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Mission Slimpossible - March 2021 Team Chat



  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,809 Member
    @Katmary71 I'm glad you enjoyed the family time, and it's great that you can help your sister out with her sons.

    @Jactop I laughed at your "rent a kid" comment! :lol: Glad you had some good bloodwork! All your hard work is paying off. Your A1C should come down more over time, especially if you can avoid the sugar. It's supposed to be a three-month indicator so hopefully after a little bit longer without sugar it will drop down for you!

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you, I think he's the cutest! And now he says "cute" and that's even cuter :lol: I've been enjoying my meditation more and more as well. It is definitely bringing me calm and more peace!

    @trooworld I LOOOOOOVE pineapple! Congrats on planning ahead and avoiding the temptation of the vending machines!

    @leonadixon Congrats! You are back on track!
    Yesterday was kinda meh. I overate, though still had a small deficit. I did do 30 mins of walking plus some yoga, so that was a plus (and the only reason I had a deficit!). I was making cookies to take to work for St Pat's Day today, and couldn't resist eating some of the raw dough. Which I now regret because I've had an upset stomach - though I don't know if it's related.
    I am hoping today is a better day. Let's see if I can manifest some positivity into the world around me!
    Goals for March
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited March 2021
    @TwistedSassette Ohhh no! The woman who had the baby is 27 years old and already looks incredible after only having a baby less than 3 weeks ago. This is my senior pastor’s wife. She is my age and over the last few years have found it harder to lose weight doing the things that used to work for her. Hopefully, I can give her a few new ideas to try that will work and make her feel better. I’m glad that the acupressure mat was so helpful in relieving your headache. That mat is doing great things for you! Yeah, cookie dough is so tempting isn’t it? :)

    @Katmary71 Our anniversary is on Oct. 20th. We got married in a tiny white chapel with just us, the minister, and a photographer. Hubby and I plan to visit the chapel while we are in Savannah. Yes, I do know how important you view exercise to be. I find you such an inspiration that with all your health problems and the constant pain you are in, you just keep striving for better health by doing all you can do. Keep it up, girlfriend! <3

    @Jactop Thank you so much! <3 That is awesome that your bloodwork showed such good results! Does your cardiologist support a low-carb diet? I know many who don’t but I’ve also listened to several cardiologists on podcasts that totally support low carb and do it themselves. Have you heard of a continuous glucose monitor CGM. There isn’t a single doctor that I listen to on podcasts that don’t rave about CGM’s and how they will change the way doctors monitor blood sugar levels. I would love to have one and be able to see how different foods affect my blood sugar. As for you doing IF, you know that I’m a huge supporter of it. :grin: I really suggest you check out Gin Stephen’s book, Fast Feast Repeat. It’s on Audible now if you like listening instead of reading. And of course, I’m available for IF chats anytime! ;)

    @AustinRuadhain I have also been hearing interesting things about IF helping with cancer patients. Truly IF is so much more about good health than it is about weight loss. That is just a nice benefit and why for me fasting is for life. Yup, we have to enjoy our lives every day because every day is a gift that shouldn’t ever be taken for granted. :)

    @trooworld yeah, I feel that I rushed through the Beck book and will do it again because there are some really good principles in there that I need to be drilled into my thick skull. Yayy for not touching those vending machines. Make them a non-negotiable that you won’t touch them. Think of them as full of garbage and terrible chemicals and not tasty goodies. :p

    @leonadixon Yayyy for being back on track! B)

    Hi Team! Today was a good day. I had a wonderful lunch and conversation with my friend about weight loss. I’ve convinced her of the merit of trying intermittent fasting and gave her the book to buy and several pointers. I told her she shouldn’t try Keto but to just watch her carbs as much as possible. After lunch, I went to Walmart to do this week’s grocery shopping. When I came home my new shoes were waiting for me that I had ordered. I found a pair of Teva’s on sale, and they are so cute!! I will wear them a lot this summer as I clean the church. I fasted for 19 hours and stayed Keto in my eating. My back and shoulder muscles are killing me from yesterday's upper body workout and I couldn't face doing leg day so I did the cardio program on my treadmill and walked for 45 minutes. :)
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hellloooo! Quick pop in.....

    @TwistedSassette - your son is a cutie pie for sure! I miss those days very much.

    @TeresaW1020 - darn right people are noticing that you've lost a lot of weight and are seeing you as a resource! That's quite a NSV!

    @Katmary71 - you are my hero in the grit and determination department.

    @Jactop- maybe if you sugar is down and a1c is prediabetic you can back off on meds? I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for this.

    I have a very weird dog. He picks up 1 piece of kibble, then runs to a different room to eat it. Do you think this is a strategy I could try?

  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2021
    @TeresaW1020 re: maintenance
    I’d like to be around 140lbs, so I’m 5-6 lbs away from that. I’m ok maintaining until I’m motivated to buckle down again 😃
  • itsmegina
    itsmegina Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2021
    Duplicate post, oops
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    edited March 2021
    🎉 Woohoo! Hurray to being back on track! Great weigh-in!

    🎶Awww, I love imaging that little boy voice. My former little boy now has a young man's voice. It was an adjustment!
    I keep being inspired by your green/yellow bar chart. I may tackle something like that. So motivating and fun!

    How great that your friend is feeling motivated to try something new and to work on her health!
    ❤️I am suddenly filled with the desire for cute shoes! What I need to get, though, is new walking shoes. My current pair is failing, so I will be off to Academy late this week. I look forward to happier feet and also not squeaking.

    I have a very weird dog. He picks up 1 piece of kibble, then runs to a different room to eat it. Do you think this is a strategy I could try?
    If you do, let us know!
    LOL I have been playing a game of running from room to room, just fir the fun of it. 🏃

    Thank you! I made project progress today. ✔️✔️✔️

    Tuesday Check-in
    🟢Food: weighed, logged, in green
    🟢Exercise: 45+ min (6 days)
    🟢Steps: 10K/day
    ⚪Meditation: 10+ (headed upstairs with the Plum Village app soon, to meditate with Thich Nhat Hanh)
    🟢Strength Training (6 days)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @TwistedSassette Me too, it's my favorite fruit and it's in season right now! Thanks re: the vending machines. They are my worst enemy! I hope today is better for you.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, that's a good idea to think about them that way. You are a shining example for us all, keep it up!

    @Cornanda That's funny your dog does that. Well, at least you would be getting exercise if you did that lol! My dog is weird, too: a lot of the time, he won't eat unless we hand-feed him every piece of food. We would just let him not eat and eat when he wants to but he's diabetic and needs to eat to get his insulin twice a day.

    @AustinRuadhain Well done, you! :)

    Hi all. Well, sleep continues to be a problem. Just when I think I've found something to help, it stops helping. This sucks.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 716 Member
    trooworld wrote: »

    Hi all. Well, sleep continues to be a problem. Just when I think I've found something to help, it stops helping. This sucks.
    @trooworld I remember reading that you were trying melatonin. Have you tried the time release one? It gives you an initial hit of 5mg then another 5mg slow release. I found it made a world of difference for me.

    Previously I was taking 10mg which helped me fall asleep but not stay asleep. Recently the drug store was out of the time release version and I went back to 10mg regular and had trouble sleeping again so I know it's the time release melatonin that's aiding my sleep and not other factors

    And you're right. Not being able to sleep does suck
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 129.8 lb
    CW: 129.6 lb

    There’s an old thread for short women with little weight to lose ( for me 10 left) made by a trainer, and what’s said is the margins are so small, a little exercise or a snack could make THE difference. Also to put more money on straight training 😁.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 716 Member
    Cornanda wrote: »

    I have a very weird dog. He picks up 1 piece of kibble, then runs to a different room to eat it. Do you think this is a strategy I could try?

    Oh my goodness. You made me realize I eat like your dog particularly when I'm running late. I take a bite of food and go do something like dry my hair or throw in a load of laundry while I'm chewing. Then back to the kitchen for another bite and off to another task. I'll never be able to do this again without thinking of your dog lol.

    @Itsmegina that's awesome that you can maintain where you are or buckle down if you choose to. I can't wait to be where you are.

    @TeresaW1020 ironically my cardiologist never asks about my diet.

    I've done some research on CGM and the thought of having a needle in my arm on a continuous basis creeps me out. I use a regular monitor with the test strips and finger pricks. I test more for my own info and curiosity and track the results in my journal with food and activities. From doing this I've learned which foods raise my blood sugar and which activities work best to bring it down. Now I just really need to test if I eat something new. With IF I'll be testing more often again.
  • eahrenee
    eahrenee Posts: 151 Member
    eahrenee wrote: »
    Username eahrenee
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    Starting weight 205.00
    PW 197.8
    CW 196.4

    Slow and steady, glad to see I am going in the right direction!
    I plan on adding a lifting program this week - the stronglift 5x5. Seems super popular, and I found a nifty app for it!
    I haven't excersized much since hurting my calf, and have been extremely stressed at work, and I am hoping some excersize will help.
    Here is to a better week!

    Got my first 5x5 in - felt amazing and pretty easy overall!.....until I tried to walk down the stairs ;) I thought my legs were going to give out!
    But today, let me tell you! Oww - I think I have woken up muscles I haven't used in quite some time.....
    I also found a really easy to use app for my phone to help me keep track of the work outs, and even though I am sore, I am excited to do the next one tomorrow.

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @Cornanda I think you should give your dog’s technique for eating a try! :grin: My dog just begs for food so I already know that copying her won’t work for me. :p

    @itsmegina Yeah you don’t have much to lose so I think you are in the right frame of mind to maintain and when you are ready to lose more, you will know it. :)

    @AustinRuadhain I also love a good walking shoe! <3

    @trooworld I’m sorry that your sleep isn’t improving. <3 I do really like Jactop’s idea for slow-release melatonin. I hadn’t heard of that and I think I will look that up for myself.

    @Jactop Yeah, I hear you about not wanting a needle stuck in your are with the current CGM. I have heard that they are working on a much less evasive CGM and even Apple is working on something that might be revolutionary. I hear lots of talk about the importance of testing fasting insulin. Have you had that done? Many doctors don’t do it unless you push for it. :/

    Hi Team! It’s cold and rainy here today and feels more like winter than spring. I did have a good day though. Hubby and I went looking at quartz countertops because we want to get rid of the black granite that I HATE. We found a lovely grey that has a bit white to match the backsplash and some sparkle that speaks to my love of bling. I think it will be perfect! I also did a good leg workout today and ate on plan, so that is all good. I’m teaching the littles tonight at church, which should be fun…and challenging as usual. :)
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,809 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Ohhh ok that makes more sense! Glad you had a good day.

    @Cornanda Thank you, I think he's the cutest! My dog also does the same thing with his food - he "serves" himself a few pieces at a time and eats them slowly. He's an outside dog (huskies have far too much fur to be inside IMO!) but it works out well because he's not gobbling his food down right away so if we need to go away overnight, we don't have to worry about him being hungry as his food bowl will still be half full when we get back home!

    @AustinRuadhain Awww no don't tell me they have to grow up! I would keep him like this forever!
    The little bar charts are called sparklines, you can do them in Excel or Google Sheets. I like the visual to show me whether I'm ahead or behind where I should be for how far through the month we are!

    @GabiV125 Nice little loss. You'll get there!

    @eahrenee I'm glad you enjoyed the workout! This reminds me when I used to do Body Pump upstairs at the local community gym...all was fine until we had to walk back downstairs after class! Hello jelly legs!
    Yesterday was a good day! I had an odd day at work where I was training someone from another site, but that meant I didn't eat as much at work since I wasn't just sitting alone at my desk. I took in the St Pat's cookies and they were a hit! They're green and shaped like shamrocks lol. I only had one in the morning and one in the afternoon though. In the evening, I did a nice workout and meditated. My sister dropped around to see us as she'd been away for the weekend and was missing the toddler! We had homemade burritos/tacos for dinner, and have enough for leftovers tonight which will be a nice change from cooking.
    Goals for March
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,067 Member
    Another quick pop in. I'm glad my weird dog is amusing. He is also able to leave 5-10 pieces of food on his plate, something that most dogs are not good at. And he's very good at maintaining his weight.

    He's also afraid of the clicks from the coffee maker..... I love him anyway. He thinks I'm the bomb!

    Happy Wed all..... <3:)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Wednesday Check-in
    🟢Food: weighed, logged, in green
    🟢Exercise: 45+ min (6 days)
    🟢Steps: 10K/day
    🟢Meditation: 10+
    🟢Strength Training (6 days)
    Overall a good day!

    Quick pop-in here, too!

    @Cornanda , you dog stories fill me with delight.

    Quirky pets, hmm -- we have a 67-gram green cheek conure who wants a bit of anything we eat, especially popcorn, which he turns into eety bitsy confetti. He thinks he's as big as we are and has been known to scare our big goof of a cat. Clicks from the coffee maker don't scare him, but he hates white flappy things like paper towels, and will chomp you pretty hard if you forget and pick one up while he's on your shoulder.

    I am off to find out about sparklines!

    I am sending best wishes for good sleep tonight!

    How great that you have awakened those muscles! Woohoo!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,940 Member
    @Jactop Congratulations on your test results, you're doing amazing! I'm so glad you don't need treatment.

    @Jactop @TeresaW1020 I'm on diabetes groups and most people really like their CGM, I know I wouldn't want one personally though.

    @TeresaW1020 It sounds like you gave great advice. I started out all-in but I think easing into it is better for most people.

    @eahrenee Be careful with those stairs! Is it the 5x5 app? I haven't looked into weights for awhile, I've just been doing arm exercises with dumbbells and haven't been able to find a set of bigger dumbbells that isn't jacked up. I'm very tempted to just go for a bar and barbell at this point! If you have Epsom salts it's great (baths) for sore muscles followed by a topical of some sort.

    @Cornanda Do you have a pressure cooker? It's chaos when I let them steam release on the Instant Pot, cats everywhere!

    Honestly, this last year everything has been so ridiculous whenever I go to tell people about it I erase what I write because I sound like a drama queen! I had my hair done. Originally (last year) he was going to put blonde highlights in but I just wanted the roots touched up. He asked if I wanted to go lighter and I said eventually. Well, he went to dry my hair and I noticed the roots were way lighter than the rest so I pointed it out and he thought that's what I meant about lightening my hair for some reason so I was there for 4 hours total while he matched my roots to the rest. WHY would I want white roots light brown while the rest is dark brown if I wasn't ready to lighten all of it?! It looks awesome now though thank goodness! I'm proud of myself for being assertive because my last hair appointment was so bad and I didn't speak up, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone because she ignored everything I said.

    My biopsy appointment was a pain, I waited an hour, was taken to the room and waited 30 minutes more, then I heard them through the door talking about me. They never got the pre-authorization for the biopsy from my insurance so when doctor number 2 comes in she decides instead of a cervical biopsy I should get an endometrial one as well as ultrasounds and they all need pre-authorizations so she's putting me on the pill for now (then a drug for endo if that doesn't work, then she'll agree to a hysterectomy). This stupid appointment was originally just to get a referral for a mammogram because I'm high risk for breast cancer so now I have a bunch of appointments. On the good side at least I have something that may help my pain because all the female issues make my pain a lot worse so maybe this will help. The scale was down a bit too thank goodness!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @Jactop No I didn't know about it. I will look for it this weekend. Thank you for the suggestion, I'm at my wit's end! I really like how you learn from what you are doing, that must be really helpful.

    @TeresaW1020 Yes, I am going to try it and see if it helps. I hadn't heard of it either. Your quartz choice sounds lovely, I love our quartz countertops, I do wish there was some bling in them but oh well! Sounds like you had a great day, well done!

    @Cornanda I want to be like your dog. Except not about the coffee maker lol.

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you!

    @Katmary71 That's good you spoke up at your hair appointment. That's not easy sometimes. I'm sorry your appointment was a hassle but at least you are going to hopefully get some answers. Yay for the scale being down!

    Hi all. The scale is up a bit and I'm worried about tomorrow's weigh-in but I think it's up because I ate potatoes last night. I'm eating a really low-WW point soup tonight for dinner so that should help. ((( SKINNY VIBES ))) for all that weigh in today or tomorrow.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Honestly, this last year everything has been so ridiculous whenever I go to tell people about it I erase what I write because I sound like a drama queen!
    I had my hair done. Originally (last year) he was going to put blonde highlights in but I just wanted the roots touched up. He asked if I wanted to go lighter and I said eventually. Well, he went to dry my hair and I noticed the roots were way lighter than the rest so I pointed it out and he thought that's what I meant about lightening my hair for some reason so I was there for 4 hours total while he matched my roots to the rest. WHY would I want white roots light brown while the rest is dark brown if I wasn't ready to lighten all of it?! It looks awesome now though thank goodness! I'm proud of myself for being assertive because my last hair appointment was so bad and I didn't speak up, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone because she ignored everything I said.

    My biopsy appointment was a pain, I waited an hour, was taken to the room and waited 30 minutes more, then I heard them through the door talking about me. They never got the pre-authorization for the biopsy from my insurance so when doctor number 2 comes in she decides instead of a cervical biopsy I should get an endometrial one as well as ultrasounds and they all need pre-authorizations so she's putting me on the pill for now (then a drug for endo if that doesn't work, then she'll agree to a hysterectomy). This stupid appointment was originally just to get a referral for a mammogram because I'm high risk for breast cancer so now I have a bunch of appointments. On the good side at least I have something that may help my pain because all the female issues make my pain a lot worse so maybe this will help. The scale was down a bit too thank goodness!

    Your sense of humor in the face of your hairdresser's error is... impressive. I really can't imagine that anyone wants lighter roots. Ever. And I am a girl who has done all kinds of things to my hair over the years.

    And as to the biopsy being a pain - arg! Um, you won the medical appointment lottery?

    Yay to scale being down!

    Sending all the SKINNY VIBES!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,067 Member
    @trooworld - skinny vibes from me too! Not sure how my weigh in is gonna turn out tomorrow either.

    @Katmary71 - lighter roots? What the?! The stuff that happens to you IS like out of the twilight zone- congrats for keeping such a good attitude about it.

    @AustinRuadhain - your conure sounds like quite the character. Does he eat dinner with you at the table?
This discussion has been closed.