Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good evening. It has been a crazy weather day here. Cold with several episodes of incredibly strong winds that started to blow things off my deck. Luckily I was close and zipped out to secure them. Then we had a bit of rain and suddenly we were getting hail. I ran out with a blanket and covered my zucchini plants. I uncovered them after the hail. Poor dears are going to have a cold evening with temps about 40 degrees F. Rain is also in the forecast so I would prefer to not get a blanket all soggy. I have another little tomato plant having a hard time, it wilted a bit and the bottom leaves are dying off. They do need to get outdoors. Fingers crossed I can do that on Monday. I had planned to do the potting up first thing this morning but it was just too windy and cold.

    Sandy, your hair looks lovely. I especially like the way the back turned out. What a difference! Terrific color and wonderful shape to the cut. Busy weekend for you! I hope you enjoy your Sunday!

    Jackie, I am ready to curl up in front of that fire. It looks great. I am impressed by the 🪓 axe I see on the photo. Do you chop wood? And sharpen your axe? I would probably put the spoon back on the wall unless you find out it is priceless or something. I just think it is nice to have little extra things hidden in walls. Like a treasure waiting to be found. I have never had the opportunity to do that. We had drywall put up in one old house but nothing was removed so no place to leave anything. Happy shopping tomorrow. Hope you find something you like.

    Bob, gorgeous cookies. She will adore them! It is difficult to decide which services to pay for these days. So many to choose from. I am sticking with Amazon Prime (I place lots of orders) but it seems so many of the things I want to stream have to be purchased or rented now. I still have Acorn as well. Again, I have had it for years. I have had subscriptions at various times to Hulu, Netflix, and Sling. My basic Internet and cable TV bill has gone up so much that I am loathe to add additional services. I do have loads of DVDs and do like to watch some things on YouTube. I am getting quite unhappy with the interruptions for commercials so often on YouTube.

    Anne, I looked over that old menu. What a posh restaurant that was! Quite elegant options I thought. I would have loved to try all the potatoes! And maybe the celery.

    Patsy, if I have problems with morning coffee, I give it up until things are settled down again. But I am not without caffeine as I just drink more tea. Morning Oolong and afternoon green. That wards off any headache for me at least.

    I spent several hours on the phone with a friend this afternoon. She was telling me a very complicated story about her sister. Somehow or another, every account in that household and each person had identity theft. She has spent several weeks trying to get things straightened out for herself, her husband and her granddaughter. I still am not sure what happened for everyone to get involved. I can only think she opened something that installed malware and some sort of tracer on all key clicks. Every credit card, every bank account and Social security for each person in the household. They only have one computer. Powerful bad luck. Think a horseshoe would help?

    Wishing everyone well.


    Speaking of TV:

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, good morning. The penny finally dropped with me during the night, I'm a bit thick at times. Please don't continue reading anyone who feels perfectly okay with their diet, but just like PATSY and her coffee headaches I've not been feeling well ever since this darn virus entered our lives. I've shopped at the organic store for years and years but with all the closures have had to go to an everyday store and their delivery. Don't get me wrong, this store is wonderful and their delivery guys are the salt of the earth. However, slowly, ever so slowly, I've not been feeling the old pesky nuisance at all. Terrible bloated feeling was one of the symptoms which got worse as time went by culminating this week as the worst ever. My doctor is hiding out somewhere with the lockdown so I spent Saturday doing a heap of research and I realize it all began a year ago when I couldn't get to my favourite store.
    I could no longer buy their bread, wraps etc but bought the everyday stuff from the mainstream store. So.....I'm absolutely certain it's a gluten problem because for a year I haven't eaten anything gluten free which is all I ate before!
    I won't give up the delivery store and their wonderful deliverers but I'll be nattering at my "boys" (and isn't Mother's Day the way to their hearts!) to drop me off at the organic store occasionally to stock me up on certain things.

    Is anyone still with me!

    Meanwhile out here in the not so wild and woolly west no one visited the little house on the prairie, whoops, street. The owners stayed home all day with no signs of activity at all, no clearing up some more etc. The street looks beautiful with all the pear blossom and my apple trees are about to blossom despite their haircut plusI've about 60 tulips blooming or more in the front garden with more at the back.

    We are very content, Anne and Jilly the Bean. ❤️🌷💜🌷
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    AND..........NEXT DOOR IS SOLD!!! Happy Mother's Day for Joyce!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,094 Member
    edited May 2021
    Happy Sunday and/or Mother's Day! Not much time as I have to get ready for the waterworks play day. I zoomed with three of my children yesterday and today will be spent with Lisa and kiddos and later my son will join us.
    "Buddy" my hummingbird came back this morning what a great Mother's Day gift.

    Annsie, wow, that was fast, it must have been that young couple you saw don't you think?? I hope whoever it is that you become good friends and can have friendly conversations over the fence. As far as Gluten, if you were eating gluten free and went back to it, I can understand why you might have issues. The pandemic has shown a lot of us what to eat and what not to eat so you are not alone. I hope things improve as you go off of gluten.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and stays safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Annsie35 wrote: »
    AND..........NEXT DOOR IS SOLD!!! Happy Mother's Day for Joyce!

    Amazing! On to the next chapter.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another cool day but showers rather than hours of torrential rain so I managed to take George and Betty on a long walk to make up for our lazy Saturday. My trip to Plymouth was good and although a few cars about, pretty quiet so I was able to take my time in the furniture store deciding on a sofa. It’s a leather recliner in soft colours of moss around the bottom and silver seating. It won’t be delivered for 14 weeks so when the builders finally leave I will move the blue denim one in from my garden room as a temporary measure. The lovely girl that took my dining chairs away to reupholster has messaged with photos to let me know she has finished and will drop them off next Friday. Looks as if she has done a fab job and they look just as I’d imagined.

    Sandy, what a great job Bryanna did with your hair. That style really suits you. I think you’ve posted while I type so will read before I go and put the kettle on!

    The spoon appears to be made by silversmith George Wish who resided in Sheffield late 1800’s. That would tally with this property being built in the 1840’s and ongoing work being carried out. It will either be placed back in a wall or perhaps under the new staircase that currently has a hole in the floor beneath it!

    Lin, the axe is one I bought at a garden fare about 10 years ago for an excellent price because it was closing time and I didn’t have much money left in my purse so showed the man selling the garden implements and offered all my change to buy it. I think he maybe felt sorry for me so agreed and I’m really happy with it because it’s a perfect size for me but has enough weight to chop through kindling. My partner I lived with in Toronto showed me how to use an axe safely to avoid chopping a leg off and also how to let it do all the work by dropping from a height rather than swinging with my weight behind it.
    My courgettes are showing a similar problem to your tomatoes and I think must be desperate to be planted outdoors. Too cold and wet though

    That was quick Anne, sold already. I do hope it doesn’t mean a buyer wants to knock it down although whatever happens is going to give you plenty to watch and we’ll all be there with you passing comment!
    My neighbour Debs has to eat gluten free foods otherwise feels awful. I’ve slipped into bad habits even when I’m shopping in stores and think it’s the monotony of lockdown affecting my choices.

    No doubt Bob is out visiting young Brooke with those scrumptious biscuits and Patsy will be listening to her Sunday Baroque music. Maybe Barbie is walking and Connie gardening. Everyone enjoy your Sunday whatever you get up to.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone….

    Looking forward to Brooke’s party. We got a kick out of watching her 10 second TV announcement and explaining her interests & stated well wishes from her family. Stopped at the store after gym and bought a single rose for my daughter. I don’t want to overshadow whatever her husband and kids do, so thought I’d just keep it simple. Weather is cool (upper 40’s) but sunny and hoping for 50’s later.


    Jackie – It seems our temperatures are similar and your coal fire looks inviting. Thanks for the cookie compliment and look forward to seeing her face upon delivery – since they don’t know about them. You’re right about the lack of new TV productions and I miss the days when a series merely went on hiatus for the summer… We have watched every “Luther” episode available and just waiting on “Line of Duty”….might give “Bloodlands” a try on Amazon Prime. Have a great day!

    Sandy – Yes, Bryanna did a great job for sure…from color to cut. We were thrilled with the cookies and there is a small temptation to hide one (LOL). I think you are right about some people on the re-openings. Personally, I have always been a bit OCD in the hygiene department, but my mask will be ditched whenever allowed. I do know a few people that are going to have “serious” adjustment issues. One person told me she plans to keep her mask on for the rest of the year even if not mandated. I just say – to each his/her own. Whatever makes a person comfortable. Hope all goes well with the waterworks! Enjoy!!!

    Lin – Jean did a “taste test” and the cookies are delicious too. Like you, I won’t get rid of Amazon Prime because of the free delivery etc. and we order a lot of things from them. I just haven’t purchased any non-free movies…I feel for what they charge if I definitely want a movie I will buy a used copy for $3.00 and own it. The one dvd I want – but won’t pay for is - Captains and the Kings (1976 mini-series) with an awesome cast… Richard Jordan, Harvey Jason, Patty Duke, Blair Brown, Ray Bolger, Charles Durning, Henry Fonda etc…. very expensive even used. I am also a YouTube addict and the price is right…LOL

    WOW… it’s past noon and time for me to get cleaned up and dressed. Have a great day ! Bob

    Ps – That’s me on the arm of the chair next to my mother :)


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited May 2021
    Comments on my big news. Mark: lol. Mary Jo; OMG.
    Me: picking myself up off the floor.
    Michael who brought the news cooked me Mexican chicken wraps. Scrumptious.
    Mark will be over soon.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I've had a wonderful day. Michael arrived with all the ingredients and made an absolutely scrumptious Mexican dish of basmati rice, chicken, black beans, peppers, onions, cumin, etc etc on spinach organic wraps. Enough leftover for two more dinners! Sure the kitchen was a disaster zone when he finished, he even apologized but it was so good who cares! Then Mark and Mary Jo turned up with a beautiful hanging basket of flowers and cream to smooth out the wrinkles (on me, not the flowers.). Bean was ecstatic, I was ecstatic, a lovely lovely day. Totally spoilt. The pair of us! So here's Bean and here's me with my birds nest hair both of us looking happy, fat full of Mexican food and contented. Loved your sleek look SANDY. I could do with a hairdresser in the family! Clever girl Bryanna.
    Those cookies were to die for BOB and JACKIE the seats look so pretty and professional.
    The weather is very chilly here LIN so my flower basket has gone into the garage overnight.
    I hope PATSY, BARBIE and all Sneakers had a wonderful day as well.
    Anne the well fed Cheshire Cat.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Meant to add the census form was filled out and I was so tempted to make the answers more interesting! What is your spoken language for instance. Wanted to put "Yorkshire dialect" of course.
    "What is your age" 85 then followed by "have you a job". and then "are you looking for a job" etc. Wanted to answer "yes and my job is an exotic dancer", but these gvt souls bless them don't take kindly to frivolous answers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good evening. I have been nursing plants along today, crushing cardboard boxes in advance of trash collection that includes recycling this week and reading a book that needs to be returned to the library. All of that was after church online.

    Not that interesting.

    Jackie, glad you have furniture on order now! What a story to go with the axe in the photo. Thanks for sharing it.

    Anne, sounds like a great day. Lovely photo.

    I hope everyone had an enjoyable day.

    Best wishes.


    I love this teapot.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,094 Member
    Anne, I would never believe you are 85 if you hadn't told us. You look amazing and what a beautiful picture and I love you hair!!!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited May 2021
    Morning everyone. Chilly morning - 2 degrees.
    All my life I've been told I look 10 years younger than my actual age SANDY. This can work against one however. When Mike was born prematurely I was treated with disdain at the hospital by the matron who muttered "disgusting". Turned out she thought I was 15 and unmarried rather than 25 and married 5 years.

    The good news - I'll only look 90 if I make it to 100 ! Lol. Oh boy! 👵🏻

    Mark looks much younger as well but not so much Mike who resembles their dad. Their dad was very handsome but I don't know what he looks like at 85. Last photo I saw his mass of black wavy hair had turned to a mass of white wavy hair. Mines still gingery. Jilly at 5 years has a white muzzle now.

    No sign of PATSY yesterday. Hope you are okay girl. I put my feet up so lots to do today! It was lovely being cooked for and sniffing the flowers. I sort of feel a bit sorry for the lads having to treat and put up with me for all these years!

    Off to work we go but not so much the Beano.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Brooke’s 6th Birthday went off great. It was the 1st time with no masks indoors and assume it was because all adults have rec’d “the shot.” It was a small group of the kids, us and ex and her husband. I have never said a word about wearing or not wearing a mask … Food was great and all had fun. I forgot the rose, I bought my daughter and we joked about it…I did go to her house at 5:30am today before gym and left it at her front door and texted her.


    My eating over the last week or so has been atrocious. Not always bad, but waaaay beyond normal and more than required even with intermittent fasting. Looking forward to cleaning out my system this week and eating “normal.” Summer is around the corner.

    Anne – you had me at - Mexican chicken wraps….but as noted above…not gonna do it again (for a while) LOL … Having said that I did make a note of: basmati rice, chicken, black beans, peppers, onions, cumin, etc etc on spinach organic wraps YUM!

    Ohhh those cookies!!! Were fabulous….MANY people order from her for special occasions. She has done large orders for the Children's Hospital etc. Must say, I had a bit of a “sticker shock” but it will be a great memory. Here is a small sample of her other orders. Very talented and impressive what she has done during the pandemic and unable to play at events. Love your pic!


    Lin – Thanks for the link… Never heard of this place and I could live with $22.00… I am going to surf this week for input and might just order. Thanks again!

    Adios for now. Bob

    Stay healthy!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That bloomin’ wind is back and blowing noisily round the property inside and out! After my shower this morning I used the silver/blue shampoo again but any change is so subtle I can’t see it.
    We’ve walked then back home I checked little Storm hasn’t blown away then into my greenhouse that was neglected yesterday to water any pots that were drying out. Louise brought round a plant called a cucumelon she’s grown from seed and warned me they can grow to 8’ so my greenhouse may become a jungle what with that and the Arminian yard long cucumber plant! Now time to clean the shower room then, if rain holds off, I’ll test my surgery by getting out the lawnmower to at least cut the lower areas of my garden. The long incision along my forearm is still sore but then wearing a thick long sleeved top to keep warm isn’t helping as it rubs! Moan moan... moving on!
    I’ve written a note to put with the spoon from the wall that I’ll wrap in foil and place back amongst the granite stones. Wouldn’t it be fun to look down and see it being rediscovered, maybe in another 200 years!

    My new loo and cistern seems to have disappeared at the depot. I can but hope it means the pallet has finally been sent on its way. 🙄

    Household chores are calling while George and Betty snooze. Brady has popped out to inspect the neighbourhood.

    Happy Monday everyone
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well now i know for sure my present neighbours are leaving. All the posh furniture is being loaded on a uhaul by the decorators who brought it two weeks ago.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Hello! So your neighbors are leaving for sure and the house must be sold if the staging items are being removed! The house at the end of the cul de sac must have sold. A long white truck arrived Saturday (no markings on it). Today all is silent there and the FSBO sign is gone. While I was out sweeping a huge club cab pickup truck pulled into that driveway.

    Something is happening there as well.

    Well, just got a phone call. The service company is coming to check my air conditioner in a few minutes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,094 Member
    edited May 2021
    Happy Monday! :) Chilly but Sunday day but I am tired so staying in and staying warm. My mother's day was exhausting but wonderful. We had a great time at the waterworks and although I said I wouldn't post pictures in a swimsuit I am biting the bullet. lol The picture sitting on the bench is during the half hour break between sessions for them to clean everything and since Robby wasn't around for the pool picture I put it on the collage. We were wet and it was chilly thus the jackets but the sun was great for having our snacks.
    They came back to my place after and my son joined us, he is slightly taller than me at 6'3" to my 5"2". lol
    They gave me a cute tee shirt that says Mamma needs Wine because they know me so well. lol
    I hope you all had a wonderful day as well.

    Lin, good luck with your service call although A/C doesn't seem to be needed any time soon but at least you will be ready. Houses seem to be selling like hot cakes all over the country, my son and his girl are in the market for a house in Ohio but they go for thousands over market.

    Annsie, sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's day with good food, wonderful presents and loving family. We are indeed blessed. <3 I too, am guessed younger than I am, we must have good genes.

    Jackie, please be careful with that incision, you don't want an infection. What is the blue shampoo supposed to do, make your hair blue??

    Bob, you have beautiful grandchildren, first time we see them without masks. I presume that is your daughter in the lower right hand? She is beautiful! I can just imagine how much those cookies were for all the hard and personal works she puts into them. And I know what you mean about extra eating as I now have 2 pounds to lose between my son and his wife being here and Mother's Day.

    Patsy, I hope all is well as I haven't seen a post from you. I am hoping device problems and nothing more.

    Barbie, Connie and Jeri, I hope you are doing good and everything is going well.

    Have a good day everyone and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! We have a cloudy and cold day. It is really hard to believe it is early may. It feels like early April. The rhododendrons are showing color but still in tight buds. Only the big early white one is in full bloom.

    I had a lovely Mother’s Day. And true to my Irish nature, I was in tears a good deal of the day. First, John had a huge bouquet of flowers delivered along with 3 very sweet cards. One with a photo of a blond puppy that looked like a baby picture of our Katie. Lots of sentimental notes included. Well, as you know me well by now, I was a sloppy mess. Then our son called. We talked and planned our visit next week. That was lovely. Our daughter called also and that had me sobbing. She is house bound. They had very steep stairs to get out of the front door and back. It requires a huge effort for her family and her, then there is getting back up the stairs. The dear girl has so many issues, but we did laugh and planned a visit on her front porch. They are only partly through with the vaccination thing. The hubby has had the two shots, none for grandson, our daughter has had one but is worried because she had Covid earlier. Now she seems to be having lingering symptoms. But the docs think it is a good idea for her to have vaccine. John is absolutely adamant about us being extra careful. So we visit on her front porch, in masks, 6 feet apart. Sigh.....more sloppy tears from me. Grateful for my dear family, but worried for them.

    I have been reading a lot about successful aging. The research currently is that at a certain age, they should really recalculate age. There is little value in adding up days on the earth. The important calculation is the rate of deterioration. A healthy curiosity about life, sense of humor, enjoying people and the pleasure of good food, and mental stimulation are the only real valuable calculations. It shows up in how and when we deteriorate. So as far as I can tell, this group here are all young and full of life.
    Great pictures Gorgeous Anne, lovely Sandy, handsome Bob, have you all noticed how much we all love photos? It is like a mini visit.
    Sniff...sob...I love all you sneakers.