Weight No More Team Chat- August 2020



  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,423 Member
    Pw 124lb
    CW 123Lb
    Sun 19431
    Mon 13110
    Tues 10919
    Wed 3641
    Thur 11928
    Fri 12791
    Sat 10184
    Total 69,213
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    08/15 steps 11786
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Trimstones 0.50%
    2nd Mission SLimpossibles 0.47%
    3rd Shrinking Assets 0.42%

    1st Mission Slimpossibles 26.2 Lbs
    2nd Trimstones 23.8 Lbs
    3rd Shrinking Assets 23.6 Lbs

    1st @schlerin 2.87 %
    2nd @eggfreak 2.68%
    3rd @vegan4lyfe2012 2.50%

    1st @schlerin 6.0 Lbs
    2nd @vegan4lyfe2012 4.8 Lbs
    2nd @draby2011 4.8 Lbs
    2nd @slgibbs1987 4.8 Lbs
    3rd @Tracey0088 4.6 Lbs



  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,078 Member

    Sun- 11,954
    Mon- 7,160
    Tues- 14,339
    Wed- 7,502
    Thurs- 8,639
    Fri- 9,099
    Sat- 9,740
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 930 Member
    Fridge is packed with organic greens, berries and veggies.
    Counter top overflowing with bright citrus and organic apples.
    Just squeezed 32 oz of OJ. Day 1 of EMR cleanse.
    My last 4 days of detox cleanse were productive. I feel like the next 3 days will do some serious nurturing to my cells.

    Angelina, Until I read the comments at the bottom, I thought you were making Carmen Miranda hats. LOL
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 930 Member
    edited August 2020

    Big Congratulations!
    So happy for you three on your success this week! You must feel fantastic.
    It takes a lot of hard work to pick yourself up and brush yourself off sometimes. And this week's winners prove that. Everyone, if you are having a bad week, or not getting the results you were hoping for, success lies on the road just ahead for you too. Just think about the insights that these team members have shared with us recently and how they adapted to the challenge.

    Major Milestones!
    Under 175 @hope002
    Under 125 @annliz23
    30+ Lost and in the 150s @kirsten11872
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember slow and steady wins the race! B)

  • timibotkin
    timibotkin Posts: 235 Member
    S 16,480
    M 12,519
    T 16,284
    W 12,640
    T 12,399
    F 14,418
    S 14,787
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 582 Member
    User ID: CassieGetsFit2013
    Week Number: Week 3
    Previous weight: 197.4
    Current weight: 196

    Surprised with this because this week hasn't been great at all. I've been having TONS of anxiety attacks, anxiety all day, depression and I was eating sweets OFTEN! I swear, I'll never understand my body or this weight loss thing, lol. Anyway, have a lot that has been going on that I wanted to talk about here, but I think I'll come back later to do that. Love you all! 🥰
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Check in for Sat
    Food - Didn't log but on target
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise -20 min walk, 30 min bike ride and PT

    Good day yesterday but not so good today. I am not going to have one slip up (cookie) ruin the whole day. Kitchen faucet broke last night after dinner. Thank goodness for dishwashers. I am not having luck finding a plumber, my usual guy is away. Ugh!
    @ljdanny I don't blame you for not going. Hopefully your friend will understand. Bowling sounds fun, hope you had fun.
    @goingape Nice loss! Looks like you had a nice day planned yesterday, hope you enjoyed :)
    @hope002 You look like a model!
    @kirsten11872 Your hard work is really paying off! Great job!
    @Melzz19 Looking good! What a fun way to end the summer season!
    @bburrer30 I hope your day is better today! Hugs!
    @GingerPwr Sending hugs! I hope things get better xo
    @1theresamcvean I hope you are feeling better. I know ulcerative colitis is no joke. I am so happy Wendy is heading home. You were so good to her. Pippa is the cutest! It is hard to believe she is only 3 with those comments :). Happy Birthday to Xavy-another cutie! You also made me lol with the Carmen Miranda comment to Mrs B!
    @timibotkin Nice loss!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Impressive lifting session! Love the pics of your cats! They always looks so comfy and content!
    @Cafelelia Hope your auditor is done and you can truly relax this week! Enjoy!
    @Mrsbell8well You are set up for success this week! You got this!!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Nice loss!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    I am caught up! I was far behind so if I missed anyone, I apologize. It was a crappy day today but it is nicer now. Shannon and I are going for a walk. I will check in tomorrow, enjoy your evening everyone!

    @Cafelelia While I was on here, your beautiful new profile picture popped up! Love it! :)
    @tryingagain5 I can relate to the "looking old" comment. I remember when I felt that way about my Mom and Aunt. It is like they cross a line at some point. I agree, it is sad. I am glad that you are going to stay with our group and stay accountable even though you are going on the cheer squad. Please keep checking in. Remember, when you don't feel like posting is probably when you really need to be.
    @debbiewsharpe I am glad everyone was safe from the storm. I am sorry to hear about your sisters home though. Your steps are amazing!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Reading through your intro reminded me of what you shared back then, you had 3? moves in a short amount of time(it seemed to me) while also working, raising 4 children and all that goes with it. Even with all that you were physically and mentally going through at the time, you held it together and got done what you needed to keep everything going. I know you gained weight but you have really come so far since then. You are able to manage your symptoms and you know your body so well that you know when to push and when not to. You really are inspiring. On another note, I always here NZ is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Your pictures from your walks really prove it!
    @Freeglerock I didn't realize how much you have already lost! You are doing awesome! You have made lifelong healthy habits and you are also being a fantastic example to your kids. :)
    @melaniedscott That Taco salad sounds delish! I need to add into my dinner rotation!
    @JillyBT I am sure that you already got advice about IF, quite a few people do it on our team. If it wasn't recommended already, The Obesity Code explains the science behind it. It was interesting.
    @minstrelofsarcasm I love how you reflect on your week. Why can't I organize my thoughts like that! I feel like I fly by the seat of my pants! How awesome to be getting rid of big clothes and people noticing your loss. You have worked hard to get to this point and I am sure you will continue until you reach your goals!
    @Melzz19 I am enjoying the beautiful pics you are posting. You live in a beautiful part of the country.
    @bburrer30 On days when you can't fit in a good workout, I recommend those Leslie Sansone videos. You can do 1 mile in 15 min, it really gets steps in and your heart rate up. I watch them on Youtube.
    @timibotkin Your trainer sounds perfect It is nice that you have someone who really understands what you are going through. I am also sorry to hear about your friend. I know you said you don't live close but I am sure she will appreciate someone who can relate to what she is going through and provide her some comfort. Hugs!
    @ljdanny Let's finish August strong. You really sound like you are doing great, sometimes the scale doesn't reflect our hard work. Keep doing what you are doing!
    @1theresamcvean What a beautiful family picture! Even more special since your Grandmother is in it. xo
    @mrsbell8well I am sorry to hear vacation didn't go as well as you had hoped with your pain. I am glad that you are feeling better now at least.
    @annliz23 Hugs! I hope things work out for your son. Break ups are difficult, especially when children are involved.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @GingerPwr such an adorable picture! Sorry about all the stress you’ve been going through. It’s really tough times for everything and education is such an important aspect of children’s lives. I hope that all works out for you!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Week 3
    Weigh In Day: Sunday August 16
    Previous Weight: 134.6
    Today’s Weight: 134.0

    @lennoncpa omg Lily Rose is so cute!!

    @sleepymom5 Daisy is looking so fancy in her rainbow bandana!

    @Mrsbell8well those photos of your countertops with all the fruit makes me want to go have a healthy meal! and @1theresamcvean I lolled at your Carmen Miranda hat comment 😂
This discussion has been closed.