WaistAways Team Chat - August 2020



  • ells_runs
    ells_runs Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you very much ♥️ it really helps talking about it. I can't wait to get back to it now, back in the challenge 😊
    My son is better now, lockdown really got us closer 😊
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    @ells_runs wow, I'm so sorry you and your family have been having such a hard time. Considering all the stressors it's amazing that you're making your health a priority. What a great example you are setting for your kids! I appreciate your openness and can say from experience (personally and as a therapist) that being willing to talk about it is one of the hardest challenges to overcome, and you've already done that. You got this!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,180 Member
    My heart goes out to you, and I am so grateful you chose to share this with us. Things have piled up, and with help and your own fabulous courage, you can take them down one small bit at a time. It won't be easy, but you have done hard things before, including sharing this with us. There is no such thing as "too honest" in this kind of situation - getting it all out in the open is the best thing to do to get ready to start making it better. Get well, get help, and you'll get through this. Never hesitate to let us know anything that might help. Maybe an accountability buddy to help keep the food and drink under control, or just to come back here to keep us updated on how you're doing. In any case, you know we are rooting for you and your family.
  • jguldi11
    jguldi11 Posts: 201 Member
    TGIF! I really need the break from the office. Tomorrow I'm going to the local farmer's market with a couple of friends, and then going to the beach; Sunday I get to go meet some puppies to see if I'm ready to adopt a new family member. So excited to enjoy the weekend! And Monday I have another chiropractor and massage appointment.

    I love having things to look forward to, makes it a lot easier to leave behind the bad stuff.

    Eating was ok today, not the healthiest but portions were appropriate. I also went for a walk and feel really good about it.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,180 Member
    Last reminders of the week!

    Saturday weigh-ins:
    @Terytha (Motivator)
    @Micki48 (Captain)

    Due today or earlier:

  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    @ells_runs You have so much on your plate! Virtual hugs going out to you as you work your way through it all. And somehow I believe as I read the determination in your voice that you will find the way through. Just know we'll all be pulling for you!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @ells_runs I am so glad you were able to share this and reach out for help. That is a brave thing to do and while it was probably scary, it will pay off in the end. Sending you hugs!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Today I didn't do any workouts. I really need to get back on track with calories and some times I give myself too much leeway when I have exercised. Calories were great today.

    I went through my closet and got rid of stuff that is too big. I did a little bit of sewing to improve the fit of a few of my favorite items that are baggy. I definitely need to go shopping before work starts again.

    @evangsimmons170 Loved your video! So nice to see and hear your voice. Great message 👍

    @Terytha Nice prize! Pulled pork is so yummy and that was my dinner tonight!

    @jguldi11 How fun to go see puppies 😍 Glad you get a break from work. Puppies is the right way to spend your weekend. Hope your puppy visit goes well.

    @CanadianGiraffe Congrats on hitting a new weight room lifting goal!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,180 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    We're enjoying a thick fog this morning - even overnight it was eerie and white outside. Not a breath of wind, so the fog is just sitting there. I read somewhere once a long time ago that fog is the clouds coming down so that every creature, plant, and the earth itself is connected to all the others, and we can share more easily. It has always stuck with me, and I love the image.

    You are inspiring! PRs, especially when you are now lifting more than you weigh, are fabulous. I still get a thrill from lifting up some weights and remembering that I used to carry that much weight before even picking one up. It is a great reminder.

    Wardrobe magic! Isn't that a blast? Fixing things up and actually NEEDING to shop for clothes because things are too big. YAY. Don't forget the tiara...
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    edited August 2020
    CW: 174.2

    That's not bad considering how bad yesterday was for eating.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,180 Member
    WEEK FOUR starts tomorrow! Only one more week to finish up the month with a bang.
    We need some fresh and fun challenge ideas! This week's has been serious and reflective, last week was fitness bingo, what should we do this week? Please go over and post any ideas you have, no matter how incomplete or silly they might be --

  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Steps 8/20 = 11,273
    Steps 8/21 = 13 012

    Pw 166.2 i think
    Cw 164.8
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    We had some fun sword training in the park today. Lots of dogs wondering why we weren't throwing the big sticks though lol. It was nice to get into it again a bit.

    Check out the view from the park we were at though. I didn't even know about this place before!

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member
    Here's a short video I made for my staff today. I hope it makes you smile.

    @evangsimmons170 I loved seeing your video!!! Such a funny/not funny story about the Lemony Pine Sole and 🐝. And by the way, you have an amazing smile!!! It was fun to hear your voice too. Have a great school year. ❤️🤗
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @Terytha What a wonderful view! I'm glad you and your hubby were able to get out and enjoy the day as you practiced your sword fighting.....that's the same as "fencing" right?

    @micki48 you look amazing! You definitely make the dress! Hats off to ya! :smile:

    Thank you everyone for your kudos about the video. Life is too short to be serious all the time. LOL
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @evangsimmons170 Not really fencing actually. Fencing is a western sport that uses a kind of bendy-straw-like stick called a foil to score points.

    I learned to cut to kill eastern style with this:


    That's Chibi, my sword. XD

    In pair work we use wooden ones so nobody gets hurt. But most of the movements are solo.
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