Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited February 2019
    Happy Tuesday! :) Caught up with my sleep by sleeping eight and a half hours. Babe just called and said he had a surprise for me and is giving me $500 for my trip. I am very grateful and can finally stop worrying about having enough money. I am now looking forward to a wonderful time.

    Lin, finally Mah Jongg!! It has been a long few weeks with our weather and now like you we are going to get an ice storm. I am sitting all day tomorrow and Thursday morning so I hope the roads are good for me to drive there. When does Spring come?

    Anne, I hope that is Buzz's problem because I can't figure it out. Where did you see the missing 19 comments? That confused me.

    Jeri, I had to look up Dupuytrens disease and it doesn't sound pleasant. I think there is a commercial with a lady who plays piano with the same, they are advertising some sort of medicine. I do hope it gets better, you have enough on your plate. I have to take driving test because I will be 77 on March 10.

    Buzz, I am stumped but hope Anne and Jeri's suggestions help. I am at least glad that you can click and see my posts, weird just weird.

    Patsy, I remember when my son would tell me Portland is shut down due to snow. When a city is not equipped with snow plows like the Midwest it has to be horrible. Hopefully today the sun came out and it all melted.

    Jackie, busy running around getting everything in order for tomorrow? Just know that we are thinking of you and love you . Praying for a successful surgery and easy recovery.

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yes, rushing about organising myself as well as the dogs for their stay with Scruff and Misha! Hens to be mucked out first thing in the morning before my shower. Too wet today.
    Thanks for the good wishes, all gratefully received.
    Hopefully be in touch at the end of the week.
    <3<3 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    SANDY, if you press BUZZ's avatar you will see it says 2216 comments but on the sneaker page she has actually 2235 posts. I think that's why this discrepancy might be something to do with losing her Sandy posts.
    But then, what do I know!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello again, wintery mix arrived earlier than anticipated so we broke up our game early and I slipped my way home. Glad to be here. Slippery is not a favorite of mine.

    Chiming I’m with all best wishes Jackie. May all go wonderfully. Hugs. Will be thinking of your

    Hugs, hugs, hugs.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A sunny but cold hello today. I am ready for spring but that demented groundhog is quite simply WRONG! This is not spring.

    We are having a huge “to Do” at our local library. It is called The Drag Queen story hour. A local LGBT guy will read to the kids in a dress. It is to introduce the kids to diversity. You all know how liberal I am but I am oddly VERY uncomfortable with this. Not sure why I feel so ambivalent but I am. I have read to the kids in story hour in my Auntie Goose puppet outfit. It is an apron with attached arms that have a goose puppet. I was asked to participate with this story hour but I can’t, my reasons are still unclear to me. I have been supportive of diversity all my life.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Jackie, best wishes for your new hip! You will soon be jumping and twisting and rocking and rolling. I’ll bet your real concern is for your pets. They will miss you but they know you will be back home soon, and feeling better as the days go by. We are all thinking of you and demand that the doctors and nurses take extra good care of you. Seriously! You are dearly loved, my friend!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Had a busy day.

    Sandy Dupuytrens causes your hands and fingers to pull in. I’m having radiation as it can slow the progression. Most people don’t get it until they are older and it is more prevalent in Northern European or Scandinavian families. That’s me.

    I’m really striving to get my circles filled on my Apple Watch every day


    and get a blue circle on Weight Watchers. I fill my circle by getting 300 activity minutes, exercising for 30 minutes and standing and moving around every hour. The 🔵’s from WW are earned by being in the healthy eating zone.

    Trackable things really motivate me. As I’ve said before counting my steps is a priority for me too.

    Am I anal about these things - definitely. LOL

    Have a great evening

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne! Not sure if you ever give Jilly any blue buffalo dog food but I just checked and it has been recalled because it has too much Vit. D and can cause toxicity and liver damage. Very worrisome. I usually keep some out for Katie all the time!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2019
    Fell asleep while trying to type, read, etc., but not the usual story. Got to my new dentist with seconds to spare after 3 transport cars declared me a no show! Seems they were calling my home phone instead of my cell! Anyway, she did a beautiful job of extracting 4 front teeth and with all thing! Spent over 3 hours at her office, and left with a nice looking temporary "bridge" and though the bleeding is still fairly constant, I seem to be sleeping through recovery!
    Awakened a couple of hours ;later to find I never posted, so I will,now..
    Wishing JACKIE loads pf luck!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for the warning PATSY, but no. Jilly's main diet is chicken, rice, and yam. I do put dried dog food down for emergencies but she rarely touches it. Hers is Natural Balance. Katie is still very young so she should be okay, but I agree, very worrisome because blue Buffalo is supposedly a good brand.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good morning, I am off again in a little while for Tai Chi. This is the day with classes both morning and afternoon. However the weather may intervene again. So I may be back sooner than I have planned. Oh my.

    Buzz, I am so sorry about the mix-up with the transportation. So nerve wracking. I have had that problem several times with service appointments. Especially Internet outages. They will call on a line that is not working. I think I may have that straightened out now but each occasion is a new opportunity for a mix-up. Take care and I trust the bleeding has stopped and that you will heal quickly.

    Jeri, I have never known about treatments for that disorder. I pray that it helps you. Hugs.

    Must go now. Thinking of Jackie.

    Hello Sandy, Anne, Karen, Diane and Marie.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I really have no time this morning, I am supposed to be at Lisa's by 11:00. I will probably spend the night as I have to be there at 9:30 tomorrow so she and Robby can go for eye exams. I passed my driver's test although I made a few mistakes such as which way to turn my wheels parking on a hill. I told him that is why I don't park on hills.
    At least he passed me and that worry is over, life is good and I am grateful

    Good luck Jackie!! Hello to everyone else but I have to run.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think JACKIE will be recovering from surgery by now. Hope all went successfully and you are resting comfortably. Thinking of you, Anne and indeed, all of us here.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. No such luck Anne as there were long delays after theatres ran out of instruments and couldn't get more sent from other hospitals. Lucky me did finally have my surgery but lady next in queue sent home! Am now on ward but looks like cup of tea and biscuits my lot tonight so diet going well!! Staff all brilliant and caring and epidural just beginning to wear off so although can't move lower half yet am gently flexing muscles.
    All went well with replacement so should soon be on my feet.
    George and Betty settled in with my friend and I'm told Betty even pee'd outside so obviously showing off!
    Thanks for thinking of me.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE! Wonderful to hear from you and know you are on the start of the road to recovery!! Enjoy those biscuits and make them last! Betty peed outside!!! Good little girl!! The pets will be so happy to see you home and so will all your friends. Hope you get to have a real good sleep tonight, at least you won't have Betty snoring away!!! Sweet dreams and hugs from me, Anne.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello All
    Sandy. Congratulations. I’d have been so scared.

    Lin you are right, there is no cure for Dupuytrens. You can only slow down the progression. 😟

    Jackie glad everything went well.

    Buzz. That must have been so frustrating for you. Good luck with recovering from your dental work.

    3rd day of radiation. They weren’t quite as slow today. It’ll be Friday when they have it down pat as to how to get the radiation set up properly. Lots of moving me around.

    Still doing well with WW ✔️and getting in my apple fitness rings ✔️. I’m doing a challenge and have been successful every day in February. Being anal does have it’s advantages. I have 11,361 steps. Woo hoo

    Have a super day

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »

    Anne, I hope that is Buzz's problem because I can't figure it out. Where did you see the missing 19 comments? That confused me.

    Buzz, I am stumped but hope Anne and Jeri's suggestions help. I am at least glad that you can click and see my posts, weird just weird.


    Dear SANDY, MFP and I are also completely baffled, and I almost ruined my software following their instructions to see where the glitch is! Then I got Comcast involved and they added to my computer woes before telling me how to empty almost everything so the problem could be fixed! Luckily , I was able to reverse some of the actions in order to be able to sue my laptop again! Now, I have sent ANNE's new numbers discovery to MFP to see how THAT could have happened. I feel like Joe BLFSPK, the little man living under a constant cloud in the ancient comic strip, Li'l Abner!!!. I assume you are all too young to have read that one! So happy SANDY passed the driving test! Neat retort!

    JACKIE, what a fright, after all your preparation! So glad you were finally taken into surgery, and we are all thinking of you and wishing the finest recovery!

    LIN, I' will be happy when I do not have to rely on free transportation again, though I am fortunate Humana supplies it for my medical needs
    Incidentally, the temporary bridge looks fantastic and I feel pretty OK! Attended my friend's dinner party (85th birthday) and ate soft foods and did just fine!
    Scary, huh?

    JERI, I have no idea what your condition is, but will investigate as soon as I close this post! As if you haven't enough on your plate already! Wishing you very slow progression!

    PATSY, there is nothing wrong with recognizing your discomfort with the cross-dressing reader! It just doesn't sit right with you and it's OK! It's possibly a generational thing and has nothing to do with disapproval, and remember, "Feelings ARE!" Especially for those raised religiously, the entire concept of LGBT--- must be difficult to accept in totality! Perhaps what the library is doing will make it easier for children to feel more comfortable than my generation, who still cannot accept differences comfortably!

    Having re-read my post from yesterday, I apologize for the confusion of a befuddled brain! I hope this is more legible! And that my new temporary mouth isn't frightening, but I thought my lady was a fantastic dentist to supply a really acceptable temporary look!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!................................

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sandy, there's a 30 post discrepancy between your avatar picture and your Sneaker posts as well. Your Sneaker page posts show more. My avatar and posts match exactly and so do JACKIES. Intriguing.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Quick comment on PATSYs post about diversity. I consider myself to be pretty liberal as well, live and let live sort of thing. The problem I have with a hairy chap dressed in a dress is the possibility of causing confusion in small developing children's minds. At this age mommies wear dresses and makeup, daddy's run around covered in engine oil, don't they? Daft idea if you ask me! Plenty of time to introduce diversity and tolerance when the kids reach their early teens.
    JERI, my fingers curl inwards. The pinkie the most. I was told it's a throwback to the Vikings. Mike says it's from clutching battle axes in the past! Oh dear!
    On that note I better disappear to the kitchen (the woman's domain?) wearing my leggings, mmmm!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. I've gone from feeling pain and nauseous first thing to being out of my bed, walking on crutches, enjoying delicious small light meals, being x-rayed and getting to know my ward patients.... just the 4 of us. Didn't sleep last night so feeling tired but the more exercises I do the less pain I'm getting from stretched muscles. Physio back this afternoon to take me to the stairwell
    Where he will test my climbing abilities!
    Betty is behaving and entertaining my friend while George has apparently fallen for her rescue dog Misha!
    I might be home tomorrow but not holding my breath.
    Take care everyone <3