Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - August 2020



  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Sunday check in
    Yesterday I had pizza for supper followed by chips so I was a little worried I'd be ravenous today but I was able to keep my eating in check and get in some exercise. My steps are still a little shy of my goal but I'll see if I can get more in before bedtime.

    I'm looking forward to using the habit tracker this month.

    1. No sugar ✔
    2. Weights ✔
    3. Cardio ✔ 50 min bike
    4. At least 15k steps per day
    5. Log my food ✔

  • Tracey0088
    Tracey0088 Posts: 22 Member
    AUGUST 2020
    Week 1

    PW 196.7 pounds
    Monday Weight or CW: TOMORROW

    Here we go! Took a long walk to my parents home. Mowed the grass, cleaned the pool and marked up nearly the highest number of steps I ever had. I try to get 11,000. Calorie counting is going better than I hoped due to MFP.

    Check in: Sunday 8/2/20

    My BMR: 1750-2250: Sedentary-Very Active week
    KGoal/k in: 1850/1822 Calories over/under: UNDER
    Exercise Burn: 1,279 (rounded down 1000)
    Self Care Chart: GOOD
    Water: GOOD
    Exercise: Goal 40 min/ Completed 259 min EXCEEDED
    Steps: 27,580
    Net k: BMR2250-k in1850= 400k +burn1000k=1400k net
    Sleep: 8 hours 4 min.
    Organized/Productive: Excellent
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    @Tracy0088 You did incredible for not having any sleep, great job accomplishing so much.

    @Bettyboag welcome to the gang, can't wait to get to know you!

    @trooworld All of your recipes sound awesome! Especially hummus, I can't decide what I miss more, sweetener in my coffee or beans. I've never made pork tenderloin before, I've never even bought pork aside of bacon a couple times. I need to start frequenting paleo blogs so I can figure out what to do with lean meat, especially chicken breasts since I eat chicken the most. Is the Instant Pot recipe chicken with taco seasonings? I do salsa chicken all the time, I had the guy I'm seeing cook one night and he made a really good chicken taco recipe that I helped him adapt to the Instant Pot.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I had to laugh when you mentioned your combination of loves. I was so relieved when I walked into the kitchen at church to feed the homeless and the guy in charge was covered in tattoos and in a death metal band. I always would wonder what they'd think if they saw the music I listen to but he listens to way harder stuff than I do! We rocked out until the rest of the gang got there then I got to talk creepy books with another, my people! What kind of horror do you like best? I like psychological thrillers the best but Clive Barker is interesting though a little bloody (skip the Books of Blood if you don't want gruesome), I remember Weaveworld was good. I still have all my favorites, haven't bought horror in awhile, but my mom worked at a bookstore and would give my brother and I all hardback books for Christmas from the discount table, talk about the best Christmas ever! Oh, another trippy horror series is Brian Lumley's Necroscope series, that's one of my favorites! Shoot, someone just reminded me of Anne Rice so all hers are by my bed, now I need to get down the necroscopes! If you like ones that are freaky to read right now with COVID check out Robin Cook. I need to find Stephen King's The Stand, that's perfect for now!

    @anido1 August 2 or 3 is a great day to start, doesn't need to be the first, just keep doing your best, you got this!

    @TeresaW1020 Tomorrow is surgery day for people in my life too, my Dad's having cataract surgery as well. I hope your mom's scar tissue removal goes well, prayers for the surgeon's hands and your mom's recovery.

    @Jactop great goals! I forgot you worked at a chocolate factory! There's no way I could survive that, chocolate is my weakness. Time to get further from the big 200, congratulations for getting under it and maintaining!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    These posts are fantastic! I’m logging in couple times per day and today is just my 3rd official day .
    If I was to work in a chocolate factory, no employee discount in the world could have saved me from going bankrupt
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    On a personal level I realized that my slip ups are mostly in the weekends. Last weekend we had the first in person book club since March ( an OK book but with some too stretched situations to increase the dramatic effects, for my taste. I can’t get invested in a book when I’m rolling my eyes every other page. But I’m proud of myself for finishing it). The meeting was at a winery and the 9 of us brought food, so I had about 1000 extra calories- “good” day. Next day, +2.0 lb.
    This weekend my 21 yo daughter had her friend over to work on school stuff. So I cooked and also ordered out their favorites and I’m +0.4 lb only.
    Water weight or so, but doing better considering that I compare 2.5 days to one meal.
    The new hurricane is supposed to come in this area tomorrow and I’m not a panicky person, but the director sent an email with a new project code to use on all hurricane related costs or extra hours. First pre-calamity code , so how do I read this calmly?
    The step tracker does not open for me, I tried many times, so I would post the steps here later in the week.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,039 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 You already know I love horror books but I also love horror movies! :)

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it, I love my job. I just hope that certain departments don't hear that I'm back and try to monopolize my time and stretch me too thin. ;) Thanks for the reminder to take care of myself...you are right, I hadn't thought of me being extra tired but I will be: I haven't worked in a long time! I hope your mom's surgery goes well. I also hope your weight goes down.

    @Katmary71 Thanks! I'd miss both sweetener and beans. :( The instant pot shredded chicken tacos doesn't have taco seasoning, it has: salsa, cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, and salt & pepper. Here's the link to the recipe, if you are interested: https://midwestfoodieblog.com/instant-pot-shredded-chicken-tacos/#tasty-recipes-22895 Fair warning: I've never made it so I don't know if it is good or not. I hope it is since it is our "Friday Night Special" LOL!!! Oh no, getting rid of 1/2 of your Penzeys hurts my heart! I love Penzeys! And salt is bad? OH man, I feel for you. And no angry music? I'm out!!!

    @GabiV125 I hate books like that! I agree, you just can't enjoy them.

    Hello everyone! Well, I didn't get all the meal prepping done that I wanted but I did some of it which will help. I have to start getting ready for my first day back at work soon, so I wish you all a great day and stay safe and healthy!

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: ----
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: eat what is on the menu for dinner, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW (7/27/2020): 208.6
    Check in weight (8/3): 208.4
    Check in weight (8/10):
    Check in weight (8/17):
    Check in weight (8/24):
    Check in weight (8/31):
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Hi all, My name is Leona. I'm 47 years old and I live in Albuquerque, NM. I've struggled with weight issues my entire life. I had lost 50 pounds back in 2013 only to put it all back on over the past 6 years. I'm working on this daily, trying to not let the ups and downs keep me DOWN.

    I've been struggling with health issues for the past few years. While I FINALLY have my migraines under control after about 20 years of horrible pain, I am not struggling with neck issues. I had an MRI done 2 weeks ago and my left arm has been numb this past week. I got a referral to a neurosurgeon. I am pretty nervous about this! Any experience y'all have had is welcome! Good luck everyone!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited August 2020
    @GabiV125 I read this somewhere recently and it stuck in my head Don't let your weekend be your weak end

    @TeresaW1020 and @Katmary71 thinking about both of you and your parents today and hoping their surgeries go well

    leonadixon wrote: »
    I've been struggling with health issues for the past few years. While I FINALLY have my migraines under control after about 20 years of horrible pain, I am not struggling with neck issues. I had an MRI done 2 weeks ago and my left arm has been numb this past week. I got a referral to a neurosurgeon. I am pretty nervous about this! Any experience y'all have had is welcome! Good luck everyone!
    I was surprised at how many of my health issues were connected to my neck or rather the nerves that run through it. My chiropractor explained how tension headaches were causing my migraines and hand numbness. When the muscles in my neck and shoulders tense up they pull the bones in my neck out of place and pinch the nerves. He pressed lightly in one spot on my neck and said "I bet that makes you nauseous" which it did instantly. He never did the twist and crack thing. He used the baby jackhammer to put my bones back in place.

    I also had psoriasis on my hands that $1k plus in meds couldn't touch. Once he started working on my neck my psoriasis cleared up. I thought it was a coincidence but when I'd start to get that itch I'd go for an adjustment and it would disappear.

    I stopped going to the chiro as I find if I keep my inflammation under control I don't have the nerve/numbness issues. I'm not sure if everyone's different but for me that means no sugar and no dairy. If I cave and have either I wake the next morning with numb hands. I'm curious if that would've been the fix for me years ago.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    @GabiV125 I read this somewhere recently and it stuck in my head Don't let your weekend be your weak end

    @TeresaW1020 and @Katmary71 thinking about both of you and your parents today and hoping their surgeries go well

    leonadixon wrote: »
    I've been struggling with health issues for the past few years. While I FINALLY have my migraines under control after about 20 years of horrible pain, I am not struggling with neck issues. I had an MRI done 2 weeks ago and my left arm has been numb this past week. I got a referral to a neurosurgeon. I am pretty nervous about this! Any experience y'all have had is welcome! Good luck everyone!
    I was surprised at how many of my health issues were connected to my neck or rather the nerves that run through it. My chiropractor explained how tension headaches were causing my migraines and hand numbness. When the muscles in my neck and shoulders tense up they pull the bones in my neck out of place and pinch the nerves. He pressed lightly in one spot on my neck and said "I bet that makes you nauseous" which it did instantly. He never did the twist and crack thing. He used the baby jackhammer to put my bones back in place.

    I also had psoriasis on my hands that $1k plus in meds couldn't touch. Once he started working on my neck my psoriasis cleared up. I thought it was a coincidence but when I'd start to get that itch I'd go for an adjustment and it would disappear.

    I stopped going to the chiro as I find if I keep my inflammation under control I don't have the nerve/numbness issues. I'm not sure if everyone's different but for me that means no sugar and no dairy. If I cave and have either I wake the next morning with numb hands. I'm curious if that would've been the fix for me years ago.

    Thank you for your insight! I hope it's something simple that we can address easily. I'm worried about it being something that needs surgery (UGH)! I'm glad you have it under control now!
  • anido1
    anido1 Posts: 35 Member
    Username: anido1
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW (Previous Weight): 156
    CW (Current Weight): 155
    LTD (Loss to Date): 1
This discussion has been closed.