Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Beautiful day today. Cold but blue skies and no wind. My sciatica is better...not gone but I think as I continue my stretches and exercises things will continue to get better.

    My little dungeon clean up will need to wait while I finish up my doggie grooming chores. Katie is a delightful handful. She is about 45-50 lbs. she is a huge pile of fur and very impatient with grooming. She has things to do and ball games on her personal schedule. Emu oil hair conditioner is her favorite. Unfortunately she wants to lick and eat it!

    Since we dropped our primary movie channels, we are buying movies on amazon. I was interested in the golden globe awards. Interesting new movies coming out on dvd.

    Hope everyone has a good day. So good to see Marie. Not sure she remembers me. I started on sneakers just as she was leaving and having trouble with her computer.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Managed to get down just in time to catch the bus going to Publix for some desperate grocery items : internet appears to be d
    Still awaing interbecomes !!!own!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hello everyone. The weather continues its crazy pattern here. White over yesterday, then freezing rain just as everyone was leaving for home after work and we've just woken up to a plus 6 C. Tomorrow the temperatures plunge again. It's difficult to know what to wear.

    I met MARIE on a site she had started but gave up and because she gave it up she introduced me to the Sneakers. Can you remember the date Marie? I know my member start date is incorrect, but time slips by so quickly I honestly can't remember the true date. It was something prior to "Blueharebell" but seeing I got myself in so many messes with a newly acquired iPad and had to keep starting over, who knows!
    2012 rings a bell under simply Gawanne. Doesn't really matter, just curious and trying to pinpoint another date which coincided.

    It's hard to believe that puppy Jilly will be 3 years old on Valentine's Day! Not a mature dog however! Her favourite game is "chase me around the coffee table" at great speed. I try to, but have to give up as she continues with her zoomies. Her name before she became Jilly Bean was Speedo. Should have known!! At the moment she is cuddled up next to me on the sofa. I guess Emu oil won't hurt Katie PATSY. Probably tastes like goose dripping!

    Well brekkie calls. Jill's already had hers but I had to wait until the porridge cooled down.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold walk this morning which was a shock to the system because here at home there's not a breeze but on the moors there was a freezing easterly wind. Enjoyed it nonetheless and we also met a few doggy friends and owners but when we got back to the car park and saw George's groomer and her husband about to walk their dogs George came up with a massive diversionary tactic to avoid going anywhere near in case she had scissors in her hands... We did laugh at his determined wide berth although it was a shame because I wanted to show Debs the groomer his soft clean coat following yesterday's shower to remove fox poo he'd rolled in!!

    Finally after a 20 minute hold I managed to get through to customer service for my energy supplier who has completely thrown me with his vague explanation of why they take my night reading as the day one. Makes no sense so although he told me I didn't have to accept their new tariff increase I will be switching companies in the next few days because not only do I like things to be straight forward, I get very cross about suppliers who do their best to sneak increases past those who don't always realise or read the small print.

    Whoopee, Patsy is feeling somewhat better which is marvelous! Blue skies, sunshine and exercises are hopefully doing the trick.

    Anne, where does the time go? Jilly nearly 3 and George 6 last August! Not that he behaves in a mature doggy way either!

    Lunchtime already. I have managed to lose one of those pounds I put on over Christmas but am having to be incredibly strong about not sneaking a biscuit or anything else naughty. On Sunday I found 2 freshly laid eggs in the hen house; that's the first in over 2 months but nothing since. Perhaps their egg laying will follow our erratic weather patterns! Ham and eggs was a temptation but then chips or at least toast are needed to make it a decent meal so I'll come up with a healthier menu.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good morning friends. I did the unforgivable this morning, when it was time to get up I rolled over to catch another ten minutes. Well, that turned out to be an hour and I am officially waaaay behind now. Must stop by Trader Joe’s for a few things, meeting a friend for coffee, Walgreens senior discount day again a few things needed, afternoon coloring at the library and there’s book club tonight. Once again book club doesn’t sound appealing as I did not care for the book.

    Buzz, good morning. I am glad you were able to get your groceries yesterday.

    Anne, it is amazing that little Jilly is coming up on three! Wahoo! She is such a dear and we love hearing all about her each day. Ha, Speedo. Great name.

    Jackie, I am still laughing about his wide detour around the groomer. What a lovely character he is. It is amazing to me that you are able to select a supplier. There are no choices here. At least at this point. We are stuck with whatever our supplier wants to do. And it is expensive although they keep telling us it isn’t.

    Hello Patsy, Marie, Sandy and Jeri. Must run.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Electricity bills. Haaaaa. Went for a super long walk with Janice and Amy seeing the temperature is mild and got my mail out of the street mailboxes. Wooooooo. The bill is about $40 more than normal and I had no Christmas lights or anything! About to decipher it. I knew we were getting an increase in the new year but.......woooooooo! You will gather I sympathize with everybody and their electricity bills.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Having a great time with family. Last night Bryanna came and we played a game. Lots of laughs and good times. Tonight Bryanna will come with her boyfriend and we will go out to eat before playing more games. They leave tomorrow and I will miss them but at least they are not that far away.
    Talking about bills, I hate to tell you what I did because you might think I have completely lost it. But twice this month I forgot to shut off my fireplace and I am dreading to see what my gas bill will be. Luckily it is a small flame and doesn't shoot any sparks or anything so no danger of burning down the building. Talk about a dizzy blonde.

    Enjoy your day, we had some sunshine but it looks like it disappeared.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    next day, no breakfast, no internet until now, no phones! G-- bless Comcast! 11:14 AM and I will go eat some of the food I bought yesterday after having an empty refrigerator for 2 days. I got almond milk since I learned dairy can affect arthritis. But what can take the place of my yummy greek yogurt that I so enjoy with blueberries? I'll have to research alternative choices for my favorite meal of the day! Sorry about last night's post, but my internet kept disappearing and I finally gave up! I have a very busy day, so will probably not get back until tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Buzz, almond or coconut yogurt.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Buzz, assuming Alpro is available to you in America it's pleasant enough with added fruit. I use soya milk on cereal and sometimes eat All to.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just phoned the grocery delivery service about a mistake they've made. Delivery chap said three packets of chicken breast I ordered wasn't available and therefore I wasn't charged on the bill. So I paid the new bill amount. He takes off and on emptying the bags, there's the three chicken breasts. Delivery man turns up again tomorrow to pick up thirty odd dollars! Sons say store should have said "it's our mistake and we won't charge but thanks for letting us know". I wish! Lol.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! Cold, windy and misty and DARK. You know about me and dark....not pretty! I have to turn on the happy light and do my stretches. The thing about getting old is that it takes over all one’s time just tending to all the little aches, pains and breakdowns. Eeeeeck! I seem to be going from one issue to the next, they are over lapping sometimes. Giving up various foods and activities is annoying.

    Katie was very cooperative with her grooming this time. Even when I was cutting toenails. She still objects to her front legs brushed and groomed. Odd but our other dogs were the same about their front legs. Katie will be three on March 4th. I bake her pumpkin doggie treats for her birthdays. There are times I look at myself and realize I have really become unhinged!

    I did get at lot of my dungeon cleared up and vacuumed. Saw the floor for the first time since before Christmas. Seriously! My dungeon is the family DUMP room. If there is something that is needing to be dealt with later...dump it in Patsy’s dungeon. Aaaaaaargh! I feel a bit of temper coming on!

    Our son Damon is very busy and is envolved in Some interesting new projects. It is mainly corporate stuff. Not sexy, as he says, but interesting and profitable. I am very curious about the graphics that will come out on this. New technology. Voodoo to me.

    Had a small setback on my hip but I am back on the right path now. I made a wrong move and things got very interesting. You don’t want to know the language being used.

    Watched an ancient comedy series while exercising, do you remember Barney Miller?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Buzz, almond or coconut yogurt.

    Buzz, the Kite Hill unsweetened almond yogurt is very thick, like Greek yogurt. Not too many extraneous ingredients.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post!! :'(

    A beautiful Winter's day and we've walked in glorious sunshine. Now for a mug of coffee then some sort of cleaning blitz in the kitchen and beyond.
    I will pop back later to remember what the lost post said of Interest, if anything and try again.
    Enjoy your day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good morning. Had a lovely visit over coffee yesterday. I think we could talk all day! Got the errands out of the way and went to coloring yesterday afternoon. Also lovely conversations with some ladies I had not seen for a month (or more). I did skip book club. A good decision!

    Well, good morning and off I go soon for Tai Chi, Qigong and a bit of chatter this morning. Different classes this afternoon and then home for a good old collapse. Haaa.

    Making slow progress on card projects, must pick up the pace somewhere! Oh and I did cut out the first Chinese Lanterns, just outlines, not making actual lanterns this year. I think they are lovely but I am easily pleased. :)

    Sorry for everyone who has lost a post. That is so frustrating. Argh.

    Anne, that is an odd occurrence with your grocery order. They must have had a busy day when they pulled your order, they seem to really check each item when bagging/boxing.

    Patsy, Congratulations on your Dungeon cleaning. I have a guilty conscience about my supplies being in disorder but I keep launching projects which seems to cause more chaos.

    Sandy, back to normal schedule now? I am sure it will seem a bit too quiet for a while.

    Jackie, coffee, YES please. :) happy cleaning. If that is possible.

    Hello Marie and Jeri!

    Be healthy and lots of hugs all round.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hate it when I lose posts. Usually it's when I've said something profound or so I think. Then I just haven't got the heart to rewrite it. All the boring stuff I write gets through and posted of course.
    Did you all watch the presidential address last night? Same old stuff. I read an article on BBC which stated most illegal immigrants to the USA arrive via airports and a lot of them are Canadians with visas who don't bother to go home after their visas expire. That was an eye opener! Not sure who they are escaping from - probably the weather. If this keeps up Mr. T will want another wall blocking out the northerners!
    After I've taken Jilly out I've got to stay home to pay the shopping people the money they omitted on their bill. This is a nuisance because I like to get out and about whilst the weather is fairly decent. Getting out means gossiping with various dog walkers something you don't want to do when there's a cold north wind penetrating ones parka.
    So I'll away and see what LINS up to. I keep getting flashes that she's posted ahead of me.
    There you are! Hiya LIN!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Bitterly cold out! It's the wind. Grocery guy showed up early! and I'm minus $39:80. Nobody out with their pets when Jill and I braved the cold early after all. Both glad to get back inside! Maybe we should start walking to Florida before a second wall goes up!
    Frigid Annie.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've flopped into my sofa after a mad afternoon trying to get kitchen and now also garden room cleared because the builder who will lay tiles finally messaged to tell me he can start tomorrow. Isn't that typical when it will probably mean a clash of parking vehicles and men in kitchen and garden room at the same time. My friend Pat who suffered a stroke last year when visiting me Skyped for a chat so vacuum cleaner and mop with bucket were put to one side but I managed to finish just as a beautiful sunset spread across the sky. Another cold night so I need to light the fire but first a cup of tea!.

    Lin, we do have plenty of utility companies and online comparison websites so typing my postcode into a search box will list them all from cheapest to those with the best extras. Our government has advised consumers to check tariffs annually which has certainly seen some recent restraint from the bigger companies who used to band together and up their prices.

    Best get the fire lit now it's already dark and cold outside.

    Hello to everyone
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) My company is gone and laundry has been going all morning. I had a wonderful time with them and always enjoy their company. I will see them in Hawaii for the wedding but for now I need some time to myself once again.
    Babe is stressed to no end because his son quit the job he had before finding a new one and also was surprised when Phil's wife found a bottle of vodka in the garage. Such denial.
    Of course stress makes Babe more dizzy so all I can say is I am glad I live alone. :p

    I am going to bingo tonight in hopes of a big win but if not it will be nice to get out for a little while. We really didn't do anything exciting because the weather is too cold. We did play games at night and that was fun but the rest was just relaxing. They are on their way to Laurie's doctor in hopes of something new to help her migraines.

    I might have to sneak in a little nap this afternoon but I am not really good at napping.
    I will save my weigh in until Friday but I don't think it will be pretty. lol

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member