SHRINKING ASSETS Team Chat - April 2020



  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    PW 189.9
    CW 188.6 (-1.3 pnd)

    Happy Easter ya'll! Stay safe!
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    The farthest I've walked is to the mailbox and back, due to the cold and rain. My fingers have been going numb in the house (yes the heat is on, just Raynaud's acting up), so I'm not too thrilled about wearing mittens and a mask outside. Fortunately, we have some lantana blooming in the front yard, so I still have a flower photo to share. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!
  • Smart_Beautiful_and_Strong
    PW 354
    CW 358

    Gotta get a handle on this!

    I think Iโ€™m behind on logging my steps, itโ€™s been a bad sorry.

  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Hi All,

    Thanks @Beka3695 for checking in... wanted to be active here this week but just haven't been feeling it. Trying to keep active both body and mind but struggling, and well, Easter chocolate......

    I think my weight on Thursday was 182.4..... this morning I'm up to 185 ๐Ÿ˜ฌ today is final day of this holiday eating and then I'm back on plan and tracking and hoping to get a loss on the 182 next week!

    Started today with a weighted HIIT session and ran 7.35km yesterday which is my furthest in ages.... so, if i sort food back out I will find those damn 170s!!!!! I will!

    Hugs to one and all, will be back with a less selfish post soon!

  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    I've finally gotten an answer about my severe abdominal pain these past 4 weeks. I had a CT this morning that showed a partial blockage in my small intestine. Doctor feels Ineed surgery as soon as possible. I'm meeting with a surgeon in the morning.

    So this explains why I haven't been able to move much lately, and have such pathetic step counts for the past 2 weeks, LOL! Here they are... better late than never.

    Sun., 3/29 6,368
    Mon., 3/30 5,633
    Tues., 3/31 4,026
    Wed., 4/1 3,555
    Thurs., 4/2 3,244
    Fri., 4/3 4,677
    Sat., 4/5 5,483
    Sun., 4/6 4,984
    Mon., 4/7 6,059
    Tues., 4/8 8,145
    Wed., 4/9 4,315

    Ok this may sound silly but it has worked for me for a long time. A nurse told me about it. Smooth move tea!! It's in the tea isle at Walmart drink it before bed(add a lil sugar/honey and milk for taste) when you wake up pooping happens!! Seen people who were gonna have surgery no longer need it!! May take 2-4 days of drinking it to get a large block moving but it will!! Give it a try at least before you go under the knife!!! I use it weekly now just to keep things moving....rock belly is the worst!!! Sending you strength!!!!

    My grandpa had colon cancer, and he loved the Smooth Move tea! It worked really well for him. I remembering him calling it his "poop tea" :D

    Yes!! I love it!!!!!!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    CW: 172.6

    I will take it!! Toothache came back this week went to the dentist again. Feeling better now!! Yah!! Had to really watch myself now I can eat again!! Toothache was helping me not eat all the time ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… I got this!!

    Today is our Easter Bunny came early!! Hubby going out of town tomorrow!! Life is nuts right now!! Y'all stay safe have a great weekend

    HAPPY EASTER ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ’ฎ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿต๏ธ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ’ฎ
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    PW 219.6
    CW 219.6

    Well, there goes my 5 week green streak. Black is still better than red.

    Nerd report projected a 2 lb loss... maybe next week.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    PW: 187
    CW: 185.2

    I weigh in daily and saw a lower weight this week so I was hoping to see it again today but Iโ€™m still happy with a loss!
    PW: 185.2
    CW: 185.6
    :( no idea why itโ€™s higher this week sorry guys!
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Weigh in Friday
    Pre weight 171 lbs
    Current weight 171 lbs
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    Sorry, still no time to catch up on here!

    SW : 270
    GW : 199 (initially) now 188
    19/05 - 270
    26/05 - 267.0 ... 3.0 ... 03.0
    01/06 - 263.0 ... 4.0 ... 07.0
    08/06 - 259.0 ... 4.0 ... 11.0
    15/06 - 257.4 ... 1.6 ... 12.6
    22/06 - 255.8 ... 1.6 ... 14.2
    29/06 - 254.8 ... 1.0 ... 15.2
    06/07 - 252.8 ... 2.0 ... 17.2
    13/07 - 250.8 ... 2.0 ... 19.2
    17/07 - 249.2 ... 1.6 ... 20.8 weigh in early this week as I am away for a four day weekend
    27/07 - 247.6 ... 1.6 ... 22.4
    03/08 - 246.5 ... 1.1 ... 23.5
    10/08 - 243.3 ... 3.2 ... 26.7
    17/08 - 241.0 ... 2.3 ... 29.0
    24/08 - 238.9 ... 2.1 ... 31.1
    31/08 - 236.4 ... 2.5 ... 33.6
    07/09 - 233.6 ... 2.8 ... 36.4
    14/09 - 230.8 ... 2.8 ... 39.2
    21/09 - 228.5 ... 2.3 ... 41.5
    28/09 - 226.9 ... 1.6 ... 43.1
    05/10 - 227.5 .. +0.6 .. 42.5 First blip in 4 months, acceptable for a holiday
    12/10 - 223.7 ... 3.8 ... 46.3
    19/10 - 220.3 ... 3.4 ... 49.7
    26/10 - 219.2 ... 1.1 ... 50.8
    02/11 - 216.8 ... 2.4 ... 53.2
    09/11 - 215.0 ... 1.8 ... 55.0
    16/11 - 212.9 ... 2.1 ... 57.1
    23/11 - 212.3 ... 0.6 ... 57.7
    30/11 - 212.6 ...+0.3 .. 57.4 Oops!
    07/12 - 209.5 ... 3.1 ... 60.5
    14/12 - 209.3 ... 0.2 ... 60.7
    21/12 - 211.5 .. +2.2 .. 58.5
    28/12 - 219.2 .. +7.7 .. 50.8
    01/01 - 217.8
    04/01 - 215.2 ... 4.0 ... 54.8
    11/01 - 213.2 ... 2.0 ... 56.8
    18/01 - 213.0 ... 0.2 ... 57.0
    25/01 - 210.4 ... 2.6 ... 59.6
    01/02 - 207.9 ... 2.5 ... 62.1
    08/02 - 206.2 ... 1.7 ... 63.8
    15/02 - 204.7 ... 1.5 ... 65.3
    22/02 - 202.7 ... 2.0 ... 67.3
    29/02 - 196.4 ... 6.3 ... 73.6
    07/03 - 196.2 ... 0.2 ... 73.8
    14/03 - 195.2 ... 1.0 ... 74.8
    21/03 - 194.4 ... 0.8 ... 75.6
    28/03 - 193.8 ... 0.6 ... 76.2
    04/04 - 194.2 .. +0.4 .. 75.8
    11/04 - 197.6 .. +3.4 .. 72.4

    Total weight lost 72.4 lbs, 9.6 lbs to my revised goal.

    Not sweating it, I will turn that around soon enough.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    I decided soup sounded good today. This is just kale, onion, celery, garlic, zucchini, tomato, carrots, chicken broth and seasonings.

    It smells delicious and my sample bite was yummy. Canโ€™t wait to dig in!
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    Spent way too long in the kitchen today, lots of cooking and made sfogliatelle (with the hubby) that is resting in the frig overnight. Decadent Italian Easter pastries will be filled, baked, and consumed. In the meantime, enjoy another flower from today's walk, a Peace Lily. How appropriate. May we all find some peace among the chaos these days.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    That soup looks fab @Beka3695 .... I've planned soup lunches for next week to help me get back on track.

    Beautiful flower @SheilaCali and your food prep sounds wonderful :)

    @ScottyTheGent and @laurenebargar I'm also in club gain this week.... recording losses at this time is tougher than ever but we'll support each other to success.

    @TheMrWobbly did you sneak in a birthday mention a couple of pages back? If so belated birthday wishes!

    Talking about getting back on track when I've just had easter egg for breakfast seems to be a bit of an oxymoron..... but it's Easter Sunday and this is how I do it!!!

    Week is planned out, food and exercise... I'm using today to to plan out my work week and make sure I'm ready to 'go back' on Tuesday. Work life balance is going to be my absolute aim next week.... let's see!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Steps for last week:

  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    PW 170
    CW 170.5

    Okay need to try harder, Did get in more walking last week, still have plenty to improve on. Shooting for 2 pounds down next week.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Mission Slimpossibles 0.28%
    2nd Waist Aways 0.26%
    3rd Trimstones 0.08%

    1st Mission Slimpossibles 13.6 Lbs
    2nd Waist Aways 9.1 Lbs
    3rd Trimstones 3.5 Lbs

    1st @achagpar 3.94 %
    2nd @cesse47 1.70%
    3rd @annliz23 1.59 %

    1st @cesse47 5.2 Lbs
    2nd @achagpar 4.8 Lbs
    3rd @evangsimmons170 4.6 Lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member


    Congratulations @Jactop!!!!
    She has reached ONEDERLAND!!!!!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Happy Easter!! :)
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Congrats to all of the winners and everyone managing to post a loss on what was a tricky week!

    What can we do as a team to help each other have a better week on the scale next week, if that's what people are aiming for right now, of course?

    I dont think there's anything wrong at allwith shifting focus during these crazy times.... but for me, I want the focus to be tracking food and exercising regularly as they are two things that I can take control over right now.

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