Step It Up! September 2020



  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I'm seeing this month as a lateral move with regards to goals. Activity is up a little, but not as I'd hoped. Did do my steps yesterday....

    Still checking in here every day, reading comments, fighting the good fight. Hoping that the fire will kick back in for me soon and that momentum will take over.

    I may not always be successful, but I know that perseverance is powerful, and it will happen. It's been along time coming.
    I am at my best in every way when I'm working a low carb life successfully!!

    (I wanted to do the "response/quote" thing that many seem able to do, but I don't know how...)

    Anyway, have a great day, pals!!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    I'm seeing this month as a lateral move with regards to goals. Activity is up a little, but not as I'd hoped. Did do my steps yesterday....

    Still checking in here every day, reading comments, fighting the good fight. Hoping that the fire will kick back in for me soon and that momentum will take over.

    I may not always be successful, but I know that perseverance is powerful, and it will happen. It's been along time coming.
    I am at my best in every way when I'm working a low carb life successfully!!

    THIS!!! All day long!!!
    I did do better with activity over the weekend and have strength training at the gym today. Building on that instead of regretting some food choices and lack of logging. Shopped well for the week to make sure I have enough options and tried to buy stuff hubby won't eat. Can't believe I still have to hide food sometimes. That's the kind of sabotage going on in my house >:)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    11- 2/3 workouts done, plus a couple hours gardening, food on target
    12- no workouts done, food way too low...woke up with a massive headache and sinus pressure, probably should have had some allergy herbs after the couple hours outside, things that make you want to smack yourself on the forehead, it rained most of last week and now everything is blooming again...still managed to pull off a nice D&D session but no appetite and no real activity
    13- no workouts done, food on target, managed another couple hours gardening, then had to go help the grown child do some deck work, though I mostly just watched kids while he and his dad did the actual was an unexpected schedule change, so I can live without the workouts, just glad we had the day free to help out...oh, and I totally did remember to take allergy herbs in the evening
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    9/11 - carb re-feed, my rides and general feeling was tanking so I doubled up (and then some) on carbs. Protein was good for the day and I did manage to keep calories right at maintenance for the day.
    9/12 - yard work day (mowing and edging and general clean-up) plus errands for an active day. Protein/carbs reasonable, calories low.
    9/13 - another yard work day - planted a maple tree in the back yard and expanded one of the flower beds (removed all the grass from a section of the yard and then set edgers around the area, mulched 2 other beds). Calories were good and protein/carbs on track.

    Total steps from Friday to today - 29k, plus a 17.4 mile ride Friday morning.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I don't know about you all, but I have 2 thoughts this morning:
    1. Daaaaayum that weekend was short.
    2. And I don't know what formatting they did to screw up italics and bolding and such but it's really getting on my nerves...
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,524 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I don't know about you all, but I have 2 thoughts this morning:
    1. Daaaaayum that weekend was short.
    2. And I don't know what formatting they did to screw up italics and bolding and such but it's really getting on my nerves...

    It was a very short weekend .... why does the weekends fly by but the weeks drag on LOL

    9/11-9/13 All goals were met :)
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Closed watch rings ✅ with 21k steps to show for it
    Calorie goal: No planning and poor choices
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    Food good, logged everything, protein 127g, carbs 123g net.
    Exercise - rode 17.3 miles in the morning, finished with 9k steps for the day.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    maureli wrote: »
    After a long few months my goal today is to create a goal. :/ I have about 17 lbs I would like to shed and need to get focused and take it day by day. I do pretty good all day, then after supper things fall apart.

    I need to:
    Plan my meals and log my food.
    Keep within my allowed macros
    Exercise of some sort

    152.2 current
    135 goal

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Went a bit over in my calories yesterday (all the extra were in the evening as usual for me) but my macros were all ok other than that. I did get a strength workout in (Iso Strength Chisel). Could have drank a bit more water.

    Today I will try to stay under my calorie goal and get more water in. Got a workout done - Chisel Balance.

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    @maureli, I’m the same way- snacking hits a high point after dinner, even if I’m not hungry. It’s a regular struggle for me.

    Close watch rings 😀 strength day plus almost 15k steps.
    Calorie goal- slightly over what I consider a deficit but based on activity I should have been well under. No snacking as I had to fast for labs. Maybe I should take that mindset every day!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    14-food at maintenance, but workouts and lots of gardening done...the new tulip bed is finished but I still have some weeding to do

    I dislike scales, they are only part of the story...measurements are another part of the are another part of the story...this morning my tummy looked downright flat and there is some hip definition that didn't seem to be there that's a good thing...but the scale is not budging, that witch...
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I did my steps yesterday and overall had a good low carb lifestyle day. That feels very good.
    I so relate to the late night food eating issues. Seems much worse since the pandemic... general anxiety maybe?

    Anyway, I'm checking in here more, logging vigilanty, and I see that as some more progress. Better days to come.

    Have a great day, pals!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Goals met but I am beyond frustrated with my weight .... I bought a new wifi scale last month and was weighing myself daily ...It isn't for me so I am going back to weighing weekly... I keep losing/gaining the same 2 lbs ...I am a bigger gal so I should be losing more .... I know weight loss is not linear but something needs to give ... I weigh all my food on a scale ....I drink a lot water ....I workout 5 days a week ... I feel like giving up but I will not do that ..sorry for the rant ughhh

    Something going on is masking your loss. Could be hormones, stress, insomnia, digestion, water retention due to exercise...alien weight-control rays from Jupiter landing on you... :smirk: It can't hold out forever if you are doing the right things consistently. It just can't and eventually the moronic machine will show progress. Meanwhile we drive ourselves crazy. Try looking out for NSVs while you wait on your weight to change. Clothes fit, appearance, energy level... Hang in there. :heart:

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    I did my steps yesterday and overall had a good low carb lifestyle day. That feels very good.
    I so relate to the late night food eating issues. Seems much worse since the pandemic... general anxiety maybe?

    Anyway, I'm checking in here more, logging vigilanty, and I see that as some more progress. Better days to come.

    Have a great day, pals!

    I know I'm having a whole lot more general anxiety myself.
    "Better" IS always good. Wishing you a great day!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Close watch rings 😀 with just over 17k steps
    Calorie goal: again a day a bit over my deficit goal so we’ll see. Weighed in for the first time in a while at the doc’s office today...numbers are going the wrong way, BUT NSV- she said she can’t believe my transformation from now to when I started seeing her a few years ago. Off bp meds and keeping a mostly healthy lifestyle. Hopefully the labs support her observations!