Downsizers - December 2020 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,699 Member

    Megan_smartiepants1970 wrote: »
    I am about to do the December Step Challenge.... Is there anyone else who wants to remain or be added ? Please let me know ...Thanks :)

    I think you have me! I am staying at 4500 but come January I will be changing that goal. Can you tell me how many steps you would get for going the breaststroke for 30 minutes? I am curious! /b]

    I do have you on the step challenge for 4500 .....I do not have steps for a breaststroke but what I do have is Swimming Leisure 133x 30= 3990................................... Swimming Moderate effort 174X30=5220 ..........Swimming Treading water 49x 30=1470........Swimming vigorous effort 222x 30=6660 and water aerobics 100x 30=3000
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,699 Member

    Thanks for letting me join in the Challenge.

    MFP starting weight: 223.4 March 8, 2020
    Current Weight: 164.9
    Goal Weight 130.0 (I have big dreams)

    I just turned 57 in October, am divorced but have a long time boyfriend. I love animals especially cats and horses. I have had three cats over the years. Can no longer have cats due to being a kidney/pancreas transplant patient. The doctors worry about toxoplasmosis. I have also owned three horses and competed in western pleasure, jumping and training level dressage while schooling first and second level movements. Have also owned three great danes. They are a mellow dog but clingy as saran wrap. They always wanted to be sitting on my foot or leaning against me or in my lap at all times.

    My boyfriend went into the hospital on Thanksgiving day with Covid and pneumonia. He is currently in the ICU and will be in the hospital for at least two weeks and possibly Christmas. This is a huge disappointment to him as he was hoping to spoil his grandchildren. I have no children myself but enjoy helping him shop for them!

    I live in Iowa. Ninety of the ninety nine counties are over 15% positivity for Covid. At one point in time my town was over 40% positivity. Currently in the twenties now. Only recently did our governor issue a mask mandate and it is not very stringent. However, she is really proactive about closing businesses so am worried that local gym will be closed after the Thanksgiving surge. At this time we wear masks and the number of people inside at one time are severely limited. Will have to look into things to do at home other than shoveling snow which is a given.

    Am looking forward to getting to know you all better and cheer you all on.

    Welcome to our wonderful team happy to have you join us :)
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,699 Member
    Apparently Dakota my German Shepherd broke a record today ...The fastest dog to break the cone on his head ...I had to go back to my Vet. to get a new cone which cost me 17.00 jeeez :)
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 28/29
    logging -yes.
    under - yes (if you can't my exercise? I hope that works)
    water - needs improvement
    exercise - yes/ both days
    time to self - yes
    4/5 on both days of challenge

    Steps Nov. 28 -11051
    Nov. 29 - 7347

    Hi all. So the sleep clinic was weird but I made it through it. Today I was supposed to zoom with a few friends, but just went for a walk with one instead. I was a bit headachy and tired from not really sleeping well two nights in a row...
    Things are going pretty well food wise. I have been thinking about eating junk food the last 2-3 days and binging, but I didn't do it...

    I am so proud of you for resisting those thoughts. What did you do to resist the junk food or a binge? Do you think your sleep is not helping the thinking?

    Thank you so much Linda for your support! I appreciate it! As far as resisting, I think that I just ask myself "How is that going to make you feel?" Meaning are you going to feel better or worse after eating that junk food or binging on some sweets. I inevitably come up with the answer that I will feel much worse. I also think for me that it is a band aid to temporarily not feel my feelings. I sat and realized I felt frustrated and angry. Who knew this was a big trigger for binging. But for me, any difficult to feel emotions are triggering.
    Anyway, I was very close one time... but I didn't do I am happy about that. Thanks again for your positive comment.

    I'm really proud of you Laura! Not anaesthetising because of anything is a great accomplishment, and sitting with the feelings, albeit really hard, is worth it in the long run!

    I try and play the tape through- how am I going to feel as soon as I binge? I guess instant gratification. But as soon as I am done? Guilt, remorse, shame, feeling like a failure. AND also, if I do binge I can't guarantee that I'll get back on the horse. Many times I've been on a weight loss trudge and just given up.

    I am really encouraged by your words hun, you truly inspire me <3
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Sunday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Steps: 3,321
    Sleep: ❌
    DBF: 1

    I have a super busy day today. I have physio, appointments with the dentist, dietitian and my OT. My sleep is off again as I had to get up early to drive my husband to work so I could have the car. I am not thrilled about my dentist appointment but super excited for the dietitian. She is working with me on binge eating and I am hoping for more insight today.

    When reading @mszoueb post today it hit me that I have to stop setting myself up for failure by focusing on my weight. I need to focus on taming the binge eating, getting regular short walks and improving my sleep. Once I regularly meet those goals weight loss will follow.

    Well I am off to put supper in the crockpot and get ready for physio. I will be back to read all the wonderful new posts later today.

    Have a super Monday!

    I would love to know how everything went!!! It's great you have a dietician who can support you with the binging issues. That's awesome!
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    363days wrote: »
    Good Monday -
    Although I would love to lose weight, I'm stealing the idea from Linda and changing my focus.
    No Binge eating
    Track daily
    Exercise daily

    Good luck to everyone!

    I think this is great! When I joined a recovery program for my food this time around (which was just over 2 years ago) I decided that the number on the scale was going to mean less to me compared to the peace of mind that I really needed. Since my last proper binge, which was 753 days ago now, and gave up processed sugar, even though I might not be where I want to be, I feel a bit clearer in my head!

    This is just an added bonus for me, now that I am pushing myself to exercise, and actually eat more home-cooked meals (now I'm getting used to it, it's pretty easy lol)

    Meditation really helps me too- just to take a few minutes of quiet, focus on my breathing and figuring out how my body and mind are really doing.

    I'm looking forward to following this new level of your journey!!

    Good morning :)

    I'm feeling good about December! Yesterday was a no ❌'s day for once and fasting went well too. Today I am focusing on strength training, drinking water and taking some time for myself when I need it (even a 5 -10 minute break).

    I bought some new teas that I am drinking throughout the day, they are wonderful so far. Starting this morning with a mango green tea and black coffee.

    Have a great Monday everyone.

    I am so happy to read this!!! The tea sounds good! Not the biggest lover of green tea but flavoured ones are pretty nice. And green tea is meant to be healthy for you right? Gotta love a bit of mango!!!

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Hi all! Welcome to all newcomers! My name is Ashley. I'm 33 years old, a wife, and a mother to a 5 year old boy and 2 year old girl. I've been overweight pretty much my whole life with several journeys up and down the scale. I hit my highest weight of 323 lbs before getting pregnant with my son. I only know the weight because I weighed myself before going to the doctor to be prepared for the number. I was too scared to find out before that because I knew I was beyond my highest weight previously recorded. I lost 100lbs after he was born but then got pregnant with my daughter and slowly put most of it back on.

    My current journey started in the middle of April this year. I'm determined to make this my last one. I've had some slip ups and some difficulties, but the difference this time is that I just keep going no matter what. I've lost almost 70 pounds since then and just hit a LTD of 120 which sounds crazy to me. I count calories, eat mostly a primal diet, and do IF from 1pm to 9pm.

    I have a mini goal of getting below 200lbs by the end of the year, mostly to help keep me accountable during the holidays. With last week's weigh in that's means I have 3 pounds to lose in the month of December. I'm ready! I haven't been below 200lbs since I was 12 years old.

    Here's what my daily goals look like
    Track everything
    Stay under calorie- 1300 plus exercise
    128oz of water
    9000+ steps (Except Sunday)
    Exercise (Except Sunday)

    Anyone may feel free to add me as a friend on the app! My diary is open to friends.

    120lb is amazing! and so inspirational! Thanks for sharing more about yourself, it's great to get to know you better :)
    Weekend Challenge Update:
    1. Tracking ✔️✔️✔️
    2. Under calories goal✔️✔️✔️ (had to dip into the exercise calories)
    3. 20 minutes of exercise ✔️✔️✔️
    4. Time to myself✔️✔️✔️
    5. Hydrate✔️✔️✔️

    A successful weekend!

    Amazing Angie, way to go!!!

    Thanks for letting me join in the Challenge.

    MFP starting weight: 223.4 March 8, 2020
    Current Weight: 164.9
    Goal Weight 130.0 (I have big dreams)

    I just turned 57 in October, am divorced but have a long time boyfriend. I love animals especially cats and horses. I have had three cats over the years. Can no longer have cats due to being a kidney/pancreas transplant patient. The doctors worry about toxoplasmosis. I have also owned three horses and competed in western pleasure, jumping and training level dressage while schooling first and second level movements. Have also owned three great danes. They are a mellow dog but clingy as saran wrap. They always wanted to be sitting on my foot or leaning against me or in my lap at all times.

    My boyfriend went into the hospital on Thanksgiving day with Covid and pneumonia. He is currently in the ICU and will be in the hospital for at least two weeks and possibly Christmas. This is a huge disappointment to him as he was hoping to spoil his grandchildren. I have no children myself but enjoy helping him shop for them!

    I live in Iowa. Ninety of the ninety nine counties are over 15% positivity for Covid. At one point in time my town was over 40% positivity. Currently in the twenties now. Only recently did our governor issue a mask mandate and it is not very stringent. However, she is really proactive about closing businesses so am worried that local gym will be closed after the Thanksgiving surge. At this time we wear masks and the number of people inside at one time are severely limited. Will have to look into things to do at home other than shoveling snow which is a given.

    Am looking forward to getting to know you all better and cheer you all on.

    It's great to have you here! I'm sorry you are going through so much with covid and your boyfriend being so ill. I am hoping brighter days are coming for you, love!

  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Missing steps for the following people

    @Tazaria87 -11/28
    @888Angie888 11/28
    @darleenturner 11/23-11/28
    @TracyKlaft1 11/22-11/28
    @lcfa5317 11/24, 11/25 and 11/26
    @eaturpasta 11/25 -11/28
    @Bluetail6 -11/27 and 11/28
    @mari_moulin -11/28
    @draby2011 -11/28
    @shortyjmorgan1 -11/25-11/28

    Please get them to me as soon as you can .... I will be zeroing them out tomorrow so that I can do the spread sheet and give to entire month totals ...Thank you :)


    steps for 11/28: 7,557
    steps for 11/29: 8,981
    steps for 11/30: 2,402

    Sorry it has been a crazy couple days!
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Apparently Dakota my German Shepherd broke a record today ...The fastest dog to break the cone on his head ...I had to go back to my Vet. to get a new cone which cost me 17.00 jeeez :)

    That's German Sheppards for ya!!! haha

    Poor little babe, I hope he recovers soon. You're a great fur momma!!! <3
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    checkin 11/30/2020

    steps 2069
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    29th November

    * Track/ under calories/no restricting - ✔️✔️✔️
    * 2L water ✔️
    * "fresh air" count- 17 ✔️
    * midnight bedtime ✔️ (If I get my butt into gear- gotta type fast!)
    * Awake and out of bed by 9am ✔️
    Steps- 14,391

    Just a quick check in because I'm running a touch late and still need to shower before bed lol.

    Today has been busy- work, supper and workout, that's been basically it. Tomorrow I have a couple of appointments but I can restttttt. Back to work on Wednesday.... then 9 days off!! Woohoo!!! I have a lot planned for those 9 days for sure... cleaning! Walking and exercising!

    Got my pre-weigh in nerves. Hope the scale is kind to me in the morning!

    Have a good night all, stay safe <3
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 574 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 11/29 steps 15,751
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    lelbarou wrote: »
    Check in for Nov. 28/29
    logging -yes.
    under - yes (if you can't my exercise? I hope that works)
    water - needs improvement
    exercise - yes/ both days
    time to self - yes
    4/5 on both days of challenge

    Steps Nov. 28 -11051
    Nov. 29 - 7347

    Hi all. So the sleep clinic was weird but I made it through it. Today I was supposed to zoom with a few friends, but just went for a walk with one instead. I was a bit headachy and tired from not really sleeping well two nights in a row...
    Things are going pretty well food wise. I have been thinking about eating junk food the last 2-3 days and binging, but I didn't do it...

    I am so proud of you for resisting those thoughts. What did you do to resist the junk food or a binge? Do you think your sleep is not helping the thinking?

    Thank you so much Linda for your support! I appreciate it! As far as resisting, I think that I just ask myself "How is that going to make you feel?" Meaning are you going to feel better or worse after eating that junk food or binging on some sweets. I inevitably come up with the answer that I will feel much worse. I also think for me that it is a band aid to temporarily not feel my feelings. I sat and realized I felt frustrated and angry. Who knew this was a big trigger for binging. But for me, any difficult to feel emotions are triggering.
    Anyway, I was very close one time... but I didn't do I am happy about that. Thanks again for your positive comment.

    I'm really proud of you Laura! Not anaesthetising because of anything is a great accomplishment, and sitting with the feelings, albeit really hard, is worth it in the long run!

    I try and play the tape through- how am I going to feel as soon as I binge? I guess instant gratification. But as soon as I am done? Guilt, remorse, shame, feeling like a failure. AND also, if I do binge I can't guarantee that I'll get back on the horse. Many times I've been on a weight loss trudge and just given up.

    I am really encouraged by your words hun, you truly inspire me <3

    Thank you so much Tanya! I really appreciate your words and support! I understand exactly what you mean by playing the tape through. I think I do something similar. I feel the same way about being worried of being thrown off the horse so to speak. I'm afraid I won't get back on it also. You really encourage and inspire me! You are so amazing!
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Hi. My name is Laura ( AKA lelbarou)
    I just wanted to introduce myself to the new members.
    I am 53 years old ( Just had my B-day) and I live in Toronto.
    I have had struggles with my weight since I was about 7 or 8 years old.
    I started buying chocolate bard and candy a lot early!
    I can say that I have always had problems with staying on track.
    In the summer, I managed to do about 3 weeks by myself of healthy eating,
    but I fell of the wagon and couldn't seem to get on.
    Since I have been on MFP and been with this group, I have been able to stay on track.
    The support from this wonderful group is really amazing.
    I can pretty much guarantee that you will benefit from it.
    I have a history of binge eating, but except for an incident weeks ago,
    I have been able to not to this thought sometimes I am really tempted to...

    I welcome you to the group and wish you all the best on your journey.
    WE are there for you! WE GOT THIS!
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    Could everyone (new comers and old timers) let me know if they are planning or wanting to be added to our step challenge?... Also could you give me a number of steps you plan on doing daily ....if you hit that number 2 days or more you get recognized weekly ...Good luck everyone ...and Thank you :)

    Is there any chance of converting our exercise minutes to steps?
    If yes. Then I will like to join.

    Yes there is .... you just tell me what you did and for how long ...and I convert them for you :)

    Perfect I want to sign up for 45 mins many steps will that be?

    It depends on what you do ... are you on an ellipitcal.. are you just walking etc.

    none. I exercise at home with videos from youtube.

    Just let me know what type of video and for how long and I can convert it for you :)

    Cardio hiit today 30mins
    And 30 mins brisk walk
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi I don't really know how to put my starting weight since it is higher than when I initially started this challenge but I will go with what I have here.
    Pw 246.2
    Cw 244
    Weigh in day Tuesday.
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member

    Thanks for letting me join in the Challenge.

    MFP starting weight: 223.4 March 8, 2020
    Current Weight: 164.9
    Goal Weight 130.0 (I have big dreams)

    I just turned 57 in October, am divorced but have a long time boyfriend. I love animals especially cats and horses. I have had three cats over the years. Can no longer have cats due to being a kidney/pancreas transplant patient. The doctors worry about toxoplasmosis. I have also owned three horses and competed in western pleasure, jumping and training level dressage while schooling first and second level movements. Have also owned three great danes. They are a mellow dog but clingy as saran wrap. They always wanted to be sitting on my foot or leaning against me or in my lap at all times.

    My boyfriend went into the hospital on Thanksgiving day with Covid and pneumonia. He is currently in the ICU and will be in the hospital for at least two weeks and possibly Christmas. This is a huge disappointment to him as he was hoping to spoil his grandchildren. I have no children myself but enjoy helping him shop for them!

    I live in Iowa. Ninety of the ninety nine counties are over 15% positivity for Covid. At one point in time my town was over 40% positivity. Currently in the twenties now. Only recently did our governor issue a mask mandate and it is not very stringent. However, she is really proactive about closing businesses so am worried that local gym will be closed after the Thanksgiving surge. At this time we wear masks and the number of people inside at one time are severely limited. Will have to look into things to do at home other than shoveling snow which is a given.

    Am looking forward to getting to know you all better and cheer you all on.

    Thank you for sharing about yourself. It is awesome that you have already enjoyed such success in your weight loss journey - you obviously have stick-to-it-ive-ness! On another note, what a trying time it sounds like you are going through, not only is your bf experiencing the disappointment of missing the holidays, but he is recovering from a strong illness. I bet the celebration when he comes home will be bigger than any other holiday could be. Sending good vibes your way - Patti
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    draby2011 wrote: »
    Sorry I missed my weigh in on 11/28!

    I weighed in at 234 which was a 4 pound loss. I was expecting more but mother nature had other plans. I had a crazy day at work that day. I literally came home, took a shower, and crashed. Then at midnight that my mom's foot (she has charcot and chronic diabetic ulcers which she sees a podiatrist for. She has had 15 surgeries on her left foot since the beginning of the year. Her right foot was doing better with bovine skin substitute but her body rejected it last Wednesday leaving her with a gaping hole.) had taken a turn for the worse. Just the day prior I had done her dressing change and it looked okay. However, with diabetes, things can change in minutes. Her foot turned black and purple in a matter of days. Of course our local hospital does not staff and orthopedist or podiatrist on the weekends so she had to wait until today for them to see her. According to her podiatrist, it doesn't look good and the last I was told before she knocked out from the pain meds was that they were doing an MRI to see how far up the leg the infection has travelled. Tomorrow we will find out if they will amputate her foot, or her foot and leg below or above the knee. My mom is devastated and saying she isn't going to let them do it but mentally she has become unstable so if she needs to have it done, I will see to it that it gets done for her health.

    Anywho, I am still reeling off the lack of sleep that came from that night. (A lot of drama in addition to her health, like her boyfriend refusing to take her to the hospital and her having to call an ambulance and her talking crazy then telling me to go to bed, smh) Anywho, I have not been fasting like I should because of the stress and I know that is not an acceptable excuse but I will get back on track with it yet again. I also have an appointment Wednesday to see my PCP. I am sure she won't be happy with me but at least I am trying.

    Anyways, I will catch up with you guys tomorrow (maybe lol, it is a hospital day and we were just approved for a medication to treat COVID..well, treat the symptoms? Basically it is like Tamiflu...for COVID and they're promoting it like crazy so I am expecting the flood gates to open.)

    Ya'll have a good night!

    Please keep us updated! What a very trying time for you on several fronts. Your mental health is the utmost importance as it sounds like you are dealing with issues from several fronts. I'm thinking of you today.
This discussion has been closed.