Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good morning all.

    I am off to church in a little while so wanted to stop by for a quick hello.

    Jeri, I am glad you got an appointment with the doctor you trust. You will have more faith in the result this time round with this physician. I am sorry you must do all the testing again but absolutely the thing to do with the family history. Hugs. We are here and praying for the best. Hugs. And good for you putting the Garmin away. One is enough I know.

    Jackie, it may be time to set a timer each time something is simmering on the stove. Can’t hurt right? Just don’t leave the house or fall asleep. It is easy to get involved in another project and completely forget the earlier endeavor. Well, you had more rice to cook. I hope the sealant is drying nicely. George and Betty, stay off!

    Buzz, I am glad the elbow does not need to be drained but goodness, horrible that they couldn’t get to you in a timely manner. You have more patience than me! Best wishes for your shoulder. By the way I was up for a few hours last night as I could not find a good comfy spot and my shoulder was aching. Amazing how these things disturb your rest. Ack!

    Anne, snow, snow, snow. We had snow yesterday, but not a lot, and now I guess more is coming around noon. How much? Who knows. I hope you got a bit more sleep. I know I would like to do the same!

    Sandy, I hope you got to church yesterday. Did you get snow flurries yesterday?

    Patsy, all best wishes friend.

    Must get going.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The Dalmatian across the road and now living in Darren's rented house taken for walkies. Up to her tum in snow, no sign of legs. Jilly Bean will not be going out unless Mark turns up to clear the drive.

    I burnt a saucepan the other day JACKIE. Mine had white but now brown and black boiled eggs in it and what alerted me was the smell of singeing! Easily done I'm afraid as we multi task.
    Just been watching a very funny video sent to me by Mike. "It ain't half hot Mum", best bits. I suppose you could call it racist, but not really because the "soldiers" are as daft as the native East Indians. I don't recommend it for over here unless uprooted British because the accents could be difficult, but Jackie might get a smile. It talks a lot about salt tablets they had to take in India for the heat. Mark had to take them as a little boy as well because he suffered heat stroke even in Derbyshire.

    I've got the washing on the go because today is my day off from all other chores. Then the rest of the day is family, phone calls and writing, oh and playing zoomies with shorty to get some exercise in.

    It's very heartening to read JERI'S post and BUZZ'S. We all seem to be suffering in varying degrees. I think the weather isn't helping.
    Anyway girls, I'll love you and leave you!
    The dryer calls.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    So happy! Brian, the bachelor who lives across the road came with his snow blower and cleared my drive and sidewalk. This meant I got The Bean out for a walk. Happy me, happy pup.
    We are expecting a real doozy of a snow storm on Monday. I'm wondering if I can hire him. He's a seasonal worker erecting decks, fences etc. So he just might. Better yet, he's got a lovely big white dog called Shelby.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am going to a baby shower this afternoon even though it is still frigid outside. We too are expecting a lot of snow tonight through tomorrow.

    Anne, what a great neighbor to remove your snow, maybe he would like to earn a few extra dollars. My son would probably do it for free as he loves his snow blower so much. He did all of the neighbors who had not done their driveways because someone had done his one day and he wanted to pay back.

    Lin, yes I did get to church even in the snow but it really wasn't bad. I came home and watched the movie A Beautiful Boy which as you probably saw on Facebook brought me to tears. What a powerful movie and so close to home.

    Buzz, I am confused by your post because I don't think I have any blank posts, do I ladies?

    Jackie, I did that once with sugar and water for my hummingbird. It set off my fire alarm with all this black smoke and I couldn't get the alarm to shut off and was afraid the fire department was going to show up. I opened all the windows and got fans and finally it stopped. That was in my very first apartment after the separation.

    Jeri, I agree with Jackie, you trust this doctor so I would do exactly as he says.

    Page flipped on me so that is all I can remember. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2019
    Unfortunately just as I stepped into my garden room to seal the floor tiles more hail and sleet crashed down and the temperature in there dropped several degrees so I thought it best not to do that job because it would take too long to dry. Hopefully tomorrow. Am now sitting with feet up waiting for an episode of Call the Midwife starting in about half an hour.

    Sandy, burnt sugar would be disastrous on the bottom of a pan even if you soaked to dissolve it. I was sure my smoke alarm was about to beep beep so opened the kitchen door and was amazed at the cloud that drifted out! The smell hung around for some time too!

    Anne, Apparently the BBC refuses to broadcast episodes of Some Mothers because of its typical 1970's non PC content which is silly because if for no other reason it would be a useful social history lesson. The amazing thing is this morning while looking in my desk for something I found an old photo of my very young mum with a group at a tennis club that she had sent to my dad during the war and on the back was written his army number and battalion which had reminded me I want to see if I can get hold of his records. The coincidence is he was based in India training troops before heading for Burma so was in a very hot climate, then an hour or so later you mention the comedy... spooky!!
    So pleased your snow was blown away by that good Samaritan and let's hope he loves playing with his blower and will keep up with your snowfall!

    Lin, normally I do use the oven timer when walking away from items on the hob but I think I just had too many thoughts buzzing round in my head!!

    Enjoy the remainder of Sunday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, my cousin Doug was in Burma during and just after the war. I believe he was with the Coldstream guards, the ones you see on horseback at Buckingham Palace anyway if I've got the regiment or name wrong. Wouldn't it be a hoot if he'd known your dad!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Two special comments: SANDY, every one of your posts the past 2 or 3 days was completely blank except for the Avatar! After sending your message a few moments ago, I wandered down the screen and suddenly noticed as I scrolled what should have been text but was empty space to the right of your photos,the cursor changed to the hand shape, so I clicked and sure enough, I found each post appearing! I cannot imagine what is going on, but at least I've caught up with you!
    Comment #2: For JACKIE (and ANNE), My dear Mike was stationed in India, Burma and China in a US Air Corps during WW2. He especially loved being up in the mountains on R&R, but was also in some pretty awful spots, cities so crowded and dirty he would not eat any Indian food! But he loved the people! And he did drink the teas!
    After a fabulous buffet , I attended the movie about Neil Armstrong, I think called "First Man ". We all were mesmerized; I didn't nod off once, but used quite a bit of tissue! I found it to be very emotional for me and kept recalling watching the Columbia burst into flame after launching! If you have never seen it, don't miss it!
    I cannot sit, as my legs and ankles swell badly, so hello and hugs to everyone, and I'll watch 60 Minutes from bed!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen!..........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    60 minutes. What do you think of Mr. Schulz Buzz? Hope I've spelt the name right.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Howard Schultz, Mr. Billionaire. Interesting. A Jewish Independent Centrist. Not afraid to spend enough money to buy the election so to speak.

    A bit frightening. Third party candidates traditionally dilute the vote. In this case it is implied it will give Trump another term.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    Yes, that's what I understood, Trump probably in again. Oh joy. Rather liked Mr. Schultz though from what I heard. Believe he owns Starbucks LIN? Humble beginnings.
    It's 1 degree Fahrenheit here or minus 17 Centigrade. 8 inches of snow expected starting mid day.
    Happy Monday everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hello everyone. A surprisingly sunny and relatively mild day for me so when we met Scruff, Misha and their mum for a long overdue walk together we were able to unzip jackets and not bother with hats. Having decided I'd do my best to climb a couple of awkward styles so we could get into fields I was pleased to be able to scramble over once we persuaded Betty to be lifted across. She did enjoy being in a pack even when at one point we were joined by a couple of Huskies. After a short shopping trip in town I'm home to face a couple of jobs and since the floor sealant wasn't used in the garden room yet I'm going to try now because it looks as if our weather will deteriorate from tonight.

    Anne, all I know about dad's war experience was he joined the London Rifle Brigade which was infantry and was about to be shipped to North Africa with his battalion when his company was pulled back and instead travelled to India. He was a sergeant major at the time so trained troops until they went into Burma. All pretty ghastly jungle fighting as far as I know but were told not to talk about it when finally sent home in 1946 so I know nothing of what he went through except he was a major by the end of fighting. He could well have known your Doug because they were obviously a tight knit-army in the far east! Something for me to research when stuck at home for a few days after the hip procedure.

    Buzz, goodness me, Mike got around a lot too didn't he. Dad loved the people too especially the Gurkhas he trained and fought with. I remember him showing me a couple of lethal moves when I was a teenager in case I was ever attacked but I'd probably end up in prison today even if it was in self defence!!

    Gone midday so must get a move on.
    Happy Monday everyone snow or not!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    JACKIE Just to add to the war mysteries, our Doug was a professional soldier and so carried on after the war ended. He too loved the ghurkas and the people. I think it was quite a wrench when he finally left the army and returned to Lincolnshire. Now, my friend Roy was in Singapore etc doing his national service but carried on after his two year stint was finished. His regiment was affiliated with the ghurkas and he still gets their news letters. Nothing but praise for them from Roy. I believe, and I'm most probably wrong on this, must ask him next time we talk, he either went out or came back on the Empire Windrush which I believe later sank. I'm beginning to wish I listened to him a little more when he brought his photo albums out!
    PS. The things that left a mark on Roy, apart from the ghurkas was the incredible size of the spiders. Still talks about them.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Last word from me today you will all be relieved to learn. Well.....unless something mind boggling happens.
    It's just struck me how much I prefer winter to hot sticky humid summer. When the house is cosy and warm I love winter stews and soups filling the air with delicious smells. I love the smell of baking bread and I love cuddling up in my thick warm sweaters with polo necks. I even like doing a little snow shovelling and on mornings like this before the pretty snow starts to fall and turn us into a winter wonderland, I love the sun streaming in through the windows onto my small plant collection.
    Winter can be and is dangerous for the homeless and the wild life, but if I'm purely selfish I can't help but prefer it.
    Anne, defender of old man winter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Dearest Anne. I have just returned from two errands. The wind is howling, it is a blizzard and the roads are slick. My head is pounding from the horrendous wind gusts in my face. Winter, not a bit pretty right now. Temperatures will continue to drop with wind chills expected around -50 degrees F.

    Color me extremely grumpy. My iPad will not connect to WiFi no matter how many times I reboot. I have cellular service on my phone and sometimes WiFi on my laptop.

    Disgruntled Lin :p
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    I am beyond pleased to have a warm house. Yes I am......
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Monday! :) We have a few more inches of snow that fell overnight and tonight it starts to get cold. Our winds chills are supposed to get to minus 50 degrees, so just a little chilly.
    The shower was okay, problem being it was a buffet which I am not a fan. She got lots of beautiful gifts and once she was done opening them, my friend and I went downstairs to where they had some slot machines. I was lucky and won some money which I put away in my Hawaii fund.

    Anne, I tell myself I would prefer to live someplace warm but after almost 77 years of living in the Midwest I think I like the four seasons. I do love summer because I do love the pool and a sun tan. Stew sounds so good to me, could you send some my way?

    Jackie, once the garden room is complete will we see some pictures? I am glad you got to walk with Scruff's mom and had a good morning.

    Lin, I am sure you are in the deep freeze with us, maybe even more so. Stay in and keep warm, things should get better after this week, at least I am hoping.

    Patsy, please tell us you went to the doctor for your leg.

    I was writing in my journal today and boy did my hand go numb. I guess I better find another hand doctor that I like because I didn't like the last one. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm SO Sorry LIN! The sunshine is now gone and we've got a blizzard roaring outside as well. Marks in Toronto at his chiropractor and Mike is driving to work. I am worried about both AND Mary Jo at work also in the city. I've changed my mind. Just trying to be Susie Sunshine!.
    Love and safe travels to all!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dear Susie Sunshine, if I can add my twopenny worth, we kept the brightness but the temperature has fallen although at the moment not even near freezing so with a hat on and a pair of blue latex free throw away gloves I've cleaned out the hens and begun the usual January pruning.... crab apple and roses. Unfortunately putting feet in wellies means blocks of ice along with my frozen backside!! For all that I love the fresh cold air on a day like this because there's no sign of a bitter northerly or easterly wind (yet!!) and I've seen blackbirds pairing up and a beautiful buzzard soaring overhead. The kettle will be put on the hob to boil for my cup of tea and the fire lit while I decide whether to have leftover chicken curry with steamed veggies or fishcakes. Certainly a more enjoyable and productive afternoon than a steaming hot one, although they are rare in the UK as you know! Oh well, snow predicted on the moors tomorrow and the rest of the week so I may well be cursing Winter before Friday!!

    My dad, I'm sure, would have loved to have stayed in the army after the war, he said it was the best time of his life!! A wife he hadn't seen for a couple of years and son he hardly knew meant he had to head for civvy street poor man!

    Sandy, if I EVER get the garden room finished!! The sudden drop in temperature put me off laying the sealant again but my plan is to wash the floor late tomorrow then roll on the sealant Wednesday morning before I go off to visit friends. That way the dogs won't expect to be let out and it will only be Brady walking across the floor before it dries which he's bound to do!

    Lin, have you warmed up? Your description gave me a headache just reading it!!

    Cup of tea>>>> Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited January 2019
    I am warmer, some essential oil salve for my face and sinuses. Much better thank you. The sun is out but it is not warmer. I may not go out until Friday.

    I like four seasons but this is a bit over the edge. :o

    Take care everyone.

    Lin, who found her cold weather face mask. It is now next to my coat and gloves.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello winter, please be pleasant and kind! We have high thin clouds. Damp chilly air. Katie has done a complete check of the entire back acrage and declared it ...acceptable!

    Now about my leg. The doc says it is healing very well. No new small blisters and the huge area has not enlarged. The wound is fully “granulated” and areas are growing skin tissue. I am not sure what granulated is...but it is a desirable occurrence before skin tissue forms. John and doc were hovering over my leg pointing out this and that, I felt like a specimen in a petrie dish. No degnity or privacy in a doctor’s office. Thank you, dear sneakers for your wonderful friendship and support.

    We have lived in many places during our work experience. We went where John’s opportunity seemed most promising. I was lucky to be able to find art teacher opportunities where ever we were. That said, by far, the worst weather we exerpenced was in Wyoming. We lived in Cheyenne and the extraordinary experience was the winter we had a wind chill of 100 degrees below 0! Antifreeze turned to jello and farmers and ranchers pulled the cattle up next to barns and started fires to warm the air. It was so scary. No, I am not tough enough to be a Wyoming cowgirl.

    This has been a strange start for year 2019. We are still working out the kinks as the year begins. Health remains the biggest concern for all of us and it is our real wealth. I know we Sneakers never take it for granted.