Introduce Yourself



  • nikkibrianne64
    nikkibrianne64 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey 👋👋😊 I'm Nikki! I woke up one day and said I want to run a marathon! Funny thing is that I'm not a runner 😂. I turn 30 in 2021 and hope I can run for my bday in June! I would be pleased if I can even do a half marathon. I recently went vegan back in August and have never felt more alive! Let's hope Covid goes away! Peace and love!
  • ems0305
    ems0305 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all! I'm Emily from NC. I ran my first marathon this past summer, and have completed another in October. I use a 16 week training program and just keep starting over. My 3rd 26.2 will be February. I am super consistant with my running, but tend to get lazy with any other workouts and keeping up with good eating.

    I love hearing everyone's running journey and enjoy meeting more running friends. My friends and family thank you as well because they all get sick of hearing all my running stories. :)
  • ValkyrVex
    ValkyrVex Posts: 13 Member
    Well, I joined this group at the beginning of February and immediately slipped on ice and fractured my tibia. Oops.
    I'm Val. I ran a virtual marathon last summer in just under 4 hours!
    I can't run right now, but I've been cleared by my doctor for elliptical and stationary bike as long as I don't over exert myself while this hairline fracture is healing.
    My goal is to "run" 20 miles a week via elliptical as safely as I can as cross training so I don't lose cardio endurance while healing.

    I hope to be healed and back into marathon training before the of summer. I'm hoping the group will keep me focused and off the couch once the weather gets nicer.

  • happyness4me
    happyness4me Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm Becca. I'm a new runner and training for a 5k mud Girl run in October. I have been lifting weights since 2017 and love to go on hikes.
  • Naghma_k
    Naghma_k Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am Naghma from India. I am not even a daily walker and I aspire to be a runner one day. It is inspiring to go through the comments here. Any tip/recommendation for a beginner is more than welcome :)
  • jsimms554
    jsimms554 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Jeff. I just joined this site and group today. I have in the past run both 5k's and 10k's but nothing recent. I am now out of shape and need to get motivated to get back out there and start running again and improving my health. I joined here for some support. I am married and have two adult children and 6 cats in our home. I am a mental health therapist and love to read
  • MikeRunsDaily2021
    MikeRunsDaily2021 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone. I’ve joined and quit MyFitnessPal multiple times in the past, but I re-join once again. My running background has included multiple different races. I’ve run five ks, 10 ks, half marathons, full marathon, and an ultra marathon. Looking to keep running marathons and looking to lower my finish time by five minutes this year. Also looking at running a couple ultras this year. Maybe a 50 K this year and we would see what happened after that. I typically run seven days a week around 9 miles a day. Thanks for letting me join the group.
  • julieannegannon
    julieannegannon Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I am new to the group. I am restarting my running after experiencing some health setbacks. I can say now I’m very healthy and have lost 85 lbs. I have been walking a lot over the years putting up to 25 miles. Currently I have decided to train for running a 10K in October. I’m using the app 10K runner by fitness 22. I’m on week 7 and I’m loving it. This week I am going to be up to 20 minutes of running. After I have my run I continue to walk until I met 10 miles. Running a 10K has always been on my bucket list. My hopes are that I can work up to an half marathon. I’m looking to get ideas about everything running.
  • aryan52
    aryan52 Posts: 1 Member
    I am Annie and have been running for many years looking forward to read everyone successful races and training and supporting each other
    I am from Florida
  • savvybshoes
    savvybshoes Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm SaVanna. I'm trying to lose a bunch of weight while training for my 4th 5K in October. I'm using Garmin Coach at the moment to train. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Hi everyone. I’ve joined and quit MyFitnessPal multiple times in the past, but I re-join once again. My running background has included multiple different races. I’ve run five ks, 10 ks, half marathons, full marathon, and an ultra marathon. Looking to keep running marathons and looking to lower my finish time by five minutes this year. Also looking at running a couple ultras this year. Maybe a 50 K this year and we would see what happened after that. I typically run seven days a week around 9 miles a day. Thanks for letting me join the group.

    @MikeRunsDaily which ultras are you considering? I've run a few in our area.
  • CarsonSurfs
    CarsonSurfs Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I'm Carson. I used to post here as CarsonRuns when I lived in Baltimore (I looked for an old intro thread and couldn't find one). I was here when Stan (the originator of this group/challenge, whom I ran with a couple of times) was around.

    At the time, I was pretty active around here, posting in the Long Distance Runners forum. I even spent a stint as an MFP Moderator, but the politics of "policing" the membership didn't appeal to me at all, so I bailed on that.

    I used to run a lot. I averaged around 50 miles per week and ran 5 marathons, my fastest a 3:10 at Baltimore in 2013 at age 45. Not long after that, a bunch of ish went down and I eventually moved from Baltimore to Southern California, stopped running, started surfing and got remarried. I dropped off of MFP around 2016 or so. I gained weight (up to 152 from my racing weight of 123) during this time because the food was just so damn good in Encinitas.

    Life happened again around the beginning of this year and my wife and moved to the RTP area in North Carolina. Since there are no waves here, I decided I should start running again after a solid 4 year break. I'm already down 7 pounds and up to ~25 miles per week. I hold no illusion of regaining my old form since I'm 8 years removed from my marathon PR, but I feel like I might have another one in me.

    It's good to be back.
  • mshawski
    mshawski Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hello! I'm Maryann. I am a swimmer. I used to be a swimmer, and although I haven't swam regularly for 15 years - mentally I still can't seem to adjust my brain to considering myself a runner despite running multiple times a week. I'm hoping that joining a running group can help me shift that mindset, and help encourage me to up my running game. My goal is to adjust my exercise routine to 4 run days, 2 strength days, and 1 rest/walk/yoga day. (Currently it is 4 strength days, 3 run days, and no rest - and my body is getting grumpy.) My runs are generally 3-3.5 miles, with the occasional 4-5 mile run. I'd like to get to my regular being 5 miles and my longer run being 8-10 miles. I must take baby steps to get there, as my body doesn't like when I increase mileage too drastically. I'm also on a weight loss journey, and I've plateaued at 60lbs down with 20-25 more to go. I'm also hoping shifting to more cardio will help my belly be not so fluffy. So, hello and I look forward to being a part of this group!
  • AriannaBier
    AriannaBier Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2022
    Hi, I’m Arianna!

    Growing up, I was always very active. From running around playing tag or soccer with my friends, to gymnastics, and eventually running 5k twice a week in high school and weight lifting 3x a week. However, life got in the way and I had little time left to dedicate to running/weight lifting or any sports, really. Every so often I would pick it back up for a month or so, but then it would fall off with the constraints of daily life.

    Where I live, we’ve never fully came out of lockdown since the start of COVID. I work from home, graduated from college from home, home schooled my child on top of everything else… so as you can imagine, not much daily activity. I finally decided to hire a personal trainer to hold me accountable and help me get back to training! It’s been a month and I’m already starting to feel really good and wanting to do more. Most of my cardio is just walking/hiking on the treadmill, but I’m feeling ready to start getting back into running!!

    I’m so glad to have found this group 😊
  • shesgotaplan
    shesgotaplan Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Lynda.

    I started running (very slowly) in my late 40's, took several breaks and now, at 51, I'm back at. I live in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, so all of my runs are on the treadmill at the moment as I'm the least graceful person on the planet and don't want to risk injury by running in the snow. I'm not really a big fan of the cold either. ;)
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi, my name is Amanda and I'm from Ohio. I've ran off & on I guess my whole life but I've never been an actual runner and don't actually consider myself one now. I'm pursuing because I love it, but by no means would I consider myself a runner - I don't feel I'm worthy of that title just yet.

    I started running as my own form of therapy after my mom passed away in 2017. I was pretty consistent for about 2 years, losing 100 lbs in the process. However, the last 2 years have been hard between shoulder surgery, losing my son, then losing my granddaughter, having Covid 2x... so I'm really just now able to get back to running the way I used to but actually so much better. I'm leaner, I'm faster, I'm more consistent, I'm more disciplined.

    I'm sort of training for my first half marathon. I want to run a few 10Ks first and then I'll know that I'm ready to really start a training program.
  • kevin99507
    kevin99507 Posts: 2 Member
    hello, I'm kevin from Anchorage Alaska. I ran my first 12k this summer and finished it but didn't do that great and decided to try harder for next year. I run about 5-6k around my neighborhood several times a week but started doing 10k on sunday mornings. It's a struggle for me because of the snow/ice and dark and cold and I have recently been diagnosed with a chronic lymphoma that I'm fighting. I really enjoy running once I'm going but some challenges would be good. I'm 67yo btw and hope to get inspiration from others around here,.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hey @CatchMom11 and @kevin99507 you can hop over to our current monthly thread and post your runs and keep up with various topics, advice, and gripes. It is at
  • gaylebrekke
    gaylebrekke Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Gayle from Kansas City. I'm in my mid 50s. I run for mood & weight management. This is my first post on a fitness pal community group. I hope I can get the hang if posting here. I ran 3.3 miles on the treadmill this morning.
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 313 Member
    Let's Go! Excited to find this group. I'm a trail runner in Oregon. At the moment I've been mostly cycling and rehabing an ankle. I'm almost 50 and I think maybe that joint in my ankle has just had it -- but if I can return to regular running I will or I'll have to walk, but I'll be out and about for sure. I love the adventure of being outdoors.

    Would love to have you as a friend on MFP or Strava (