WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - June 2020



  • unevano
    unevano Posts: 30 Member
    @mathewsfive That is an amazing accomplishment and transformation. You are an inspiration to me.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,190 Member
    unevano wrote: »
    My 2 numbers
    gki 2.0 (needs to be under 6)
    1 hour of exercise. did it

    I am in a high therapeutic level of ketosis now. Good for those using keto therapeutically for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury and chronic inflammatory disease. It means my body is burning fat for fuel which means my sugar and carb cravings are very much reduced. It also makes it so I do not get hungry except when I am actually hungry. No more false hunger signals which was a huge problem for me because when I got hungry I would snack on something and snacking was probably the biggest reason I gained so much weight. Now I can resist snacking, not because I have any more will-power than before but because my body is using the fat reserves that I have plenty of, for fuel rather than depending on glucose for fuel which my body would use rapidly and any excess would be stored and then my body would get hungry pangs again because I was hungry. Repeated over and over again meant lots of weight gained, fatty liver, inflammation in the brain, joints, and other areas of the body. I believe it was also ultimately responsible for my cancer because I was into juicing and raw food. But my sugar and carb levels were horrendous. My typical days meals were fruit or melon in the morning followed up with maybe carrot, apple, celery freshly extracted juice, followed up with more salad, usually some raw starches such as sweet potato sticks, or raw beet sticks, or something like that, and a green juice sweetened usually with some apple to sweeten it up a bit. I would snack on nuts and seeds for my protein and fats. I thought I was doing the best thing possible for my body and I did this for years before my cancer. After my cancer I could no longer tolerate eating fibrous foods until about July of last year when I was able to eat salad once again. My weight had ballooned up to 260 lbs by then and I had so many health issues I truly didn't think I would live another year if I didn't change things around. I tried eating healthy and I would make a little progress and then I would binge eat for days and I would feel awful because I felt it was my fault that I had no self control. That made things worse and I would lose some and just gain it right back again. I then learned about insulin resistance and realized that I might be insulin resistant. I was also per-diabetic or diabetic I realize now although I never got tested at that time. I then learned about low carb diets for people like me and I tried it several times but I wasn't successful at doing it except 1 time. The weight dropped off me almost immediately but I didn't really know what I was doing and went off of the diet again and again. It wasn't until I got a glucose and ketone testing meter and took my readings every day and recorded every piece of food no matter how insignificant it seemed to me at the time that I finally made sense out of the low carb way of eating and made some progress and lost 62 pounds. Then I had a blockage in the small intestine where my previous surgeries had occurred due to severe scar tissue and twisting of the intestine and I couldn't eat fibrous foods once again and I gained about 38 pounds back again in just a few months time when I went back to my former eating habits of high carb and sugar rich foods. I finally realized what I was doing to myself when all of my former health problems started popping up one by one. That is when I started doing the things that made it possible for me to lose the weight before. Then I joined this wonderful supportive group and have been losing weight again but it has been a struggle until I got my gki number under 6. Now I don't think about eating much except when I am truly hungry and for me that makes all the difference in the world. I don't need to stay in this high level of ketosis for me to be successful at losing weight but it is fantastic when I am. It is definitely a huge learning curve to eat this way and if anyone is interested in learning about the keto diet, I am more than happy to share what I know. Hoping everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

    This is really interesting - now I understand better why you are so precise in your measurements and tracking. Good for you that you are working on regaining your health after cancer and making big changes to keep healthy. I know it is difficult, but in many cases it is extremely effective. WTG!
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 550 Member
    Steps today: 4,800
    Yeah...a bit skimpy today. Tomorrow morning should be cooler and less humid so, we’ll be ready to walk several times (after meals, mostly).
    More soon!
    Have a good night everyone!
  • unevano
    unevano Posts: 30 Member
    @jugar Thanks.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @micki48 I hope you're doing ok.

    Mon 8471
    Tues 14,620
    Wed 20,191 (that was all yard and house work!!!)
    Thurs 7190
    Fri 11,917
    Sat 8,020

    I feel good about my week.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    WEEK 1

    1st Downsizers 0.60%
    2nd Weight No More 0.51%
    3rd Trimstones 0.42%

    1st Downsizers 36.4 lbs
    2nd Weight No More 28.7 lbs
    3rd Trimstones 23.9 lbs

    1st @raleighgirl09 3.03%
    2nd @dymphnadaniels 3.02%
    3rd @Mrsbell8well 2.84%

    1st @dymphnadaniels 9.8 lbs
    2nd @wilsonkellies 5.8 lbs
    3rd @raleighgirl09 5.6%



  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @unevano This was a great description of your journey with healthy. Thanks for sharing and keep going. Sounds like you have made some wonderful changes that work for you.

    @jugar Gotta love those days when you get all the different types of weather in one day. We get that here too.

    @YinxFed You are doing awesome and always have a great action plan for yourself! Hang in there and keep building those awesome habits. I have an older dog too and he is beginning to loose interest in my exercising as well! I usually walk around the property so he is never on a leash. Sometimes he'll jog out enthusiastically, realize what I'm up to and just turn around and walk home. He gives me this look like life's too short to not lay in the sun.
  • deniners2
    deniners2 Posts: 850 Member
    I did 3 10k walks last weekend and this weekend. My Achilles is still sore, but what is rest?

    It looks like my exercise is falling in place with my new schedule. Now if I can work everything else out... :)
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member
    Does anyone know how to delete a post? I didn’t mean to post my lake pic from last summer haha not even sure how it ended up there.. good thing it was just a lake pic and nothing more HAHAHAHA 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,190 Member
    Does anyone know how to delete a post? I didn’t mean to post my lake pic from last summer haha not even sure how it ended up there.. good thing it was just a lake pic and nothing more HAHAHAHA 🤦🏻‍♀️

    sorry, but we are glad to see it!!!!! Seriously impressive. And now we :heart: you even more.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,190 Member
    edited June 2020

    Fill any blanks you can! It is looking good but there are too many white spaces... This is SUNDAY through SATURDAY of last week. (31st of May through 6th of June)

    I may have missed some, so bear with me! And if you have a # of minutes of exercise that are NOT steps, just let me know. It all counts!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I got a haircut! I hate wearing masks but I also hated having my hair nearly to my butt. I could hardly brush it, and it was always tangled. So now it's up above my shoulders and feels so much nicer.

    But, I failed in my second mission today. I didn't buy clothes (I wanted a dress). The mall the way it is now with all the health measures made me so tense and I felt so strongly that I shouldn't be there that I just left. I'm always uncomfortable in clothing stores anyway but these days, ugh.

    I wonder if there's any meaning in trying to buy one online without trying it on.
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