2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    OMG....catching up on these posts has got me freakin' starving!! LOLOL I am here with just some pitiful overcooked macaroni noodles with some spaghetti sauce to warm up and pour over them and all I can think about is some roasted veggies! and a crisp veggie pizza!! hahahaha... I am working today.....but tomorrow I am cooking some of that stuff!

    My hubby wants to no exactly what he's eating also...meat, STARCH, VEGGIE....NO CASSEROLES FOR HIM, OR MIXED VEGGIES. LOL
    Yum on the Asian noodle , sounds yummy. love brussels sprouts roasted with onion and bacon.
    Mushy peas, is that what we call English peas. I love them every once in a while. Has to be the extra small ones though....not the cannon ball size ones.
    I haven't eaten since last night so you see why everything has me mouth watering. lol

    We are in a hot spot here too. Some will wear masks, most don't. At work it is mandatory. We wear them wherever we go.
    Thank you for all you do Milove. Stay well!
    Vail , thank your son for us. I know it is stressful out there.

    Trying to get back to going to the gym. It is hard with 2nd shift. I get off at 9:00 pm most nights, but I am a bit leery of going by myself at the time. It is located in a spot by itself, kinda' dark behind some businesses. No one would want me but they might not know that AT FIRST! LOL
    So I am trying to keep my sweet tooth under wraps and watching m y carbs to offset not much exercise. I like about 7 or 8 lbs getting this Covid weight off. I think it will happen if I stay aware.

    ok...that's it, I gotta go EAT!

    Bye, Stay well. Keep your distance!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Gail, our husbands sound like long lost brothers! Lol. Good for you for keeping your sweet tooth under control. That’s the hardest thing for me. Only 7 or 8 pound to take off of Covid weight is awesome! Just be careful with going to the gym. Stay safe!!!

    I absolutely love brussel sprouts! They may be my fav veggie. I think my biggest challenge right now is my abundant blueberry crop. I made muffins and scones and froze them. I’ve gotten in the habit of having one (or two) with my tea every morning. I have five quart sized freezer bags of blueberries in the freezer as well. I need to limit the baked goods to every other day then maybe twice a week then just on Sunday or something. I’m not going to bake anymore for awhile. Terrible new habit!!!

    I’m soooo looking forward to staying up later than 9:00pm tonight and sleeping in tomorrow!!! 😂

    I’m trying the Mustard Herb Crusted Chicken tonight from Skinnytaste. Snoozie, in the Asian noodles I used half the amount of sriracha, I bought a bag of broccoli cabbage carrot slaw for the veggies, had to use peanut butter so that upped the calories a bit (if you do that then use a bit less than called for). It was so good and made a lot! I wonder if you could freeze the leftovers.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    your OWN blueberry crop ????????????


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    😂 Yes. I have ONE blueberry bush. It gave me so many berries this year that I am overwhelmed! A blessing and a curse!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Just wanted to quickly stop by and say hi. Thank God everyone is well. Have a great week!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good morning all! It’s good to hear from you Milove. I’m glad you’re doing okay.

    We’ve canceled our trip to Texas. What a relief! I’m not even ready to eat out at a restaurant much less travel across country.

    I’ve GOT to get my eating under control. I’ve been going to the gym every stinkin morning and I’ve gained a pound. It’s all the eating. I know that. I’m out of control. I’m hungry all the time and I’m making bad choices. I start the day great but around 9:00 am I’m hungry. It’s downhill from there. Ugh. I keep thinking about what you said years ago Snoozie. It’s 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. So I’ve got the 20% working for me now I’ve got to get the 80% under control. I can do it. If I can get up at 5:00 am and go to the gym then I can control my eating. I know I can.

    How is everyone else doing? Staying safe, I hope! Hang in there! This too shall pass...eventually.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hey Suzy.., I had to adjust my ticker UP again this morning.... so i can relate! and yep i know it's all about my fork... i'm good during the day but after dinner i'm like a gorge fest; and beacuse i was stupid enuf to have the junk in the house... it goes in my mouth. I KNOW the only way to stop is to not have it.. so i too have to put the brakes on big time... i have plans for a big feed tomororow (conscious choice on my part) but then I'm done and back on the wagon for real... i WANT to lose this weight i do NOT want to end up at this end of this miserable year adding a pandemic weight gain into my repetoire no no no.... and i know once winter hits i wont even be able to get out for pickleball or walkies so it better happen before the fall... or at least a really decent head start. I think i just need to get my head into knowing i WANT to lose the weight and that i'm going to have to work at it to get there.

    I'm sorry you cancelled your trip to Texas but i'm kinda glad too.. i hear its quite bad there right now with the virus ramping up again (but then again thats just what i'm hearing in the news as a hot spot in the US) so hopefully you will be able to reschedule it when it works all around again and be able to enjoy!

    Milove so happy you checked in thank you.. i hate to bug you but i admit i worry about you so i'm glad when you get a chance to pop in and let us know youre ok :)
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Blueberries are so good for you! Do you like them fresh? or like I do...with all the sweet yummy bread stuff wrapped around them...not to mention sweet melty butter! lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Definitely with all the sweet bread stuff! That’s the problem. I did pretty good yesterday. I’m on track today so far. Fingers crossed.....I think “lips shut” would be a better saying. 😂

    Snoozie, you’re braver than I am. I have NOT upped my ticker weight yet. I know I should but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

    Have I told y’all how good the Skinnytaste one pot chicken fajita pasta was? It was delicious and I made it again last night. I’m making the soy marinated flank steak tonight with a salad.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh! That flank steak was really good! I’ve got enough leftover for beef with broccoli another night and on salads for lunch for a couple days. Highly recommended! Make sure to use low sodium soy sauce and don’t add any extra salt though. Have any of you tried any new recipes that you liked? I’m so tired of the same old stuff I usually make.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Okay. I did it. Updated my ticker weight. :'(
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suz thanks for sharing the recipe reviews .. i have made a few things from skinnytaste i really liked.. the broccoli cheddar soup and the balsamic cream chicken.. i actually use that sauce for pork too ... i do like the sound of that fajita pasta and the flank steak especially .. havent bought any meat lately still trying to use up what i had in the freezer from the beginning of the pandemic but i'll keep an eye out for it...

    oh wow on the ticker.. i know how not fun that was.... sigh..... i did not dare get on the scale today. yesterday was my birthday and i ate all kinds of crap and drank a margarita via skype for my sister.. i even bought myself a small chocolate birthday cake which i also had a piece of for breakfast today.. gulp... and yes im going with the theory i have to eat it to get rid of it.. sigh.. anyway i popped by a friends place after pickleball and had 2 blueberry scones with cheese on the side.. i wont go into the rest of the day but will leave it at ... it was a one off day!! i did buy some greens and other than breakfast will try to get right back on track today .. but im not getting back on that scale for a couple of days!! lol

    i am feeling quite sluggish today.. no doubt due to all the crap i consumed yesterday.. didnt even do my walk today and im still in my jammies at almost 11am... lordy.. but i AM at least going to shower and dress now LOL.. that may be all i accomplish today but i will do that hahahah

    have a great day hatters
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie!!!!! Happy birthday!!!!! How wonderful that you were able to celebrate via Skype and with friends and pickleball!!! I think it’s perfectly okay to have birthday cake...yes, even for breakfast! It sounds like a terrific day to me! And some days it’s just a gift to be able to stay in your jammies past noon. I wholeheartedly endorse that!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    thank Suz.. it was actually a really good day considering we're in the middle of the pandemic sitll... so no complaints at all .. except i still have one piece of cake left... for tonite.. then its done!!

    i looked at the one pot chicken fajitas recipe... hmmm i think i would try the flank steak one first ... i do love a fajita but admit its the traditional ones that call to me hahahaha... but im gonna flip thru the site again tonite and see if anything new strikes me to try.... i needed that reminder! thanks
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ok im gonna make the grilled bruschetta chicken as i have all the ingreds and will have some farro on the side ... plus its super simple lololol will let you know how it comes out
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    As far as the fajita recipe...I can’t eat bell pepper like I used to so I just use a little bit of that and then add zucchini and a little corn. So, what exactly is farro and how do you cook that? Is it a grain? Do you like or ever make quinoa? We had breakfast for dinner...we call it brinner. It was delish.
    Enjoy your last piece of birthday cake!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Ok that skinny taste grilled bruschetta chicken was awesome! I let it marinate for an hour at room temp then added the diced mozerella just before serving spooned over the chicken - it was delish and I got to use my basil plant finally ha. I had chicken tenders so I just did them in a non stick pan with salt and pepper and a side of cucumber slices with a drizzle of dressing. Perfect summer meal and enough leftovers for the whole thing again tomororw night - yay!

    Suzy I love brinner! Had it a lot after I got tired of always cooking the first few weeeks of the pandemic ! Thanks again for the skinny taste reminder I do love that site
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy yes farro is a grain -I did try quinoa and I didn’t like it something about the texture. But I do like this and I can freeze a flat baggie of it and just take out what I need and you only need a small amount for a servingPlus I can add veggies to it when I take it out or sautéed onions and mushrooms anything I want as well or just plain. It’s kinda blah plain lol. The first time I made it after it was cooked I put it in a fry pan and added sautéed mushrooms and onions and threw in some frozen kale and it was quite nice. But I also made way too much the first time a little goes a long way lol. And I didn’t know I could freeze it until the midnight group I was in told me I could so I just made another batch and laid it flat in a baggie and it’s in the freezer now I should’ve had some with this dinner actually to make it mediterranean compliant but you know 😜
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Dinner looked delicious! We’ve got a pretty good “crop” of tomatoes coming up on our two tomato plants. If the squirrels allow us to have any of them then I will definitely try that bruschetta chicken! If we get more than we can eat I may try to dry them in the oven. I love sun dried tomatoes! I’ve also got some rosemary growing. Basil is a great idea; I should plant some of that too.

    I’m so glad it’s Friday!!! I get to stay up late and sleep in tomorrow!!! Hahaha! It’s like I’m working again. I also get to babysit my granddaughter tomorrow evening. Her parents are going out to eat for their anniversary. They’re going at 5:00 to avoid any possible crowd.

    Have a great day Hatters! I know you’re all still out there...just doing your best to stay safe and healthy!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Happy Late Birthday, Snoozie!!
    That is beautiful plate!!, I thought it might have been a phot from the skinny taste book.