2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    P.S. Suzy i meant to ask how your beautiful grand daughter is doing....?? and your daughter of course.... any "mom what do i do" phone calls yet?? ?lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, thanks so much for your insight on the timing of all this. You definitely gave me some things to think about that I hadn’t considered. I’m so very lucky that I don’t have any underlying health issues (at least that I’m aware of).

    Snoozie, our local restaurants that deliver leave the food on the step and just ring the bell. I really want to support these local businesses because it’s got to be so scary for them. I’m trying to be very careful about bringing in anything that someone else has touched.

    I’m going over to my daughter’s house tomorrow to help out with the baby. Her husband has to go back to work. His job doesn’t involve dealing with the public so at least he’s still able to bring home a paycheck.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh...I did get a 3:30am phone call when the baby wouldn’t stop crying no matter what she did. After some discussion we agreed that maybe it might be diaper rash so she felt better about it. I think my daughter is just sleep deprived and exhausted while trying to recover from the c-section. Hopefully I can help tomorrow so she can get some sleep.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That sounds so familiar, Suzy! It's so difficult to know what babies are crying about at the beginning, and sometimes you never know. It is so exhausting. She must be so happy to have you to help.

    What a nightmare for your brother-in-law, Snooozie. I have some sympathy as I don't have a cooker (and no chance of getting one installed now!) but at least I have a fridge. It bodes well that the neighbours are generous, though. I am scared of food that isn't homecooked too, but I think it's reasonably safe if it's something cooked hot, and you avoid the packaging and wash hands, etc.

    I've used grocery pick-up before and it would be ideal but you have to book slots and there are none available! No home delivery slots either. The local businesses who do offer home delivery are becoming overwhelmed. And it's expensive! However, I did manage to get some cream, butter and cheese from a local dairy - much too expensive but wonderful! I'm trying to see this as an opportunity to support local businesses and try new things! The halogen oven I bought has been fantastic - really cheap and I've roasted a chicken, baked a cake, etc. It might suit your brother-in-law if he doesn't have a cooker and is able to pick one up. It doesn't need installing, just plug and go!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I ordered a grocery delivery yesterday and it will be delivered on Saturday. Not bad I guess. They didn’t even have pick up times available for the foreseeable future. It will be interesting to see what I end up actually getting from my list. Our governor finally issued a shelter in place order for the state until April 13. Just wanted to let y’all know that I’m still here. Still healthy...knock on wood! I hope all of you are doing well and staying away from others! Take care!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Im glad you checked in Suz.. I have a "cart" started online but havent even looked to see when any pickup or delivery dates are avail... i figure i am good for at least the next 10 days without having to leave my home.... i am so glad to hear they have issued that order; its so frustrating and scary here to see stupid, arrogant selfish people still gathering and/or not keeping 6 ft from each other... the only way to stop the spread of this virus is to break the chain of transmission and the only way to do that is for everyone to stay home except for essential services..

    Living in a large apartment building, I am loathe now to even leave for a solitary walk - i either have to touch doorknobs to stairwells or pray the elevator doesn't stop on the way down, and thats there's no one lurking at the door to get in when it opens... other than that i simply stay in my apartment. The worst part is those who don't think they are infected who are out and about infecting others... such a scary time for the world .....

    Vail thanks very much for the cooker idea - he does have a stove he just didn't know how to use it and nobody could find a manual online.. . took me a while but i found one and emailed it to him lol.... he better read it after it took me so long to find it!

    Vail - do any of the shops there have specific hours for the elderly and those with underlying health issues? i'm thinking that with your heart condition you would be well served to go during those times to get things if you can? I hope you are managing..

    Gail/Milove - thinking of you as well...

    hugs all around
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    hi everybody! Glad to hear we are all ok at the moment.
    Maybe a little stir crazy from isolating, but just remember you are ALIVE! to be able to isolate!

    I am happy to know we have more good souls around than bad. It makes me happy that there are those willing to forgo $$ to let someone stay free to keep their families safe. I LOVE this!!

    Some are bear hunting around town, not sure if in my neighborhood or not, but I want to put out my bears too!! lol I have quite a few. I'll put one or two in the windows just in case. I wish there was no chance of rain, I would have them peaking out from the trees in the yard. lol I may get hubby to go bear hunting with me!! I'm just a kid at heart.

    Oh, I had a laugh the other day. I was going into the lunch room and everyone was seated two or three seats apart...I laughed to myself and thought....Being an introvert, This is my normal way of life!! I've been practicing social distancing for forever. lol

    Milove? Give us a quick shout out, please. I know New Orleans is going through a tough time. Sending prayers and hugs!

    Vail... Stay safe. Praying for your son. I know he is excited to pass. But he is going in at a tough time . Be safe

    Stay safe! sending virtual hugs to you all....
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thinking of you all! And just checking in myself, so you know I'm ok!

    You are so right that we are lucky to be alive, Gail, and yes, I think we are seeing the goodness in people. So funny about being an introvert ... I am sociable, but am an introvert at heart, and I suppose we introverts are finding it easier to deal with.

    Thank you for your thoughts about my son. We have health workers die of the virus here, and of course I worry, but I know the chances are that he will be fine. He is young and healthy, and he's very keen to play his part.

    Snoozie, yes, they do have special shopping times, but mainly for elderly people and I don't have obvious health conditions so don't want to go then. Apparently I can go to to the NHS shopping times, but I'm nervous about that too, as there will be a high number of people who are being exposed at work! At the moment, I'm getting by with juggling various deliveries. I'm spending too much, though! And eating too much! Who knew you could have cheese and cake delivered to your doorstep?

    Are there any independent deliveries where you are, Suzy? We have quite a lot here at the moment - greengrocers, butchers, dairy, baker, etc. I've had some wonderful fruit and veg delivered, along with flour and milk. I'm in a smallish city so I suppose that makes it easier for them to deliver.

    Anyway, keeping on carrying on. The first person I know has died from the virus - somebody who I used to work with who retired a few years ago. He will no doubt have been infected a while ago, when we were told we didn't need to take any action and it was safe. It certainly brings it home. Hope you are all keeping safe. I do think these measures are helping us.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I meant to say, Snoozie, I've really been feeling for people living in flats/apartments. It must be so stressful just trying to get outside and negotiating lifts and so on. Do you have some wipes or disposable gloves you can take with you for when you have to touch things? I've always been a bit anxious about this, so hardly ever touch doorhandles anyway - I will use elbows, sleeves, anything other than touch directly, so all this feels like it's validating me, lol! I have some disposable gloves for jobs round the house, and I have been taking a couple with me if I have to go out - I know they have their issues, but I think as long as you know the outside of the glove is now contaminated and act accordingly, it feels safer. I am struggling with contamination issues at the moment - although I know things are getting better the further into lockdown we are, the less chance of catching it.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I got my first grocery delivery yesterday and it went well. I still can’t get any paper products and may have to go to a store to try and find at some point. When I lived in Amsterdam I loved the individual produce, bakeries, butcher shops but unfortunately we just don’t have that type of set up here in the suburbs of Atlanta.

    I’m getting so bored with walking in the neighborhood but I realize that I’m just lucky to have somewhere to walk. I really feel for you living in an apartment building Snoozie. That’s got to be difficult.

    I wanted to try dancing to get in some cardio but my husband is working from home and he would probably think I’ve gone round the bend. 😂 We have a basement...maybe it’s time to sneak down there and wear headphones!

    Stay safe Hatters!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    it's so good to see everyone checking in - thank you all for that.. i know we are "only" internet friends... but we've shared so much of ourselves with each other i consider you all friends now... i hope milove can check in soon too.....

    Vail - my situation living in an aprtment has its challenges, but there are entire families living in one too; multiple people in small spaces so to be honest, most days i simply count my blessings and am grateful I have the ability to stay home when so many do not have that luxury. i will be going to the grocery when i need to; i think im ok for at least 10 days and i figure there are more people who need the pickup and delivery options than i do ... but i do have a few gloves left from work, and i am now keeping ziplock baggies in my pockets for doorknobs and door handles if theere isnt a "handicapped" open button i can use my elbow on.. and i use elbows for elevators too.. but the baggies i can remove safely the same way as gloves and toss them in the garbage; im not sure how much protection they give but its somehitng and of course, like everyone else my hands are raw from scrubbing!

    and yes on the $$ i don't even look for sales anymore; i will make a list by aisle and get in and get out as quick as possible but im definitley spending more and eating more!! and i am absolutely buying crap junk food too... be it right or wrong it's part of the shop...

    I've been trying to do the leslie sansome videos at home suzy... there's a good one for a 15 min mile with hand weights.. but i have to get more dischiplined with it. Also if any of you are on facebook, there's a group called classical stretch.. every day at my time (4:30pm) they have a free 10-12 min video that is just stretching... but it feels good... the video i think is kept up there for about 24 hrs.. so if you miss it you can replay it and it's free right now.. so i do try to do that one every day..

    i did an early morning walk yesterday just to get out before anyone else but this morning i just wasnt feeling it so i think im gonna get out now for a while ....

    Gail thanks for the laugh on the tables lol... please stay safe and take care of yourself!!

    Hugs all around
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi...made it through the weekend. at work now.
    Yes, I had a virtual friend that just stopped MFP. I don't think they realize how we can get attached. she probably just stopped, but I never knew if she died.....or just stopped.
    Keep your distance!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I tried to wear a pair of shorts that a few years ago used to be so big on me that I could pull them on without unbuttoning them. They would even fall to the floor if i sucked in my stomach just a bit. Well, not anymore. I could barely button them. They were too tight to be comfortable. Darn it. I feel like I’m back to where I started. I keep making big juicy rationalizations for why eating the ice cream is okay right now and how that glass (or two) of wine is justified. I’ve GOT to cut it out. Seriously. This destructive behavior has to stop. NOW.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - you aren't alone at all in those rationalizations for everything and anything.... i am not even going to confess exactly how badly i've been eating (not so much the drinking.. yet!) but suffice to say being an emotional eater - this isolation provides me with any excuse i need 24/7...

    i'm struggling a bit the past few days, like everyone else i have good days and bad days; i am finding my fear levels are going up to the point where i dont even like going out for a walk some days; im on high anxiety alert the whole time and frankly dreading my next grocery trip i'll have to make.. this is not normal; im not used to living in fear and anxiety and isolation and add that in with worrying about my friends and family, watching whats going on around the world with this virus which is a danger we can't see, seeing some people with such blatant disregard for social distancing, and the walls starting to close in on occasion; well all that ends up going into my mouth to deal with... other days i'm good.. i know staying home is breaking the chain of transmission and saving my family and friends and myself and im so very lucky to have a home and food and electronics to keep in touch, so i "treat" myself to junk food because i'm doing the right thing..

    so my mouth is frankly the only part of me that's been moving for the past 3 weeks!!

    and then of course, all those lovely people who are doing so much during their isolation; learning a new language, home projects, finishing their PHD, whatever.. it just makes me feel even more like a slug some days .. altho i watched a shrink on tv the other day who said dont worry about all those people who are seemingly doing so much; just do whatever you are doing to get thru this and if that means reading or watching tv or whatever - you dont need the added pressure right now... so of course i reached for a bag of chips, right????

    All that said... I am getting to the point where i too recognize i have to stop this destructive behaviour too...almost as much for my mental health as my physical health.. i know logically i can do the walking programs at home and there are enuf free videos on line that i could do and lord knows i have nothing but time on my hands... so i just have to figure out some kind of routine and stick to it... which is hard when some days you havent slept well and feel sluggish, or you're just not interested .... so i think i will have to force myself to do at least 2 types of some movement every day; maybe one in the morning one in the afternoon.. but plan on it every single day and carry thru...

    as for the eating part of it.. right now im using what i have cooking wise; if i dont have it i am not going out for it... and there have been some weird combos for meals lol.. none of which usually include any veg!! so i again will have to force myself to do that too and its gonna be a huge challenge due to how much i hate cooking and there is so much prep involved .. having to decide the day before waht t take out of the freezer (and then not feeling like eating it lol)...
    and EVERYTHING needs prep i can't just "grab" something with what i have in stock right now.. but.. i am going to try from here on in...

    This afternoon i plan on having virtual "wine therapy" with 2 of my best friends... via video chat... and i thot as a joke, i would "dress up" for it.. i raided my jewellery box and pulled out about 6 necklaces, one of which im gonna use as a sparkly headband, a sparkly scarf, some dangly earrings and i'll pile on the makeup if i can find it lol.... or i'll put a paper bag over my head!! something to just give them a laugh at the start ...

    but for now.. i'm taking my coffee and going back to bed to read for an hour or so... thinking of all of you!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm sorry you're struggling, Snooozie. I completely understand the anxiety, and I'm there myself. Going outside can be very stressful. The only thing I'm telling myself is that as lockdown is place, there has to be much less chance of catching it than there was three weeks ago. The deaths we have been seeing so far I would guess are mostly from people who caught it before lockdown. And if we'd caught it before lockdown, then we'd have had it by now. But I still worry, for myself and other people.

    Eating is completely out of the window for me. I know I'm using it as an excuse, and partly because my son is still here (he should have moved out this week, but it will probably be next week instead). I have had cake delivered (with the excuse that it's so difficult to get food delivered that I'll take anything!) and have also been baking, and cooking fast amounts of comfort foods. I had my favourite crisps/chips delivered. I have had cheese delivered. The only healthy thing I have had delivered is fruit and veg. I don't feel like I'm eating loads, but because I'm at home it's easy for me to have little snacks all day, and then still cook a big meal in the evening, so I know it's more than I would normally eat. Anyway - they say obesity is a risk factor, so I really need to get a grip. And I've been half-hearted about the exercise too.

    Thinking of you all.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    When one of my friends wants to video chat and I have no make up and bed head - my paper bag mask comes in very handy!!😛😛

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    So funny - now when I get a call I'm worried about how tidy my house is too! :D
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    haaaaa Vail - I have one chair in a corner with the wall behind me i sit in for video chats!! that way they can't see the rest of my house !! Just thot we could all use a giggle - had quite an impact on my last video call when i wore it! :)
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Congratulations Suzy on the birth of your granddaughter
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Suzy she is beautiful!!
    Thanks for reaching out Snoozie
    I use to be an ER nurse for years, then I went to school nursing
    In 2018 I changed over to a hospital as an employee health nurse
    When Covid hit they put Employee health in one of the clinics and then turned us into a Covid unit and we all had to take patients. We were pushed out on the front line. I never took my mask off from the time I entered the hospital with shield and all. One of my coworker was so sick at home but she didn't want her husband to drive her and get sick, she drove to the hospital we had to pull her out of the car she was so pale like snow and young. So many of our employees took sick one by one some real sick and one died who was only 37. I was working 12 to 16 hrs every day. They finally opened a 40 bed unit in our trama center hospital in New Orleans and in the convention center which took some load off us. I am off today and so far tomorrow. Staying home and keeping your mask on is helping I think and I hope. Love to all.