WaistAways Team Chat - August 2020



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member
    @jguldi11 Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like a nice walk too.

    @offitgoes How great that you have someone helping you with control and snacking. A day at the beach sounds great.

    @theweeonemfp You are the Queen 👑 of meal planning. That is a sure way to success and less stress. Your Cajun Chicken looks yummy. What do you put in it for spice? And is that bacon or andouille?

    @Gidgitgoescrazy Way to goal on earning those $$. Sorry to hear you burnt your pot and couscous. Tip pretty much take it off the heat as soon as you put the couscous in the boiling liquid.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Just curious do any of you put salt on certain fruits ?

    I just got the weirdest looks when I put a little flaked salt on my apple slices... Then we had a conversation and no one in my office ( granted there are only 4 of us) has ever heard of doing that...
    I also put it on canteloupe, honey dew,(and pepper on those 2) and watermelon... It brings out the sweetness..

    I don't but it makes sense. See: chocolate coated pretzels, salted caramel, chocolate covered bacon, etc. Salt and sweet taste perfect together.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Well that was quite a Thursday, everyone! Lots of interesting news.

    I am watching your dog bounce off the walls wearing the cone of shame, @conleywoods ! I think the vets overestimate the time needed to recover from these things. The cone is helpful, but if the dog is not in pain, let it move around! It will stop when it hurts. And look at you with the big puppy eyes. Because this is all your fault! Good thing you were able to take the little wild thing for a walk. I hope the cone stays on long enough for everything to heal!

    And the burning pan of couscous! @Gidgitgoescrazy The lengths we will go to just to rid ourselves of a pan we hate! My last hated pan actually got run over by the tractor. I left it in the way after emptying its contents into the compost - I had other stuff to do, so it just sat there, and DH just happened to drive there with the tractor. I was not sorry to see the last of that pan! But burned couscous sounds pretty bad :grimace:

    @offitgoes - your daughter does indeed have your back! I hope the other one learned a small lesson today, and in a way this was the perfect way for everyone. DD1 learned that the gift was undermining your weight loss goals, DD2 got to save the day, and you did not eat it!

    @jguldi11 - I'm so glad your chiro and massage helped. It makes such a difference to be able to move the way you want to. I'm off to the acupuncturist tomorrow - I skipped last week to see if it was really helping, and the swelling and inflammation definitely increased. So I'm heading back there for some relief! It is good to do what we need to do!

    So, gang - it is already Friday tomorrow. Here is the heads up list ---


    Catch you on the other side!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Just curious do any of you put salt on certain fruits ?

    I just got the weirdest looks when I put a little flaked salt on my apple slices... Then we had a conversation and no one in my office ( granted there are only 4 of us) has ever heard of doing that...
    I also put it on canteloupe, honey dew,(and pepper on those 2) and watermelon... It brings out the sweetness..

    I don't, but I remember watching my uncle do that as I was growing up. He would be salt and pepper, especially pepper, on his watermelon.
  • theweeonemfp
    theweeonemfp Posts: 27 Member
    @micki48 its neither, it's sundried tomatoes cut up. I just used cajun seasoning this time, garlic, spring onions, yellow onion, salt and pepper!

    Thank you though. I had one portion yesterday and it was so lovely. Feeling better already after 1 day as I feel in more control
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    Oh work is bombarding me right now. I knew it was coming, we have our annual state audit soon. I'm also training 2 new people and have an intern starting next week. On top of my caseload of 50+ and 8 other supervisees. I so badly wanted to stress-eat yesterday but all I had in the house that was close to what I wanted was a pudding cup, fig brownie, and whipped cream 😆 so I made due with that. I purposely keep high calorie junk food out of the house for this reason.

    I think I'll try to get a walk in today after work to de-stress. I'm avoiding the gym until my neck has more time to heal. Chiro adjustment #2 was even more effective!

    @conleywoods Stress is a real pain, especially when trying to lose weight. You have great insight which is so important; that number on the scale is simply that, a number. It will go back down soon enough. I've been telling people since COVID that we really get to try out our flexibility and resiliency skills!

    @evangsimmons170 Ya know I used that weekly view before a really long time ago (like years haha) but completely forgot about it lol. Thanks for the reminder!

    @jugar I have been thinking about acupuncture for fertility but just haven't made the move yet. There is so much research supporting its use for a lot of different things. Glad you find success with it! I may just have to try it.

    @micki48 thank you, I'm so happy I got over my fear and insecurities and got the treatment I needed. It's amazing how much we take our bodies for granted until they don't function properly.
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    edited August 2020

    @evangsimmons170 You are doing amazing. And yep, we got this. My goal is to get to 280 before Jan 1.

    @jugar Thank you! You are always so encouraging and positive😊
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member

    PW 344.6
    CW 342.4 :smiley:
    LTD 32.4

    @happimess01 I'm determined to be where you are weight-wise before year's end. We got this!

    @KellyBgetsfit This school year is no joke, eh? I usually don't start out the year this exhausted, but woo hoo! :neutral:

    Here's a short video I made for my staff today. I hope it makes you smile.

    Loved hearing your happy voice and message Rhonda!
    I'm a bit off the rails at the moment but clambering back on....well...maybe tomorrow morning I'll clamber on again.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I won a meat package at work! Sort of random I know. How do you cook a kabob, I've never had one. :0

    My weight may be up tomorrow. Lunch at work was catered today. Pulled pork sandwiches with potato salad and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Soooo good, omg. Pulled pork is a gift from a loving deity I swear.
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I won a meat package at work! Sort of random I know. How do you cook a kabob, I've never had one. :0

    My weight may be up tomorrow. Lunch at work was catered today. Pulled pork sandwiches with potato salad and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Soooo good, omg. Pulled pork is a gift from a loving deity I swear.

    Too funny, @Terytha but enjoy your tasty prize! I would recommend cooking the kabob on a grill, if you have one. If not, in the oven. Either way, cook it slowly. Enjoy:)
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