Mission Slimpossible - December 2020 Team Chat



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @TwistedSassette Thank you! That's a good idea to do, I think I will at least plan out my snacks. Wow, that would help me drink enough water, too, if my work was testing me lol! I'm sorry yesterday was a tough day, I hope you have a better day today.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, I do and I hope I continue, too! Thanks for the hydration ideas. It does sound like you've had a hectic time lately. I would be upset about seeing your pastor take that fall, too. Poor guy. And then having to field all the calls about it would upset me too, having to relive it. It's no wonder your food is still not 100%! I know you will get back to it though, you do have your eye on the prize!

    @anido1 Yes, I am doing WW. I don't track in MFP, just in WW. It works well for me. They are having a special right now (at least in my area), 3 months at a discounted rate + you get something free. I highly recommend WW.

    @raleighgirl09 I have that very same problem, Maria. I don't get up, my @$$ is glued to the chair for hours and hours. I need to take a break and get some fresh air during the day. Yes, let's check in.

    @adhmrh I love the name of your dog. That's funny, what you posted from Instagram! LOL

    Hello all. I got all my water in yesterday despite it being a stressful workday where I was glued to my work for almost the whole 8 hours. I was also on the phone with my director and manager, each a separate phone call, which also stressed me out. I hope today is better: I'm actually going to the job site to do some work. If they want to bug me, they can do it in person lol. I did eat a 1 oz bag of Doritos which isn't ideal but the old me would have gone out to the store and bought a big bag of Doritos and ate 3/4 of the bag, so that's progress.
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    Happy hump day to a wonderful group.

    It hasn’t been an ideal week so far to lose anything, I am hoping to turn around the corner and get better by my Dr. Apt. Friday.

    I started my weight loss journey for the 100th time Nov 4th, after a check in with my Dr.
    I had gained another 20lb since March and that put me at a high risk for heart problems and cancer given my family history.
    I started at 255lb the highest ever in my life and now down to 248lb in 3 weeks but the number is not going down this week.
    I don’t snack anymore between meals, I am very good with water intake and I do exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.
    Thanksgiving day I went a little bit over because my food is just so good 🙈 but did 3 miles walking outside.
    I keep telling myself and hope it is true,
    that it is the time of the month (PMS), and part of my workout is lifting so it could be that I did lose fat and gained muscles 💪🏼.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Good morning! I haven't been able to be active for about a week now because of knee pain and what I think is a shin splint. It hurts a lot to walk or even move my leg. It's starting to improve so I'm hoping to get out and get a little bit of a walk in today at least. The scale just keeps going up and down every day since I can't work anything off.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Username: @leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    PW (11/24/2020): 217.6
    Check in weight (12/1): 218.4
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,727 Member
    @TeresaW1020 OMG how awful - that would be very upsetting to see your pastor injured like that! I hope he heals quickly and you can still have your party as planned.

    @adhmrh Ahahahha! What a great phrase!

    @RYcare Congrats on your weight loss so far! I find that it usually takes some time for my efforts to show on the scale. Consistency has been key for me so far, so I encourage you to stick with it because even if the scale isn't showing it, you're making good strides toward better health.
    Another stressful day at work yesterday. But the good news is that someone brought in churros and cookies and other pastries, and I haven't touched a single one. They're staring at me from the table, but I'm ignoring them. Give me strength lol.
    We went out for dinner for a friend's birthday last night - it was a fun night but there were no healthy choices on the menu. I chose a chicken parmigiana with salad, and did eat it all. But when I logged it, I was surprised that I still ended up with a deficit despite also having a couple of beers. So I'm happy with that even though I didn't get any exercise in either!
    My Mum has another eye appointment today, my brother is taking her down (it's an 800km round trip for her) so she stayed with us last night. Hubby is heading off to help with harvest at his family's farm again, maybe this afternoon or maybe tomorrow - he has to replace a hose in his ute first and is waiting for the part to arrive, hopefully today. So home life is just as hectic and stressful as work at the moment! I must steer clear of the cookies!!

    Today I am aiming to do a lot of exercise, I feel really tired and I know that's because I've been stuck at a desk all day and haven't been moving enough.

    Day 71: Wednesday 2 December
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 48/71
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 40/71
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 37/71
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette Good for you for resisting those tasty treats at work. That would be so hard for me to do! That is great that you made good choices at the restaurant and were still in a deficit. I also find that I get more tired if my exercise starts slacking. :)

    @GretchenReine I’m so sorry that you have been suffering from knee pain and possible shin splints. That does sound very painful so try to be patient with yourself as you heal. <3

    @RYcare Losing a good amount of week in three weeks is great and it’s to be expected that you will slow down as your body starts to adjust. Also if you are doing any kind of weight lifting your muscles will retain some water. Especially if you are new to it. Just be patient with yourself. :)

    @trooworld Yayyy for getting in all your water! That is a big deal for you. And good job on the Dorito portion control. Those are a real weakness for me too. :)

    Hi Team! I can’t believe we only have 30 days left until the first of the year!! We all need to kick it up a notch and finish strong! B) Today was a good day and pretty relaxed. I am happy to report that my pastor came through the surgery on his broken arm just fine and is home resting. I still don’t know about the party on Friday and will find out tomorrow after he and his wife have a night to rest. I was trying to get out of the staff meeting tomorrow since the pastor and our associate pastor won’t be there, but I think I’m being overruled. I mostly don’t want to go because it’s so cold and I hate winter!! :grin:

    NEW YEAR CHALLENGE: 30 Days until January 1st
    1.Fast Clean:I fasted 24 hours today.
    2.Workout:I did 80 Day Obsession 50 minute booty
    3.Eat on plan: I only had one 500 calorie meal today, which was my plan.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    Yesterday, I got to swim again! Yay! I'm going to the YMCA now, and you have to reserve a time slot for swimming. The time slots are fairly limited because they have aqua aerobics on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evening, which ties the pool up for an hour. They also book the time slots in either 30 or 45 minute increments, so last night I had to settle for an hour of aqua aerobics and a 30 minute lap swim after that. Tonight, I booked two back-to-back time slots at 45 minutes each. The aqua aerobics was ok...but there was a lot of jumping, which is not good for my back, hips, knees, and ankles. I may just try to do 30 minutes on T/Th and 1.5 hours on MWF if I can get the time.

    Food wise, today is what I call an empty day. Every so often, a day rolls around where no matter what I eat, I can't seem to feel at all satisfied. In the past, empty days would mean a lot of empty calories. I've been trying to address this with larger quantities of quality food, rather than going completely off the rails. It has helped to focus on better food on the empty days when they pop up, but even so, I still munched on some tortilla chips with lunch that I hadn't planned on eating.

    @SammyDee2015 A five-pound goal sounds great for December. I'm hoping to get that too, but I know it will be rough with holiday eating right around the corner.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 I love your positive attitude! A birth year weight is something I aspire to reach...some day. Good luck on your shoulder surgery! I decided to put mine off because hospitals are starting to reach the point of rationing some care here, and they are discussing the possibility of limiting "elective" surgeries again.

    @Cornanda You're right about weight loss not being a one size fits all formula. I've tried a lot of things over the years, and I'm just now starting to figure out what I need to do to succeed.

    @raleighgirl09 I really love using the Habit Tracker. It has made a big difference on motivating me to get up and take mini walks during the day, so I'm not just a slug at the computer all day. It is easy for me to forget to move when I'm working from home, but this is just one more poke to get out of my chair.

    @trooworld I think working from home has been a blessing for me with my food. Even though there is more food here, I make sure to get some fruits and veggies in with each meal because they are available here. When I worked at the office, I ate out most of the time or ordered Panera to be delivered to my desk. Neither of those are the best choices...plus it was pricy!

    As for adding water, I found I drink more when I have a cute water bottle to drink from. I ordered one online as a reward for some weight loss milestone, and now I refill it several times a day.

    @TwistedSassette I crave doughnuts now, and I've never been a big doughnut eater before. I'm not sure why they sound so good lately, but I try to distract myself most of the time...it's certainly not easy!

    @TeresaW1020 I hope your pastor heals quickly! What a horrible accident!

    @anido1 Sorry that Thanksgiving put a bump in your weight loss! It sounds like you have identified some good ideas for getting back on track. I'm sure those two pounds will be gone again soon!

    @adhmrh I LOVE the insta quote! It's perfect!

    @RYcare It sounds like you are doing everything right! Seven pounds in 3 weeks is really good. Just remember that weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks will be better than others as far as weight loss goes.

    @GretchenReine I'm sorry the scale keeps yo-yoing. It can be very frustrating! I was up 4.6 pounds this morning out of the blue, but I'm sure we'll both be headed in the right direction soon.

    @GabiV125 Nice loss! Way to go!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,693 Member
    @trooworld great job with the water and a small package of Doritos!

    @RYCare Good luck with your appointment on Friday!

    @GretchenReine I hope you continue to feel better.

    @TwistedSassette Great job resisting temptation! I hope you were able to get out and enjoy some fresh air. Does your husband bring home produce? What kind of farm is it?

    @TeresaW1020 I'm glad to hear your pastor is on the mend! I'm so ready for summer again and winter just started! Is your pain worse with the cold? Mine is way worse than it used to be but it may be because it's not under control at all. Hang in there!

    @buniphuphu Are you eating enough for your exercise activity? The reason I'm asking is because when I started calorie counting and working out I was at 1200 calories and doing 2 hours of cardio, I was exhausted and would end up bingeing, especially on days where I worked out extra long. Eating about half the calories back gave me more energy and I balanced my eating a lot better. I tend to eat a lot of low calorie food too, I try to balance that and protein depending on activity. I hope you find what works best for you!

    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- arm cardio, stretching, arm resistant bands
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,727 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I'm glad to hear your pastor is doing well. I'm sure he is glad for your support.

    @buniphuphu I know just what you mean about those empty days! My Mum would say we must have hollow legs, for all that food to go into. Sorry I made you crave doughnuts!!

    @Katmary71 He doesn't bring any produce home because they grow grain, generally. They used to grow corn (for seed, not very tasty), and oats in the opposite season. A few years ago they decided to switch to cotton and this year they put in a wheat crop in the opposite season, so that's what's harvesting now. My parents are also farmers, they have sheep and cattle but no crops (not the right type of ground for cropping where they live) so sometimes we get some nice fresh mutton or beef!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Another stressful day at work yesterday. But the good news is that someone brought in churros and cookies and other pastries, and I haven't touched a single one. They're staring at me from the table, but I'm ignoring them. Give me strength lol.
    We went out for dinner for a friend's birthday last night - it was a fun night but there were no healthy choices on the menu. I chose a chicken parmigiana with salad, and did eat it all. But when I logged it, I was surprised that I still ended up with a deficit despite also having a couple of beers. So I'm happy with that even though I didn't get any exercise in either!
    My Mum has another eye appointment today, my brother is taking her down (it's an 800km round trip for her) so she stayed with us last night. Hubby is heading off to help with harvest at his family's farm again, maybe this afternoon or maybe tomorrow - he has to replace a hose in his ute first and is waiting for the part to arrive, hopefully today. So home life is just as hectic and stressful as work at the moment! I must steer clear of the cookies!!

    Today I am aiming to do a lot of exercise, I feel really tired and I know that's because I've been stuck at a desk all day and haven't been moving enough.

    Day 71: Wednesday 2 December
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 48/71
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 40/71
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 37/71

    @TwistedSassette wishing you good luck with the glaring cookies!! Well - I can feel them glaring at me when in such close proximity and I've decided not to eat them (and then actually DON'T)! I put the snacks that were within my sight at work today on a different counter and staged items in front of them so that I didn't have to see them - as my 'space' is a chair in the break room where all the food and goodies land! I felt like others could get to them and then I didn't have to look at them; I used to cover the gifted doughuts with a hand towel at the doctor's office many years ago, it works quite well! I hope your stressful days chill - as in tomorrow (today for you now!! :D )!!!!!!!

    This word you used...."ute" - I just had to look it up and that led to yet another lookup! Fun, and I thought I'd share here what I found... =>


    and then....... (what in the devil is "tonneau"????


  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Hmmmmmm - I think I'm avoiding checking in regularly because it feels like I don't have much to share when I'm constantly reporting not meeting the mark. An observation, not admonishment to self, but something I need to be openly aware of and say out loud (type out loud?).

    I'm only checking one box in the habit tracker again today - because I'm checking in with the peeps..... => Laws, I sho' do have some habits to rebuild!!!

    Check in: yes
    Water: no
    Food logged (pre-logged?): no (no)
    Basic calorie goal: no
    10,000 steps: no

    @leonadixon and @anido1 just a bump in the road on that non-linear journey, as @buniphuphu noted happens <3 I'm non-linear these days, myself, glad we're all here gathering up the good vibes to help us get back on track!!
    @TeresaW1020 so sorry to hear about your pastor's accident!! We're thinking of his recovery and your ease of mind as he gets better after the surgery. Glad to hear that went well and fingers crossed for the party! Ugh - me, too, on that cold and winter dislike....
    @trooworld you did better with water than I did with steps! Although, I did get nearly 7500 without a walk because I did a lot of walking around the office today - but no time for a walk. =<
    @Katmary71 great job on recovering from a few kisses with the under calories! I don't really have any luck on using the phone to check in, I find the laptop is the best for that. Somethings MFP are best on phone, some things best on the laptop so I switch up depending on the task.
    @buniphuphu I love your determination for the swimming and aqua life, such awesome inspiration! Like @Katmary71 I was also wondering if you just sometimes need more food - and you're doing that but maybe you could try to add some good fats on purpose as well as just a little more good choices......? Thinking an avocado toast snack, for example. You have done really well in analyzing and internally discussing all the steps and using them to improve your approach - agreed, it isn't a one size fits all, or even fits the same one all the time! =>
    @GretchenReine so sorry about the knagging knee!!!! It seems many of us are having slumps and struggles these days as we slip into 2021. One day at a time - I hope you were able to get a walk today, even if shorter than preferred!
    @RYcare I'm impressed you got a good, long walk in on TDay! It does help offset the unusual eating that happens that day! Yeah, the PMS and tom are a thing - keep at it and you'll probably have a big drop as it eases back - you've gotten some great habits going and a very nice start on your journey!
    @Gabiv great loss, way to go in the GREEEEEEN!!!!! =>

    @adhmrh - oh my word, this was hilarious, LOVE IT! B)
    adhmrh wrote: »
    Merry Fitmas and a Happy New Rear!!! Now that’s something we can all get behind!! :D:D
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    last thought for today

    Just pre-logged the whole day for tomorrow, why did I stop doing that? Hm. Anyway, I had apparently forgotten that this gives me a sense of ease in making decisions before being hungry and having to make decisions in the moment. I believe it is doable as I'm at home tomorrow and can also get a couple of walks.

    I haven't actually started my new remote job yet, I have been doing wrap up at the contract job. I'll be glad to leave the commute behind... => Anyway, Monday is the start of the new job and looking forward to having a bit more routine to the day. The perks come at the cost of also losing not being chained to my chair and not pimping away most of my day, 5 days a week. But all that aside - I am looking forward to it.

    Off to bed!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In

    Day - Tuesday
    Username - bethanie0825
    PW - 223.8
    CW - 225

    Too much eating out this past week. I was bouncing between 224 and 225 all weekend.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,727 Member
    Another stressful day at work yesterday. But the good news is that someone brought in churros and cookies and other pastries, and I haven't touched a single one. They're staring at me from the table, but I'm ignoring them. Give me strength lol.
    We went out for dinner for a friend's birthday last night - it was a fun night but there were no healthy choices on the menu. I chose a chicken parmigiana with salad, and did eat it all. But when I logged it, I was surprised that I still ended up with a deficit despite also having a couple of beers. So I'm happy with that even though I didn't get any exercise in either!
    My Mum has another eye appointment today, my brother is taking her down (it's an 800km round trip for her) so she stayed with us last night. Hubby is heading off to help with harvest at his family's farm again, maybe this afternoon or maybe tomorrow - he has to replace a hose in his ute first and is waiting for the part to arrive, hopefully today. So home life is just as hectic and stressful as work at the moment! I must steer clear of the cookies!!

    Today I am aiming to do a lot of exercise, I feel really tired and I know that's because I've been stuck at a desk all day and haven't been moving enough.

    Day 71: Wednesday 2 December
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 48/71
    2. 20 mins exercise: No - 40/71
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 37/71

    @TwistedSassette wishing you good luck with the glaring cookies!! Well - I can feel them glaring at me when in such close proximity and I've decided not to eat them (and then actually DON'T)! I put the snacks that were within my sight at work today on a different counter and staged items in front of them so that I didn't have to see them - as my 'space' is a chair in the break room where all the food and goodies land! I felt like others could get to them and then I didn't have to look at them; I used to cover the gifted doughuts with a hand towel at the doctor's office many years ago, it works quite well! I hope your stressful days chill - as in tomorrow (today for you now!! :D )!!!!!!!

    This word you used...."ute" - I just had to look it up and that led to yet another lookup! Fun, and I thought I'd share here what I found... =>


    and then....... (what in the devil is "tonneau"????


    @raleighgirl09 Lmao well I’m glad I could provide some educational entertainment! 😂
    This is our ute (I think you probably call them pickup trucks in the US, but these are smaller than your pickups I think!).
    We have the extra lights and big bullbar because there are a gazillion kangaroos in our area and they are stupidly not road-savvy!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,047 Member
    @RYcare congrats on your progress so far! It sounds like you have built some healthy habits. PMS/time of the month could very well affect your weight. I hope you see the scale go down but don't be hard on yourself if it doesn't, everyone has their ups and downs.

    @GretchenReine I hope your knee pain gets better, that sounds painful.

    @TwistedSassette Oh dear, those goodies sound amazing. Good for you for not dipping into them! I hope things get less stressful for you. Exercise should help with the stress. Nice truck, or "ute"! I can't imagine having to look out for kangaroos on the road!

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, it is! Doritos are binge food for me, so it was a big deal. Part of me wanted to go to the store and get evil snacks but I didn't. Sorry you have to go to the staff meeting but that's great that your pastor is doing well.

    @buniphuphu That's great you got to swim! And maybe the variety will do you good? I feel the same way about working from home: my work was a minefield of goodies. It seemed like 2-3 times a week, someone was bringing something in and it was never healthy. You are saving money and your health by eating while working from home, nice! I started using a really cute water tumbler that a WW friend gave me, it has a straw and I think I'm doing better because of it but Tuesday, I just didn't take the time to get up from my desk to drink.

    @raleighgirl09 That is an interesting observation that you are avoiding checking in because you don't have much to share and then you aren't meeting the mark. I hope you continue to check in because I do think you have a lot to share: your experience and that speaks to me every time you comment on someone's posts or write about what is going on with you. I'm so happy for you that you found a job. 7,500 steps is pretty good if you were working! <3 I hear you about hating commutes. Pre-pandemic, I had a 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hour commute every day. Now, the traffic is light when I DO go into the office. I'm grateful for the break from the commute.

    Hi all. Yesterday was a bit better but I was trying to get stuff done and my manager and director were constantly interrupting me to talk and get answers. It was kind of frustrating because I am behind on my work but hopefully I helped them by talking about new ideas to promote our department. The good news is that I brought my lunch instead of going to the cafe and I didn't go to the vending machine, either. The bad news is that a co-worker gave me a Godiva chocolate bar for Christmas and I ate it all. :( I'm working from home today and I'm glad for that, as I have a terrible headache most likely from stress and the weather.
  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I am so glad your pastor came through the surgery well. I am praying for a complete recovery. I hope the party works out, you have worked so hard to be prepared!!

    @trooworld great job with the Doritos! That is an accomplishment! Smart to go with the smaller bag. Hope the headache is gone this morning!!

    @raleighgirl09 I so get what you are saying. Sometimes it is easier to stay away, but we all need each other in this journey. When you struggle and come through it, it is so motivating for everyone else who is struggling!! When you have success it is so encouraging to read. Makes me know I can do that too. Thanks for sharing and being real!

    @TwistedSassette way to stay away from those cookies!!! I put two pieces of candy in my mouth today before I even realized what I had done. It is so hard to let go of old habits!!!

    @buniphuphu I am the same way. It seems every so often there are days that I am so hungry. I can't figure out a rhyme or reason. I like your strategy of addressing it though!! So glad you can swim again!!!

    I am currently re-reading a book that has so much good info in it. Today the thing that I will take away is this: when we see a food we really shouldn't eat, but we want it ask myself this question: What if I don't? What will happen if I don't eat it? Taking control of the moment is a big win!!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!!!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Sorry I’m behind with chatting!

    @anido1 – I think more people gave in to food and relaxing on Thanksgiving than you realize. I know I did...stupid delicious vegan cherry pie. Erg. Hang in there!

    @RYcare – Hugs. TOM is a jerk! He always makes me gain 3 to 5 pounds!

    @adhmrh – Your funny quote is priceless! I’m totally posting it on my fridge!

    @Katmary71 – So did your nephews get any cookies? LOL

    @GretchenReine – I’m so sorry about your knee and shin. Have you gotten any relief yet?

    @trooworld – I’m with you on the Doritos. I hate the wastefulness of small packaging, but I can’t stop with the big bag. I’d eat the entire bag in 20 minutes. Nice negotiation with yourself! Regarding the work stress, at least you aren’t eating an entire chocolate bar every day, right? That seems to be minor compared to the stress your manager and director were dealing on you. I hope your headache goes away quickly.

    @raleighgirl09 – “Laws, yes. M-O-O-N. That spells Rebuild!” Love that movie! I’m glad you’re still checking in, though. @adhmrh said it best. It really is motivating to see someone break through those chains. Oh – and thanks for looking up ute and tonneau. I was clueless!

    @bethanie0825 – Hugs. That restaurant food is so tasty. But the sodium. Ugh. I’m sure it’s water retention.

    @TwistedSassette – Thanks for the photo. I was imagining more of a rickshaw getup with a motor hahahaha! Yes, that looks like a mini US pickup. So I’m thinking hitting a kangaroo is probably as bad as hitting a moose? Super solid bodies. I live in the US Midwest, so we deal with deer (yes, I’ve hit one), but I’ve been up into Canada where you have to watch out for moose, too.

    @TeresaW1020 – How horrible to see your pastor like that! I’m glad he’s on the mend now and no permanent damage. Nice try with trying to get out of the meeting!

    @buniphuphu – I’m glad you are able to Just Keep Swimming at the Y. In my experience, the Y is a good choice because they will definitely stick to the rules so you won’t have to deal with too many people.

    @SammyDee2015 – I hope you’re having a good day! I wrote back to you (private message).

    I have had a really good week so far. 3 days in a row of being under calories and yesterday I actually went for a hike at the dunes. I’ve made all good food choices except for having a vegan cheese quesadilla last night. But I had the calories available and my daughter makes them uber delicious with her special spice mix. I’m usually a negative, glass-half-empty kind of personality. I’m trying to change that. It definitely helps with weight loss if I am kind to myself. I want to have peace in my hectic life. I found 2 people on YouTube that are homesteaders leading quiet, peaceful lives. I enjoy both of them immensely. If you’re interested, they are:

    girl in calico: https://www.youtube.com/c/girlincalico

    TheCottageFairy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKx5lHJ6Fr5mbT4TYVLh6ng

  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    edited December 2020

    The below was part of an email I received from HalfSizeMe, the community which stemmed from one woman losing half her body weight and building support from that experience. I really like her podcasts and have gotten a lot from her free content for my own experience - I like to cruise the web for these folks and there are so many out there..... => Her thoughts here are really timely for me, right now, I thought it might help someone else, too!!

    Success and Defeat

    Success is accepting that defeat is just a lesson you have to learn in your journey. It is getting knocked down and getting back up. It is learning to ask yourself, "What am I supposed to learn from this?"

    Defeat is the teacher of life lessons. We all face defeat in different areas of our lives at different times. It is required for growth and improvement.

    What if you got excited about making mistakes, missteps, fall-down moments, or defeat? How would things look different if you allowed yourself to learn without judgment?

    We only fear defeat because we think it says something about us and our abilities.

    We think not automatically knowing, understanding, or being able to execute a plan is a mark against us.

    We go into change thinking we "should" be ready.

    We read books, blog posts, or listen to podcasts and we feel we have the general knowledge to be successful.

    Success only can come from DOING, not just knowing.

    You can know how to execute a fire drill after reading a book at an elementary school. However, until you do it with thousands of students and hundreds of teachers, you really can't be successful because you haven't done it.

    Reading a book on how to fix the sink in your kitchen is great, but it will never be the same as the experience of fixing the sink.

    We need to allow ourselves to learn information, but also have the grace and compassion to mess up many times while putting it into action.

    Success can only come after doing, doing, and doing again—and falling down more times than you can count and getting back up.

    How are you allowing defeat to teach you?

    How are you separating knowledge from doing?

    How are you seeing yourself build in success by getting back up and trying again?
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