Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hi all

    Sorry you’ve been having such awful weather. Actually it was quite nice here BUT it is now snowing and we are in for a very bad cold spell. Brrrrr

    I’m doing good with the exercise side of things. But i’ve been trying to eat my stress away and the scale is showing it.

    We’ve also been binge watching British tv series. Let’s see - we recently watched all 3 series of Shetland — loved it. Just finished season one of Broadchurch, liked it too. Also watching The Three Musketeers. Finally getting my money worth from Netflix. LOL

    I finally have an appointment at the hospital for another ultrasound and hopefully another biopsy. But the appointment isn’t until the 12th if February. And then of course probably another week for results. Not sure the ultrasound will be definitive either Oh well, one day at a time.

    And speaking of time, time to make supper.

    Cheers to you all


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Was taken by friend to Costco to pick out her birthday cake , and they let me off in the parking lot when we spied an electric carriage/seat. Physically it was almost a disaster, as I could not move toward the seat despite honking cars following me! I don't know if I was feeling faint or panic, but I think I'd better see my Doc about this new breathing thing! I still assume it's weather related (rainy and high humidity) but I don't know. Too sleepy most of the time, including now, so I'm off to bed. Hate sounding like a hypochondriac, but hope I'm not turning into one!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    First of all and most importantly:

    I hope your new year brings you all that you wish for, health, happiness, the love of your pets, family and friends, prosperity and a very swift recovery from your upcoming surgery, God bless, love❤️ and hugs❤️ from Anne and Jilly Bean. xxxxxxxxx

    The good news here is although still very cold as we wake up, the day should gradually warm up. It was rather a funny day yesterday. Michael volunteered to take his friends son and children to the airport which meant he was late arriving here, and so whilst I cooked lunch he drove to the vets to get our girls nails clipped. The first time just he and her alone in the car. When he got back Jilly was full of beans, zooming around the house and tossing her toys in the air. Maybe she could sense the warmer air moving in, and then of course normalcy set in. Grocery shopping as usual. Both sons say they will buy me a new toaster oven, but of course I don't want them to.

    I hope we all have a super Saturday on Jackie's birthday.
    Hugs from us,
    Anne and The Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here I am up very early FOR ME, at least. Having difficulty drifting off to sleep. Then when checking into the sneakers...I find it is dear Jackie’s birthday.

    Happy birthday dear friend. You must know that you are a constant source of admiration and inspiration to me and dare I say it, all the sneakers. You have such an amazing lifestyle and discipline it gives me faith in humankind. A reverence for all creatures and tolerance for the foibles of annoying two legged miscreants. Jackie, I am thinking of you constantly as you take on this medical procedure. You are so strong and self reliant, I feel sure you will be fine. That said, I do wish we could be there to fix your tea, warm your blankets and butter your toast. Best wishes on your birthday!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited February 2019

    I hope you have a lovely day.

    Apparently dear old Phil had a good morning, spring is on the way. Right. Well, I guess that might be a nice gift.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Canada. Wiarton Willie the groundhog predicts an early end to winter and early Spring.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Back from getting my haircut and I mean cut. Trying a new do before Hawaii, will show you later after my shower. Going to church with Joe and out to eat later.

    Jackie, Happy Birthday dear friend. I hope you have a wonderful day filled with love and happiness. Love you!! <3

    Anne and Lin, I saw on yahoo news that the groundhog didn't see his shadow so spring will be early, I sure hope he is right!!!

    Patsy, I got up a little earlier today as well as I had an early appointment for my hair. The good thing is now I have a longer day to get things done.

    Buzz, I am sorry about your Costco experience, are you feeling better today?

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good morning. Last evening I packed up some gear to take to the normal first Saturday of the month papercrafters get together at the library. Then I checked the event calendar to see if there might be a card class scheduled and surprise, today’s event has been postponed to next Saturday. Oooh.

    So I am washing clothes, paying bills, doing Tai Chi, working on a birthday card and must sort through my documents to see if I have received all of my year-end statements. I might be able to start my tax spreadsheet. Exciting yes?

    Last night I finished February’s book club selection. The most interesting book in many months. Did I mention I went ahead and finished reading the latest installments and adventures of both Jack Reacher and Alex Cross. I just might be finished with both of these offerings.

    Also received an email from PBS, our new season of Grantchester will not begin until mid-July. Endeavor starts up again in June. A long wait!

    Buzz, I am distressed to hear of your recent problem. I hope you are able to see a medical professional to try to sort this out.

    Jeri, I have watched some of Shetland. Stark!! And also have seen some of Broadchurch. Whatever is available on Acorn since I don’t have Netflix. I am sorry you have to wait so long for your test. A friend of mine needs to see a neurologist. She has something that has her feeling nerve pain all the time in her foot and ankle. This is a post surgical occurrence and she is unable to walk. Anyway, horrendous unrelenting pain and she was unable to get an appointment until mid-March. I am so sorry people have to wait so long!

    Patsy, good morning. I am sorry you were unable to sleep. But hello! Are you taking a nap now?

    Sandy, hi, I think you posted while I have been typing.

    Hugs all round.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited February 2019
    Well, what do you think? Too short? I like it but need a few days to get used to it.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Cute SANDY, BUT be sure to wear ear muffs when you go out! Thumbs up. 🤙 Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Hi Sandy, yes, it is shorter! Easier to fix!! It sgphiukd be just right for your trip to Hawaii. Enjoy it. :wink:

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another birthday nearly over and one full of surprises so lots of fun. Thank you all for the lovely greetings and kind words and I know you would all be the perfect friend and neighbour popping in to see I'm coping and joining me in a cup of tea but I'll have to do with 2nd best with agency carers.... not the same at all!!

    My dear neighbours gave me an expresso coffee maker in a retro style to match my age and I can't wait to try it in the morning! It looks easy enough to use but I'll read the instructions first. It even steams milk for hot chocolate type drinks which will be a luxury but I've been warned if I overheat the machine it will end up over my walls... haha, watch this space!

    The snow and ice melted enough by midday to allow a trip to the coast and a lovely pub for lunch with friends then home to light the fire while the dogs were walked by the neighbours and I lit the fire before watching England win a rugby match against Ireland. All in all a perfect day so I'm now off to bed surrounded by a warm glow created by your kind words. <3<3

    I'll catch up properly tomorrow morning since with ice predicted after a freezing night, I won't be rushing out with the dogs.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear dear JACKIE, May your 70 years make way for a perfect 71st year, in every way! Love you!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank goodness Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow so all you frozen friends will enjoy an earl spring! That was a lovely birthday gift for JACKIE, as well!
    SANDY , sweet friend, you could not look bad in anything, anytime. However, as cute as your new cut is, my favorite is the one you use on your avatar! By the way, MFP is still baffled by your blank posts!
    Wishing PATSY, LIN, ANNIE and Jilly Bean, JERI, DIANE,MARIE, and all our other friends, a
    <3<3<3<3 Buzz
    ...............................Always Believe Something Wonderful s About to Happen! <3 !

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A stay in happy Sunday morning BUZZ.
    Mark has just warned me to be careful if I step outside because his driveway is a sheet of solid ice. Mine does look glittery as I peer out of the all you girls who, like us, have had this recent freezing weather and then rising temperatures please be careful if you venture forth.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    It will be a slow morning here, not due to ice but very dense fog. I have given up my quest for an early morning trip to Trader Joe’s and will leave later and just drive slowly across town to church. Apparently we may have a bit of drizzle as well but the temperature is already above 40 degrees F and may increase to 50 F. So just very gray, drizzly, and foggy all day.

    Anne, oh gosh, a day of staying off the ice. I know you will be careful although I doubt dear Bean will want to stay indoors. You will be busy keeping her entertained.

    Buzz, good morning to you. Enjoy your Sunday.

    Well Super Bowl Sunday and so many people are very excited. No party or celebration in the cards for me. I might flip to see if I can view some of the commercials or maybe not.

    Take care everyone.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a thought BUZZ, but do you think you accidentally deleted SANDY from the posts? I did this with JACKIE once by pressing some button but managed to reinstate her. However I can't remember how, but I do know I was getting her avatar George at the time but no written words, just a blank space. Try going into SANDYs description by pressing her avatar and then I think it's something to do with the "ignore" button accidentally pressed instead of the "send a message" button. I think, but only think, to get her back I pressed the ignore button again. However, please consult before you do this because I'm hopeless with computers!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    This morning I ventured out with the dogs thinking the roads were clear but oops, lots of ice still on the moors. My Canadian experience came to the fore so I maneuvered my way slowly without slipping and as you can see from the video the dogs had a great time. Even Betty is starting to enjoy the snow!!
    Since then I've been chatting on the phone when I should be doing housework and haven't yet set up my coffee machine so am thinking I'll make a toasted sandwich for lunch then read the instructions before brewing my first cup.

    Don't go outside Anne; I slipped a couple of times on the ice thinking law of you know who says I'm going to break something and it won't be my hip!!

    Must get on so I'll wish everyone a happy and peaceful Sunday.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi JACKIE, can I come and play with George and Betty? P.L.E.A.S.E !!!
    Anne's SO boring, she's baking bread.
    Jilly Bean.