Food, Exercise, or other Reports



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    This group is here to try and prepare people for the different possibilities that exist in weight loss. Unfortunately I only know some of them.

    All the cool kids lose their weight in whooshes. It is the only thing I have in common with them. It might be a good thing for you if it is your next phase. It might loosen the grip the scale has on you.

    I don't think you are a glutton for punishment. You are a glutton for progress and a glutton for exercise. That is also a part of this process. Taking a shortcoming and using it as a strength. You just need to be a glutton for NSVs instead of numbers. An NSV I can enjoy for a lifetime. While losing a number lasts for 24 hours and then if it shows up again it is disappointing.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I've never been part of the cool kids before lol

    Right now, the exercise part I can do. I am concerned, though, about the upcoming months. The long walks are going to be harder to get in when I'm back in the office daily. I know myself well enough to know that I won't be able to sustain the first thing of a morning elliptical sessions. I just cannot force myself to get up at 5 AM routinely, and I've tried it for years. That would be up at 5 am and be on the elliptical by 5:30 AM and make sure I'm done so I can start getting ready for work at absolutely no later than 6:15 to be out of the house no later than 7 so that I can be at my desk no later than 7:30. And by starting at 7:30, my quitting time will be 5 pm because I work a 9-80, and with traffic, means I routinely don't get home until 6 pm. In the summer, I might be able to get a walk in of an evening, but that will slack way off come fall when it's dark by the time I get home. I know that I can substitute an hour elliptical session, but I also know that I get way more out of the walks than the elliptical.

    the cardio videos - I love them, but I don't know how I'm going to keep them going. I'd have to choose whether to walk or do cardio in the evenings as I won't have time for both and the walk again are getting me more. I'd them them in the morning, but then I've got the same problem - I must get up extremely early to have time for the video, and I doubt I would sustainably continue such a regime long.

    Then there's the heat of summer. I don't handle heat well, and I don't have central air. My box fans only do so much and certainly don't cool my house off of an evening. I do plan to get a window air conditioner for my living room and my kitchen if I can afford it, but both rooms are large, so how much cooler that can make it is a guess, and I'm going to guess not much once I get to moving and start getting hot.

    That's the best part of working from home for me - I'm saving a good 1 1/2 hours a day by not commuting to and from work. Where I work there is no gym equipment available, so I can't work out during lunch, and I can't get a 5 mile walk in in 30 minutes lol

    So I've gotta enjoy what I have time for now because with summer comin' things will have to change!

    But at least the jiu-jitsu might be back on then.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I do want to say how much I appreciate the feedback I get from you guys, especially NovusDies. My social circle is extremely small and I live a naturally isolated life, with only really my mother and my best friend who I can talk to at length for a long time. The best friend tries but is very busy, so we usually only get to talk every other week or two. My mother does not want to discuss weight loss efforts at all - whenever I broach the topic, like this morning, she gets this pinched look to her face that tells me she doesn't want to talk about it, and I get one word answer from her. So usually, I just have to work on it by myself. But I'm also someone with a poor sense of self and thus need outside validation to help me gauge my progress. So I really appreciate your patience in listening to me go on and on for thousands of paragraphs, talking the problem out at length, and for the encouragement and advice you give!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I do want to say how much I appreciate the feedback I get from you guys, especially NovusDies. My social circle is extremely small and I live a naturally isolated life, with only really my mother and my best friend who I can talk to at length for a long time. The best friend tries but is very busy, so we usually only get to talk every other week or two. My mother does not want to discuss weight loss efforts at all - whenever I broach the topic, like this morning, she gets this pinched look to her face that tells me she doesn't want to talk about it, and I get one word answer from her. So usually, I just have to work on it by myself. But I'm also someone with a poor sense of self and thus need outside validation to help me gauge my progress. So I really appreciate your patience in listening to me go on and on for thousands of paragraphs, talking the problem out at length, and for the encouragement and advice you give!

    You have no idea how much I appreciate you, Novus , and so many take time from your personal lives and help others is a wonderful thing...I try to help but I feel like I take more than I give...except for my immediate family, I am rather isolated socially...being a part of this group helps...
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    @bmeadows380 I am honored to be in your virtual circle.

    @conniewilkins56 You give this group so much more than you realize. Support in a situation like this comes in 2 basic forms. Emotional and Informational. My strength is informational. Yours is emotional. We can each do the other but we are best in our primary roles. You are very important here.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @NovusDies why thank you! And I"m especially honored that you have such patience with my many and longwinded posts in several of the threads here :) I'm surprised there hasn't been a monthly post limit or length limit rule made because of me lol

    @conniewilkins56 I'm with NovusDies - you are a great support to others just through your encouragement and optimism and the way you empathize with us and celebrate our successes. You really are a vital part of this community!
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,348 Member
    @bmeadows380 Hooray for your whoosh! I also had a whoosh and hit a new low this week after two weeks of unexpected gain.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    you know, sometimes that stubborn side of me goes beyond all reason lol

    Its a beautiful day finally today, and I got a standing pilates session in (I hate pilates, but did it because I wanted to finish the 2 week program) and got a 4 1/4 mile walk in today, except that since my running shoes came in, I thought I'd give it a shot and do the 1st week 1 day interval, which is a 5 minute warmup, then 60s run, 1 1/2 minute walk for 8 cycles.

    When that first run cycle started, I thought I was going to die and my body was begging to stop after about 20 seconds, but that stubborn side drove on until the ding that the 1st run was over. My body really whined when the 2nd cycle run hit. During the 2nd walk, my reasonable side kept saying that its not necessary to run all 8 cycles today; its the first time, you can slow it down and work your way up. IT thought it had the stubborn side convinced, but then the 3rd cycle run came, and it pushed my protesting body into the run and held it there until the 60s ding. By that time, my body was begging to just walk the next cycle - it tried to compromise and run 6 of them, walking the 5th and 7th, but would that stubborn side relent? Nope - and it drove my body into running the 5th, 6th, 7th, AND 8th cycles with no compassion whatsoever. lol

    So I did actually complete all 8 sixty second run cycles, then finished off the remaining mile and quarter walk. I would have thought 5 weeks of cardio would have me ready for this, but apparently not lol

    The weather still isn't agreeable so this isn't something I"m going to be able to do several days straight for quite some time, and seeing how today went, I'm not ready for that anyway. I think I'm going to cut back to 8 cycles of 30 second runs with 2 minutes walks in between and do that for a while, then up it to 45, then go back the 1 minute runs. ITts not like I actually intend to attempt a 5k run anyway, and this is just to add some intensity to the walks and to mix things up a bit and because I want to make my 40's the fittest, healthiest decade of my life.

    But thanks to my stubborn side, I pushed through because it refused to relent. Its like with my cardio videos; the instructors keep saying that if you need to pause or need to march, do what you need and jump back in when your ready. But will my stubborn side let me pause during 30s of knee lifts when my legs are dying? Nope. Its a slave driver, I tell ya! lol

    That also made it difficult to figure out how to count the walk, since 8 minutes was actually spent running. If I just counted the entire time as a walk, it came out to 3.6 mph, which isn't an entry in MFP, but while I can come up with the minutes for the run part, there is no way for me to figure out the pace for each, so I finally decided to just use the 3.5 mph entry and use 70% of the time. Even if its an overshot, I"m getting ready to go grocery shopping so there will be plenty of other activity to compensate if I need to.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    That is amazing!...I am so proud of you and so’s great you can challenge yourself like this...I am stubborn and I like to win but I like to compete against another person lol...I did walk more today than I have been...I went shopping at Walmart and Publix...glad your weather is getting is hot here in sunny Florida!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    lol. I should go dig up one of the posts where @bmeadows380 said that hated formal exercise.

    That's it. That is all I got for now. I am so beat. I have callouses, blister, bruises, and I think the only places I am not sore are from the neck up. Is it weird I love it? Anyway many projects completed and many others close and like an idiot I still got up early each morning and exercised for over 2 hours. Time for bed. I am sure I will be back up at it again tomorrow morning.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    lol. I should go dig up one of the posts where @bmeadows380 said that hated formal exercise.

    That's it. That is all I got for now. I am so beat. I have callouses, blister, bruises, and I think the only places I am not sore are from the neck up. Is it weird I love it? Anyway many projects completed and many others close and like an idiot I still got up early each morning and exercised for over 2 hours. Time for bed. I am sure I will be back up at it again tomorrow morning.

    *laughs* well, I still despise a gym environment!

    I can relate to the exercising for 2 hours then doing a ton of yard work afterwards....

    It's almost 9:30 and I'm just getting dinner in. After going to Lowes and Walmart, I came home and first riding mowed my yard and the neighbors for about 45 minutes to an hour (I didn't time that or count the calories though with a slight bank in front of my house and the neighbor's house being on a fairly steep grade, it still took some muscle power to keep m seat!), then I pushed mowed what I couldn't get with the rider for 1 1/2 hours after changing the oil in the neighbor's push mower (his lawn mower is new and easier to push than mine, so since I was doing both yards, he didn't care if I used it for mine too). And his yard includes that really steep hill in the back that requires I push up from the bottom then pull up from the top. And I did a thorough with that push mower on both yards, hence the 1 1/2 hours. And that earned over 400 calories if I use the general lawn mowing entry for MFP and only count 1/2 of it, and from the way I feel, I had to have gotten that in at least!

    My grand total steps so far is 19,000 for the day, and I am bushed!

    I was going to push through and make myself eat all my allotted calories, but you know what? I'm not going to do that after all. I'll eat my peaches and my ice cream sandwich, but whatever is left I'm going to bank till tomorrow. Dinner is at mom's house and its always tricky to get the calories held in when she's cooking, so this will give me some breathing room!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hit the snooze this morning so I didn't get up until 5am. Just finished my touch over 5 mile walk. Now I have to walk the dog. I was feeling sore this morning so I decided to walk up an area of my neighborhood the other walkers call "murder hill" because that makes so much sense. It was kind of bugging me that I had not walked the entire neighborhood but now that my knee supports work so well I decided to do it all included the two hilly cul-de-sacs.

    For any lurker reading this that thinks this is necessary to lose weight - it is not. The very first day I walked a continuous mile (and it was not easy for me) I had already lost 203 pounds.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Hit the snooze this morning so I didn't get up until 5am. Just finished my touch over 5 mile walk. Now I have to walk the dog. I was feeling sore this morning so I decided to walk up an area of my neighborhood the other walkers call "murder hill" because that makes so much sense. It was kind of bugging me that I had not walked the entire neighborhood but now that my knee supports work so well I decided to do it all included the two hilly cul-de-sacs.

    For any lurker reading this that thinks this is necessary to lose weight - it is not. The very first day I walked a continuous mile (and it was not easy for me) I had already lost 203 pounds.

    ^^this! I've only lost 130 lbs compared to NovusDies's 203, but I only started adding in exercise in mid-February, and that consisted of a 30 minute walking loop around a school's driveway. I've been increasing from there, but while the extra calories gained back from the exercise is nice, I'm doing it primarily for trying to better my health, not because I have to for losing weight. You CAN lose weight through diet alone.

    There isn't much hill area in my small town. I have a small hill from my house down into a dip at the edge of town, then a small hill back up from there into mid-town. The rest of the town is relatively flat except for the road going up the mountain behind town, and the larger hill on the other side.

    I'm definitely sore from yesterday - pushing mowing is a workout! I do really hope to get a walk in today and might try out the 30s run/2 min walk cycle I set up, but it all depends on the weather. It was SUPPOSED to be partly cloudy today with an increasing chance of thunderstorms this afternoon, but its completely cloudy out there now. I have church at 11 so I can't walk this morning; here's hoping I have the time this afternoon! I'd also like to dig out the bike for a little while, too.

    Cause while those 200 calories banked from yesterday will help today, I could still use a little more wiggle room in my food diary today, if I can get it in.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    We have NO hills on the West coast of least we are above sea level....when we lived in the Keys we were below sea level and surrounded by the ocean and our house was three stories!...I hated those steps!....I checked our neighborhood pool yesterday and no date to open....I did buy a new bottle of sunscreen so I will be ready for the reopening!....I feel good today and back in control...I have already finished a bunch of chores this morning and have chicken out for dinner....I am envious of all the exercise Novus and bmeadows get in!....with my broken toe I have an excuse not to do any right now...ok, back to watching reruns of all have a fantastic Sunday!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    so I made a new 8 cycle run schedule with 30s runs and 2 minute walks and tried it out today during my 5.6 mile walk. it was still challenging but not nearly like yesterday; I might have completed the 1 min run one yesterday, but I knew realistically I wasn't going to be able to due it multiple days, so I backed it off. The 30s run I can handle - I think :)

    With the walk and then vacuuming and swiffering my house (I have all hard floors), I earned enough calories to cover a 2nd piece of cake this evening and so far, stay under the limit today, including yesterday's bank. I don't know if I'll make it all the way without something else before bedtime though - PMS is hitting with the munchies. I tried satisfying it earlier before church by eating my yogurt and adding in some turkey, but my body wasn't buying that, so I finally got a piece of toast with a little bit of peanut butter and that calmed the beast down for a little while - apparently, the beast wanted carbs, not protein!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    With my knees running is medically restricted so I won't be trying that while I still have my original equipment.

    I am more sore today which will sometimes happen. My weight is way up but no surprise. I was so busy on Saturday I ended up getting fast food and with the way the rest of the day played out I ended up heavy on sodium. I was happy to do the projects and the weight will go back down.

    I didn't end the 3 day marathon of yard labor in much of a deficit. I put the priority on fueling the work. It will be very hot here soon and getting this stuff done now means I won't be doing all the hard work in the heat. We hired someone last year and the yard and landscaping was meh all summer. Now that I can do more I wanted to at least try to make it look nicer.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I"m not looking forward to the heat, either, though where I am right now, May's outlook is below normal temperature wise, and the long range forecast definitely is in line with that.

    My weight is up this morning, too, but I'm not concerned. Like you, I'm still recovering from Saturday's activity - push-mowing isn't bad while I'm doing it, but it takes a couple of days to get over the soreness afterwards! My hands and knees are still sore! And yesterday, mom had corned beef for lunch, which I'm pretty sure was chocked full of sodium since it was a store-bought one. Yummy though, especially since she cut way down on the spices!

    So between the sodium, the activity, general body issues, and the fact that TOM will be here in 72 hours or less, its not surprising in the least that I'm retaining water, and probably will throughout the week, so if Thursday's weigh in is the same as last week or even a little higher, I'll try not to freak out lol

    Meanwhile, I'm off today, and have a ton of stuff to get done, but I'm having a dilly of a time getting myself moving. So here's to getting my blankets hung up outside to dry, and then getting a cardio video in, then getting started on washing windows, spraying the siding down and scrubbing it, getting my potato towers ready, getting my garden boxes ready, extending the fences around my fruit trees (to protect them from the deer), and whatever else I can fit in today!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I took some ibuprofen so I am loosening up a bit. That is good because I am taking off in about another hour from my work to do, well, other work.

    I see no reason I can't be in my normal 500 calorie deficit today.

    My weight will not fully recover this week. I have too much soreness for that and my experience has been that if you have retention from more than one source it is a 10ish day trip back down. Mine is probably 3 sources. The inflammation, the sodium, and I believe physical stress. I have some poorish weather coming in so I will use one of those days to try and hit the minimum activity levels and no more. I strongly suspect if I do not have more of a down day soon I will not see my lowest weight potential anytime soon. Obviously I need to do it for my overall well-being too. I don't see it as an emergency thing, I just need to get it done sometime soon.

    On a big plus note my new hiking shoes came in today. I have been trying to wear my old shoes to do yard work but one pair is almost falling apart so they are safe for limited things. The others are my previous walking shoes which I seem to have zero tolerance for now. Both just murder my feet after a very short amount of time. I have been just sucking it up and enduring but it hasn't been fun. I could have worn my new walking shoes but I do not want to mess them up because they are expensive and they are very lightweight. I am kind of afraid if I use them on non paved surfaces doing harder work it will be akin to riding a city bike on rough terrain. Not only could it ruin them it could even be a little dangerous.

    The other part of the plus note is that I am ready to go hiking as soon as they start opening the trails around here again. That assumes these shoes work out. I am a little concerned because they were relatively inexpensive.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I'm going to be extremely sore tonight, I can already tell. I didn't get all the siding done because I ran out of cleaner, but just the side that I did was major work because I had to take a deck brush and really scrub hard to try to get the green off of it. Between that and washing all my windows today, I'm given my arms a big workout, and that's after using 2 lb weights during cardio today to up the intensity!

    I realized that I couldn't do the potato towers today because you have to layer up as you go, and figured that I might as well wait on the garden boxes, too. I took down all my curtains and washed them and backed my lawn mower back out and run it with the water house to clean the deck. I took my saber saw and cut off the bottom of hte doors to the lawnmower shed because I need a ramp in front and the doors were too long and in the way.

    I kind of feel like I really didn't get much accomplished for that time of work, and i really had no idea how to count it, so I ended up using 15 minutes heavy cleaning and 30 minutes light cleaning. I did part of the windows, then worked on the siding, then came back and did the rest, but I had other things I did in the middle, too, so I don't really know how long I actually spent doing all that cleaning. 15 and 30 may not really be enough, but I figured I'd go conservative with it. I'm getting ready to head out on my walk, though I'm going to limit it down to 4 miles tonight.

    I'm sure I'm holding onto water because of excess activity; the rain coming in this week will curtail me for most of the week as well as back to job work tomorrow, so that should hopefully give me some time to recover.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    ended up walking 5.4 miles and got my run cycles in, but I think I overdid it today as my knees are complaining. But tomorrow is back to job work which means sitting in front of a computer, so I just need to figure out how to prop those knees up and I'll work on icing them tomorrow.

    What's really going to be sore is my arms, after all that heavy scrubbing today.