Mission Slimpossible - March 2021 Team Chat



  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 691 Member
    edited March 2021
    Wow @bmotisko that sounds scary. Will the walking and no salt diet keep it in check?

    @trooworld That was nice drop. Getting closer to Onderland

    @TwistedSassette Nice loss!. I enjoy reading your check ins. Your day always sounds so calm, consistent and relaxing even with a toddler. You remind me of the Tortoise and the Hare as your weight keeps moving downwards

    On the other end of the spectrum @TeresaW1020 it sounds like you had a wild day which was an interesting lead in to Day 37 Reduce Stress The irony made me laugh. Nice drop on the scale

    @Cornanda my daughter gave me a journal over a year ago. On the cover it says Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do At first I just recorded food and exercise but started tracking more info like sleep, steps, activity min, daily weight, when and what I eat plus anything else noteworthy. It helped me recognise trends like why the scale might be up a few pounds or why I'm hungrier than usual

    Friday Check In

    This will be Day 24 of No Sugar. Only missed one day of exercise this week and calories were consistent all week. I did better with preplanning with the exception of yesterday when all plans went out the window. It was mild and sunny so I wanted to take my Mom for an outdoor visit with my sister at her home daycare during the 1 hour window they're outdoors. I packed my healthy lunch, 50oz of water and headed out without doing my morning workout thinking I could squeeze it in later. I stopped to get gas, was out of gloves but grabbed my new spritzer sanitizer, sprayed down everything I had to touch and was so happy with myself until I went to get back into my locked vehicle with my keys, purse and phone inside. Since I'm prone to airhead moves I have 3 backups. My keys are on a lanyard so I can hang them around my neck when I exit my vehicle without my purse. I keep a spare door key in my wallet which I usually tuck in my pocket if I don't take my purse and I normally roll my window partway down just in case. Now how I could bypass all 3 backups while accidentally locking my doors still baffles me.

    At first I was worried knowing it would take me at least an hour to walk to my Mom's and drive her car home to get my spare keys so I told the attendant I'd be a while. On the walk to my Mom's I decided to carry on with my day. My vehicle and purse should be fine where they were under video surveillance and the watchful eye of the bored attendant. We took my Mom's car, visited my sister, grabbed fast food for lunch (since my planned lunch was unaccessible), grabbed my keys and retrieved my car 3 hours later still sitting at the pump where I'd left it.

    By the time I was finally able to check my phone I had a message asking me to work and I was already late so I went straight there with no afternoon workout like I had hoped. When I got home I logged my food and because of the fast food I only had approx 200 calories left for supper. I was so close to throwing in the towel and eating whatever I wanted but the Beck questions kicked in and I asked myself if I would starve if I only ate 200 more calories. I also had @TeresaW1020 on my mind with her long hours of fasting (thanks Teresa) and told myself to suck it up. I loaded a plate with raw veggies, put a slice of ham with some mustard on toasted keto bread and stayed within my calorie budget. And to my surprise I didn't starve :) Hopefully today will go a little smoother lol.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71 So sorry that your meds aren’t working for you! Keeping you in my prayers. <3

    @AustinRuadhain Ugghh I hate technical difficulties!! I hope it straightens out for you and that we will be graced more by your presence. <3

    @raleighgirl09 OK, it looks like you have been in a funk and need to find your mojo again. You know that not doing the things that keep you where you want to be can be a slippery slope that will only leave you frustrated and angry with yourself. Give yourself a good head slap and get back to it. By the way, I had to give myself a good head slap this morning too. ;)

    @trooworld Holy Moly that is fantastic that you lost 4.6 lbs this week!! It really goes to show that just because you overeat a day or two what really matters not blowing off the rest of the week, which clearly you didn’t! B) I do feel that I will continue to clean the church. It’s a lot of work but I actually like taking care of the church and doing the extra little things that no one else is going to do. For instance yesterday, I used Old English on our wood doors and made them look a little less old and tired. :) Snuggling that two-week-old was definitely the highlight of my day! <3

    @Jactop, I didn’t even think about my stressful day, and that day 37 was about stress. I was too busy to think that it was stressful! :D But your day is a big wow!! I love that instead of letting your locked car derail your day with your mom, you still had a good time and did what you had planned to do. And a huge congrats on not throwing in the towel and staying within your calorie allotment. Yes, you didn’t starve and now you are proud of yourself. Wayyy to go!! B)

    Hi Team! After such a tiring day yesterday, I took today off from working out to rest my sore and tired body. Since the floors at the church are being waxed, I did a bunch of church work on the computer at home. After lunch hubby and I went up to Lowe’s and Home Depot to look at quartz countertops. We have shiny black granite and HATE it!! I honestly don’t want to spend the next 25+ years in this house having to polish black granite. We are still in the early stages of deciding, so stay tuned! ;) We also talked about our 10 year wedding anniversary that is in October. We got married in Savannah, GA and today we decided to take a long weekend trip back. I’m sooooo excited and have already started the planning process. I love planning a trip almost as much as going on one! :grin:
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION

    Beck Diet Solution Question of the Day
    DAY 38 - PLATEAU
    Plateaus can happen and you should expect occasional weight gains or plateaus, even if you’ve been doing everything right. When plateaus happen reevaluate what you have been doing on your plan. Are you eating too much, or not enough? Should you add or increase your workouts? Or change up the types of foods you are eating? Could it be that you have reached your goal weight and it’s time to move into maintenance? Make sure to give yourself credit for everything you have accomplished to this point—and understand that a plateau is part of the process of losing weight. Don’t let it discourage you; view it as an opportunity to review your diet, weight, and expectations.

    I haven’t hit a plateau lately, but my weight loss has slowed down and I need to do some evaluating on what I can do to get it moving a little quicker.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 287 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday

    PW: 269
    CW: 269
    LTD: 31
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - I think it's so cool that you want to clean the church because you obviously love your church very much. The results are completely different when it's done with love. Snuggling newborns is very special. <3 So happy for you on your awesome loss this week!

    @Katmary71 - you are an excellent fighter! Keep on. Will be thinking of you.

    @davidji82 @TeresaW1020 @TwistedSassette @trooworld - Congrats on your losses!

    @raleighgirl09 - welcome back. You've encouraged me many times to get back on the horse and get going again. Sounds like that's what you need to do now. You got this.

    @trooworld - So happy for you on your big loss this week. Wow! It's funny how having a goal like a clothing size can help so much. Love your progress chart- looks amazing. Now keep up the good work this weekend!

    @Jactop - thank you for the journal idea. I just happen to have a blank one in a drawer. That's quite a story, but you made the best of it. Yay you! I think you should count the hour walk to your Mom's as exercise!

    Have a great weekend Slims!

  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    When @Katmary71 posted that it seems like I have been here longer than 3 months I smiled. In fact, I do get that a lot everywhere I go and when I meet new people or start a new job, people always think they know me from before, I look very familiar 😊 and to be honest it sometimes scares me, I go like: where do they know me from? Especially when some insist, and keep coming back asking do you know this person? Have you been to this place? Maybe I know from …etc or sometimes I really doubt my memory and think OPS do I know them, but I forgot? …… I feel I can relate, adapt and adjust fast and easy to new situation and circumstances, and the benefit comes after when I get to know and be with great amazing group. @TeresaW1020 @trooworld @AustinRuadhain @vegan4lyfe2012 @Cornanda @TwistedSassette and everyone in this group; THANKS for all the hugs and support, you are the best! It is a blessing to be here and not to not feel alone in this journey.
    I lost 2lb this week YAY! I did the IF 3 days, and I am going to see my parents today WOHOO… I will do my best to get under the 230lb this month, I want to see numbers in 20s in April.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,915 Member
    @Jactop Thank you, yes indeed! My MIL gave me a journal that says "Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you ever imagined" I use it to keep a log of my NSVs in. I'm not consistent but when I am struggling, I like to look back at the NSV and it cheers me up. Day 24 of no sugar, fabulous! You sound like you had a wonderful week. Oh man, that's a nightmare, locking everything in the car. I'm glad it worked out. You really made lemonade out of lemons! Well done!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! Yes, that's exactly what it shows. Never give up! I love that you give such care to the church. Awww, I can only imagine snuggling that two-week-old, so precious. We have quartz countertops and I love them: I can drop almost anything on them and it doesn't stain...red wine (left overnight), grease, the only thing that I have had a hard time getting off was a Splenda packet got stuck on the countertop and got wet and the ink from it transferred onto the countertop. BUT I used some Barkeeper's Friend and it came off with some elbow grease. Plus, quartz doesn't need resealing like some other material. How exciting, a trip! What a nice thing to look forward to. re: plateau...I've heard that the closer to your goal, the slower the weight loss. I hope you can get it figured out.

    @Cornanda Well done on the loss! Thank you, yes, it does help a lot.

    @RYcare I have a similar situation in that sometimes I remind people of a certain person. I've been told 3 times now that I remind people of Rosanne Barr (I don't consider that a compliment!). It's one of my "WHYs", to not look like Rosanne Barr. I can see why you might be unsettled by that. This IS an amazing group and I'm glad you joined! Congrats on the 2 lbs, that is so awesome! Woo hoo! <3

    Hi all. Not much going on here, just going for healthy groceries in a bit. I am planning on making a lightened-up peanut butter pie for Pi Day tomorrow. I'm going to pre-track my meals today and tomorrow this morning so that I can be sure and afford a piece of my pie. :)

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    Hi gang! Today's turning into another annoying day but I'm trying to make the best of it. I went to the food bank to get seeds to grow seedlings for their garden and he forgot everything so I came home and went to the store to get my mom flowers but they hadn't done any nice arrangements, I shouldve slept in! I'm going to my folks tonight for a BBQ.

    I had my women's wellness appt to get a mammogram referral and she wants me back for a biopsy of my cervix because I'm having issues and she wants to rule out cancer. Those of you who've known me for awhile may remember I was tested for all this 2 years ago and nothing was found. I've also gained the half of my weight back I lost on MFP counting calories and exercising. It's frustrating because i am trying, i have to disagree with those that say meds don't affect it because I shouldn't have gained nearly this much. So, gotta crack down more than I have been. I'll think about it tomorrow, tonight's my Mom's birthday.
  • dignow96
    dignow96 Posts: 66 Member
    Holy Schnikes! That was a GIANORMOUS image - I had no idea it would end up so big. Sorry y'all.
  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    Username: itsmegina
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 145.2 lbs
    CW: 146 lbs

    Ugh, sorry everyone - I am up, down, up, down the same 2-3 lbs the last couple of months. I must just be eating in maintenance for now which is ok for a bit. I think next month I’ll step back from the challenge, but keep reading about everyone’s progress 😉
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member


    Wow that is a fast pace 14min per mile. I can only manage 20min per mile, 18min if I didn't have to stop and wait for passersbys due to COVID-19 2 metre rule.

    I wonder how you fit 200miles a month. Do you walk at least 3 hours per day? How long have you maintained this walking routine?
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 2 - Mar 2021 Sunday
    PW 137.5lbs (62.4kg)
    CW 137lbs (62.3kg)
    LTD about 37lbs (16.8 kg)
    GOAL weight 121lbs (55kg)

    Renained the same weight.
    Ate better this week although I did consume a whole packet (8 pieces) of individually wrapped Rocky; which is like a chocolate covered biscuit.

    Walked only twice this week. Ate carbs at lunch but smaller meals at night.

    No origami cubes to fold but might start folding easter baskets. Cheating myself thinking Rocky are not really chocolate but biscuits / cookies.

    Have a good week ahead.

    1. Go for walk daily for only 30mins
    2. Drink warm than cold water with meals
  • dignow96
    dignow96 Posts: 66 Member
    apple852hk wrote: »

    Wow that is a fast pace 14min per mile. I can only manage 20min per mile, 18min if I didn't have to stop and wait for passersbys due to COVID-19 2 metre rule.

    I wonder how you fit 200miles a month. Do you walk at least 3 hours per day? How long have you maintained this walking routine?

    @apple852hk - Thanks! I can usually keep a sub 13min/mi pace for shorter distances but keeping that average pace over ten miles was an accomplishment. I usually get in 90-120 minutes a day. The gym is 3.32mi away so I walk there and back on lifting days and can keep that to around 40-45mins each way. On off days I’ll do 40-45 mins in the morning and another in the evening - breaking it up saves time as I can keep the speed up. I’ve been walking daily for four years now. My only real complaint is that I’ve yet to find a good shoe that can last over six months. I wear a size 17US and burning through a couple pair a year gets expensive! 🤣
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