Mission Slimpossibles - September 2020 Team Chat



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @petrocoetsee I think it's safe to say we've all had weeks like this. Hugs to you!

    @buniphuphu Thank you! I hope you like the butternut squash soup...it does sound very fall-like and perfect for the season!

    @GabiV125 Happy Anniversary! I'm sorry the scale has been a disappointment so far. I hope this week is better for you. <3

    @Jactop Thank you! Congrats on the loss! I agree about morning workouts.

    @anido1 I love Leslie Sansone Walk From Home!!! :) And congrats on that fantastic loss, WTG!

    @TeresaW1020 Oh dear, I'm sorry it was bad news about the tooth but at least you know what is wrong now and can get some relief. That's interesting about the plaque!


    Hello everyone! I had a nice day yesterday: I met a friend for thrift store shopping and then we stopped for iced tea and chatting. I have barely interacted with my friends since COVID, only through text or phone calls, so it was a real treat to see one in person. I did slip up yesterday: I made the mistake of not eating breakfast at work so by the time I got off, I was starving. On the way home (I live about 40 minutes away from work), I stopped through a drive-through and got fast food. :( It was almost automatic. I was so disappointed in myself after I ate it.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: put my utensil down between bites, track everything, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Hi Slimpossibles! I neglected to let you know about the latest new member, but I see that she has already found you and posted! Welcome @itsmegina :heart: I'm sure you'll have a great time with this team.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW (8/24/2020): 210.4
    Check in weight (8/31): 210.6
    Check in weight (9/7):211.0
    Check in weight (9/14):211.8
    Check in weight (9/21):212.4
    Check in weight (9/28): 214.6

    So, I need the group's advice. I am thinking of ducking out of the group for October because I feel like I am dragging you all down with these numbers. Please be honest....
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    HI TEAMS!!!

    I will be traveling the remainder of the week until early next. Week 5 and Grand Finale totals will likely be posted Monday.

    I apologize for any inconvenience.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    Today I took some positive steps (literally) towards next month's goals. I decided that my goal for next month is going to be to take a walk during my lunch hour in addition to my swim. My phone has been complaining at me that my average steps are down this year compared to last year...of course they are iPhone! I work from home now instead of on campus! So I'm going to try to make my phone a little less grumpy.

    I also ordered my wetsuit, gloves, booties, and hoodie for swimming. Yesterday, the water was a brisk 70 degrees, and the air temp was 69 with a light breeze. That feels nice until you're wet! Brrrrr! I still toughed it out for an hour though. I have 29 hours and 8 minutes in, and still need to swim today and tomorrow to close out the month. Thankfully, it's a bit warmer today than yesterday, and it's sunny. I hope the pool warms up a degree or two!

    In order to order the wetsuit, I had to take my measurements. I haven't done that since I went to Curves 10+ years ago. My clothes have been fitting looser, and I'm excited to see progress in inches dropped.

    @GabiV125 I haven't quite made it to Europe yet from the States, but I probably have crossed the English Channel by now! lol Happy Anniversary, btw!

    @Jactop Excellent weigh in! Thanks for the weather vibes! I'll take all of them I can get!

    @anido1 All those steps really paid off on your weigh in! Way to go!

    @itsmegina Welcome aboard! We love seeing new faces!

    @TwistedSassette Don't you love it when Apple Watch starts getting mouthy about your pace? It's like, if I was done, I would tell you I was done!

    @Firefly743 Your story sounds very familiar...I'm in this for the long haul this time if you want to come along for the ride.

    @leonadixon Don't go! You are very much a part of the community.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    @TeresaW1020 thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Will you please place me in the cheer squad for October? With my surgery on the 20th, I think it will be a good idea.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @WELCOME @itsmegina to the team! Please just jump right in and make yourself at home. :)

    @leonadixon I will have @broncobuddee move you to the cheer squad for October and we will plan to put you back on the weekly November weigh-in unless you tell us otherwise. I’m glad that you are sticking around. And prayers for your upcoming surgery. Please let us know how you are doing once it’s over. <3

    @buniphuphu that is a great goal to add walking to your swimming! And what a good idea to get the wetsuit so you can keep up doing what you love. Yayyyy to looser fitting clothes!! B)

    @trooworld I like to go thrift store shopping too! Did you find any good treasures? Ahhh sorry that you are disappointed with your fast food. I made the same choice today for dinner. We will both have to live with the consequences. Let’s just work a little extra for the rest of the week. ;)

    @Firefly743 Hello Lynn! I am so happy to have you join us! I know admitting your heaviest number is hard. It was really hard for me too, but you have made a vow to yourself and now I want you to make one more vow and that is to vow to NEVER give up!! You might stumble along the way and have to tweak your plan many times. But the biggest key is to just keep going. We have some amazing women in this group who have lost a lot of weight and kept it off. I hope you will find them as inspiring as I do. :)

    @TwistedSassette Yikes, that is a lot of expensive hardware your DH’s mouth!! I’m sure he was very pleased to be able to get it taken care of as I will be with my tooth. How cute to let your little boy take a walk with you. I bet he did sleep well! :grin:

    Hi Team! Well, I went to the endodontist today and he shot this icy air on my hurt tooth and almost made me punch him from the pain. It was intense!! Needless to say, I need a root canal. I go Monday morning and will hand them $1400!! Then I guess I have to get a crown which will cost another huge amount of money. Whatever!! I just want this pain gone once and for all and I’m thankful that we have the money to take care of it. My hubby took me and felt so bad that I was in so much pain that he insisted on getting us Chic-Fil-A for dinner. He is a sweetie, but I will have to fast extra hard and eat super clean for the rest of the week. I mean I could have just got the salad and not the fries and chocolate shake...but I didn’t!! :p

    100-Day Challenge Goals: Day 7
    1. Fast clean for 19+ hours, with 2 days at 23+ hours. Fasted 19 hours
    2. Workout six days a week (either BOD program, treadmill, or deep cleaning). I did 30-minute yoga program and 30-minute walk on the treadmill.
    3. Eat at least 90% on plan, which means mostly low carb with one or two days of high-carbs. I ate wayyyy off plan! Chic-Fil-A wrap, fries, and a small chocolate shake. But ohhhh sooooo good!! <3
    4. Have quiet time with God through prayer and reading. Yes, I finished up this week’s Bible study lesson and I’m ready for ladies Bible study tonight.


  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    I had a decent day yesterday. Went for another walk but didn't let my son walk as far as he seemed tired (he'd been to the park that morning). Still a slow pace overall but we walked further (and pushing 35 lbs in a pram adds more difficulty!). I also tried a Les Mills Body Combat video but I struggled to keep up as it's soooo fast.

    I have a challenge today in that there will be a morning tea at work for someone's birthday so there will be lots and lots of unhealthy foods around all day! I made passionfruit yo-yo biscuits which could just end up being the most unhealthy thing there (but delicious). I will be accountable though, whatever I do eat will be tracked and I'll report back tomorrow as well.

    Day 7: Tuesday 29 September
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 4/7
    2. 20 mins exercise: Yes - 4/7
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 4/7
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    Hey gang, just a quick duck in. I went to the ER again yesterday and don't feel very well mentally or physically. Welcome to the new people! And Leona, don't you go anywhere!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In

    Username - bethanie0825
    Day - Tuesday
    PW - 221.8
    CW - 223

    Poop. There were salty foods over the weekend and I was hoping all my water drinking would help it along lol.

    Still tracking my points on WW daily. I've been aiming for some measurable activity everyday too.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    Check in day: Wednesday
    SW: 135.0 lb
    PW: 132.8 lb
    CW: 132.0 lb
    It’s not a “clean” lost because yesterday I had a very unfriendly gallbladder ☹️. I feel better today and I will enjoy the # although it’s undeserved and it won’t last.
    Welcome aboard to our new troops!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @leonadixon I know how you feel. I feel the very same way sometimes. I keep going up and up on the scale lately. :( But please don't quit. We all have our ups and downs. What comes up must go down eventually! We can do this! HUGS!!!

    @buniphuphu I am really impressed that you are keeping up with your swimming even when the weather changes to cooler weather! You are inspiring, girl!

    @TeresaW1020 I have a love/hate relationship with thrift store shopping. I love the idea much more than the actual shopping: when I actually go there, I usually find nothing in my size. All the jeans/pants are far too small, it's like finding a needle in a haystack lol. The tops I have a better chance of finding something. I found one top but didn't feel like waiting in line for a $3.00 shirt and I didn't have cash. So I put it back on the rack. Yes, we will have to live with those consequences!

    @Katmary71 I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon.

    Hi all. I did better with food yesterday. Lunch was leftovers from the night before. For dinner, I made a Thai ground chicken stir fry that was really good. I managed to put my utensil down between bites at lunch and dinner but not at breakfast.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: put my utensil down between bites, track everything, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! 😊

    I checked out the google spreadsheet to keep track of 5 daily healthy habits but it looks like no one from the team filled it out yet. Is it just if we want to keep track ourselves or is it more of a team thing? Just wondering...

    I’ve enjoyed going back and reading some recent posts - y’all are very relatable and motivating! Happy to be here.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @itsmegina The Habit Tracker is used by some of us and we certainly encourage everyone to use it. It is more of a tracker for yourself, but I enjoy seeing how everyone does with theirs. I just filled out my month and it’s always my intention to actually complete the whole month. :grin

    @trooworld Yeah, I don’t find clothes very often either at the thrift stores. I’m hoping that I will one day! I like to go and search for jigsaw puzzles! :grin:

    @GabiV125 Yikes, so glad you are feeling better! Maybe the number will last. Just keep on your plan. :)

    @bethanie0825 that salty food gets me every time too! You will get it off! <3

    @Katmary71 Ohhhh dear!! I’m sending you all my positive vibes and lifting you up in prayer that you will feel better soon. <3

    @TwistedSassette Hey good job on trying that Les Mills workout video. Those are no joke! Enjoy the birthday and get right back on plan. ;)

    Hi everyone! I have been busy today shampooing my area rugs and bedroom carpets. The weather is glorious so I have my doors open to let in the fresh air. I now need to go start dinner and get ready for church this evening. I’m sure the 5-year olds will be their usual hyper selves. :grin:

    100-Day Challenge Goals: Day 8
    1. Fast clean for 19+ hours, with 2 days at 23+ hours. Fasted 19 hours
    2. Workout six days a week (either BOD program, treadmill, or deep cleaning). I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 30-minute yoga. I had a terrible headache and yoga really helped.
    3. Eat at least 90% on plan, which means mostly low carb with one or two days of high-carbs. I have stuck to the plan today!
    4. Have quiet time with God through prayer and reading. No, I was super busy today and ran out of time. I plan to double up tomorrow! Plus, I do have church tonight. 😉

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,726 Member
    Well, yesterday was a failure! I was wayyy over on calories, but I did track everything I ate so that's something. The birthday celebrations weren't that bad, I only tasted a few items and stuck with the more savoury foods for the most part. But then they decided on a BBQ lunch so I had a steak sandwich. Then hubby didn't feel like cooking so we had takeaway for dinner. None of these things on their own would really cause me much of an issue, but the fact they all happened on the same day is just...not good!
    Anyway, onward and upward. Today is a new day. I can make better choices today!

    Day 8: Wednesday 30 September
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 5/8
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 4/8
    3. Record a calorie deficit: No - 4/8
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    itsmegina wrote: »
    I checked out the google spreadsheet to keep track of 5 daily healthy habits but it looks like no one from the team filled it out yet. Is it just if we want to keep track ourselves or is it more of a team thing? Just wondering...
    Just jumping in here even though I'm not on your team! The habit tracker for October does not start until the 4th, so not everyone has filled it in yet (they are still on the September version if they use it). I'm sure it will start to fill up over the next few days. Just go ahead and fill in your name and habits, and then you can start checking them off on Sunday.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    Exercise- chair cardio/hip hop, abs, Kundalini yoga, chakra/energy healing
    Calories- over
    Steps- dangit, I think it was 7000? I need to check before Midnight!

    Birthday wasn't bad, I was down last night but kept real busy today and heard from a lot of people so that helped. The guy I'm seeing is probably coming this weekend. I was going to get a gluten-free cake then but I'm worse than when I went to the ER so I may just have to cut all sugar and see if that has anything to do with it. Almost caught up with my class, my professor for that one isn't available very often so it's a challenge to catch up without getting papers back to build on. Checked out podcasts from Alan Goldhamer from True North, Deepak Chopra, and James Van Praag (his quiz says I'm a healer- wouldn't that be perfect to have every body system crashed and be a freaking healer?!) and read about a bunch of stuff today, have ideas bouncing all over but too worn out to do anything cohesive with them yet. And I watched Goldhamer eating a chicken sausage and he's a whole-food plant-based doctor, that's awful! The medical stuff is like being in slow-moving mud, I keep calling places yelling and they tell me to be patient so I'm stuck for a few days. I got a medication approved after telling my doctor EXACTLY what to write for the third attempt and this time it wasn't denied plus it's approved by my insurance and at the pharmacy but they won't pay it which makes no sense. I could go on but you get the drift, still smiling and fighting but can barely sit! I probably mentioned this a couple weeks ago but my aunts sent me a Paleo dinner box for my birthday and it never showed up (I burned those dinners off peeking out the window and running to the mailbox every day!) and the replacement didn't arrive today, hopefully tomorrow!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    100 days countdown:
    Day 94 (9/29): cal ✅ , steps ✅
    Day 95 (9/30): cal ✅, steps ✅
This discussion has been closed.