Shrinking Assets - December 2020 Team Chat



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Sorry to see so many people struggling at this time. I really hope things improve for everyone doing it tough right now and well done for still turning up and not just disappearing off the radar.

    @Beka3695 and @boehle - please move me to support team for the next few months. We’re about to have our last week in Argentina and then head to the US for a few weeks before attempting to move to Australia (which will involve being locked in compulsory quarantine and eating what we’re provided for 2 weeks). So I’ll have no scale access until mid February at the earliest - and that’s a best case scenario if all goes according to plan. And given covid a best case scenario is optimistic!

    I’ll still be checking in here and following everyone’s successes. Just no weighing. I hope once I do come out the other side of all these changes that I can use this group to help me get back to focusing on weight.

    What an exciting move. I’ll have you moved over... please keep stoping by though!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Prior week: 172.0
    Current week: 167.8

    Loss for the week: -4.2
    Goal weight: 155.0
    Total loss: 75.2
    Pounds till goal: 12.8
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    @Beka3695 Awesome job girl, now that is getting back on track.
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 365 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW 197.5
    CW 198.5
    That gain was at least partially water-had roast beef the night before and it always makes me retain water. I felt the whoosh right after I weighed in so hopefully I can make progress before next Friday. This time of year is so challenging and I haven’t even started baking the holiday cookies.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    SW : 270
    GW : 199 (initially) now 188
    19/05 - 270
    26/05 - 267.0 ... 3.0 ... 03.0
    01/06 - 263.0 ... 4.0 ... 07.0
    08/06 - 259.0 ... 4.0 ... 11.0
    15/06 - 257.4 ... 1.6 ... 12.6
    22/06 - 255.8 ... 1.6 ... 14.2
    29/06 - 254.8 ... 1.0 ... 15.2
    06/07 - 252.8 ... 2.0 ... 17.2
    13/07 - 250.8 ... 2.0 ... 19.2
    17/07 - 249.2 ... 1.6 ... 20.8 weigh in early this week as I am away for a four day weekend
    27/07 - 247.6 ... 1.6 ... 22.4
    03/08 - 246.5 ... 1.1 ... 23.5
    10/08 - 243.3 ... 3.2 ... 26.7
    17/08 - 241.0 ... 2.3 ... 29.0
    24/08 - 238.9 ... 2.1 ... 31.1
    31/08 - 236.4 ... 2.5 ... 33.6
    07/09 - 233.6 ... 2.8 ... 36.4
    14/09 - 230.8 ... 2.8 ... 39.2
    21/09 - 228.5 ... 2.3 ... 41.5
    28/09 - 226.9 ... 1.6 ... 43.1
    05/10 - 227.5 .. +0.6 .. 42.5 First blip in 4 months, acceptable for a holiday
    12/10 - 223.7 ... 3.8 ... 46.3
    19/10 - 220.3 ... 3.4 ... 49.7
    26/10 - 219.2 ... 1.1 ... 50.8
    02/11 - 216.8 ... 2.4 ... 53.2
    09/11 - 215.0 ... 1.8 ... 55.0
    16/11 - 212.9 ... 2.1 ... 57.1
    23/11 - 212.3 ... 0.6 ... 57.7
    30/11 - 212.6 ...+0.3 .. 57.4 Oops!
    07/12 - 209.5 ... 3.1 ... 60.5
    14/12 - 209.3 ... 0.2 ... 60.7
    21/12 - 211.5 .. +2.2 .. 58.5
    28/12 - 219.2 .. +7.7 .. 50.8
    01/01 - 217.8
    04/01 - 215.2 ... 4.0 ... 54.8
    11/01 - 213.2 ... 2.0 ... 56.8
    18/01 - 213.0 ... 0.2 ... 57.0
    25/01 - 210.4 ... 2.6 ... 59.6
    01/02 - 207.9 ... 2.5 ... 62.1
    08/02 - 206.2 ... 1.7 ... 63.8
    15/02 - 204.7 ... 1.5 ... 65.3
    22/02 - 202.7 ... 2.0 ... 67.3
    29/02 - 196.4 ... 6.3 ... 73.6
    07/03 - 196.2 ... 0.2 ... 73.8
    14/03 - 195.2 ... 1.0 ... 74.8
    21/03 - 194.4 ... 0.8 ... 75.6
    28/03 - 193.8 ... 0.6 ... 76.2
    04/04 - 194.2 .. +0.4 .. 75.8
    11/04 - 197.6 .. +3.4 .. 72.4
    09/05 - 202.8 .. +5.2 .. 67.2
    16/05 - 200.4 ... 2.4 ... 69.6
    23/05 - 200.2 ... 0.2 ... 69.8
    13/06 - 208.2 .. +8.0 .. 61.8
    21/06 - 207.2 ... 1.0 ... 62.8
    28/06 - 209.2 .. +2.0 .. 60.8
    12/07 - 215.0 .. +5.8 .. 55.0
    19/07 - 213.3 ... 1.7 ... 56.7
    26/07 - 211.5 ... 1.8 ... 58.1
    02/08 - 210.1 ... 1.4 ... 59.9
    09/08 - 209.0 ... 1.1 ... 61.0
    16/08 - 208.4 ... 0.6 ... 61.6
    23/08 - 207.5 ... 0.9 ... 62.5
    30/08 - 204.8 ... 2.7 ... 65.2
    06/09 - 202.2 ... 2.6 ... 67.8
    13/09 - 199.7 ... 2.5 ... 70.3
    20/09 - 197.3 ... 2.4 ... 72.7
    27/09 - 197.2 ... 0.1 ... 72.8
    04/10 - 196.3 ... 0.9 ... 73.7
    11/10 - 195.2 ... 1.1 ... 74.8
    18/10 - 196.8 ..+1.6 .. 73.2
    25/10 - 196.8 ... 0.0 ... 73.2
    01/11 - 201.5 .. +4.7 .. 68.5
    08/11 - 201.4 ... 0.1 ... 68.6
    15/11 - 199.9 ... 1.5 ... 70.1
    22/11 - 212.1 .. +12.2 .. 57.9
    29/11 - 210.1 ... 2.0 ... 59.9
    06/12 - 210.0 ... 0.1 ... 60.0
    13/12 - 207.6 ... 2.4 ... 62.4

    Amazing what I can do when I concentrate!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 840 Member
    Today was a better day. Let's hold on to the momentum.
  • floecity
    floecity Posts: 76 Member
    @floecity congrats on breaking into the 100’s

    Thank youuuu!!

  • floecity
    floecity Posts: 76 Member
    PW 198
    CW 197
    LTD 36 lbs
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    PW 158.6
    CW 157.9 (-.7 pnds)
    TLD -66.1 pnds

    Sorry for the late check in.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @raleighgirl09 3.10 %
    2nd @imgwendolyn2015 2.77%
    3rd @Beka3695 2.44 %

    1st @raleighgirl09 5.6 Lbs
    1st @lelbarou 5.6 Lbs
    2nd @4newrunner22 5.0 Lbs
    3rd @SisuMom2019 4.8 Lbs


  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Please note that the top three team lost over 20 pounds each!!

    This is very rare, especially in the Holiday season!!!

    Way to go Challengers!!!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wayyyy to go Team Shrinking Assets!! Getting over 75% in December is incredible! Keep up the great work and finish this year strong! B)

    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember that even if your team doesn’t rank the highest in weight loss for the week you can still be the Green Percentage winner by having the most losses in your team! So keep it up!! B)

  • robros310
    robros310 Posts: 7 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sundays
    PW: 158.6
    CW: 154.5

    I apologize for missing last week.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Even though I asked to be moved to the support list on Saturday due to moving, I’m still in Argentina through the end of the week. So I’m still doing my regular daily weigh-in. This morning I saw this...

    My final goal was 60kg.

    Now I’m not really to goal - I’ve been 60.x (with a different x each day) for a month. This certainly won’t move my trend weight to goal. AND I had “issues” last night with many bathroom trips (I assume something I ate disagreed with me - I don’t feel sick at all).

    But fun to at least see it before I’m without a scale for a few months!

    Have a great week all.
  • peachplace
    peachplace Posts: 67 Member
    weigh in day Monday

    PW 255.5
    CW 259

    not going in the right direction... so I really need to start logging everyday and start really focusing....

    little story.. growing up I was always struggling with my weight. Yet I only weighed 150. Which for my body was fine. I always looked at women who were bigger and told myself, NEVER... fast forward to me in my 40s 100 lbs heavier. I now know why women that big got that way and why it was/is so hard to lose it. You get lazy and struggle every day to move. Its so much easier to sit around and not do anything about your health. This has to change for me. I need to be able to move around and be an example to my daughter. Her telling me she wants to be big like me is not how I want my baby girl to be. I am not saying that other big beautiful women are not healthy. I am saying that for me being this size is not for me. I really need to get myself in that shape. I hope I can..

  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    Way to go team!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Hello Assets! I thought I just posted this, but it disappeared. Trying again:

    I'll have the report from the F2F survey done tonight so we can see what ideas people have come up with. If you have not done it yet, it is still open -

    I'll close it tonight. Thanks to everyone who participates!
  • lckiehl
    lckiehl Posts: 68 Member
    Tuesday check-in
    Prior weight: 189.5
    Current weight: 189.1

    I'm honestly shocked that I'm down at all this morning. I really need to regroup and get my butt in gear. I added in a lot of sugar and junk food this week and find myself craving it move now ugh. Back on track this week and then likely loosen the reigns a bit for Christmas. This weight loss is creeping along right now and I know I need to get motivated again to reach my goals.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,444 Member
    Wednesday weigh in:
    PW: 149
    CW: 151.2
    Nothing to say.....I gained, and I'll move on. Been a stressful time.....☹
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Question of the day:

    How do you get your mindset back after a mishap?
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Question of the day:

    How do you get your mindset back after a mishap?

    I remind myself that letting one mishap turn into another and another and another is how I keep getting back to an unhealthy weight.

    I want to be healthy so I feel good both physically and emotionally. I want to be able to keep up with my dogs. I want to be the old lady who can run circles around the whippersnappers. And yes, damnit I want people to be like “oh my god you look great” or “I never would have guessed that you’re 42”! And I can’t have those things if I let a mishap turn into a spiraling disaster of “f it let me just eat anything and everything”.

    Of course I was assuming the question related to eating/tracking mishaps. But I currently approach everything in my life in generally the same manner currently where I kind of get a bit tough with myself. Not beat myself up for the mishap, but cut the poop out before it gets out of control. So it happened, can’t undo it, dwelling on it will only make it more likely to happen again.
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    A confession of falling off the wagon...

    I received a call yesterday that my mom was hospitalized with covid. Being 7 hours away I began to panic, not that there is anything I can do if I had been with her. I immediately had thoughts of my 71 yr old, obese, HBP, diabetic mom with covid.

    After a couple hours of phone calls with various people, I find out she was hospitalized for cellulitis in her foot, but did test positive for covid, but it appears to be a mild case at this point.

    The emotional damage was done. I ate like crap. But, I didn’t drink. I am 290 days sober.

    This is just a confession

    You are amazingly strong!! You are my hero I swear!! Your journey is real honest and beautiful!! I am thankful to know you!! Sending healing to your mom and a quick recovery!! Sending strength to you!! You got this!!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Well I had several months of mishaps now I am slowly adjusting my habits. Now yesterday I sat down and ate a lil cause my emotions were outta control. As soon as I realized why I was eating I put it down and went and moved my *kitten* to make room for the mishap!! Today water water water!! Shrink the belly! Eat when I'm hungry stop when satisfied!! Listen to my body and find other ways to get emotions dealt with! Journaling helps me a lot!! Need to be more diligent with it!! Seems like each day right now I have a mishap. It's hard living this close to my mom. She has drank a gallon of whiskey a week my whole life. Her memory is failing because of it. We live with 2 different people. Drunk Darla by night. Kinda mom by day. She doesn't see how or why it affects us. She wants me to do it with her. Spiteful Darla gets mad and does crazy *kitten* that mom just can't believe happens.....the struggle is real y'all!! So there....guess that needed to come out haha
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    Weigh In Wednesday:

    PW: 233.0
    CW: 233.0

    It's exactly the same! I'm pretty happy with it cuz I did have some goodies, but didn't overdo it - and I guess it balanced out!
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Question of the day:

    How do you get your mindset back after a mishap?

    Let it go! Hop back on track and look forward, not behind. Perfection is unrealistic. We are winning this health journey if we forgive, permit and accept mishaps, and move forward with our goals :)

    Much love to you and your mama! You've got this girl!
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    @Beka3695 I am praying for your Mom, hope she is as bone headed as you and she will be fine. With a soft heart that is, chin up we are here for you.
  • imgwendolyn2015
    imgwendolyn2015 Posts: 347 Member
    @Beka3695 I'm praying for quick recovery for your Mom!

    I've had my fair share of mishaps over the last few months. You've seen my struggle. What really works for me is really letting go on the day that I feel down. I don't log and don't feel guilty about it either. Then the next day I start out with my IF and the energy I feel from that combined with eating better and logging again is what works.

    I also use the MFP personal blog space to get all of my feelings out and I created a vision board. One of the items on there is a list of my "why's" to remind myself why I'm doing this.

    Take care lady! 🙏💗
This discussion has been closed.