Optimal October!

Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
Yeah it's a little lame for a title but sometimes coming up with these alliterations gets difficult! LOL

I am going to continue to focus on WFPB and getting on that treadmill for at least 15 minutes every morning this week. My goal is to get to where I'm doing 30 minutes on the treadmill every single morning, just sometimes I don't haul myself out of bed in time! Then I can get in more exercise if I want. Much as I don't like exercising first thing in the morning it seems to be the only time I can truly commit with hectic work life.

I am thinking I will do Dr. F's 6 week plan starting this week. I need to truly reset my eating and appetite and knock off 10 or 15 pounds. I think all the WFPB docs and plans are excellent, but for a really serious reboot I don't think Dr. F's 6 week plan can be beat.

<3 y'all



  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    What a great plan!

    I just think there is something energizing about having a plan.

    My goal is the gym each day (even though I spend a lot of time scampering around floors since the equipment has been distanced...so I count that as steps) and to plan and prep my meals every morning.

    I've discovered steamed veggies..oh my, organic produce and steamed veggies have become my new thing!

    Sweet dreams, Plant Friends!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hey Shred... was having trouble getting into the groups again on MFP. Not sure what the issue was this time. I love steamed veggies! I have a double decker electric steamer and sometimes I do big bunches of broccoli, cauliflower, greens, then I can add them to whatever or just use as a side with a sauce or some spicy brown mustard.

    I'm having a super stressful week. Good food choices for the most part, but not proud of the occasional lapses into pretzels or crackers.

    I gotta run... work to do tonight. Will catch up more later.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hi there!

    @Shred - A big YUM to steamed veggies! And hurray to that gym time!

    @Mihani - I am so inspired. After weeks of misbehaving, I have 10 pounds to knock off as well. I have banished peanut butter and raisins from the pantry for a few weeks, until I settle back into a regular nutrient dense routine.

    I have been careful today -- Day 1 of back on the Dr F routine! I am eating number as I check in!

    PreB - coffee & 1/4 c cashew milk (needed a little something before taking husband to doctor appt)
    B - an apple, a green smoothie (blueberries, broccoli, spinach, turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, lime juice), goji berries (20g), almond butter (15g), coffee & cashew milk
    L - an apple; turnip greens & chopped turnips with roasted garlic, black beans, tomatoes & green chiles; steamed mushrooms and carrots with grape tomatoes & chopped onion; steamed zucchini with tomato; steamed butternut, turnip, jicama & fresh chopped apple
    S - apple slices and cashews (20g)
    D - chopped salad (carrot, radish, celery, cucumber, bell pepper, avocado, diced apple, diced mandarin orange)

    I will get in some exercise today, too -- either a walk or platform stepping after the boys finish watching the debate.

    I got my Panda Planner set up finally, and am going to be tracking days on plan the rest of the month.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hi Austin! It gets difficult sometimes when life gets stressful, but we'll power through! I haven't started the 6 week plan yet, but will on Saturday. I didn't have time to prep and cook as I wished last weekend.

    Today I am taking a big container of chopped up veggies to the office... carrots, peppers, zucchini, radish. I'm going to keep it at my desk all day so when I get those cravings for pretzels or crackers I will just eat my veggies instead. That's the plan going forward until I beat the snack monster back into submission!

    And you just reminded me of my Panda Planner again. Still need to get back to that.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Here's to an Outstandingoctboard.gif ! Morning, ladies.

    Off for an MRI on knees...my surgeon want to be sure there is no cancer lurking around since I have had bone cancer...1998 left clavicle...1/2 removed.

    The goal is Spring TKR...total knee replacement on left knee. In the meantime, Lulu and I are expecting a new addition to our home...little Katie girl. She is a friend's litter...babies due end of the month...adopting around Christmas. Lulu will be three tomorrow with an adoption date of 12/20/17.

    I probably should have my head examined...getting a new puppy. Input will be appreciated.

    I need to lose 17 pounds to get myself in a great place. So I am right there with you all. Plan right now, is to cut back on amount...and get back into whole foods without so much help from Gardein. All YOUR plans sound super...I know I need to go completely WFPB...but right now, I still feel I need some convenience help.

    I found something completely motivating regarding cleaning, decluttering and organizing. It's on YouTube and if anyone is interested, let me know.

    Off to dry my hair and get out of here by 6:50. Check in time is 7:15. My stomach is in knots.

    Good to be back. kvasthexa.gif
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited October 2020
    Oh my gosh you guys... waiting for MRI

    Going straight home and 🚿 showering ...some peeps look really 😷! Will change clothes as well! Ugh !

    Sitting spaced apart. Everyone masked. But these people look ill!

    Help me Rhonda!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    edited October 2020

    Good morning! Lovely to see you! I am holding out for you to be fine. Definitely stay distant, stay masked, and shower and change when you get home for good measure. I'll be thinking of you. And FYI, I had to take my husbands in for various medical visits 4 weeks ago, and found myself in a similar position -- in a lobby with sick-looking people, waiting for his x-ray. We got through, and as far as we know, both of us got through with no virus.

    As far as the new puppy -- will Lulu mind? More fun for you than the potential work of dealing with a puppychild? Your call!

    I too am fighting the snack monster. My weakness of late has been peanut butter and raisins after dinner, so I am doubling down on a filling veggie dinner and have neither pb (the kind I like) nor raisins in the pantry for now. I am making it easier to win at the game.

    So far, so good today. I got out and went for a walk and ate an on-plan breakfast. Meals today will look a lot like yesterday, especially that chopped salad, which I loved!

    I hope you are well today and enjoying some lovely steamed fall veggies!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited October 2020
    Home...showered and changed. Made it through ok.

    Steaming some carrots for Lulu and me...she cannot eat raw veggies...she throws them up...not like Ernestine...she was a champ carrot eater...I think I have pictures of her with plateful of carrots.

    The idea of getting a second pup is really for Lulu. She is home for long stretches at a time while I am at work Fri - Mon...yes, I knew this going in...but feel, I want to do something about it...and this opportunity has come along. It will take patience and hopefully it will work.

    As far as me and a new puppy...it's all for Lulu, so I am just going to do it and hopefully get through it alive. Wish me luck!

    Breakfast: oatmeal blueberries
    Lunch: Gardein Ultimate beefless burger with the works
    Dinner: rice and veggies, steamed, lots of em
    Dessert: watermelon...still...have not given up my watermelon addiction.

    Wishing you all a glorious day. witchyshoesmiley.gif
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited October 2020
    So, I just got a call from referring surgeon’s nurse.

    Setting up a teleconference call for next Tuesday to go over results of today’s MRI.

    Stick to my stomach. If it is bone cancer, for sure no puppy. If it isn’t cancer, possibly still no puppy!

    Reality just hit me hard.

    Will keep you posted.
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Oh, Magic...what can we do?

    I've been remiss. I'm sleeping so badly, and each day seems to be like a waking dream. I don't know if it is pandemic fatigue, concern about our son's first semester in college (which is actually going quite well), the general state of unrest here and elsewhere.

    I'm trying to just put some human blinders on and focus on good things..this place/space being one of those.

    I haven't caught up with all the prior postings...but each of you is a continual inspiration to me so I want you to know this.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited October 2020
    Thanks Shred. Feeling numb at the moment. I go in yearly for cancer testing...but last two times just blood work. I had labs done a few months back with my new plant based doc...and I think if anything were crazy out of range something would have been looked into.

    The call is set for Tuesday since I am off Tuesday thru thurs.

    I actually am a bit worried.

    Been loving on Lulu ...I think probably best to not adopt a new dog until I cam physically able to care for two dogs. Lulu is super easy. My mind is all over the place.

    Going out for a bit ....then home for late lunch..

    Ewing’s sarcoma dx 1998 left clavicle. Cancer free since 1999. I can’t imagine it is cancer... but the bone probably looks horrible. I have no cartilage and the bone is wearing away.

    Oh well. Off to pick up my new glasses. Sorry to be a drag.

    Hugs 🤗 for everyone! 🐾🐶🐾
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    ***hugs*** to you Magic... praying for you.

    Shred, maybe try some nice calming tea before bed? That helps me sometimes.

    Austin, thank you for always being so upbeat and the fun gifs!

    It was another crazy day at work. I'm really stressed right now. I am going to do a little more work tonight but plan to be in bed early. I think I'm going to work from home on Saturday and office Sunday.

    But, I ate NO pretzels or crackers today. Munched on my cut up veggies and they tasted so good and fresh and healthy!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Picked up glasses...and then a quick stop at Trader Joe's...honey crisp apples, baby carrots, sweet potatoes...that sounds like great snacks for work tomorrow.

    Thanks, Mihani...still a bit shook, but whatever it is, I will deal with it.

    Have a great night all.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member

    Up and at em...back to work for me today.

    Plan for today:

    oatmeal and frozen organic blueberries...all made in my Hot Logic ...enjoy, nice and warm at work.
    sammy of Tofurky and Follow Your Heart smoked Gouda, with mustard and lettuce
    something very light for dinner...steamed veggies and rice

    snacks: watermelon, celery, apple

    Have a great day everyone! hallwcardsmiley.gif
  • ShredWeek1
    ShredWeek1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Friday, Plant Tribe!

    Between Covid, the general unrest, anxiety about our son's first semester of college (he's not remotely academic), food has lost it's taste for me...so there's a silver lining, even when there's a tornado, hurricane and impending volcanic eruption!

    Once our son finishes his first exam, I think I'll be able to breathe...!~

    Take care all. I'd say we're all awesome!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    edited October 2020
    Good for you Magic! I hope you had a good day and your menu plans sound delicious!

    Shred, I am with you. I think I've moved into somewhat numb to all 2020 is throwing at us.

    Austin, how you doing with the Panda Planner?

    I had a pretty good day. Still really stressed over several things at work and scrambling to get them done. I have so much work piled up no matter what I do. I am thinking at this stage I may work from home both Saturday and Sunday. I brought more home than I can possibly do in a day so I may as well work from home both days.

    My contractor is finally getting back to work on my house. It has been pretty much at a standstill since May. Ugh! I understand that all contractors are super busy right now but I really want to get my house finished. It's not even like I could find someone else, they ALL are busy, and I trust and like my guy so I don't want someone else in here overcharging me or not doing it right.

    Dinner tonight will be a big ol' stir-fry with brown rice. Nom nom!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited October 2020
    GuessWhat you guys!? I found someone who’s going to help me with my garage I found her on Thumbtack she has fabulous reviews I don’t care I’m paying someone to help me garage has to be done first so I can make room for all the crap that needs to be stored in the garage and get my house D cluttered once and for all

    She is calling me tonight so I can take pictures of the garage and show her she has a 10 hour package for $350 which is very very reasonable

    And then we’ll see how she does with me in the garage and then maybe I’ll take her in to my living room down and help me D clutter that and then I’ll take her into the guestroom and help me D clutter that and then it’ll be done and all that crap will be out of my house and then I will be a happy girl what do you think about that

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited October 2020
    Just finished call with organizer. Funny thing, her mom lives in my village. Anyway she is coming 10/20 & 10/21 for ten hours, barring any complication with my doc and the results of my MRI>

    I am pretty excited about this. Physically, I cannot do it alone...plus, I do not have the vision that a professional does. And I want to get rid of stuff...and she will be great to help me do so.

    So, just wanted to share. I will keep you posted on this latest fun thing in my life. I know it will make a huge difference.

    Night all.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hello, friends!

    I just love our group. Just saying! ❤️❤️❤️

    Hurray for your garage project! You sound like you got a great deal on help. That's wonderful!

    I am so impressed at watching you settle in and being ready to deal with whatever comes of that medical conversation. I hope all goes well. If we can help, say so, and please know you are in my thoughts!

    I got a bit stopped by the Panda Planner asking me to think about goals over the next 12 months. It feels kinda huge, and I am more at a get through the day and week more effectively place. I think I just need to give myself permission to come back to that section later! I did go buy some inexpensive colored pens, so I ca start having more fun with the daily dots and such. Anyway, progress!

    Your stir fry sounds yummy!

    I am sending you big hugs. There's a lot going on, and having your guy off at college is a big deal!

    I have a new plant based expert to be excited about. A podcast I glistened to this morning has me wanting to read a new book called Fiber Fueled. It's a book by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, a gastroenterologist, on our gut microbiome. For now, I am listening to the Dr B's longer interview on the Rich Roll podcast:

    Food was great today -- all on plan, all Dr F approved.

    And in other news, my husband and I managed to repair our oven today. It quit working a week ago, and he had ordered the part he thought (from looking at appliance repair websites) had likely broken. It was indeed the igniter! And I did a bunch of the work to get it in. So I made my son a homemade pizza tonight, which he has been craving, and will make my husband a birthday apple pie tomorrow!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    edited October 2020

    This is just a quick "Happy Saturday morning" note to you all.

    Magic, you have inspired me. (I told you, I am thinking of you!) I am going to do some work on our garage today!

    Wishing healthy eating choices, productivity and some rest to all today!