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  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @conniewilkins56 Ah, I'm sorry :( That was extremely frustrating! I'd be furious too! Hopefully tomorrow will be better for you!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    It's Wednesday, and I normally go Thursday, but I didn't want to deal with doing the weekly shop on my birthday, so I'm doing it today and spending tomorrow making naan and biryani and chicken tikka.

    The kitten has figured out how to get up on the kitchen counters, so the roast chicken is in the microwave thawing, with a note on the door reminding us all to put it back if we use the microwave. I've not had a cat yet that could open the microwave, but Jeoffrey is not the first to view any food on the counter as fair game if I'm out of the room.
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    My birthday is in a few days, so my parents came to visit today to celebrate with me. They took me to lunch, we played board games at home, and they gave me my present (robot vacuum to help in the fight against dog hair!). It was nice, all except for them finally asking if I've lost weight. I had avoided telling them, because in the past they've turned into the Food Police when I've mentioned trying to lose weight. But today they asked, and I said yes. They asked how much, I was vague and said 30-some pounds. They asked if I had a goal weight, I said yes but I'd rather not share it. They asked when I expect to be at goal weight, I said spring of 2022. They asked how I was doing it, I said good old calorie counting. So it was quite an interrogation. Later, I said I wanted to stop at the store and pick up some chocolate covered raspberries as a birthday treat. IMMEDIATELY my dad says "but you're watching your calories!" I responded yes, but I can eat anything I want as long as I make it fit in my day. He then started asking how many meals I'd have to skip to fit them in.... The comments about my food choices continued through the day, and at dinner time they made a big deal of asking which food I would be able to eat. As if I hadn't already said anything is fine, I can make it work. I wanted to say something to the effect that I'd really rather they let me worry about my diet and stop acting like I need their help when I'm already seeing success with what I'm doing... but I couldn't find a kind way to say it, and I do love them and appreciate that they want to be supportive. Anyway, just needed to rant and if anyone has some (nice!) words to say in these situations, by all means share!
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    @amart4224 First of all, happy early birthday! I'm so happy that you're able to celebrate with your loved ones. (Also we have a robot vacuum and it's a total game changer. Just don't let it run out of battery under the bed, haha.)

    In terms of the stuff with your parents—I 100% could have written that whole thing. Most if not all of my issues with food stem from the restrictions they placed on me as a kid and it's been a big topic of discussion in my therapy sessions this year. It's so frustrating. (Like, chocolate covered fruit is a totally balanced treat and sounds AMAZING, btw.) This could be a really great time to set some solid boundaries around food with your parents—not just for now but for the future, too. I think that the way you worded it was great. I don't think there's any problem with reminding them that you're a capable adult who has already had tremendous success reconfiguring their lifestyle. Thank them for their concern, acknowledge that you know it comes from love, and follow it up with a polite but firm request that they leave food decisions in your totally responsible hands in the future. If they slip up, just remind them of your conversation and don't engage.

    In this particular bout of weight loss, my parents have been constantly curious, especially as I've lost more and more, but I've just been telling them the bare minimum. This is my journey and I know that the more involved they are, the harder it will be for me. I also make sure that when I'm (rarely, re: pandemic) eating around them, I'm eating something full and robust, which is a nonverbal cue for both myself and my parents that I'm not up for engaging in any kind of conversation about restriction.

    Anyways, I don't know if any of that will help but I hope that you got your chocolate covered raspberries and enjoyed the heck out of them!
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    edited December 2020
    @emmyjaykay Thank you, I'm already loving the robot vacuum! I could've swept, used the swiffer, and mopped, and the floors still would have more dog hair than they do after 2 hours of the robot vacuum 😅

    I've been realizing that much of my troubled relationship with eating may have been picked up from my parents. They are both thin, but stay that way only by going through cycles of overeating and then miserably dieting. My dad thinks if you're dieting and not losing at least two pounds a week then it's not working. When I shared my ETA to reach goal weight and it was 18 months away, their eyebrows went up and I said "I'm focusing on sustainability, not speed." My dad commented at some point "Calorie deficits make people grumpy, who have you been taking your grumpiness out on? The dogs?" I responded "If you're grumpy all the time, then your calorie deficit is probably too big." I honestly don't think he's ever considered the fact that you can diet in a way that won't make you miserable. Honestly, neither had I until I found these forums and read all the wisdom within.

    Edited to add: yes, I did get my chocolate covered raspberries and enjoyed 180 calories worth, no skipping meals required 😁
  • _inHisGrace
    _inHisGrace Posts: 183 Member
    Goodness. I could have written your post as well. I don’t have any advice but just know that most of us are with you!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Just trying to do the vaccum/mop/sweep in the downstairs today. My lower back is giving me a bit of grief, so I'm trying to do things slow and steady.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Today I will get back on track....the past week has been a nightmare of eating stops now!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Today I will get back on track....the past week has been a nightmare of eating stops now!

    I didn't log yesterday and ate a little bit of everything. So today we'll both get back to it.

    I need to start taking the tree down today. It will be a bit of a process as most of the decorations are firmly wired on due to kittens.

  • _inHisGrace
    _inHisGrace Posts: 183 Member
    I took a diet break from Wednesday to today. I’m happy I did. I was scared to weigh myself this morning but my weight stayed the same. Perfect!!!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I got the tree down and the three boxes of stuff back to the garage, and I am pretty happy about that. Also not eating all the candy like I thought I would. The habit of getting out a portion and just having that is apparently solid now.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    The habit of getting out a portion and just having that is apparently solid now.

    Wow! That is a major accomplishment. Congratulations.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Did some general laundry-and-dishes sort of maintenance housework, and we had Breakfast For Dinner, which is always popular. Read two immensely fun books this evening, and am going to try to go to bed soon. I don't want to eat any more candy tonight.

    Also figured out what I'm going to work on next year. Weight loss was this year's project, and while I'm not abandoning it, I know what I'm doing now and can sort of slide it to the back burner to keep on working down while I focus on other things. I'm going to spend the year working on worldbuilding for my novel, because once I have that down solid I can use that universe for several stories. And I can tell when authors haven't done their due diligence in worldbuilding, so I want to do it right.

    Simultaneously, I want to patch the hole in my math education. I'm going back to an eighth grade math workbook and I'm going to work forward from there and go at my own pace and actually get it this time, without grade pressure or the misery of adolescence wrapped around it. I'd like to understand the equations that my boyfriend loves to play with, and at the moment, I don't speak the language. And I want to learn. I don't imagine that I'll ever take the joy he does in stochastic calculus, probability, and game theory. But when he says an equation is pretty and elegant, I'd like to be able to appreciate it a bit. And I want to heal my own trauma around math and fix my shame in that area. Dyscalculia means I just need to watch my sums, it doesn't mean I can't do and enjoy math.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    While it is a good thing to clean Under and Behind everything and move all the moveable furniture in the sitting room, it makes my back highly unhappy. I still have things to do in the kitchen and library, but I may have to take my back upstairs and lie down and relax. (sigh) I can't wait for COVID to pass so that I can go to the gym and begin shoving weight around; then my back stands up to stuff like this better.

    At least dinner tonight is basically warming up leftovers.
  • Rashel_kitten
    Rashel_kitten Posts: 81 Member
    I too had a break from MFP for the holiday I ate way too many bad for me things ... I was sure I'd gained 5 pounds in a week ! But when I weighed I'd only gained .2lbs ! So not really a gain at all and now I've gone down almost 2 pounds from that so I'm happy with that !

    Also I'd like to share that back on October 14th my daughter who is 15 and a competitive gymnast and has been for 7 years ...did an advanced tumbling pass at gym and tore her ACL ....she had ACL reconstruction surgery on December 16th and so she's currently 2.5 weeks post surgery they found significant meniscal tearing while they were doing the surgery so they repaired that too the meniscal tears mean that she is non weight bearing for 6 weeks after surgery... her surgeon told us before surgery that for her to fully return to her sport after surgery will be 9 - 12 months ...her competition season started in December so she's out for the season before it started this year ! I'm so grateful she's only in 10th grade and not in 12th so she can still have 2 more seasons when she recovers ...

    Her schedule so far for therapy has made it where I haven't been to my gym to work out because I was going while she was at her gym... she will start going to gym just to sit with her team probably next week so maybe I'll get comfortable soon with leaving her and I can go to my gym again ! I miss it !
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    Ending today late, and it has been the worst eating day I've had this year I think! I'm not sure how it all went awry, but it did. Strangely, but "goodly" ... I don't feel too terrible about it. Probably because I have so many carbs flowing through my bloodstream I'm on a gentle high! Thank goodness tomorrow is a new day and the holidays will feel pretty well over come Monday. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal and eating the new way I have learned how to. It takes a bit more time, and mental energy than the holidays easily allow. Maybe this is how maintenance will look for me? Eating a bit too much - then eating less for awhile to let everything return to normal? It feels like a bit of a dangerous line though so I feel the need to be careful. Aware but hopeful!
  • amart4224
    amart4224 Posts: 345 Member
    I'll be heading home today from my New Year's visit to my parents house. Today is my first day back on plan after 3 or 4 days of going way, way over.

    I've dropped my goal to 1 lb per week and will plan to stay there for about half of the year before further dropping to .5 lb per week.

    I was able to have a really good conversation with my dad around weight loss and maintenance. He's wanting to lose "those last 10 pounds" for the hundredth time in his life, and was talking about "punishing" himself for overeating during the holidays by setting his timeline even shorter for that loss. I shared my newfound philosophy that, for me, giving myself a lengthy timeline with a smaller deficit is the way to go, since if my diet makes me miserable I won't stick with it long enough to make a real difference anyway. He came back later and said he's decided to give himself an additional 8 weeks on his goal. It's cool to see that my recent education on the topic is maybe seeping over and helping him set more reasonable goals!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have received my next round of shoes to try from prime wardrobe. 6 pairs are being "interviewed". 3 have not made it past the initial round. The complete made in the USA New Balance felt like they were much better made than the imported but I will have to go down a width and possibly a size. That is one of the irritations in shoes. 11 double wide is what I must have in some brands while 10 1/2 and/or single wide is fine in others.

    I have never actually tried or worn a UA shoe but I was shocked at how comfortable it felt so it advances to the next round but I really hope I can get it in something other than navy.

    The next round is the 1 mile test. I walk a mile in the new shoes then switch to my current shoes for comparison. I have learned not to go from new shoe to new shoe because sometimes a shoe is only a relief from the previous and not really better or equivalent to what I normally wear.

    My current shoes should last through the end of February. I can either buy more of them or move on. I would rather move on because they wear down so fast.

    On a more encouraging note my Super Feet insert test is going great but I am thinking the green is more arch than I need so I need to try the next one (I think the blue) and see if it is better.