Mission Slimpossible - November 2020 Team Chat



  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited November 2020
    So I should just clarify what I said in my intro...I've been married to a man with 2 ears for 30 years not a man of 30 ears. He doesn't hear THAT well. Darn autocorrect.

    Weekend check in:
    1. No sugar ✔ Yay! Survived Halloween without polishing off any candy, a first for me. 7 sugarfree days so far

    2. Hydrate earlier in the day ✔

    3. 30 min of activity per day ✔ Logged 37 workouts so far in the 100 day challenge with 59 days left and 63 workouts to go.

    I was super happy about my weigh in this week mostly because this week wasn't perfect. I drank a bottle of wine (I think) but didn't eat any candy or sample the brownies I baked, a few of my workouts weren't my best effort but some were. I ate some high calorie foods but kept the portions small. This feels like a lifestyle I can sustain so it was nice to see some movement on the scale. Fingers crossed it keeps going.

    @SammyDee2015 I think most of us have hit Done instead of Post at some point. I started coping the body of my post as I write so if I lose it I dont have to rewrite the whole thing.

    @TeresaW1020 its so interesting to follow your weightloss journey with IF. Congrats on the loss and on being in the Winner's Post.

    @adhmrh congrats on being second place for our team. So excited you're giving up sweets for the month. I need a no sugar buddy.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @OneSmallThingToday I also love your handle! Very powerful. Your story is very inspiring, congratulations on your weight loss thus far! I wish you luck on your November goals and welcome to the group! :)

    @adhmrh Congrats on staying within your calories and earning those fun-size bars! Woot woot!!! One of my best friends is like that, she can't stand scary movies or scary books. Me? I love them! :D I don't like slasher movies, but I like a good fright! Gets the adrenaline going lol.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you, I did indeed! That's fantastic, I can't imagine the feeling of stepping on the scale and seeing a number I hadn't seen in 30 years. That must feel incredible!

    @Jactop Wow, fabulous weigh-in, way to knock it out of the park!!! It sounds like you found a nice balance, congrats.

    Hi all. I had a great day yesterday. I was able to cook a meal for later in the week, the weather was beautiful so went for a walk with the husband and the dog, took a nice long nap, I didn't go over my WW points for the day even with drinking 2 wine spritzers! Yippeee!!!

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night - 100% accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day - not accomplished
    - put my utensil down between bites - 100% accomplished
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything - 100% accomplished
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal - 50% accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - get at least 7 hours of sleep every night
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 15 minutes a day
    - put my utensil down between bites
    - ask myself if I'm really hungry before eating anything
    - leave at least 3 bites of food on my plate at each meal
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    edited November 2020
    @ChristBeforeCheesecake Welcome aboard. Nice first weigh in!

    @Jactop You crushed it this week! Way to go! Going sugar free is working for you!

    @GabiV125 I hope your fitbit syncs once the weather clears. Maybe the fitbit just can't see the satellite? I really have no idea how fitness trackers do their magic. I would be upset if mine didn't sync up.

    @AustinRuadhain Great weigh in!

    @leonadixon Welcome back! I'm glad the surgery went well!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! I would like to rejoin for November with my weigh in day to be Tuesdays. I am 2 weeks post-surgery on my neck and feeling extremely ready to be positive and join the world again!

    Yayyyyyy!!! I'm so happy to have you back on the team. :grin: I'm glad that the surgery went well and that you are ready to join the world and us again.

    @TeresaW1020 thanks! Is there anything I need to do? Or just provide my weight tomorrow and going forward?
  • anido1
    anido1 Posts: 35 Member
    Username: anido1
    PW 151 lbs
    CW 151 lbs

    Happy November everyone🍁🍂 seems like I’ve hit this plateau for the past few weigh-ins. I really try to watch my calories during the week but I need to get back on track with my exercise. Still doing the Walk From Home series on YouTube which has worked well for me. Good luck to all of us😀
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Annie, 54, a Brit who has been living in the US since I got married in 1991. We have 2 sons, our 23 yr old lives in Asia & the 20 yr old is away at college, so we are also empty nesters.

    I have been trying to get to my goal and to lose the last 5 pounds for the last 5 months, but if I'm honest it has been a bit half-hearted & I do have what I'm calling mental fatigue from the effort of logging food/counting calories etc. I do just fine when cooking at home but when we eat out we try and support a local business. Almost always there is no indication of the calorie count so I don't bother logging it.

    This actually leads me to a question for everyone....if you go out to eat/get food delivered etc. and you only eat half of it because the portion is so huge and you know it is probably high calorie/high sodium, but it was fairly expensive & you get a take home box.....do you eat it the next day? Or throw it out? Or don't even get the box in the first place?

    We went to a Cajun restaurant & I had Cajun seasoned chicken breast, shrimp and okra smothered in a house made Creole sauce and served over dirty rice, garnished with fresh tomatoes and green onions, which was absolutely delicious. Dilemma!!! WWYD????? ;)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! I would like to rejoin for November with my weigh in day to be Tuesdays. I am 2 weeks post surgery on my neck and feeling extremely ready to be positive and join the world again!

    Woohoo! Glad to see you, Leona!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited November 2020
    ... the "what the H" mentality. That's exactly where I was this morning. I was picking at some comfort food that we ate for dinner last night and it was getting out of hand. Ate a little bit.... then a little bit more....and that never turns out well. Loved the article and it was exactly the direction my day was going- throw the plan out the window for today. Then @raleigh_girl made a comment about my determination, which is what I really needed to hear right at the minute. I ate a light lunch, logged everything and I feel so much better. Thanks!
    This is SUCH an inspiring story! I so love this group being a place where we can come get reminded of who we are and what we are up to!

    I have been off reading more about the What the Hell Effect! In case anyone else is interested:

    Another article I liked:
    Avoiding the What-the-Hell Health Effect
    How to eat, drink and be merry during the holidays without going overboard.
    Those who showed themselves compassion felt less distress – and they ate less than half as much candy at a subsequent taste test as those who didn’t forgive themselves.

    The moral of the story: “We may think that guilt motivates us to correct our mistakes, but it’s just one more way that feeling bad leads to giving in,” McGonigal notes. So kick your guilt to the curb and treat yourself as you would a close friend – with kindness and compassion, instead of guilt or punishment – and you’ll improve the likelihood that you’ll get back to your regular eating habits more quickly.

    Here's a super quick video on the WTH effect as relates to your calendar. He talks about blocking out your calendar in hours, so that you can get yourself back on track in the next hour. I do something similar by having a food plan, I think.


    This ties in with something that BJ Fogg, the author of Tiny Habits, said that really struck me:
    “You change best by feeling good, not by feeling bad.”
    Here's a short article where he talks more about the power of feeling good in making changes.
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