Weight No More - September 2020 Team Chat



  • kandi3570
    kandi3570 Posts: 238 Member
    I was way over my calories yesterday. I literally sat, and watched tv for 6 hours which I never do. And I ate way too much. But back at it today. I’m at 1400 calories which isn’t too bad and I did some more shoveling. My pool is draining, to tear it down. I will miss it but t causes knee pain and the kids don’t use it so it’s just something to take care of that causes me pain. My tendinitis in my ankle flared up. I seriously hope it’s better by morning. So I’m going to sit the rest of the evening with it propped on ice and hope for the best. Congrats to everyone. I’’ pretty sure Weight No More got first place for last week!!
    @timibotkin be strong. Break ups are hard even if it’s what is best. I wish you well. Chin up girl whatever is meant for you will come in time. Just be patient with yourself.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 you can do this! It’s all in your willpower. Maybe you should try to take a walk when you’re craving sweets. Or Read a book. Whatever works for you. You can do it!!! You just have to not eat the things you know are bad for you.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks! It is a little concerning having to go back because I never had to do that before. I talked with several people who had to go back and for them it was nothing more than the images weren't as clear as they could have been. A couple had to have a biopsy but everything turned out ok for them also. I'm hoping it just has something to do with the cyst I've had for a long time.

    Sounds like you've been doing ok with school. It has to be so different now.

    Hope you had a great time playing golf with your husband.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    You're welcome! I would have been surprised too!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    You have your first new member coming in for October - by request! Prepare to welcome @kiane50 - I'm sure you'll have her feeling right at home immediately :heart:
  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    Sunday check in
    Steps 20518
    Walk 1 hr 54 min (4.5 min hike)
    Water 72 oz
    Food prelogged for tomorrow

    Congrats team on the #1 and to everyone that had losses last week.

    Today I tried a 4.5 mile easy hike, no significant hills on a nice woods trail with minimal rocks and roots. Next weekend for our trip, we are planning a 5.2 mile hike that is rated moderate. I wanted to see if my ankle could handle this easier hike first. But my back is so sore from all the staining (another 3.5 hours today) that I’m barely noticing the ankle! Lol! We will see how it feels tomorrow.
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi I’m joining the October challenge. I’m not sure what it all entails but I’ve been losing weight pretty steadily since the end of august when I gave up sugar and flour and limit myself to three meals a day and no snacks. I walk my dog regularly. I have a busy life with college age kids and a full time job. I play in a community orchestra too. Life has its ups and downs but I’m working on my weight so I can enjoy it more and stay healthy.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 931 Member
    I just found some old pics - what I think would have been around my heaviest weight 330 lbs + (2010) And my lightest, around 167 lbs (2015/16).

    All I can say here is that I am making better choices these days, so that when I get to that low weight again I'll be healthy. And I will get somewhere healthy, maybe not quite that weight.


    Both beautiful! You are very photogenic, Kristy.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 931 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    You have your first new member coming in for October - by request! Prepare to welcome @kiane50 - I'm sure you'll have her feeling right at home immediately :heart:

    Welcome @kiane50
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sunday 9/27
    Food: too much
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: none

    I slept in a little this morning. We had indoor church again this morning, first time in a few months. It was different but really nice being inside. Could actually hear everyone singing. That sounded so nice. It was hard to hear people when we were outside and there were people sitting in their cars so you couldn't hear them at all.

    Went home, had lunch and slept my afternoon away. One if the things I dislike about 3rd shift is sleeping a lot of my weekend away.

    Had one of my book clubs tonight. Not sure how many I'll be able to attend. Will depend if I have to work early or not.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    Welcome @kiane50 🌻

    What instrument do you play?

    You sound like you're off to a strong start. This is just a general weight loss challenge, with a lot of encouragement and a good amount of support from some awesome people!

    You are encouraged to check in daily, post as you are able to, but it can be a good help to post daily (or every few days) updates on how your day has been or what goals you are setting yourself for the day/week etc, or just what you want to chat/ask/vent about.

    We also have weekly step challenges (if you want to participate).

    I live in New Zealand so my time zone is a bit skewiff to the rest of the group. I'll be lurking around in the wee quiet hours for most of you! 🦇
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 931 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Notice all of the top winners IDs begin with the letter K!


    Special K!
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 931 Member
    kiane50 wrote: »
    Hi I’m joining the October challenge. I’m not sure what it all entails but I’ve been losing weight pretty steadily since the end of august when I gave up sugar and flour and limit myself to three meals a day and no snacks. I walk my dog regularly. I have a busy life with college age kids and a full time job. I play in a community orchestra too. Life has its ups and downs but I’m working on my weight so I can enjoy it more and stay healthy.

    Welcome! Just have a look around at what people are up to during this last 'week' of September. We start October officially on Sunday, October 4th, so you don't have to do anything much until then, except get to know us and don't get overwhelmed. We're a friendly, fun, supportive bunch! What kind of dog do you have? I have a Havanese named Xavy (Xavier).
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome @kiane50 🌻

    What instrument do you play?

    You sound like you're off to a strong start. This is just a general weight loss challenge, with a lot of encouragement and a good amount of support from some awesome people!

    You are encouraged to check in daily, post as you are able to, but it can be a good help to post daily (or every few days) updates on how your day has been or what goals you are setting yourself for the day/week etc, or just what you want to chat/ask/vent about.

    We also have weekly step challenges (if you want to participate).

    I live in New Zealand so my time zone is a bit skewiff to the rest of the group. I'll be lurking around in the wee quiet hours for most of you! 🦇
    Welcome @kiane50 🌻

    What instrument do you play?

    You sound like you're off to a strong start. This is just a general weight loss challenge, with a lot of encouragement and a good amount of support from some awesome people!

    You are encouraged to check in daily, post as you are able to, but it can be a good help to post daily (or every few days) updates on how your day has been or what goals you are setting yourself for the day/week etc, or just what you want to chat/ask/vent about.

    We also have weekly step challenges (if you want to participate).

    I live in New Zealand so my time zone is a bit skewiff to the rest of the group. I'll be lurking around in the wee quiet hours for most of you! 🦇

  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 417 Member
    welcome to the team. I have only been here a month and find this group is pretty amazing! I love the walking challenge, the habit tracker (keeps me focused on my goals and the care and support from a very caring team.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 417 Member
    Monday Maintenance check in; 126.4
    I would like to change my day to Sunday so that I could post step totals and weight at the same time. I think it would be easier for me to remember!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    09/27 steps 10242
This discussion has been closed.