some more confirmed cases of COVID-19 here in rural Vermont and I'm actually feeling relieved that I'll be staying home from the class in Sedona (week of 3/22) and having more time to study. I work at a hospital and there's a rumor that most departments will be slowing down on most appointments. We'll see. It's possible that many of us will have more time to do home-based activities and take care of ourselves and our neighbors.
    The poem below inspired me and I hope it will you, too. Make it a good day. Choose scientific based research over fear and make a good plan for taking care of yourselves when you get sick with anything, even if it's this virus. Make sure a body themometer is part of your stash of cold medications and Ibuprofen/Acetimenifen.

    What if you thought of it
    as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
    the most sacred of times?
    Cease from travel.
    Cease from buying and selling.
    Give up, just for now,
    on trying to make the world
    different than it is.
    Sing. Pray. Touch only those
    to whom you commit your life.
    Center down.

    And when your body has become still,
    reach out with your heart.
    Know that we are connected
    in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.
    (You could hardly deny it now.)
    Know that our lives
    are in one another’s hands.
    (Surely, that has come clear.)
    Do not reach out your hands.
    Reach out your heart.
    Reach out your words.
    Reach out all the tendrils
    of compassion that move, invisibly,
    where we cannot touch.

    Promise this world your love–
    for better or for worse,
    in sickness and in health,
    so long as we all shall live.

    –Lynn Ungar 3/11/20
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @jugar Can I opt out this week?

    I just can't cope right now on top of everything else.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    @jugar Can I opt out this week?

    I just can't cope right now on top of everything else.

    Absolutely. Drop by to let us know how you're doing ANY time, and we are all sending hugs that a so warm, they will melt all the snow. :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    Huge gain this week but that was to be expected. I've been on the road since last Friday, March 6th. Eating out, lots of sodium. I got home late Wednesday night and weighed in at 360. Everything was swollen. Thursday I took one of my BP meds that's a diuretic, by Friday morning I was down to 353.8. Back on the road again. In a week's time I've driven to Tennessee, New Orleans, and now Missouri. This is one spring break when I've used every single minute. Then I found out last night that my school district is extending spring break another week! I'm sorry for the reasons but I'm thrilled to be off from work! Woo hoo!

    Wow! So many of us are holing up at home - we want your travel news! We can live vicariously, right? Have a blast :heart:
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    The sky is blue with breezes blowing away the clouds of yesterday, sun warming up the clothes line where a few loads of laundry will soon be hung. The first of the season. I love using the clothes line!
    We've got some more confirmed cases of COVID-19 here in rural Vermont and I'm actually feeling relieved that I'll be staying home from the class in Sedona (week of 3/22) and having more time to study. I work at a hospital and there's a rumor that most departments will be slowing down on most appointments. We'll see. It's possible that many of us will have more time to do home-based activities and take care of ourselves and our neighbors.
    The poem below inspired me and I hope it will you, too. Make it a good day. Choose scientific based research over fear and make a good plan for taking care of yourselves when you get sick with anything, even if it's this virus. Make sure a body themometer is part of your stash of cold medications and Ibuprofen/Acetimenifen.

    What if you thought of it
    as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
    the most sacred of times?
    Cease from travel.
    Cease from buying and selling.
    Give up, just for now,
    on trying to make the world
    different than it is.
    Sing. Pray. Touch only those
    to whom you commit your life.
    Center down.

    And when your body has become still,
    reach out with your heart.
    Know that we are connected
    in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.
    (You could hardly deny it now.)
    Know that our lives
    are in one another’s hands.
    (Surely, that has come clear.)
    Do not reach out your hands.
    Reach out your heart.
    Reach out your words.
    Reach out all the tendrils
    of compassion that move, invisibly,
    where we cannot touch.

    Promise this world your love–
    for better or for worse,
    in sickness and in health,
    so long as we all shall live.

    –Lynn Ungar 3/11/20

    That is wonderful. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

    We are staying home too, except my daughter and hubby have the wedding of one of her best friends today. So we are watching the little one. She’s asleep right now. I had a fantastic afternoon. I mowed the yard, weeded and trimmed bushes. It was beautiful out and felt so great. It was so nice to know I had no where to go. It definitely counted as exercise! That’s the best kind. I could spend all day, everyday out there. 🙂 🌸 🌺 🌹
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    Steps: fri:8767
    weigh in 104.4
  • Shexio
    Shexio Posts: 184 Member
    Thurs :14228
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member

    Remaining Friday people:

    Saturday people:

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Ok, Week 3 of the March Spring It Forward Challenge is Up! We start on Monday and here is the link:

    In the middle of the pandemic, I am finding it hard to stay focused. So this week’s challenge is about comfort and positivity. Please try to take a few moments each day and focus on the positive. A million thank you’s to @sleepymom5 for coming up with these themes and the quote idea. See you on Monday!

    Motivation Monday- "If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way" ~ Napoleon Hill
    What are some small things have done that made a difference? Have you left a few bites on you plate? Added more steps in your day? Maybe a few extra ounces of water? Are there small things that your are doing right now for self-care or to help out others? Post a photo or describe the little things that make a difference to you.

    Transformation Tuesday- “If you can dream it you can do it" - Possibly Walt Disney
    What was your dream when you started this journey? What are your dreams now? Post a photo or describe your dreams.

    Workout Wednesday- “Old God sure was in a good mood when he made this place” - Hunter S. Thompson
    Send a picture of your favorite place for tranquility, reflection self-care or a workout rest day. It could be anywhere inside or out. Share it with us!

    Thirsty Thursday- “Cheers to life that has given me a number of reasons to fall and much more reasons to rise.” - Arpita Nema
    Post a photo or describe what you drink when you are relaxing. Do you like herbal tea or a glass of wine? May you are into juicing or a skinny cocktail?

    Food for thought Friday- “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” - Virginia Woolf
    Ok, show us or describe your comfort food. It can be healthy or not, but we all have our favorite foods or meals that provide us comfort.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    edited March 2020
    OK, you made me do it:



    Please weigh in ASAP! Thanks!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Checking in for Saturday. We have had snow and high winds in our area. We were without power for almost 24 hours and lost about 6 or 7 big trees on our place. Luckily no structures were hit and we have a generator. It's been really hard to focus lately and I am trying to shift my mind to positive things. My work assignment is changing daily and there are now 3 confirmed illnesses in our area. Did okay with food today but I did all my cooking on our wood stove so that had some limitations. Did a barre workout today and that really helped my mood. Trying to stay out of the snacks. I tried eating some meals with a little more fat to see if that helped and I think it did. More satisfied, less snacking! Played some card games with the kids tonight and just had fun together. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan to workout and eat some good food.
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