Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Add me to those with freezing temps so I plan on just staying in and recouping from my day with the kiddos. :D I am sitting tomorrow and Wednesday so I need to get my energy back. I did watch the blood moon and it was something to see. This is the best I could get with my camera phone but still very pretty.

    Anne, yes please try to keep Jilly in with those temps. I don't remember pee pads when my dogs were puppies, it is a great invention. With you and Jackie talking about cleaning I guess I should do that as well as my cleaning girl doesn't come until next week.

    Lin, what a great photo of the eclipse, it was an interesting event not to happen again for another ten years so I thought I would make an effort to see it. What are your plans for the day?

    Jackie, you should have peeked at the moon, it was worth the cold air. I also have to renew my driver's license but I also have to take the driving test which is why I am waiting for a warmer, drier and sunny day. I do have until my birthday in March.

    Buzz, I agree that you should take some aleve to help with the pain. I do hope your doctor prescribes something stronger for the pain. Keep us informed but only if it isn't painful.

    Patsy, you do make some interesting foods, you must be a great cook. I am glad someone is having pleasant weather, I can hardly wait for Spring.

    Jeri, I do have a fitbit but I am lucky if I get 5000 steps. I am not a big walker but I do ride my recumbent bike for exercise. When is the next doctor's appointment?

    Karen, what a wonderful miracle for your son and you to reconnect. I was in awe of you almost visiting all the States, what a great adventure.

    Have a great day everyone and stay warm.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hello friends. Well, I ducked out to do a couple of errands and am now home. Lord, just a bit of wind and I am frozen through. Layers, gloves, ear muffs, fleeced lined shoes but still have frozen hands and feet. So the list ended quickly. Tomorrow may see freezing drizzle, snow and/or wind. So the Mah Jongg game may not happen in the morning. Side streets are total ice. Argh. Okay, enough weather description. Due to the holiday, there was no Tai Chi/Qigong this morning. I miss it although I have done several forms here at home.

    When my hands warm up I will be back to working on cards again. I am coloring a dozen panels and each takes quite a bit of time. Six are finished and now I am trying a different approach, coloring all six at one time as I work through the colors I have been using. So far, no faster!

    Jackie, you are always productive. Hoping to grab your inspiration and apply it just a little bit! Hello to George and Betty.

    Sandy, rest up. You will need some energy! Your photo is lovely. Well done. I decided to rely on news coverage and Facebook posts of the moon which would be better than any photo I could get from my limited view here in the suburbs.

    Anne, oh my, now I believe the news reports saying the temperatures are dangerous. The wind has us below zero in wind chill. I don’t see many dog walkers today, in fact, none come to think of it. Stay safe.

    Buzz, I hope the doctor has decided what is going on with your elbow. When you mentioned discoloration, purple I think you said, I wondered if you injured it somehow. Anyway, praying there is an answer to this. Hugs.

    Patsy, I agree, you are a gourmet cook! I am astounded at everything you make. Are you and Katie spending much time in the dungeon?

    Jeri, hello. You are always busy. And doing very lovely things, often with family. Wonderful.

    Karen, hello!

    Marie, hugs and best wishes.

    Other Sneakers, Chris, Diane, Gayla, and anyone else who posted here before, stop by and say hello. I still miss Shirley and Phoebe.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope we are all safe and warm. The weather really challenges our body. Can we stay well and active and warm under these conditions? I am cranking along but I really feel the cold dampness. We have partly cloudy and cold temps. But we do see periods of sun. Yea.

    I will be doing that Monday thing all day...laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, and hopefully, mopping the kitchen. John is in charge of the big weekly vacuuming. He really goes after it! After our windy storms, we have carpets of pine needles outside. Of course they get tracked into the house by everyone, including dear Katie. I am taking a small coffee break before cleaning the shower glass door. That is a chore! Looks great when sparkling clean. Looks nasty when spotted and cloudy with water spots.

    The moon photos were amazing. I didn’t awake to see it. We most probably had clouds in any case. Thanks for sharing the pixs.

    Today is MLK Day. I do honor those civil rights heros. Also the musicians and artists, and writers that have enriched our American culture. We are a multi-race country. Diversity is a wonderful thing.
    Make today count!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I also had a very bad night. I keep wondering if it is related to barometric pressure. I also wonder if dear Buzz could have those arthritis bone deposits near a nerve? I have areas in my feet, shoulder and elbow that get inflamed and ache, burn, and drive me up the wall. My less than sympathetic doctor tells me to toughen up Buttercup.
    PATSY, saw my doctor this morning and he took one look at my elbow and said "Oh my, bursitis!". Prescribed anti-inflammatory (Aleve, but not Ibuprofen) and will have my elbow treated to remove liquid. Meantime, I'm back to my Professional BioFreeze 4 times a day. He was not very encouraging about the shoulder, since he feels that is arthritis. But I did learn that the medication I take for Restless Leg Syndrome causes edema, heavy swelling, and I sure have that!.....I wonder if you have one of those doctors who is not sympathetic to women? My last doctor fell into that category! Have you seen either a female M.D. or a rheumatologist?
    JACKIE, I hadn't realized your special partner was deceased! So sorry, and Mike and I used to break into dance whenever we heard Perry Como, too! He was Mike's favorite entertainer, and we never missed his visits to our Theater in the Round! Sweet painful memories! Was this in Canada? Thanks for mentioning that Rx for lining the stomach; I'll ask about i!
    ANNIE, I forgot about the blood moon last night! I'm sure I. too, would have chosen the duvet! I have a difficult time imagining how really tiny the Bean is! Smaller than a cat? And older than a puppy! And irresistibly adorable!
    EVerybody, I cannot continue typing as it's too painful, so I send many hugs and kisses and am off to bed! My empathy to those of you in the deep freeze!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen"...................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    About to lose internet due to switch over to new supplier. Hopefully back end of day.
    Jackie xx
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello BUZZ, so glad you have at least got some answers to all the pain. I truly hope everything will soon be on the mend, and already started. Yes, Jilly Bean is quite a little miss with fairly short legs which don't keep her tummy quite out of the snow depending on depth of course. What surprises me is how intelligent she is when you imagine the size of her brain. Don't laugh but we swear she tries awfully hard to talk with various throaty noises when we talk to her, and when Michael leaves us he always says "bye bye" and she always answers with a "ba ba" which honestly sounds just like "bye bye". Talk about doting human dog mums! Anyway she's brightened my life enormously after all my old friends departed for senior care or that other place!

    It's still jolly cold, but the temperature should slowly rise as the day goes on and hopefully tomorrow we will be able to trot to the mailboxes and further. Terrible tragedy in Montreal. One of the past parliamentary leaders mothers was in a seniors home there at age 93. She woke in the night to the sound of the fire alarm which turned out was a false alarm. Following the drill she went outside into the terrible cold. The police think she then realized it was an error and tried to re enter but the door had locked behind her and she couldn't get back inside. She was found in the morning on the doorstep and she had died from hypothermia. Sorry to tell you such a sad, sad story but it makes one realize just how cold it has been.

    Over the two frigid days not a sniff of any other dogs out walking. I bet the sale of pee pads rose dramatically because there are quite a few small pooches around here.

    Think spring (although I'm not looking forward to another hot summer),
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hello all. Freezing drizzle has arrived. Storm watches, advisories, etc, until tomorrow morning. Freezing rain, snow and wind, lovely combination. So, another day at home as Mah Jongg is cancelled once again. I will be working on cards again. I took a break yesterday and organized copies and materials for the Chinese New Years party. Almost finished with the coloring for the cards I am making. Wahoo!

    Buzz, oh goodness, bursitis. I know nothing about that. I trust your doctor is doing everything possible to resolve this issue. All best wishes and prayers for more comfortable days.

    Jackie, come back to us when you are connected. And I trust that will be soon.

    Patsy, now the house is sparkling once again, what is on your agenda for today? I guess I never thought much about it but as a child I lived in a white neighborhood and went to a white school and attended a white church. We were in a new suburb and that is how the area grew. Now I live in an older suburb and in our two block area many ethnic groups and religions live together with no problems. Times have changed.

    Anne, best wishes to you and your little one. The news this morning featured a little story on keeping your dog safe in the cold weather. They emphasized keeping to very short periods of time outside. They didn’t limit that advice to owners of small dogs but all dogs. Gosh, my Huskies loved the outdoors in the winter and we walked every morning. Now I would likely be arrested for animal abuse.

    Sandy, hello. Stay safe as you look after the little ones.

    Karen, Hello! How is your weather?

    Marie, thinking of you and hoping things are working out. Good to see you on Facebook more often.

    Jeri, best wishes. Keep on beating everyone on your step count.

    Hugs all round.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am, back on the internet after what was a most straightforward process. Once I had unplugged and disconnected the old system that had wires and boxes trailing everywhere it seemed a good time to clean, wipe and dust round before connecting the new box.... oh bliss, just one with a single cable. My iphone picked up immediately and now I've keyed in the password for this laptop and it's as if I was never away!!

    I am now going to get on with a blitz in my dining room that has been a dumping area since before Christmas. Not only can't I find things but I'm knocking items off the table or walking into obstructions all the time and getting grumpy, only with myself of course because it's not the fault of anyone else!

    Anne, what a tragic story from Montreal but surely the staff should have done a head count of their clients rather than assume no one reacted to the alarm. A story with a different ending was when a friend went into hospital to have a stent implanted and in the night crept outside for a cigarette only to find he couldn't get back in. Lucky for him after a half hour a doctor walked past and guided him to the main entrance lecturing him all the way about his filthy smoking habit!! Too cold, too hot, our little furry friends have to be cossetted either way!

    Buzz, at least, thank goodness, you have a diagnosis and hopefully a lot can be done to relieve your pain and it's definitely worth adding medication to protect your stomach. As a pensioner I am entitled to free prescriptions but gather this can be bought over the counter too so not expensive.
    Yes, I met John (real name Janis with a silent 'J' but changed it to the Western equivalent because he was fed up with being called Janice!!) in Canada and we were together 8 years before he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Although I did get into a couple of relationships over the following years no one really compared plus my fault, I didn't try too hard and my independence scared them off!!

    Hi LIN, just spotted you. Good, stay home where you are safe.

    It's a bleak day, cold and wet so I walked the dogs in the local woods to avoid being hammered by the sleet and hail that arrived with the rain. My plan to get started in the dining room clear up begins now.....

    Hello to everyone. Take care on the ice and snow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited January 2019
    Happy Tuesday!! :) The weather forecast is calling for the same weather as Lin's but I am hoping it isn't for my area as I am sitting for kids this afternoon. Lisa is reading for Robby's class and then later she is going to her meeting and Rob doesn't get home in time.
    I have been really good on riding my bike everyday and watching my carbs but the pounds don't seem to move, so discouraging. I will not give up, I am determined.

    Jackie, I too would like a new modem, I currently rent mine from Comcast but would prefer to own my own. I will have to wait for my son to come and change it for me as I am not sure what to buy. Your "love" story sounds wonderful and I am so sorry you lost John at such a young age.

    Lin, I would prefer to stay home today but I know Lisa is counting on me so will battle the elements. At least you have time to make all your cards without being under pressure.

    Anne, what a horrible story and believe it or not the same thing happened at a local nursing home here years ago. The lady got confused and went outside in the cold and couldn't get back in even though if I remember right there were alarms on the doors to prevent this from happening. Very sad.

    Buzz, I too am happy the doctor was able to tell you what is causing your pain and once it is drained it should feel better. Don't be afraid of aleve I am sure it will be short term. I take a sleep aid every night and worry what is is doing to my liver but a good night's sleep is worth it too me. When I go for my yearly check up in March I will find out how my liver is doing.

    Patsy, well I never cleaned the house, I was too busy playing games and riding my bike. Oh well it will always be here and with no company only I can see the dust. lol

    Marie, Karen and Jeri, hello to you and hope all is going well in your lives.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Found this on google:
    At issue is how Wentworth, who had been suffering from symptoms of dementia, could have left her room and the building without staff members noticing, Cairo said. Wentworth was found dressed only in a hospital gown after being outside for at least 90 minutes, still wearing an ankle bracelet that should have triggered an alarm when she went through an exit door, authorities said.
    Assistant DuPage County State's Atty. Mary Cronin said Leon, the on-duty nursing assistant, responded by turning the alarm off and returning to a lounge to watch the television show "Dog the Bounty Hunter" without checking on any residents.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    So sad SANDY. More common than we realize. The Montreal home had an announcement that the alarm was a false alarm, but poor Mrs Doucette was partially deaf and would have heard the alarm noise, but not the human voice.

    JACKIE, I'm so sorry about the loss of your John. Tragic. The only solace really is that you know you were loved and will always be loved, but not much of a solac is it!

    Well, lets change to good news. I've just been playing with Beanie and she's exhausted me. Oh and I've just ordered three organic items of makeup. I always have the heebie jeebies when I try out a new site.
    Mark is going to help me find a mobile phone to carry around now that I'm aged and tottery. I've only got a Land line at the moment which ain't much good if one is floundering in the bath etc. Something else new to learn, as if I don't have enough problems with iPads!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy, similar to our energy companies we have several internet providers competing with each other for our business so when I chose the new one they sent a free modem. My old provider had done the same when I switched to them a few years ago so I now have a carrier bag full of their cables, router and another box... I've no idea what it does!! That nurse's behaviour was criminal but I suppose she had to live with her lack of action. Do take care when you head out to sit with the kids.

    The fire is roaring, dogs snoozing and I'm watching a quiz called The Chase. Local farm shop sausages for dinner when I get round to it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Anne, wouldn't an alarm thing around your neck be a better safety item? Just asking?
    Jackie, love the Chase and also America Says which I doubt you would get. Are you watching the Game Show Network?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Typing is too painful and he said not to use that side so I'm just checking in to read and let you know as long as I know the diagnosis, I can live with it. This too shall pass! Keep up your wonderful posts; love you!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen"...................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Off to my hairdresser then a grocery shop. Bright and cold here but nothing like you ladies are suffering. Just saw beautiful pictures on BBC of a nearly frozen Niagara!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, I was enchanted when I went to the frozen falls with my then photographer friend now sadly no longer with us. It was just like the ice queens palace with the long columns of ice. The path and guide rails thickly coated in ice. If one could brave the cold it was even more beautiful than in the summer.
    Snow this morning which will change to freezing rain and then rain all day and a temperature of plus 6 Centigrade. Then..... just as we are getting used to disappearing snow down we plunge again on shopping day Friday. At least we aren't bored!

    I got a notice from my gas provider. They have amalgamated with another company who are going to increase our rates. You just can't win can you.

    Big to do on the news today. It's discovered that revenue Canada has been sending our banking info to the American tax system for the past few years. All to do with "snow birds" I think but I can't see anyone getting excited about my wee pension, lol. Plus not being a migratory old bird. I'm still waiting to see what I owe them on their mistake. This could be because I couldn't safely navigate to the mail boxes. For some reason our street is never ploughed, probably because it isn't a bus route. That's okay. If you close your eyes it's quite peaceful and one could be living in a meadow.

    Hope everyone is also in for a peaceful day,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good morning. We have another 5+ inches of snow with ice underneath. No city plows yet, no handyman with a snowblower so I am home indefinitely. Tai Chi was cancelled for this morning. I am guessing our afternoon class will go the same direction.

    Yesterday was busy for me. Since the weather was relatively warm, I took the opportunity to fill the windshield wiper reservoirs in both my vehicles and then I employed a suggestion I’d recently seen on the news and wiped the bottom of each windshield wiper with Windex and left them propped out to dry for a while. I also checked to see how old the battery is in my SUV. Woo-hoo, I had purchased a heavy duty 6-year battery and am only halfway through its supposed life. Not that it might not fail but I was afraid it was on life support.

    The ice had me concerned about falling so I found my de-icing product, not plain salt and I scattered it with a cup down my sloped driveway and on the little sidewalk to my front door. Yippee! It worked. And as it turns out I ended up not only dragging my trash can back to the garage but also made several trips the half block to the mailbox a USPS delivered two packages at two different times!

    I have several items to return now so will be printing labels and sealing up boxes so when the streets are okay, I will drop them off. Two different drop offs and I found the other day that the FedEx dropoff had moved. Glad I had made a little mental note of the address I saw online, which I thought couldn’t possibly be right. Haaaaaaa.

    Anne, I just assume everyone is sharing information with everyone else behind our backs! I mean who is going to stop them. And it is government assuming people are cheating. Well, who are the crooks? Really!

    Jackie, your day sounds lovely. Enjoy it! And I trust your new Internet service is reliable and fast.

    Buzz, take care my friend. Don’t try to type much. Just knowing you stopped by is great.

    Sandy, still with the kids? Good idea to stay off the roads.

    Hello Patsy, Jeri, Karen and everyone I have missed.

    A bit of sunshine here and then the vey cold weather moves in. Looking for a bit of time where si can run my errands. Maybe later this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

    Hugs all and best wishes.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited January 2019
    Happy Wednesday!! :) I ended up having a sleepover with the boys. The weather was too bad to drive home so we watch a movie, had some popcorn (the boys also had candy) and slept in the lower level. They slept on the floor with sleeping bags, I slept on the couch and my back still hurts. I finally got home around one this afternoon and I am hoping I can take a nap in case I go to bingo. As it turned out Max woke up at 5am and I went upstairs and he was in Rob's arms who was ready to go to work. He decided to stay home and told me to go back to sleep for a couple of hours which I did and woke when Robby did. Lisa did get to read to Robby's class but she didn't go to her meeting. And now since Rob was home and got done with his work calls he is watching the boys while Lisa took Charlie to the doctor. Oh well, I was there if needed and they have me pretty booked for the rest of the month.

    Just checking in and hopefully I can get a nap in whether I go to bingo or not.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Foggy but not too cold. I am plugging along on my health issues. Exercise, and stretches and diet. My diabetic blister is in the world Class category. It is on my lower left leg. It finally started oozing and I now have a wound that is about 8 inches wide. Lovely! I have to have the dressing changed daily. John has decided to tackle the job. He is very maticulous and follows procedures to the nth degree. It will heal but it is slow going. I will take 6 weeks to 2 months to heal. The challenge is make sure no infection takes hold. The doc and John are pals and neither will listen to my whining.

    Did you hear about the sad news of no valentine heart candy this year? Oh my! Apparently the factory sold to some people who were unaware of their importance. I used to put heart candy in every valentine I sent to my classmates in school. I guess chocolate kisses will have to substitute but difficult to mail in an envelope.

    Off to the dungeon with a mug of camomile tea.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Stopping by, no draining yet (no dr) but tonight I feel some improvement after not using that arm. It still looks horrible, but is not as dreadfully painful, so I'll continue instructions and rest it well! Thank you for all your wishes!
    <3 Buzz