WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - June 2020



  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Outstanding cake. I love the chicken feathers and the steampunk decorations ~ they look so metallic and real. Good job, you and the twins!
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    @lenka1 and @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Love LOVE LOVE the cakes! So much work and love have gone into them - fabulous!

    Just a quick check in. Have been keeping within my calorie goal and trying to get my exercise in. Must admit finding it a bit difficult at the moment - the desire for sweet stuff and alcohol is really creeping in, but since my last blow out (last weekend), I really want to keep control. This struggle mirrors my mood/emotions - I think I am coming to the end of my lockdown "patience" and really really need more normality (not used to having partner and kids around ALL the time - just all too much for a hermit like me!). I am however enjoying getting my frustrations out with a good workout 🏋
  • danisp
    danisp Posts: 9 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx what an amazing cake! Certainly not one of my strengths
    Was great to read your posts after my weekend wobble - today was a great day, ate well, no alcohol and even managed an hours walk after a long day at work
    Week 1 checkin
    Weight: 107.8 kg which is up almost 1kg ahhh trying not to beat myself up too much about it but it was 3 days of excess.
    No excuses but I am struggling with the isolation and no gym, also being inactive at home in winter means I just eat more.
    So refocus and move on to week 2
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    This week's F2F Challenge is UP!! Feeling cranky? You're going to love this one :wink:

  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    07/07 steps 18236
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,010 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 2
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:202.4
    Current weight: 201.2
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    Weigh in
    username - podperson1
    week - 2
    PW - 182.4
    CW - 181.8

    Been a bit of a rubbish week so will take any loss I guess. Sorry have been a bit MIA this week, will catch up your posts later - hope all the US peeps on here are safe and not getting caught up in the riots x
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    week 2
    PW: 159
    CW: 160

    Goal for June, keep up to date on Myfitness and really try to follow the tracking
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    This week's F2F Challenge is UP!! Feeling cranky? You're going to love this one :wink:


    OMG! This is great.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday Check In
    Food - on target
    Water - 2l
    Exercise - 5 km walk, 9,498 steps
    Really great day yesterday and it is back to the school grind today. I am so happy as a personal best that I was able to get a great step count last week. Given my injury, at this time last year, I could barely get 4000 steps. Thanks to everyone here for inspiring me and keeping me motivated when I couldn’t move very well.
    @brown6267 - We are going to create a F2F thread soon for members who are at goal and maintaining. There are about 4 or 5 F2F members now in maintenance and several who are close. This will be a discussion and advice thread, in addition to how you are tracking and posting here. Will post to let you know as soon as it is ready to go.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    @brown6267 - We are going to create a F2F thread soon for members who are at goal and maintaining. There are about 4 or 5 F2F members now in maintenance and several who are close. This will be a discussion and advice thread, in addition to how you are tracking and posting here. Will post to let you know as soon as it is ready to go. [/quote]
    Sounds good. Thanks!
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 929 Member
    I need to catch up in here, but NZ officially has no cases of Covid 19 and we're at level 1 which basically just means that our border is closed and no other restrictions apply.

    School, sports, everything is back and I am crazy busy with work and kids. I didn't miss this tbh. Yesterday afternoon was a write-off, I wound up in a meeting for one son and then having to take the other to basketball training because my kids all forgot their keys. Locked all kids out of the house while I was at this meeting and older son then couldn't ride his bike to training because he couldn't get to it.

    By the time I got home last night I was exhausted, managed some quick yoga and 15 mins on spin bike, very slowly! My weigh has fluctuated back down this morning and I am actually 100 grams under my lowest recent weight. Go figure. My plan is to just stick with calories and drink plenty of water, and do what exercise I can.

    Kristy, That's the stress we don't realize we're missing. Congratulations on the weight loss! Maybe being run ragged is good for something.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I need to catch up in here, but NZ officially has no cases of Covid 19 and we're at level 1 which basically just means that our border is closed and no other restrictions apply.

    School, sports, everything is back and I am crazy busy with work and kids. I didn't miss this tbh. Yesterday afternoon was a write-off, I wound up in a meeting for one son and then having to take the other to basketball training because my kids all forgot their keys. Locked all kids out of the house while I was at this meeting and older son then couldn't ride his bike to training because he couldn't get to it.

    By the time I got home last night I was exhausted, managed some quick yoga and 15 mins on spin bike, very slowly! My weigh has fluctuated back down this morning and I am actually 100 grams under my lowest recent weight. Go figure. My plan is to just stick with calories and drink plenty of water, and do what exercise I can.

    Kristy, That's the stress we don't realize we're missing. Congratulations on the weight loss! Maybe being run ragged is good for something.

    You're telling me! I missed 2 hours of work and I have an upcoming deadline. But I did get some basketball coaching pointers from the most qualified and experienced coach I know, so that was helpful - He runs the program here that gets a lot of our kids scholarships to US colleges.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member

    @melaniedscott That's a lot of gardening you did this weekend considering you say you're not good at it. I've forgotten where you live. Please remind me.

    Kansas. I call it gardening but it is really just trying to manage the 8 garden spaces in my yard...16 years ago, we found this house and I these visions of growing vegetables and maybe berries or something, leisurely evenings hanging out in lovely gardens. But I'd never done much gardening. And I worked in a job where I traveled 2 weeks out of 4. And my husband works outside all day. And garden is hard work...not leisurely at all. The beds got out of control (weed-wise) within about 2 years. Every year or two I get one or two managed and the others go crazy. This place needs someone who is good at gardening...which is not me.

    There are 8 !?! beds. The smallest is about 3 x 3 (this one is the least terrible). Two are almost the length of my house and 1 1/2-2 feet deep. One of those has daylilies that I had a non-interference agreement with until last year, when I dug most of them up and split them. I don't know how many I gave away. There are still a bunch growing. This bed I got mostly under control last year, did some more clean-up on this spring and...well, needs some more attention now, but doesn't look horrible. Three are raised beds 4 x 4 or bigger. Then there is a 4 1/2 x 3 ish one. The last is a weird shape. One end is about 5-6 feet wide, then it tapers to 2 ish feet. The bed is probably over 8 feet long. The last five have been in terrible shape.

    Note: I'm growing 3 things: daylilies, one crazy lavender plant and a ridiculous amount of weeds. The lavender got crazy in self defense--I threatened it when it didn't grow at all for three years straight...Technically, I also have peonies ... but we leave eachother alone and they aren't part of the garden spaces. Well, and peas in a big pot...we'll see how that goes...

    My goal this summer is to clear up most of them...The big bed I'm getting close to 1/3 clear. I cleared the tall crap out and now I'm down to digging out thumb sized tap roots, clover of multiple types, and weird creeping viney agressive weeds that look spidery above ground and shoot roots in all direction to create new bases every foot or so. I'd cleared the long bed at the begining of the spring but the weeds are after revenge and I've had to start over. This months goal is to clear the big bed and the long bed in the back of the house...maybe get ahead of the daylily bed.

    okay enough yammering about my yard...I'll likey post more about my efforts later. Did none today, my shoulder was complaining and I decided to give it a break today...tomorrow I need to get back to it.

    Three joints relocated themselves during my core routine this am...hate that. I did 2 20 minute walks and one 30. I don't know how so many of you get so many steps in! I work a desk job and getting 7000 is a big deal. Got about 7400 today...did well with water, not as well with sodium...today and yesterday I've been over a bit on calories. Had sushi tonight...no motivation to cook...
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Monday check in
    Started off with a Monday morning meditation called setting intention. Kept me calm
    All day. Unfortunately I didn’t track food or exercise. Didn’t have much time today. But I feel good I did one thing for me.

    My son argued with my husband and I today, as soon as he walked out of the room my husband and I looked at each other and both smiled and agreed our son is all better! Never been so happy to have him tell us we don’t understand!

    @1theresamcvean thank you for the kind words. This sandwich generation is really difficult.

    @mrsbellbwell thank you for sharing the recipe for happiness!

    @Cafelelia congrats on all the steps! I’ve got a lot of walking to do to catch up to you!
  • danisp
    danisp Posts: 9 Member
    It is cold and already getting dark at 4pm - but after reading your inspirational posts I am going to go for a walk. @Mrsbell8well I so loved the Aunt Helen quote - so I am off to do something I don’t want to but I know is good for me 😁
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