WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    I love your photos! There is green, and water that isn't frozen, and waddlers! It reminds me of Winchester, where a good friend of mine lives. I visited her in the fall of 2019 and had some wonderful walks all around there. You are lucky to have such beautiful byways for walking.

    So team, we are #3 again :smiley: I actually think that being #2 or #3 of the 6 teams is the best spot. It means we are not losing too fast, not heading for bad rebounds the following week. It probably also means we only have one man among us! The big numbers always seem to be the men, and also those who have a great deal to lose and get started with fabulous enthusiasm. I think our slow(ish) steady progress is great. I get worried when the losses are too big. Thanks for giving me peace of mind :heart:

    As @TeresaW1020 posted, please join this week's challenge. It is a good time to reflect on the big picture before heading into another new month. It is always interesting to read other people's stories as well, so even if you do not find it useful for yourself to talk about your weigh-loss journey as a whole, it may help others. Thanks!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    CW: 164

    Probably because I've been slamming painkillers.

    Its actually down a whole pound from yesterday. My water weight fluctuations are always so big. :(
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Evening all, I hope everybody is OK.

    I've been waaaay too busy to check in properly the past few days. I have tracked everything (though not necessarily as I ate it, which has lead to some almost-forgetting) but I've struggled to drink water and - like I'm about to do now - have found myself drinking a litre late at night to make it up to 2L, when I was previously easily going over that amount. I didn't do any specific exercise at all yesterday as I'd been on my feet so much, and I've not done any resistance band work since Thursday.

    DIY has been the boss of me. I took Friday off work and feel like I've had 2 hours rest time per day, except tonight when it got to 7pm and I announced I wasn't doing any more this weekend. The spare bedroom is painted and wall papered. Not bad for a first attempt, and nothing a tall bed frame and some well placed pictures won't hide. :D It needs some touching up, then the fittings can go back in and the carpet fitting is on the 30th. The cloakroom needs the second coat of wood paint, and then it too is ready for fittings. We can't replace the door until the carpet is in the bedroom and the skip arrives (I am so excited for this skip!) so we can clear the garage by putting the bed back/getting rid of some junk, then we can get the doors down from the garage ceiling and see whether either of them are fit to use. In the mean time we'll use the irrepairable door, and just won't have a lock on it.

    I went for a reasonable walk for Friday, and I ran today. I'm feeling my 'aches and pains' again so I think my body was upset that I only ran once during the week and then skipped the band work. Between all the upper body work painting, and we had an (unplanned - naughty!) takeaway tonight, I'm expecting a gain on the scales in the morning from water retention. Not a huge issue though. :smile:
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki steps 21 march
    12047 with a 30 minute full body workout and 10 minute skipping rope workout.
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 13118
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Guess what? It is time to invite new members to join! April registration is open :smiley:

    Everyone is welcome to share the link to the registration thread. If you have friends who might enjoy our F2F teams, please invite them to check it out and sign up. Those of you who are already here do NOT need to sign up again!

    Please share this link and some more lucky people will be able to join us:

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,699 Member
    You have a new member heading your way ... Please welcome @ashleycarole86 :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Welcome @ashleycarole86 ! Even though it is the end of the March challenge - dive in. It will be great to get to know you!

    And yes - it is time for more reminders already! Monday weigh-ins:
    @MzBossy (Sunday, but late is ok!)

  • MzBossy
    MzBossy Posts: 32 Member
    This week weigh in is 175. I have definitely been struggling with the bloating this month
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    CW 84.5

    I've stayed the same! I'm pleased with that, but it was a mildly fluctuating week around this point anyway. I know it's been that time of the month, as though I don't normally have symptoms at all I've started having some (I've got an IUD, which I'm going to get checked as it'd be bad timing for a baby) and I am wondering how it affects my weight. It definitely affected my cravings this week.

    I'm going to ensure a less hectic, more normal week. I'll make sure not to overload myself with work (work-work or DIY etc) so I can log more proactively. I'm going to make a conscious effort to drink my water throughout the day rather than all at once, and I'm not going to eat my exercise calories this week. I started the month in the 85s, and I think if I push a little, I could end the month in the 83s which would be brilliant.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Welcome @ashleycarole86, this is a great group :smile:
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Pw 210.2
    Cw 208.4
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Happy Monday!

    It's time to start a bit of indoor planting for my vegetable garden - so I have to dig out the heat mats, clean everything, and get going! I have to remind myself not to plant too much, not to plant too much, just stop, you'll run out of room...

    I hope everyone has a great day - more new people will be joining us this week, so get ready for that awesome wave of new energy!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @MandiSaysHey Good Job!
    @ashleycarole86 Welcome to the group. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Calling all denizens of the support team!
    Please let us know as soon as you can if you'll be back on the regular team for April. That way we will know how many more new people to add :smiley:

  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @jugar I will be back for April!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry. Been a bit MIA. Having a little "more normal" life this past week. Meaning, we have left our house a few times being fully vaccinated. Yay!

    Just caught up with the posts and recording steps. I will be doing the weekly report in a few hours so any last steps, please get them in.

    Did 18 minutes nice Pilates stretch and relax this morning. I have been unfocused. Not horrible since I have learned so many skills doing this for so long, but rather behaving, again, as if I am maintaining and not trying to lose. I still have many pounds to lose, so I better stop it. I am going to go read peoples' inspirational stories on the Week 4 Challenge to look for some motivating stories. Will check back in later. Need to go make dinner.
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