Shrinking Assets - December 2020 Team Chat



  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Tuesday check in:

    ▪️Send starting weight pic to AP✔️
    ▪️Log food ✔️
    ▪️Format nerd spreadsheet for
    December ✔️
    ▪️Use nerd sheet✔️
    ▪️Complete day under calories✖️
    ▪️Drink the darn water!!!✔️

    I drug out my laptop today and put together the December nerd sheet.... and I’m using it.
    I was still over calories. I’m currently dealing with a flare up of my back issues (changing seasons??) so exercise has been missing. I find that my eating is WAY worse when I don’t exercise. I will do my best to go for at least a short walk today. This will be added to the check in above.

    I have peaked at the scales and will be up for the week. I am owning it. I will regain control!!!

    Same happens to me when I can't workout!! You are my hero! I know you got this!!! I'm excited I actually completed my food logs yesterday!! Forced myself!! Even though it wasn't my best day!! I tracked it all!! Thank you for sharing your journey and being so real!! Very inspiring!!!
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    This is not the result of Thanksgiving because I am in Canada and mine was back in Oct, lol.

    Wednesday Weigh In

    PW: 234.0\
    CW: 234.8

  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    This might be a "bye" week for me (hahaha football term)
    I started my period this morning and I am feeling ohhhhhhhh so bloated... but knowing me, Ill still look Friday.
  • lckiehl
    lckiehl Posts: 68 Member
    edited December 2020
    Hi team - I'm back for month 2 and will be checking in on Tuesdays. My name is Laura, I live in Idaho and have a loving husband and two sweet babies, though only one at home (our beautiful daughter passed shortly after birth in 2018). I am on a slow and steady weight loss journey and am trying so hard to focus on my long-term goals and health - but it's SO hard sometimes to feel like progress is stalling or extremely slow. I am doing my best to track daily and lift weight/resistance train 3-4 days per week. I have really enjoyed being a part of this group and having a place to check-in. Welcome to the new members! I think this group is awesome when it is active and people are sharing their struggles and successes!

    SW - 207
    CW - 190.6
    GW - 150 ish?
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 840 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I had a bit of a challenge being able to post to this group. All has been fixed and I'm excited to start this journey with you all. I'm a 61 year old. My husband and I have 2 grown children and two furbabies. I retired in August and between that and this pandemic, my waistline is now non-existent.

    Being home and bored for months is not a good thing when you are trying to eat healthy. I got up this morning and walked for 30 minutes to get things jumpstarted, came home and had a healthy breakfast. Off to a good start.
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    Phew, y'all... this whole covid-limited-gathering-thanksgiving holiday with the most delicious leftovers was TOUGH. I had way too many "over" days in a row, then finally took one no-logging reset day. @boehle and @Beka3695 Ive seen you both talk about the magic of a reset, and boy was today easier!

    Feels good to have worked through this and am already thinking about and planning for how I'll manage Christmas differently.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Wednesday check in:

    ▪️Send starting weight pic to AP✔️
    Was up slightly from yesterday
    ▪️Log food ✔️
    ▪️Use nerd sheet✔️
    ▪️Complete day under calories✖️
    I was under initially. I didn’t snack all day, just some at night. This is still progress!
    ▪️Drink the darn water!!!✔️

    Still dealing with my back... I woke during the night in agony. I had to eat to take meds. This was logged in today’s breakfast. With the meds, I feel human today and plan to go on a leisurely walk with the boy.

    I am trying to reign in my calories. I am finding this more difficult than in months prior. I will figure this out.

    My weight was up a little from yesterday. This is a mental blow, but I know my body is recovering from the abuse I gave it during thanksgiving.

    What I am not doing:
    •Killing myself with cardio.
    •Cutting my caloric intake well below the norm.
    •beating myself up over a gain.

    What I am doing
    •giving myself some grace
    •getting back on track and realizing that this could take a minute.
    •enjoying my life!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Username: imgwendolyn2015
    Weigh In Day: Friday

    I have been struggling to find that fire inside me. I sure hope I can pull myself out of this slump. I could use some encouragement.

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Username: imgwendolyn2015
    Weigh In Day: Friday

    I have been struggling to find that fire inside me. I sure hope I can pull myself out of this slump. I could use some encouragement.

    I am right there with you. We have to remember that we only fail if we give up. We are in a trying time and have to hold it together the best we can. I am working meal by meal... don’t fret- you will not be the only one up this week!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Username: heatherbluebell
    Weigh-in: Thursdays
    PW: 363.6
    CW: 361.4 (-2.2)
    LTD: 78.6

    You have made amazing progress despite all the crazy in your life!!!! Dating is hard at any age, but to start at 41!!!! Wow! Give yourself a pat on the back just for that!!

    You are willing to make changes and take risks. This speaks of well your character!

    I am so excited to have you in our group. I can’t wait to watch your personal growth over the next months!!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Thursday check in:

    ▪️Send starting weight pic to AP✔️
    Was up slightly from yesterday
    ▪️Log food ✔️
    ▪️Use nerd sheet✔️
    ▪️Complete day under calories✖️
    Still trying!!!
    ▪️Drink the darn water!!!✔️
    ▪️Take a walk with the boy✔️

    I think I am starting into menopause. Ladies before me, please feel free to DM me!
    I know I was ovulating last night. It was my ‘bad’ ovary and quite painful. Also, I’m in a foul, foul mood! So bad I don’t want to be around myself.

    •Don’t commit any crime where ‘premeditated’ could be used by the prosecution.
    •work on the items in my list above
    •stay under calories for once this week
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Username: imgwendolyn2015
    Weigh In Day: Friday

    I have been struggling to find that fire inside me. I sure hope I can pull myself out of this slump. I could use some encouragement.

    You got this!!! Just keep moving forward one moment at a time. Took me a lot this time to get my head outta my butt cave and start getting in a routine!! Shake things up!! Always remember this is for YOU! So give your all!! Sometimes we only give our selves a minimum of what we need. Constantly caring for others, self care goes out the window!! Make this the season of self care!!!! That's my goal!!!! It's about me right now! I give and give and give and now I need to replenish!!! Fill your cup!! Then dump it out all over the world cause you'll be over flowing again!!!! YOU ARE A BADASS AND YOU GOT THIS!!
    🎥 I Love Me - YouTube

    Helps to sing this really loud everyday!!! Love yourself because YOU are a BADASS!!!
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Username: imgwendolyn2015
    Weigh In Day: Friday

    I have been struggling to find that fire inside me. I sure hope I can pull myself out of this slump. I could use some encouragement.

    You got this!!! Just keep moving forward one moment at a time. Took me a lot this time to get my head outta my butt cave and start getting in a routine!! Shake things up!! Always remember this is for YOU! So give your all!! Sometimes we only give our selves a minimum of what we need. Constantly caring for others, self care goes out the window!! Make this the season of self care!!!! That's my goal!!!! It's about me right now! I give and give and give and now I need to replenish!!! Fill your cup!! Then dump it out all over the world cause you'll be over flowing again!!!! YOU ARE A BADASS AND YOU GOT THIS!!
    🎥 I Love Me - YouTube

    Helps to sing this really loud everyday!!! Love yourself because YOU are a BADASS!!!

    I love so much about this post. I feel like I am in my butt cave!!! :) The lack of self care has gone out the window. The song is awesome. It has been added to my playlist and is currently shaking my house through my speakers. Thank you for this.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Username: imgwendolyn2015
    Weigh In Day: Friday

    I have been struggling to find that fire inside me. I sure hope I can pull myself out of this slump. I could use some encouragement.

    I am right there with you. We have to remember that we only fail if we give up. We are in a trying time and have to hold it together the best we can. I am working meal by meal... don’t fret- you will not be the only one up this week!!

    Very insightful! We only fail if we give up... I won't give up!
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    PW 158.5
    CW 158.6 (+.1 pnds)
    TLD -65.4 pnds

    I'll take this gain! +.1 pound (probably still water weight) with four days eating at maintenance and one 4000+ calorie day last week! So happy to not react negatively to these small fluctuations. I was up four pounds as of Monday and it is all gone but this. Back on track! Have a great weekend folks!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 840 Member
    PW: 172.6
    CW: 169.4

    This is my first week and I know most of the weight I lost is from water but I'll take it anyway! This next week it's all about getting my water in and moving more.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    OMG - Is it December already?!

    Hopefully you are all staying safe, socially distanced hugs to everyone ❤️
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    PW 259
    CW 257

  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Username: xioalongbao
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 134 lbs (60.9 kg)
    CW (Current Weight): 133 lbs (60.4 kg)

    The last few weeks my weight has just bobbed around in a couple of pound range. My head just isn’t in the game right now, I haven’t logged in weeks. So even though this looks like I lost my weight isn’t actually going anywhere right now.
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member

    I am ok with this. Time of the month hit Tuesday!! This is a win for me after the last few months!! Feel like I'm getting back in the swing of things!! Yah
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Pw 173.8
    Cw 170.5

    I knew some of last weeks weight “gain” was water weight. However, I’m surprised by my results. I didn’t have a stellar week with cardio or with working out really AND I went over on multiple days.

    I know the scale is accurate (physicians scale that needs to be balanced for accurate readings, 0 batteries to worry about).

    I shall take my win even though I’m not sure how I got it...
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    PW: 159.0
    CW: 157.5

    Down -2.5

    I love when my mind is focused, I am working on several pillars of habits and working towards becoming a health coach, but in order to do that I have to walk the talk. I haven't decided on a goal for the month of Dec. but the plan is to keep the scale on a downward trend.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    OMG - Is it December already?!

    Hopefully you are all staying safe, socially distanced hugs to everyone ❤️

    Hey Bob,

    We are missing your weigh in for the week
  • SisuMom2019
    SisuMom2019 Posts: 155 Member
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW (Previous Weight): 240
    CW (Current Weight): 238.8
    LTD (Loss to Date): 18.5

    I was happy to see the 30’s again.
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 365 Member
    PW 199.0
    CW 197.5

    Sorry I’m late. I’ve totally lost track of time. There’s so much to do for the holidays and I get so stressed trying to get it all done. Decor is up and most gifts purchased so this weekend I’ll be making my annual Christmas ornaments. I haven’t been tracking and I really need to menu plan for the upcoming week and go grocery shopping. Right now I’m eating my freezer and pantry, which is a good thing but I do have some essentials to pick up. I have been going to the fitness studio 3x a week, plus yoga and walking, even in the cold, so I’m proud of myself for that. Just got to get my head back into eating mindfully.
  • floecity
    floecity Posts: 76 Member
    PW 200
    CW 198
    LTD 35 lbs

    Back at it this week - determined not to let this winter get the better of me!!!
This discussion has been closed.