Weight No More Team Chat- August 2020



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    PW - 147.6
    CW - 148.1
    I am ok with this small gain. I have been indulging in a little more wine and dessert on holiday, but we are doing a whole lot of hiking and other activity. I will still be on holiday next week, but will start showing up more regularly starting on Sunday. I managed to put my audit off until February, hurray! Hope that everyone is doing well!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    08/13 steps 13851
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    Check in for Thursday
    Food - Ugh!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise -20 min walk and PT

    I had a fun day yesterday but didn't go as planned. My guests arrived at 1pm and the last of them left at 11pm. It was fun and the day went by quickly but I overindulged. Oh well, once again, back on track today.

    @ljdanny Nice loss! You really are doing well. Maybe I should just start going to 1/2 servings. It may be easier just to do that and stop with the mental games I play with myself...
    @pacsnc6 I am glad to hear things are still going well with the regimen. I am sure the loss of energy is normal with all that you are going through so I am glad you are listening to your body and taking it easy. I used to love to cross stitch but haven't done it since my children were little.
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx It sounds like you are doing better than where I left off last (I am still catching up lol!). It is awesome that you can actually see that you are getting stronger!
    @nstephenson01 Nice loss!! Hope things are going well :)
    @Cafelelia I am glad that you are enjoying your vacation! You certainly deserve it! xo
    @1theresamcvean Responding to the posts-I realized I didn't weigh in this morning. Can I just weigh in tomorrow? Sorry about that
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 134.0
    Today's weight: 133.4
    Weekly Steps: 61,358
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Week 2
    Pw 155.0
    Cw 153.6

    Can I be excused for next Friday? I’ll be gone 17th-til Sunday the 23rd and won’t have Access to any scale. Thank you! :smile:
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Hope you had a good time on your vacation. Sorry to hear one of the group tested positive and I hope none of you caught it and that (s)he doesn't get really sick with it.
    I pray that your test comes back negative.
  • Melzz19
    Melzz19 Posts: 39 Member
    Weigh in day Friday
    PW 223.8
    CW 221.6

    I’m ok with this loss didn’t have the best week but still had a loss I already have lots of walking planned for Monday for work so should be a good start to next week. 😊
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 445 Member
    Friday 8/14 step total 15, 289
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 935 Member
    @nstephenson01 Yay! 2.5 lbs down. That must have felt good. High five.

    @Cafelelia So happy your audit has been postponed and for a good long time. You have so much to deal with with this moving target of schooling in September. Hugs.

    @sleepymom5 Totally, weigh in tomorrow. I'm glad you're having a good time and have so many insights to share.

    @hope002 I hope you pass your Covid test and am sorry to hear about your friend. I hope they get better soon and without any complications. Great loss, BTW.

    @lennoncpa Yay! Nice loss. I know I sound like a broken record but I put hummus on my shopping list today. Did Bebe get adopted? I was thinking about you two a couple days ago. Big hugs either way.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Sorry to hear the Covid numbers are up in your area. You did so well. I know it is supposed to come in waves.

    @kirsten11872 I've been thinking about how well you've been doing. I love learning from you.

    @minstrelofsarcasm Great insights, as always. :blush:

    @Melzz19 Nice loss! Way to go.

  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 935 Member
    Weekend Weigh Days



    Late weigh-ins

    Please let us know if you need an extension or a pass this week for vacation or anything else.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    Steps for today 13,100.

    @hope002 thank goodness!! I hope those affected are better soon.

    @Cafelelia good news on your audit extension.

    I hope everyone

  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    **oops hit post too quick!

    — I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Have a good weekend everyone!

    I spent the last 2 days really resting. (Not an Angelina resting lol).
    I’m off for another week. My days are mixed but I’m feeling very optimistic. Using the time to do a detox cleanse. Feels harsher than usual. I suspect steroids and narcotics helped but also took their toll on my body.
    I’m transitioning over the next week to the Eat Move Rest lifestyle.
    Today is day 4 of my cleanse. Tomorrow I start EMR 3 day juice feast. Fresh OJ for breakfast, carrot apple juice for lunch and green juice for dinner.
    After struggling so much for the last 3 months I finally feel mentally ready to get back to an extremely healthy eating regimen.
    I have spent hours and days studying and watching you tubes. Everything about this lifestyle is in synch with my beliefs.
    It’s primarily raw till 4. Whole food plant based. Cooked carbs and veg in evening. 80/10/10 ratio of carbs, protein, and fat.
    I feel like this is a lifestyle that can get me back to goal and to help me maintain once I’m there.
    One day at a time.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    08/14 steps 9981

    Maintenance weight 134.2
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 418 Member
    Week 2
    Pw- 161.6
    Cw- 160.4
    LTD: 41.4

    Another 1.2 pounds gone! Next Saturday I should see the 150s!! Well depending on TOM, then it'll be the week after.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    It's cool here today in the 70s. Noone wants to go swimming. My friend is having a grad party for her daughter but I was hesitant on going because shes having a lot of people and I think it will be hard to social distance. She seems a little mad cuz I didn't really want to come. I am deciding not to and going bowling with my son and family, a little easier to social distance. I am going to try to get a walk in before we head out but I think bowling is going to be a workout.
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