Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All

    I am still around but I have been hibernating for sure. Weather has been nice but I still don’t have results. My biopsy was done last Thursday but the doctor did it at the 5o’clock position rather than the 6 o’clock position requested by my gp. Why?? I saw my doctor on Friday and he was shocked looking into it. Depending I may need another biopsy.

    Watching lots of TV movies and The Bodyguard which we love. Went to see the new Mary Poppins yesterday with Melanie and 2 little ones. Fun and made me feel good.

    Cheers to all,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy doing nothing but my day flew b and I don't recall much of it really. I spent too much time hunting for an address I recalled writing down...but where? Looked up photos my son sent ages ago and it took forever to figure out how to open the collection.My closest cousin who died about 7 years ago had a son who inspired my 1st pregnancy, and I just got invited to his 70th birthday party! I looked up the photos to enclose in the card I made for him, because of course I cannot go Love all your posts and share the warmth you all spread, even in your bitter weather!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen...................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another enjoyable but cold walk this morning when George, who loves the cooler temperatures, charged about the moor like a puppy. Betty sniffed, ran and did her best to eat things I'd rather she didn't! It is a dry day and bright so my plan is to paint the lower wall in the garden room that became mucky after the cementing and grouting then if not too cold, I'll get into the garden and continue tidying although we are threatened with a Wintery snap by Friday so I'll hold off pruning roses and the apple tree. Last night we had the first episode of another series of The Midwife, now into the 60's era.... those ladies are certainly wearing well!! Two very contrasting storylines and both emotional. I'll say no more!! I missed the Christmas special so must make an effort to view it on our BBC catch up channel

    Jeri, what a *kitten* up (not sure that will show!!) with your biopsy; just what you don't need right now; those procedures are never pleasant at the best of times. I hope someone is reprimanded for it and if you can maybe ask for a different doctor to carry it out if needed. Ah yes, the Bodyguard which was a huge hit in Britain although I think most viewers weren't always sure what on earth was going on. If you can understand our political intrigues I'm really impressed because we don't!! :D

    Hmm, I made myself an instant coffee to speed up the process but blah, can't beat the real thing. That pot of paint is calling me so I'll get myself moving.

    Happy Monday everyone. Wish us luck in Britain as we head towards tomorrow's D-day, this time to get out of Europe rather than invade!! B)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear Jeri, it didn't like my other word did it although that term isn't actually rude if they researched it!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hello All

    I am still around but I have been hibernating for sure. Weather has been nice but I still don’t have results. My biopsy was done last Thursday but the doctor did it at the 5o’clock position rather than the 6 o’clock position requested by my gp. Why?? I saw my doctor on Friday and he was shocked looking into it. Depending I may need another biopsy.


    Oh my goodness! What a terrible mix-up on your biopsy. I hope you will not require another one. I am fuming!! Hugs dear friend.

    Well, my sinuses are still unhappy with me but they are chronically complaining but I am not dizzy this morning so am heading out to Tai Chi. Early, early, early class. Then a post office stop is required with the long waiting lines. Must return some books to the library. Then hope to get home to work on my valentines.

    Oh Jackie, no new Grantchester here yet. Still lots of Victoria to watch apparently. And I did see the Christmas special of the Midwives but didn’t see it on our schedule yet either. Both are Sunday night shows here.

    Marie, I hope you find a wonderful apartment. Your house really flew to a sale didn’t it! Amazing.

    Buzz, Patsy, Sandy, Anne and all wonderful Sneakers, I must pack up and hit the roads now. Be well, be safe. Hugs.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Quickie from me because I'm just about to have brekkie. However being somewhat evil minded it struck me it might be fun to think up all the words that are benign in the UK and commonwealth, some even used in nursery rhymes, use them in posts, and see just how many get banned by the puritanical but clueless minded! I can think of another "object" being better banned, hee hee.
    Can't wait for D-Day Jackie.
    That's awful Jeri. My wrist was set badly, and of course the pills nearly finished me off, so I don't have much faith in our medical "professionals" I'm afraid.
    Anne, who's woken up in a rather odd frame of mind. A coffee should sweeten the pot!

    Hi LIN, we did it again. Simultaneous post. Have a super day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another day of not much time as I have my teeth cleaning. Nothing exciting going on here, same old, same old. Just a good morning to my sneaker friends and have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited January 2019

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I guess I fell asleep as started to post and now it's too late! My mind seems empty anyway so you're missing nothing! My check order arrived so at least I can pay for my haircut Tuesday morning. Huge hugs, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen...................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning all. Not much happened yesterday. Today should be more exciting with the UK parliament Brexit vote around our time 2pm today. It would appear Theresa is on the losing side, but time will tell.

    Meanwhile "back at the ranch" Michael's phoned to say he missed me (really!) and The Bean (more likely!) so much on Sunday that he's galloping over to take her for a walk in the snow while I am now thawing fish hunted out in the fridge for an early lunch before he drives off to his 1 o'clock day at work.
    Of course an early lunch means I can put my feet up, Jilly Bean having been walked, and watch hopefully the antics on the other side of the pond. Honestly who needs TV dramas with all this excitement going on! I did watch Victoria on Sunday. The bit with all the yelling and rock throwing going on as poor old Victoria gives birth yet again. Things don't change much do they!

    More later, but meanwhile hope everyone has a peaceful and lovely day,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hello Sneakers, Mah Jongg cancelled this morning due to slippery roads. Probably for the best. More card making for me today. And lots of general messing about with different stamps and dies. And inks and different card stock colors. And heaven knows what else.

    Anne, awwww, how nice that Michael is stopping over today. Quite a surprise! Enjoy the visit. Have you found a snow removal service? My handyman did the snow blowing here while it was still snowing. He didn’t come back as there was not enough additional snow. I have ice on my front steps and sidewalk. If the sun would come out it might melt a bit. Oh and I was off to Tai Chi yesterday morning and found the overhead garage door was frozen down again. It could be a long winter coping with that door.

    Buzz, I am glad your check arrived on schedule. I hope your haircut turns out just the way you want it.

    Sandy, yippee, a good check-up. Going to the dentist makes me nervous. Well, any health care provider appointment makes me very nervous. Did you get snow? Freezing rain? Anything that clips your wings?

    Hello Jackie, Marie, Jeri, and Patsy. I hope you are well.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Going with my friends to lunch/early dinner to Chef Shangri-La but not sure what I will eat. I have been doing so well making my own dinners and riding the bike. The weight is coming off slowly but it is at least going down.

    Yes, Lin we had freezing rain last night into this morning but it should be fine by this afternoon. Have you tried spraying a cooking oil like Pam on the bottom of your garage door? My old landlady told me to put vaseline on it but that was so messy, the Pam worked for me.
    BTW, I also hate the dentist and doctors but would like to keep on top of things so also made my yearly checkup in March.

    Anne, you have such good sons, you did a good job in raising them. I think my son has been to my new apartment once to help me set up my sound on my TV. I do understand it is easier for them and the kiddos at their house but it would be nice to have a visit once in a while.

    Buzz, enjoy the pampering and your haircut.

    Karen is having problems with posting a reply to our posts and I am stumped. There is also a new lady trying to join us, she started a new topic under the Golden Sneakers and I am trying to get here her. Any ideas?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Here's Jilly Bean with her new white beard.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Sandy, I had already sprayed the bottom of the door. What I did not do was sweep out any moisture along the bottom of the door due to a bit of melting which apparently froze overnight. The spray probably did help as I bumped the button about three times, horrible noise by the way, but it finally opened. If my sinuses hadn’t been acting up so much I might have done a better job. Well maybe!

    Anne, love the pic of the Bean. Adorable. <3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Sandy - Regarding problems posting, the only thing that has happened to me is that I can see and read posts but cannot respond when the site has logged me out of community. I have to enter a password again even though I am logged in on the home page/newsfeed. Probably just a glitch exclusive to me. Just an idea. Can she post in other groups or other threads if she wants to? Did she change her member name and didn’t rejoin the Sneakers? I am out of ideas.

    Enjoy lunch!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Sandy - the new person is a gentleman by the way.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello all. Gloomy, foggy, damp and chilly, that's my weather today. I did walk the dogs on the moors and felt quite righteous being the only person there with pooches. At the start of our stroll I did notice a couple similar age to me walking into the fog, map in hand and can only hope they arent still up there! A programme about Prince Edward Island is on while I finish a jacket potato with bean casserole and the fire is lit but now time for the big vote. I have my suspicions about our PM deliberately leading us down a dead end road so we can't leave the EU but only time will tell. Anne the shouting started already by the look of things!

    Time for another cuppa!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Okay JACKIE! What happens now? Been watching the proceedings on my iPad! Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, we need to stand up to the 3 bullying men who control the EU. They don't recognise British resolve unfortunately but if we should leave without an agreement Europe will be as badly affected as the UK so I think it's a question of who will blink first. Sadly I don't think Mrs M is up to the task but think there's a good chance she'll survive tomorrow's motion of no confidence.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All my Good Friends

    Jackie, we finished The Bodyguard and thoroughly loved it. What a pot of twists in the plot. Great acting

    Anne what a cute picture.

    All this politics. US, UK, Canada At one time I was keenly interested in it all but now I feel mostly frustration.

    Word back from my doctor about the positioning of the biopsy. It looks like it was fine but NO RESULTS yet.

    I am keeping a very positive mind frame about all of this but at times just the same I get scared. But then I tell myself BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. LOL

    Have a great evening.
