Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - August 2020



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,677 Member
    Tuesday check-in

    exercise- chair cardio, arm resistance bands, 5 Tibeta
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,677 Member
    Tuesday check-in
    Exercise- chair cardio, arm resistance bands, stretching yoga, beginner's Kundalini, 5 Tibetans, 7 chakra energy healing meditation, earth energy healing
    Calories- under
    Water- awesome!

    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Yoga- done
    Arms/abs- done
    Meditation- done

    Couldn't sleep last night because of pain after too much housework, I fell asleep late this morning and woke up in the middle of the afternoon so I've been off all day. Thank goodness the guy I'm seeing doesn't need constant attention and is busy while here, I got my workout and meditation done in peace then we hang out. Sounds kinda mean but I need my sleep, workouts, and healthy food and those are dealbreakers or I wouldn't let him visit. He has a good shredded chicken recipe we made tonight in the Instant Pot though he's not impressed with lettuce wraps! He eats what I put on the table and appreciates it so it's all good. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,030 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I've not seen Dead Birds or some of the others you mention so I'll have to check them out, thanks for mentioning them! I love stupid funny horror too! Killer Klowns is awesome, Puppet Master! Yes girl!!! We do have the same taste! :)

    @Cornanda Yes, we need to be kind to ourselves. It was one meal. One meal does not ruin everything. That's good you had a salad for dinner...balance. <3

    @raleighgirl09 I like to pre-track, too. If I don't pre-track, I don't track lol. Congrats on a good day!

    @Katmary71 That's great that your guy can hang on his own while you do your thing. And yay for him being appreciative of what you serve him! :)

    @Bettyboag WTG!

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: eat what is on the menu for dinner, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under: over
    Exercise: 60 mins arm day
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow 60 minute bike ride and 10000 steps
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member
    edited August 2020

    @Cornanda I gotta say - it's just amazing to look up and see yourself starting down a familiar slide and then stopping and getting off the ride - ON PURPOSE! Yes, indeed - that is why we need to be kind to ourselves. No matter if it's ourselves we're reacting to or someone else....we always do a better job with a cooler head. => And the best part of that, the priceless part, is how it will help you the next time (because, there's always another one coming down the pipe) you'll see it sooner and the day is coming that you catch it before anger eating. Awesome you![/quote

    Cornanda says: "Love this and feel I'm getting closer to that day!"
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,020 Member

    @GretchenReine - great loss!
    @Tracey0088 - keep the cheerleading coming!
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    My new scale came, and my weigh in was WAY off. In fact, I don't even know that my start weight was right based on the weight I got from my new scale. How should I go about correcting things? I'm pretty sure I have an accurate weight now. It was consistent from yesterday to today. I'm at 340.2.

  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    @Tracey0088 Looks like you had a great day! LOTS of exercise in there! Way to go!

    @raleighgirl09 Sorry you didn't make your step goal. I didn't make it in the pool last night either. I could make excuses that there were too many mosquitoes, but at the end of the day, I just didn't have it in me, like you said.

    @bethanie0825 Woohoo! Great loss!

    @Cornanda Focus on the fact that you made a good choice for dinner. You could have just said the day was ruined and eaten junk, but you had a healthy salad, and every choice is a change to get it right...and you got it right. :)

    @AustinRuadhain Hey there! Good to see you again! I love the little red, yellow, and green circles! How do you do that?

    @digger61 Good job on meeting those goals!

    @Jactop I didn't get my exercise in yesterday either. I'm going to really have to make it a priority this evening.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited August 2020
    Tuesday check in

    1. No sugar
    2. Weights
    3. Cardio ✔ 30 min stationary bike
    4. At least 15k steps per day ✔
    5. Log my food ✔

    Another day of just cruisin' by and doing the bare minimum. Today I'm aiming for 5 check marks.

    I was just comparing my sleep stats on Fitbit with my food/exercise diary and noticed that my cruisin' days as well as my off the wagon days are consistently followed by a bad sleep. Even my blood sugar was higher when I didn't get enough sleep. I think I need to start getting to bed a little earlier and see what happens.

    @Tracey0088 Week 3 is a big deal in developing habits. At the chocolate store where I work we joke about this trend. The first 2 weeks in Jan are always our slowest of the year with resolutions and people trying to shed holiday pounds. Week 3 our sales jump right back up to normal.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 thanks for the heads up on the habit tracker. Don't know how I missed that. Must've been after one of my bad sleeps lol

    @Bettyboag @anido @bakatit8gn19 @GretchenReine your attitudes and enthusiasm are contagious. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,150 Member
    @Katmary71 I’m sorry you’re in pain from too much housework. I totally get it (see below). I hope you feel better soon.

    @GretchenReine Congrats on your loss! Nice job!

    I have had a good first half of my week. Healthy choices, whole foods, no candy, getting my fruits and veggies in and logging all my WW points. For lunch today I had a salad and two fresh ears of sweet corn from the farm down the road. I tore that up!

    My stupid self decided to do yard work yesterday. I hadn’t been around the perimeter of the house since my surgery over 2 months ago. I was so angry to discover that my daughter had not been doing any trimming or weed whacking all that time. She barely even mowed. A freaking tree was growing up around the electrical box! I ended up spending way too much time outside on my foot (yes, I wore my boot). But I am definitely paying for it now.

    We will be taking vacation this Saturday for 16 days. Booked ourselves at an extended stay suites hotel that has a kitchenette with a full size fridge, dishwasher and 2 burner stove. This way, we can continue with our healthy eating. I am so ready to get healthy again – physically and mentally.

    Happy Hump Day, Everyone! Don’t forget to hydrate!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Good for you for making so many great healthy choices, including for your upcoming vacation. Sorry that you had to do so much yard work. At least your daughter attempted to do something. :grin: Take care of that foot of yours!

    @Jactop I notice a correlation as well between how I sleep and how my next day goes with fitness and diet. Good job on getting in your cardio and steps! :)

    @buniphuphu Tag @broncobuddee with the weight you want to start with and he can correct it for you. :)

    @digger61 Nice job on meeting your goals! :)

    @GretchenReine Yayyy for your loss this week! Keep it up! B)

    @trooworld How are you doing being back at work? I bet you're tired. <3

    @Bettyboag Yayyyy for achieving your goals for three straight days! Keep it up! B)

    @Katmary71 Sorry that you had a rough night of pain. And that is good that your guy respects your dealbreakers. :)

    Hi Team! I woke up with a headache this morning and felt off most of the day. I did do my workout but had to modify a lot because the intensity of week 7 Barre cardio was kicking my butt. I also managed to do most of the weightlifting portion for leg day. After that, I didn’t do too much except finish my latest jigsaw puzzle and binge listening to my fasting podcast. I fasted 21 hours and opened with a lemon Greek yogurt with pecans and a cup of coffee with heavy cream. After that, I felt much better and was able to do a little housework. Dinner was Subway and I did OK, except for the cookie I ate. ;) I don’t have a lot of hope for a loss this week but that is OK. I will just keep doing my thing.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    GabiV125-weight day Wednesday
    PW: 135.0
    CW: 134.4
    I still have issues opening the tracker, so I’m adding the screenshot of my step count for the first half of this week

  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    This feels more like a pleasant chat than a challenge! I’m having so much fun!
    This time around my approach is just that, to shush the negative talk in my head, to focus on things I like, spend more time outside even if it feels like a sauna sometimes, to listen more, to call the people I truly like.

    Maybe the execution of said plan is not perfect: I drove the girls and myself to about 10 doctor appointments this week, that couldn’t happen this past moths. Nothing big, eye dr, dentist, etc.
    I walked my 1yo Puggle 4-5 times a day, until he got so stinky he had to get a shower ( hates baths ).
    I went to Costco 2 times in 10 days, and my bank account hiccuped.
    Had to place a cap to no more than an hour of Domino per day, with my youngest.
    Had so many work talks with my husband, I am very close to pass the journey man exam ( not really 🤣)

  • Tracey0088
    Tracey0088 Posts: 22 Member
    Wednesday Checkin August 5th,2020

    The next two days could throw me off track. I am going to Hang on to the rails by a thread. My son is getting married Friday which means rehearsal dinner and wedding dinner. I’m not too worried about overdoing my calories but I know I Mar fail to check in. Hope I find some time. Ordered my dress online and happily it fits great. Saturday is my grandson’s birthday. I have a hard time passing up my favorite cake; Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake. So just a nibble. I’m relearning that I am not punishing myself by passing things up, but developing self discipline. I’ll add up all my net carbs tomorrow night to see what is over 3500 calories so I can see a 192 lb weigh in on Monday.

    Starting weight 196.7
    Monday Wt:195.3
    Tuesday Wt: 193.1
    Wednesday Wt: 193.1
    My BMR: 1750-2250: Sedentary-Very Active week
    KGoal/k in: 1,600/1532 : UNDER
    Exercise Burn: 584
    Self Care Chart: Great
    Water: Excellent
    Exercise: Goal 40 min/ Completed 151 min: EXCEEDED
    Steps: 19,140 charted in Fitrockr
    Net k: BMR2,250 minus kin 1532= plus burn 584 = 1302 net
    Sleep: 7 hrs 6 min
    Organized/Productive: Good
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 681 Member
    edited August 2020
    Wednesday check in

    Today has been really good - day 3 of no alcohol in an effort to have more food because I have been keeping the calorie numbers as low as is reasonable. So cals are under, water is slightly over which is a trend improvement over the past several days. Steps are nearly 15,000 - this is actually a sweet spot for me and is a game changer for the weight loss. When I consistently get this many and take care to really put in an effort for speeding it up, it boosts the burn and I tend to lose weight more easily (as long as I don't eat the difference). The drawback is that it really takes two intentional walks and is a bit of a time suck so it's not always possible without going to extremes. Sleep.....eh, you see it's already past bedtime... => Hitting send and then hitting the pillow!!

    @Tracey0088 you are doing so well, I love the stats you are keeping! Congrats and have fun at the wedding, please do check in if you get a spare moment... => So agree on the shift in perspective to bypassing treats. I remind myself that I always have a choice and while mostly I choose a path to my goals, I always have the choice to indulge if I want to. No deprivation, only choices. My Ma has a beagle and boy is tha girlie spoiled!
    @GabiV125 great loss this week (WOOT!) and you made me grin! I have been known to think my ears might bleed if I hear more about work but I think mostly I want him to know I love talking to him so I just listen, too. I see the F2F as a challenge more with myself - my personal perspective. It's also a really neat way to be engaged with likeminded folks and yeah - we have a neat, conversational style that is easy on the eyes and brain at the end of the day. =>
    @vegan4lyfe2012 enjoy the vacay!!! It's always so nice to get away, even when we can't get out as much as before - still a change of scenery sure is nice.
    @TeresaW1020 oh, so sorry about a headache - makes the day justs crawl by! Hopefully you can get a great night's sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take the worl on!
    @Jactop you added a checkmark - I see progress!! Here's to having 4 tomorrow (and extra special WOOTs for **5**!!!)
    @buniphuphu love the thought and wise words you shared with @Cornanda about seeing the success in the good choices made right after the less desireable choice - every next bite or meal is an opportunity to improve.
    @GretchenReine WOW, super weigh in, congrats to YOU!!! =>
    @trooworld and @Bettyboag you guys had really great days meeting goals and clicking things off, very nice!
    @katmary71 hey, a guy who comes around with good recipes and can appreciate a girl's need to have her space and routine is pretty amazing to have come around for visits! Nothing at all wrong with stating what we need and then moving about doing what we need for ourselves. I have a motto about this, too (for like - everything) which is - 'what I do for me is not done against someone else.' I've been told my habits and needs are high maintenance but I think that's ok because I'm perfectly willing to do the maintenance for myself. I must point out - the current administration isn't the one who said it so....I kinda rest my case.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,677 Member
    Hey gang! Quick peek in! Gabi, we're happy to have you too!

    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- arm cardio, abs, stretching for splits with resistance bands, Kundalini meditation, earth energy healing, 7 chakra meditation
    Water- great

    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Arms/abs- done
    Yoga- done
    Meditation- done

    I really need to get some recipes going again, instead I'm pouting over what I can't eat and I'm craving chocolate really bad (women know why!)! Last night cravings were ridiculous, tonight I'm just craving sweetness so I'll have a frozen banana and mango for dessert.
  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    Wednesday check in: Not sure how often we are supposed to check in, but I figure every couple of days works for me.

    Monday I hit 4 of my 5 habit goals. Did not hit my quiet reflection goal. I did not feel well at all. However, I did stay within my calorie goal of 1200 - 1300, I walked over 12,000 steps, drank over 120 ounces and stopped eating before 8 pm.

    Tuesday was another story. I was feeling really bad and I decided I needed to take it easy and eat at mantenance. I only walked about 6000 steps, and ate about 1800 calories

    Wednesday: I am working on hitting all 5 goals today, feeling much better.

    I love reading everyone's updates, and I am looking forward to see how we do this week.
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