

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Debster634
    Debster634 Posts: 53 Member
    Weigh-in Day: Sat
    PW- 185.3
    CW- 181.4
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Mission Slimpossibles 0.28%
    2nd Waist Aways 0.26%
    3rd Trimstones 0.08%

    1st Mission Slimpossibles 13.6 Lbs
    2nd Waist Aways 9.1 Lbs
    3rd Trimstones 3.5 Lbs

    1st @achagpar 3.94 %
    2nd @cesse47 1.70%
    3rd @annliz23 1.59 %

    1st @cesse47 5.2 Lbs
    2nd @achagpar 4.8 Lbs
    3rd @evangsimmons170 4.6 Lbs


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @apple852hk Great loss! I think you're doing amazing at fitting in some of the things you're concerned about eating like hot cross buns (never had one!). I haven't made a note yet, I actually moderated chocolate-covered macadamian nuts from Hawaii, I don't think I've ever not pigged out when chocolate or ice cream is in the house! I don't have anything non-healthy in the house right now but when I try it again I'll make the note, I really like that idea.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member


    Congratulations @Jactop!!!!
    She has reached ONEDERLAND!!!!!!

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member

    PW: 157.7
    CW: 158

    Sorry gang! But actually I'm surprised it's not higher to be honest.
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Happy Easter! I hope you enjoy a lovely church service and dinner with your family.

    @katmary71 you are a whirlwind with the videos and exercise you do! I could never keep up. I think being over by a carrot is okay!
    Today I tried a modified stairs/hill workout, I haven’t done this in 2 weeks because of injury so I took it pretty careful. I went to the stairs and did it twice just walking both times (normally I do 5x100 steps, with two reps taking double steps, one rep jogging up, and one warmup walk rep).

    I went to the hill and normally I do it x4 with jogging/walking intervals. I just walked it once.
    It was ok. The hill probably impacted my tendon the most but not too bad at all. So I am cautiously optimistic!

    The biggest issue was too many people on the hill for social distancing. So much as I love the location there is another hill near me with less people I might try next week. It is not quite as steep/long so not the same challenge but it will do ok and maybe be safer.

    Today I want to also try to get in 30 minutes of strength training:

    • Split squats with 10lb dumbbell held up in the air 2x10
    • Rotating plank (where you go side to side) 3x10 rotations
    • Hamstring curl on stability ball one leg at a time (5x3). My stability ball is only partially inflated which makes it quite a challenge believe me.
    • Some gentle arm work: rows 5 lbs will try 2x5 and see how the bicep does.
    • Arm work with the theraband- pull aparts, face pull.

    Maybe that’s it. I also want to try to get in 30 minutes of rehab/mobility work, this will be for calf, bicep and general depending on time.

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday and a happy Easter to those who celebrate!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    Hello everyone and Happy Easter to those that celebrate it! I'm looking forward to dinner tonight, it's Zucchini Lasagna. Here's the link to the recipe if you are interested: https://www.stuckonsweet.com/zucchini-lasaga/ I've made myself a promise that I will do the disco 1-mile workout video today. Today is the day I will get funky with it! Yesterday ended up being my rest day but today I get busy. I need to figure out when I'm going to fit it in. I have a 1:00 p.m. Zoom call crafty time hang out with friends so I'll probably do it after that. My WW Weekly this past week asked what success looked like for me this week. For me, it would include the following things: the consumption of enough water, some form of exercise every day, at least 10 weekly points leftover at the end of the week and all of my fit points, and track everything I eat. We've got this, Slimpossibles!!!

    @AustinRuadhain I know what you mean, I'm inspired by all of you and the videos you all post and the exercise you do! What a great bonus that your husband has been inspired. Wonderful!

    @Katmary71 How nice of you to say this. Thank you. I do not have the vegetable cookbook, but the cookbooks are on sale right now (most for $19.99 or less!), that one is on sale for $19.99 so I ordered it! Thanks for the recommendation. :) Yeah the EW and F one was silly but kind of fun. I love it when you guys post videos, I couldn't find all these fun videos on my own. :)

    @apple852hk congrats on the loss! I totally forgot to leave myself a thank you note, but I'm going to stop and do it just now and see how that works out. I will report back.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: ----
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: One-mile disco video. 52 oz+ of water.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wahoooooo Team Mission Slimpossibles!! B)B)B)

    Not only did we come in first place in this week's weigh-in but we also came in first place for the Green Challenge. And we came in first place for the Lose 20 lb. Challenge. No, we didn't lose 20 lbs, but we did lose 13.6 lbs which is awesome!! I would like to challenge us all again this week to beat this week 13.6 lbs and strive to lose that 20 lbs. Are you with me? :)

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @Katmary71 I know I'm really behind but I just tried the BeeGees video and the one with the clowns. They were both good, but I really liked the BeeGees one :)
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    It's so weird right now, it feels like life is paused and it's really not. [/quote]

    @Katmary71 I wanted to push pause right here - this is so true....this IS how it feels. Life seems like someone paused the sitcom of life to go to the bathroom and they caught my face all weird and frozen in some crazy face. BUT. It's really not. So there you have it, so perfectly noted. Thanks for that.

    I hope you enjoyed Easter and I get it that some folks are more adherent than others - sure can't control how others make it through, can we?
    I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's tough to lose a friend, especially when the biggest place and influence in your life is from way back because it almost seems like they might have been the same as the last you left them.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @apple852hk I was at my parent's house and talked my Mom into making cookies together and actually said yes to bringing some home despite eating too many tonight. I put them straight in the freezer but made sure to put a label on them saying to remember my goals and to moderate them, thank you for the idea!

    @Jactop What an amazing accomplishment, congratulations!

    @debster384 Wow, 4lbs, talk about a big drop!

    @its_cleo I'm so glad you were able to walk the hill, though it's too bad people aren't social distancing. Your strength workout sounds great. I had to laugh about the exercise ball, mine was a little flat and I tried bench pressing on it, even with 10lb dumbbells I sank into it and had a heck of a time getting off the stupid thing! Don't get stuck! Yay, I'm glad you tried the Bee Gee video, it was fun to do and I loved his energy. I commented on the clown video on YouTube and the main dancer responded that he was happy he got someone to laugh with all the craziness going on.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    Sunday check-in
    Calories- over
    Exercise- Got up early to work out around church- Leslie Sansone Express 3 mile, Body Groove and Fitness Marshall dance, Yoga with Adriene for tired legs, Sidney Cummings abs for mini-band, arm weights and resistance band videos. I couldn't get my laptop to stream church properly so I listened on my phone while I foam rolled. It's actually very relaxing to foam roll and listen to Christian music at the same time!
    Water- over

    Weights 3xs upper/lower- upper done, lower had to skip
    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Yoga/core daily- done
    Decluttering- absolutely not a single thing
    Recipe- thinking about what to make this week, no inspiration but I'm going to the store so that'll help to have groceries again. I feel like I'm living an episode of Chopped Googling the next produce item that'll go bad to find recipes I have ingredients I can craft around it.
    10,000 steps- done

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71, I had to laugh…"I feel like I'm living an episode of Chopped Googling the next produce item that'll go bad to find recipes I have ingredients I can craft around it." Isn’t that the truth!! And since I only do grocery shopping once a week now I have to figure out what to make at the end of the week that doesn’t take fresh veggies. :#

    @raleighgirl09, YES!! And my face hurts in this frozen, crazy position and I so want someone to just push PLAY so we can get back to it! But back to what? I think the new season of this sitcom called Life is going to have some really dark humor mixed in. :/

    @trooworld, how did the disco workout go? Did you get down with your bad self? :D

    Good morning! :) It is a beautiful sunshiny day but last night was pretty scary as we were in the path of those awful storms that are still wreaking havoc on people this morning. I laid in bed last night watching the lightning and listening to the thunder and prayed that we would be OK. I hate seeing what the storm did to so many people and that so many lost their lives. It seems extra unfair in light of what we are all going through. :'( My Easter was pretty good, all things considering. My online church service was really good. Easter dinner was yummy and wayyyyyy more food then I should have eaten. Then last night we did a Zoom call with some church friends and it was a fun time of chatting and laughing. Today, I need to make a menu for the week and will go grocery shopping early tomorrow. My weight is up this morning, so I need to get back on my plan ASAP!

    Have a great day! Remember that we are all going to do our best this week by taking care of ourselves. Stay on your plan, get in your exercise, drink your water, and make it happen!! <3

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Happy Monday

    Check In: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 192.2
    Todays Weight 193.6 (I got into the Cadbury Eggs)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited April 2020
    Check-in - Sunday Report
    Good day 🟡 Short of steps, no bonus video
    Sunday Report
    Calories: 🟢 slightly under; all good, on-plan choices
    Exercise: 🟢
    Water: 🟢
    Habit Tracking
    - Breathing Exercises (daily 2+ min) 🟢
    - Meditation (daily 2+ min) 🟢
    - M.A. Forms Practice (daily; 1) 🟢
    - Exercise (6 x week/45+ min) 🟢
    - Food weighed/measured/on plan (daily) 🟢
    - 10K steps 🔴
    - Bonus workout video 🔴
    - Tiny Habit - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) 🟢
    Monday Goals
    - 10K steps
    - Bonus workout video (1+) 🟢
    - Tiny Habit - Gardening (pull at least one weed!)
    - Activity Calorie Burn - 1200+
    Goal for week - Move up a Fitness Level in FitRockr (12 > 13)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited April 2020

    Happy Monday, Slimpossibles Step Challengers!

    As we start this new week, our Step Challenge for last week is being closed. Mondays are a grace period each week, so that anyone who has not synced up with whatever app they use to track steps, has time to do so, to get credit for all their steps through the end of Sunday. The results for last week will be finalized, and we'll post winners tomorrow!

    Check in and see the league anytime.

    P.S. Psst! @Jactop - It looks like you have not synced up for a couple of days.

    P.P.S. Not in on the Step Challenge but wish you were in on the fun? Feel free to join us!
    1. Set up an account on FitRockr.com
    2. Then join the challenge
    3. Ping me if you have any problems getting set up!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @apple852hk I now have my note on the refrigerator. I think it is going to help me to keep from snacking. Not that I have a lot to snack on, but I do have some cashews to snack on.

    @TeresaW1020 I did get down with my bad self! LOL I also added two 4-minute disco-type workouts onto it for a longer workout. It was super fun! :)

    Good morning, everyone! I made something yummy for dinner last night, air fryer chicken fajitas: https://littlesunnykitchen.com/air-fryer-chicken-fajitas/ I love using my air fryer (I actually have a Ninja Foodi) because I can just put things in it and just walk away and forget about it. Today is my first day of not working for the next 30+ days (I'm off until May 18th but I'm getting paid). It's going to be weird. I plan on taking full advantage of this time off. Getting my health in order by continuing to build good habits, I'm working on my Photoshop skills taking courses on Lynda.com, and keeping up with things around the house. Have a great day, everyone! :)

    Calories: over/under: even
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: One-mile disco video + two 4-minute workout videos.
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Some sort of video, 52 oz+ of water.
  • trlong1308
    trlong1308 Posts: 17 Member
    Username: Trlong1308
    Weigh-in week: Week 2
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 234.2
    Todays Weight: 228.2
This discussion has been closed.