Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Isn’t it just crazy? I have written two big long posts only to hit the wrong place to post and lost them. Not that they were filled with great words of wisedom.

    We had sunshine again. Wonderful! The washing machine repairman came and performed a miracle repair on the speed queen washer, otherwise known as “Queenie.” We are up,to my eyelashes in dirty clothes, so I am on the job now.

    Watched the big To do in England. Huh? I still can’t figure it all out. What did they do? What happens now? Who is in power? Sorry dear England, you are as nutty as we are here in The USA. Nothing is happening here. Talk about border come and go, airplanes come and go, people walk across the border, use hot air balloons, tunnel under the border, or fly over our border. We lock up children and send their parents back across the border. A wall will stop all bad traffic...(?). Don’t you just love this crazy drama? You could not write anything this nutty.

    Jeri: I can’t count how many friends that have had biopsies after scary mammograms only to hear that it was a false alarm. Breast cancer is very difficult to diognose but the good news is that they do keep a close eye on the mammograms for possible problems. I feel like you will be just fine, my friend.

    Time to fold the laundry.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2019
    Another late night, but I'm anxiously awaiting our current events meeting tomorrow night! This is an insane period in American History and I'm wondering is rationality will win!

    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen...................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's got to be something in our processed food! 'Nuff said!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Good morning, time to pack up and leave for a day of Tai Chi/Qigong. It is a long but wonderful day with classes in the morning and the afternoon. Leaving a bit early to do the slow drive due to refreeze on the roads.

    Assuredly today’s world is disturbing. I try to watch fewer minutes of news each day but then I feel somewhat uninformed. Catch 22.

    Patsy happy for your washer miracle. Go Queenie! :)

    Jeri, waiting is very difficult for most of us. We are waiting with you for your good news. Hugs.

    Anne, it may not be the food, more likely something in the air since this seems worldwide.

    Sandy, how was the lunch yesterday?

    Buzz, sorry you lost your post. That is infuriating. Enjoy your current events meeting.

    Marie, how is the hunt going for a new residence? Thinking of you.

    Karen, I hope you will find a way to post here once again. And soon! We’ve missed you.

    And we are missing our other Sneakers such an Chris, Diane, Gayla and so many more. Come home!!

    Well, must move along. I am giddy at the prospect of a day filled with double fan, single fan, two sessions of Qigong, 24 form, 108 form and Chen Tai Chi (23 form). May my brain and body absorb everything possible.

    Hugs my friends.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Processed food is worldwide! There again, maybe we are also ingesting plastic through fish, fowl, animals who've eaten it, water sources full of it i.e. the Great Lakes, and God alone knows how much scientists are altering plant life. I refused all plastic bags, yes even the small ones for veggies when I last went shopping. Everything is wrapped in plastic, even the cucumbers. Do you remember our cloth shopping bags which I still use, and bread and produce popped into brown paper bags? Remarkable, but I can still buy milk in glass bottles at the organic store. Plastic may prevent germs, but what else is it doing to us!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I was up and out walking quite early after seeing a forecast for rain and thought I'd timed it right until halfway round our circular route when the wind and cold driving sleet hit us. Never mind, we made it back to the car before it got any worse. Since then I've been grocery shopping, had lunch and am now wondering which of the many chores on my list to do, anything to stay away from another afternoon of politics! Yes PATSY, considering we English came up with the idea of Democracy we seem to be struggling with the concept these days! In a nutshell we had a referendum to leave the EU, our Prime Minister insisted on negotiating with their 3 unelected leaders without consulting our parliament and ended up with a dreadful agreement that would leave the UK tied to the EU, paying them billions and losing our voting rights. Surprise, surprise no one agrees with it and because the vote against was so large she now faces a vote on her ability to remain PM. A shame your Congress can't use a similar vote of no confidence on you know who!! Just for a few seconds I thought his table laden with burgers and pizza was his contribution to the unpaid out of work government workers, silly me!

    Jeri, from what your doctor has said it sounds like everything is fine but I completely understand you can't relax until it's confirmed. I do hope you get that soon.

    Must get on. Amazon delivery just arrived of sealant to put on the newly tiled garden room floor so that's another on my list of chores. Also a very farty Betty is about to drive me out of the room!!

    Hello to everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) So none of us were happy with our dinners, service was bad, food not so good, not going back there again. The odd thing is that we stopped somewhere else to have a drink (we had a designated driver) and the other ladies ordered more food even though we just ate dinner. People are funny.
    Tonight is bingo so still hoping for a big win. Lisa posted some pictures of Charlie for her six months, I love this one so much.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, sure don't blame you for adoring Charlie's picture and Charlie herself! All your grandchildren have such ready smiles!
    JACKIE, I watched our TV reports as well, and still cannot figure out whether Brexit is good or bad or whether your PM is remaining as PM!!! I was very upset with the Orange Wonder for leaving NATO, but how different is your dilemma
    LIN, how sweet of you to send an invitation to all our buddies to "come on back" ! And what a busy day you have ahead of you!
    PATSY, did Mars plant a virus among us producing contagious insanity?
    ANNE, I think you uncovered a source of all our craziness: PLASTICS !
    JERI, I think a big sigh of relief is in order, dear!
    Last night as I was checking my email, there was an almost imperceptible flash, and 2 days mail disappeared. It was not in Trash and I called Comcast in a panic , since 145 emails were just GONE! The fellow on CHAT knew about as much as I and after insisting I look at my tablets and Smartphone, resetting everything, entering passwords, going nuts, he admitted he was at a loss and would enter a case number and someone would get back to me! After a couple of fruitless hours searching, I stumbled across my SPAM folder and there they were, 145 unopened emails that had arrived earlier! So they're back, Comcast never had the courtesy to call back , and now I have another password to remember in order to use my phone!!! Now, I just became part of a study of the Aging Brain, a research program being done by the University of Alabama in conjunction with the ACTS Foundation (The group that owns my Lifetime Care Community) and another group, and it's about a 24 week commitment engaging various activities including 3 different categories of entrants, and I have just concluded we'd all be fine if we could just ignore all the technical things that have taken over our lives!
    Delighted at the glowing Facebook pictures of one of my granddaughters, I mentioned to her mother, my eldest DD, how much I would want to attend the first wedding of one of my dear grandchildren, and her retort was, "Mom, we know how hard travel would be for you; have you heard of Destination Weddings? Florida has wonderful areas to have a wedding! I was almost in tears when I heard that! So now, will there be an engagement in the future so I have something to look forward to?
    Meanwhile, I'm hoping for miracle cures for the arthritic areas that have slowed me down so! And I'd better find me a new dentist who can replace the slivered cap on a near front tooth I almost swallowed last Sunday! That 4-tooth -cap lasted over 30 years, covering a wide gap between my 2 front teeth!
    Time to grab a bite, possibly nap a bit before going to that current events group this evening. I don't want to fall asleep this month as I did last meeting! So embarrassing!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen..................................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here we are mid-week, life continues on, the earth keeps spinning, God is in his heaven etc. etc. etc. I remain confused and wondering where it will all end.

    I am giving a lot of my books to the library. Does anyone read books any more? Do they go to libraries any more? Life has changed and everything in life is different. Anyway, I read a lot of books. I like real pages to turn. I love art books with good color prints of art. So many are poor color prints and fuzzy images.

    Gloomy day today and a bit breezy. In the 40s -50s in temps. Not too bad. Sweater and a hat should be enough. Katie is happy as is, no coat required.

    Diving into the dungeon armed with a mug of coffee and an arm load of good music. This is classics day. Something dramatic, Muller or Beethoven...oh “Adagio for Stings” maybe if I can find it. Turn the volume up and let the music measure my heart beats and bounce off the ceiling. Suddenly it will carry me away to a magic place.

    My paints are really liquid plastic, acrylic. There are things in life that are much better because of plastics. Even the lenses in contacts, many medical instruments like filaments in sutures and various tubes. I believe there are uses and non-uses for most materials. I am not against plastics, just over use and there needs to be a better way to recycle them. Modern advances have made life much better in a good many areas. CDs and DVDs are plastic. Enjoy!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Dear all,

    I don’t think I wrote things too clear. I just don’t need a second biopsy but I still haven’t the results yet. Still waiting......
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hope you get good news today JERI. Horrible for you having to wait so long. I wouldn't be able to relax either. Hugs.
    It's not DVD's or CDs that worry me although for the life of me I can't understand why we all had to ditch our old record players, what a waste. It's the way everything is plastic wrapped these days. Everything is coated in plastic wrap. Did you see that poor dead whale with a stomach full of plastic shopping bags? When one walks the dog it's rare not to come across plastic lids from coffee containers, discarded water bottles, plastic straws etc. I'm rapidly becoming the street picker upper to deposit in the trash bin near the bus shelter. Even the bus shelter seat and below it has its share of plastic food container trays etc. I despair!!
    Having got that off my chest The Bean and I enjoyed the past few days. Lots of visitors for the Bean to get excited about, and intriguing politics for me.
    Yes PATSY the libraries here are full of books and people. I think as long as my little family exists books won't go out of fashion. We are true "bookworms". We devour books like folks devour plastic coated takeout contents, lol. I know LIN is an avid reader, and JACKIE tells us every so often of a book she has got her nose into, including your good self so all is not lost! AND you still have a library to donate old books.
    Our weather continues to be mainly freezing and we are promised a dumping of snow on Saturday and Sunday. A real dumping! This could be interesting as I still haven't found a snow remover. All is not lost, I will stock up on canned beans and plastic packets of frozen veggies in case I run out of fresh ones! See you in the spring, maybe?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good morning all!

    Anne, I hope we see you before spring! We have light snow flurries this morning and then more snow expected followed by sub-zero temperatures. I wish you had a snow removal service. I have my handyman who will do snow if more than 2 inches although I asked him to always remove the snow even if less than that. He may not get to me very quickly but he shows up eventually. I do not think shoveling is a good thing for those with back issues.

    Jeri, I hope your wait ends soon. <3<3

    Patsy, I love books and almost always read a physical book rather than an online version. Just seems right! I have a friend who will only read online books now. She has a phobia regarding library books and waxes on about how filthy they are. Maybe so. I love libraries and visit several of them regularly. I also donate books to them. They pass along books in excellent condition to several other programs and sell the remainder. No matter how lovely the book may be, I don’t think they would add it to their collection.

    Buzz! You need a dentist right now! I hope you have found one. How was your current events group? Thought of you this morning as I mixed up some blueberries into my almond yogurt. Yum.

    Sandy, what can I say, an adorable little one. Wonderful photo! <3<3

    Jackie, well your PM survived the no confidence vote? I am surprised but it doesn’t settle things at all does it. Still so much turmoil. Hello Betty. Don’t worry darling, we all have those windy days.

    Hi Marie. So nice to see you on the puzzle thread. Hugs.

    In fact hugs to all. I need to get to the gas station, stop by the library to visit my little group of library ladies, pick up some bags of frozen organic vegetables which are, wahoo, on sale today. Then if the roads are okay there is a private Tai Chi lesson in the works. Be safe.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Glory, glory we have a beautiful if cold day so this morning after downing the morning painkillers the dogs were marched across the moors, through the ring of Hurlers to the top ridge. There I sat on a large granite rock, a pooch on either side of me and watched walkers, dogs, horse riders and even a man with a stunningly beautiful hawk on his arm with it's little bell ting-ringing as he spun a piece of meat round and round on a rope before letting the bird soar into the sky to retrieve it. A surprise to get to see such a sight although when we walked back to the car a man was throwing a ball for the tiniest Jack Russell that had me thinking it was as well the hawk had by then been taken home!!

    Sandy, Charlie is delightful and definitely has the families big smile.

    Don't despair Patsy, in the UK the number of new independent book shops opening has increased dramatically as the joy of reading a real book is rediscovered. Perhaps a similar pattern will form in your part of the world.

    Anne, yes my little coffee table collection of books is growing and at the moment, don't ask me why other than it is interesting, I'm reading about Eisenhower commanding WWII allied forces while at the same time falling in love with his female Irish driver. Now that's something new to me and not sure how much is true.... Since he returned to wife Mamie and the Presidency I'm expecting an unhappy ending!! ;)
    Are there by-laws about having to clear snow? If so I'd hope your municipality would have a plan B for those who can't.
    The politics continue and we can finally at least see what's motivating some... the opposition leader is boxing himself into a corner refusing to meet with Mrs M and I dont think voters will forgive him if he doesnt stop his obsession with an election and find a compromise!

    Hen house cleaning today so best get on. I hope you all have more pleasant plans!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi JACKIE, I've been avidly following all the goings on! Corbyn seems the rough and ready kind. I hope the voters remember this! I.e - His refusal to meet with May. In my opinion the WHOLE group of MPs should put all party differences aside and become a UNITED group in solving this particular difficult problem. United we stand, divided we fall sort of thing. After all they are supposed to be serving the common people and should let Corbyn carry on sulking in a corner or wherever he is situated. With a little bit of luck sanity is returning to the planet!

    Michael is into WW 1 and WW11 books big time so I will mention the Eisenhower book to him.

    We are supposed to clear the pavement for passers by but fortunately the town sends a cute little machine around to do the job. However no rules apply for clearing our own drives, and mine is HUGE. I guess I shall just have to grit my teeth and clear a narrow path to the front and anyone who shows up will have to park on the road.

    SANDY I was so obsessed with plastic that I omitted to comment on your delightful little Charlie.
    Hugs to All from
    Anne - in a so far - snow free zone. There is some hope that the system will drop downwards and plaster poor Buffalo instead. Sorry Buffalo!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) No win at bingo. :s Meeting today and we too are expecting a snow storm. They are saying tomorrow night so I hope they are right as I would like to go see the kiddos tomorrow afternoon. I agree Charlie is a cutie, but I might be a little prejudice. Karen does read our posts but is unable to post, she is in contact with MFP to figure it out. So hi Karen, hope to see you soon.

    Anne and Jackie, I have no idea what is going on in England, is it good or bad they want to split?

    Lin, enjoy today and be prepared to stay in for the weekend.

    Jeri, still praying for good results and hoping the wait is over soon.

    Patsy, we still have libraries and although I am not a big reader I would prefer a book to a kindle.

    Time to eat and get ready, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY. From my point of view as an oldie who remembers Britain from pre EU days, I would like them to split away from the European Union and its control and go back to the country as I remember it. Independent and in full control of immigration, fishing rights etc. I agree with past PM Margaret Thatcher on this, we should never have joined the EU in the first place. It's what partly brought us to Canada, because of job uncertainty. Anne.
    PS. You'll never believe this! At 83 I've just had a marriage proposal from an 87 year old by phone. Roy you might guess, who's feeling a bit lonely I think and missing my cousin Val who died 21 years ago. Poor lad! I told him to go looking for a younger model!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hen house cleaned and a layer of straw spread on the ground so their tootsies dont get cold and wet. No more eggs since the 2 that were layed over a week ago so i'm guessing the weather isnt conducive right now.

    Anne, the Eisenhower book is probably full of facts Michael would already be aware of and the other side seems to me to be based on idle chit-chat and of course no one around today to refute the author's assumptions. At least it's an easy read that I'll finish this evening and move on to a more stimulating subject!
    Corbyn is a Marxist and spent his political life on the back benches arguing against the EU and anything else that wasnt far left. He advocated the UK follow Venezuala's econòmic strategy that has left them in dire straits so God help us if he gets to number 10! "Rough and ready" is being kind!

    Sandy, as ANNE says, our generation remembers a time before we were in the EU and our democracy was our own. My country is pretty well split down the middle on whether we should leave so not sure we can say who's right or wrong, just different opinions and I feel we would be in a better place if we could join the World Trade Organisation. At the moment.ent we can only do so with European countries. I suppose the US is the same over your President. Bet you wished you never asked!! :):)

    Time to light the fire. The good news is it's nearly 5pm and there's still light in the sky.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P.S Anne, I laughed out loud at your response to the latest marriage proposal. :D
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    still gashing our teeth over here in the US. We are in a world of uncertainty and turmoil these days. I have taken to reading romances and fantasy. Eeeeeek! Why are they all so awful and poorly written?
    I guess there are some that are classics but honestly there is that formula that is followed rather relentlessly.

    The dairy across the road from us must be doing something extraordinary. The smell outside hurts the nose and throat. Katie doesn’t even want to stall outside. Somehow this feels wrong. What on earth could cause this stinky smelly air? It isn’t normal barnyard smell. I grew up with that. This is kind of scary.

    I am still working in the dungeon. John has found a list of his repairs and maintenance chores that he has attacked. I am trying something new on poor John. I found a bag of cauliflower bits that is called cauliflower rice. I am making a pasta sauce to serve over like it was noodles. This guy will eat almost any of my strange dishes. What an adventurous chap to give this a try! More on this later...there is always a peanut butter sandwich as a fallback offering.

    Anne: is the marriage proposal serious? I think it is wonderful that he has fallen in love from so far away. You must have a very special relationship.

    Sandy: adorable grandchildren! That little girl is going to be a charmer isn’t she? I don’t blame you for wanting to stall close to them. All of your grands are very beautiful.

    Lin: my sense is that libraries have evolved into more than repositories of printed materials; at least the intelligent ones. Library programming is essential if they are to remain viable to their patrons. Ours here isn’t doing too well in that behalf. We live in a rural Seacoast community that is evolving as well. We are turning from fishing and logging to tourism. People buy our little cottages as second weekend homes. Community life here is spotty at best. Change! It is hard for us seniors to figure it all out.

    Jackie: I love biographies of interesting people. One of my favorites was of Teddy Kennedy. A lot of it was from his personal journals... fascinating individual.

    Need to get going. I have stalled and I need to accomplish a bit more before I grind to a halt.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Oh yes PATSY it's serious alright. I have been dodging Roy's advances for 21 years ever since my cousin died. It's the one good thing about living 3000 miles away. My cousin June, Val's sister, called it long distance stalking. Actually we came to an amicable truce a few years back and I allowed him access to my phone again. However, It's started again recently but not to the same intensity. For instance, no envelopes in the mail stuffed with delphinium petals (my favourite flower) from out of his garden to burst forth all over the carpet. Mind you the delphiniums aren't in bloom yet! The problem is, although Val was vastly prettier than yours truly, unfortunately there is a family likeness, AND I'm single of course, AND he still imagines me to be 21. Sigh.
    When I look back on my life I reckon I could write a rather humorous, fantasy book myself, and no one would believe it based on fact! One of my unwanted suitors was a Chinese gent called "Lam" known "Affectionately" by the family as "lamb chops". I won't tell you how I dislodged him but save it for the book, lol.
    I have to add that I'm no femme fatale so goodness knows why I attracted these characters in the past! Beats me.
    I've just read that prince Philip at 97, driving himself in a Land Rover involved in a collision with a KIA. His Car overturned in hedge, however all three people involved shaken but okay. I wonder if he will get an ear full from the missus.