Mission Slimpossible - October 2020 Team Chat



  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,121 Member
    @Firefly743 - you know all those graphs of how people actually loose weight? It zig-zags a lot, even for the very disciplined ones ( they have hormones too and retain water like all of us). I’m relatively new to the forums, but the biggest thing I learned, is to never be angry with yourself, nor disappointed. Bad days happen, life gets in the way, just wipe the slate clean every night and start again next day.
    But if you want visual encouragements, use a weight trend app, also measure yourself and keep track of the non-scale improvements ( more reps, more weights, walk faster or longer- than at the very start).
    Sleep well and drink lots of water- sometimes the answer is that simple.
    Best of luck!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,720 Member
    OMG @Firefly743 what a scary thing to happen! I’m glad you’re ok. Some people should not be allowed to drive 😡
    Also about your weigh in results - bear in mind that when you only weigh in once a week, your weight can vary by a couple of pounds each day so it could also be that you happened to be retaining water this week but not last week. I weigh myself daily so I can see these fluctuations, then I don’t freak out when my “official” weekly weigh in is up a little as I know what my “normal” weight is!
  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member

    Thanks! I'm glad I'm ok too. I'm not entirely mad (yet), in disbelief still.

    As far as my weight...I do weigh myself every day. So I definitely do watch it go up and down during the week. This week it was up and down each day - it's such a fun rollercoaster. :) I've actually made mental/emotional progress in not freaking out as much during the week with the fluctuations and just looking at the overall weekly progress.

    I think my real issue is I like to know "why" with most things in life. If I can understand the why, then even if I don't like things, then it's better because I can at least understand it. But when I don't know why weight is going up, that frustrates me. You know? It's not like our bodies can just spit out an answer, much to my dismay. I try and be patient and stick with what I have been doing that works...but sometimes feelings still happen.

    But at the end of the day, I still had a loss...and I'm not in a race...it doesn't all have to come off today, tomorrow or the next day. I just need to focus on one day at a time and things will happen the way they are supposed to. I have a check in with my doc in a couple of weeks and we will chat about my progress too. So I just need to be kind and patient with myself - that's often harder than anything else.
  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member

    Thanks - you have some good points in there. Recently I have started to use Happy Scale so that I can see the weight trend - that is helping me more than I expected.

    I also need to find better work/life balance - I think maybe that's part of what is kicking my butt right now.
  • Firefly743
    Firefly743 Posts: 133 Member
    @adhmrh A new hair style! Sounds like fun!!! Glad you had such a great day yesterday! Love that you got out on the trails!!

    @emj90210 Those are some awesome accomplishments!! Congrats!!!

    @AustinRuadhain Great job fixing the oven!! And yes, it is absolutely insane how much teenage boys eat!!! You wouldn’t believe it unless you witness it yourself. Insane!!

    @trooworld Amazing loss this week!!!! So how do you meditate? Do you use an app?
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 680 Member
    buniphuphu wrote: »
    I decided to try a new veggie today: buttercup squash. I had roasted buttercup squash with cinnamon apples alongside grilled chicken. It was good! Next time, I think I'm going to add a pinch of cayenne because I felt like it needed a tiny kick to it.


    @buniphuphu this looks divine!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 680 Member
    Friday Check-in

    🥗 My dinner was a new chopped salad which I have been making and which I was craving!

    🥧 Make a birthday apple pie for my husband. And since I have a teenager, I think I will make TWO pies! (I'm serious. I have never seen anyone eat the way a teenage boy eats.)

    @AustinRuadhain what is the new chopped salad........? Very curious because I like chopped salad the best and love to add lots of things, always want to see a new one! And yeah - was chatting in a (very social distanced) grocery line just yesterday about how much the teen boys eat, noting how the food bill goes down when they move out. It's almost unbelievable - until you have to keep going back to the store! :#
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    @emj90210 awesome accomplishments, you have a lot to be proud of!

    @TeresaW1020 Congratulations on starting a new exercise program, I hope it's a good fit and you really like it. Nothing wrong with modifying or having to do your own thing at times, you know best when to push it and when to switch it up. I actually resisted the ice cream, I felt way better when I woke up so I couldn't justify it! How's the healing going for you? The headache I've had the last couple months feels a bit better so it wasn't all allergies!
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 2 - Oct 2020 Sunday
    PW 133.8lbs (60.7kg)
    CW 132.9lbs (60.3kg)
    LTD 45.8lbs (20.8kg)

    Lost - a little. Walked 11miles both Fri and Sat but ate large cookie dessert and big meal for family celebrations.

    Eating less veg as I'm trying to eat through all my canned food. Still have tinned chick pea can that I've been trying to get through it this past week.

    Ate too much chocolate on Tues evening coz of Zoom meeting. It's hard, like boredom and need energy to stay awake i gouged on chocolate. Can't drink tea/water instead as I need the toilet all the time which is hard in a Zoom meeting.

    1. Eat through canned food only buying salad
    2. Perhaps buy chicken and eat more protein

    Have a good week ahead🥰

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    @firefly743 Haha, I love your description of not having enough urine, I always go to the bathroom before leaving the house and never think of that when getting labs. I used to bring a book in case I had to hang out to go more. It sounds like you drank enough water too! I hope you feel fine from being hit, that's pretty scary. Glad your son didn't get a ticket, that would've been the icing on the cake. It drives me nuts when the numbers don't make sense, I think dealing with human bodies makes it tougher because you can't control all the variables. I have a few different things I'm trying on myself and things that should make sense are rarely clear-cut. Don't know what to tell you, just commiserating that it's really annoying!

    @buniphuphu Your meal looks awesome, I'll have to keep an eye out for buttercup!

    @Hilogirl2018 I'm sorry your weight is up, regroup and come back at it swinging! When I'm struggling I focus on maintaining over going under to take some of the pressure off. Not sure if that would work for you but remember a number on the scale is just that, you're way more than it!

    Way to go on the weight loss weigh ins everyone!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,674 Member
    Saturday check-in
    Calories- just over
    Exercise- chair cardio, abs, stretching, yoga, chakra meditation
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    @Firefly743 OK you aren’t happy. But you are down on the scale and that is something to celebrate. Now, what do you need to do this week to make a bigger dent on your scale? :)

    @trooworld Girl, look at you!! :o I totally agree that your mediation and staying focused on the goals you have set for yourself is what is giving you such amazing results. Now, that holidays are coming, I encourage you to start right now taking steps on how you are going to balance all the foods that will be in your life with your desire to see the scale drop. That is what I’ve been working on today. And no, I’m not even trying to put my fork or spoon down between bites. I think I need a shock collar or something. :D

    @AustinRuadhain Look at all those goals in green that you have accomplished. Now get to bed and get some sleep!! That is great that you fixed your gas oven! Can you come over and fix my dishwasher? Ten days before the repairman comes out to probably tell us we need a new one. Tell me about this chopped salad of yours? I love a good salad. <3 Hubby told me it was fun to watch me work the salespeople at the stores. I did furniture sales for almost 5 years so I know the game pretty well. ;)

    @cherrymajoni Hey it’s great to have you back on the team!! <3 Now let what happened to go and let’s focus on finishing this year strong! We still have 83 days left until January 1st and that is lots of time to turn it all around. ;)

    @emj90210 I am soooo amazed by how great you are doing!! NO refined sugar, no smoking, and losing weight! Yes, these are great motivations to keep you on track!! B)

    @mss9675 and @TwistedSassette You have both had nice losses this week! Keep it up! B)

    @Katmary71 Ohhhh I am sorry that you have had to lose a tooth too! I do recommend the ice-cream but only if it won’t cause you more harm than good. Feel better! <3

    @adhmrh I was totally surprised that a pumpkin scone still existed in the afternoon. That never happens at my local Starbucks. :grin: That is lovely that you had a nice time with your dad and I bet you look wonderful with your new hairdo. :)

    @miriammuhindi Sometimes those cheat days just aren’t worth are they? How did you do today? Were you able to get back on track? :)

    Hello everyone! Today has been a relaxing day at home. I started my new workout program, which is called 80 Day Obsession. Most of the workouts are an hour long and I will have to use the modifier when I need to or even do a whole different exercise but I'm determined to finish all 80 days and hoping to see some real progress with my fitness. I made homemade beef stew for dinner and we had bread and wine. I drank too much wine and ate too much bread so now I feel a little icky. I told my hubby that I will either eat the food or drink the wine but I will not have both. It's just too much for my body right now. I now need a nap. :grin:

    100-Day Challenge Goals: Day 18
    1. Fast clean for 19+ hours, with 2 days at 23+ hours. Fasted 20 hours
    2. Workout six days a week (either BOD program, treadmill, or deep cleaning). 60 minute full body core
    3. Eat at least 90% on plan, which means mostly low carb with one or two days of high-carbs. NO, I had too much bread and wine! >:)
    4. Have quiet time with God through prayer and reading. Yes, I worked on my Bible study today. o:)


    Thank you!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette You are off to a great start this Sunday! I always like to get my workout done early but first I need my coffee. ;)

    @Firefly743 Ohhh my what a week you have had! I have always gotten so nervous taking a drug test and have no idea why. :grin: That was nice of the cop to let your son off with a warning and maybe now he will slow down and realize that next time he probably won’t get off and will have to pay the price. Now about your weight. I had forgotten until you reminded me that you had lost 4.6 lbs the week before. That is a huge number to lose in one week! So, I am not surprised at all that your body decided to chill out and just drop a little weight. And of course, you already know that it’s never going to be a downward ride but a roller-coaster where you will have to just relax and enjoy the ride. Just keep doing what you know works for you. :)

    @GabiV125 That is wonderful that you got to hang out with your teenage daughter and have fun working a puzzle. Great job on sticking with your goals! :)

    @buniphuphu You just reminded me that I want to put Butternut squash on my menu this week. I eat it in place of sweet potatoes. ;)

    @raleighgirl09 You have so much going on that I am just happy to read your post when you can get on the board. Don’t stress about being the super motivator that you are! Let us help motivate you. <3

    @Hilogirl2018 I am so sorry that you are upset and discouraged with your weigh-in this week. My advice is to just forgive yourself and begin again. You got this! <3

    @Katmary71 I am healing up just fine with only my jaw still being a little tender. Good for you for resisting the ice cream! And yes, my headache is gone now too! :)

    @apple852hk Yayy on the loss!! Clearly, the chocolate didn’t hurt you, but I know that you want to watch how much you consume. Maybe only get a set amount when you start the Zoom call and don’t allow yourself to go get more. After the Zoom call, go drink a huge glass of water. ;)

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