Waist Aways - October 2020 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Heads up! Tomorrow's weigh-ins:

    Overdue: (or let me know if I missed it somehow!)

  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Phew, I made it to the evening. Today was a busy day at work. I was totally sweating by the end! All the little darlings showed up for school today and they were busy. I had an awesome moment with one of my 3 year old students. This little friend is very impacted and does not play with any toys or use any tools functionally...yet. I got her to use scissors on her own! So amazing and teacher took videos for parents!!! Really exciting stuff and it definitely gave me the chills! Love those moments!

    Came home and did my workout right away. I don't game but I am the clock master at home for my kids game time! Well, I cut them off so they went upstairs to pout. No mom guilt for working out today 😁 They came around later hee hee!

    @micki48 We had about 5 inches of snow. Nothing crazy but enough to sled. It is starting to melt and we are going to be in the 50's by Halloween. I hope you run out of cookies soon. I bake some and then freeze the dough in balls. Then I bake a few at a time.

    @yinxfed Running is definitely not for everyone. I think the idea of running sounds great. Then when I actually try it...yuck. Too hard on the joints. Bummer that you will miss out on the group part. Maybe a walking or hiking group 🤔
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    It is another grey one here, with lazy snowflakes drifting down. And we can't have a fire in our heating stoves because the chimney sweep is coming tomorrow morning! We have electric for backup, but it just isn't the same. I love the wood heat, even though it is a pain in the *kitten* sometimes and those really, really cold mornings turn into a contest: who can pretend to be asleep the longest so that the other one has to get up to take out the ashes and make the fire :lol:

    I am planning today. Lots of planning. Including a reboot to my exercise routine - I need to adjust to the new weather reality and stop counting on long walks outside. Until snowshoeing season starts - my fave! You'll all be tired of hearing about that once it starts. I'm a bit of a fanatic :trollface:

    I love hearing your plans. Keep 'em coming!
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Good morning!
    Thank you for adding me to the team. I start in November. I’m super excited, and ready for my journey.
    I started October 1 at 200 pounds.
    I think having a team will make all the difference.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,435 Member
    Hi Waist Aways... Please welcome @MandiSaysHey
  • coffeetwist
    coffeetwist Posts: 18 Member
    @jugar It's so crazy for me to hear you talk about gearing up for winter when summer and beach season is starting in my corner of the world! :smiley: snowshoeing sounds so fun though!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Welcome @MandiSaysHey! This group is great for motivation and support. Can't wait to learn more about you and your journey so far.
  • travelingalone1
    travelingalone1 Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you, @PlaneMonkey for the welcome. 😃
  • dashofwicked
    dashofwicked Posts: 30 Member
    Hello to all newcomers! Excited to get November started with you all.

    We're happy to have you! You'll find great support here. Congratulations on being just four pounds shy from your first goal. That's wonderful news. <3
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @YinxFed Ilove the idea of running, but I have never really loved it. One time I read that
    walking is actually better for you because it easier on your joints and doesn't increase your appetite as much. I don't know if that is true, but that has aways been excuse.

    @jguldi11 Great job getting to the gym and avoiding eating out.

    Welcome new friends!

    I have been slacking with my eating for the past two weeks. The scale showed it last week and I am a little worried about this week. I did a lot of meal planning and prepping today. I am ready to turn it around.

    On a fun note- we had a snow day yesterday! We had record breaking heat last week and then record breaking snow. We got about 6 inches and it has pretty much melted already. I got a great workout i pulling the little kids around in the sled and then we walked to a hill so the big kids could down.
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