Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    Well PATSY a Cornish pasty is so easy to make and quite delicious filled with ground beef, onion, carrots, potato and maybe a few peas etc, anything you like really. You just make pastry as for any tart, roll it out and cut rounds with a saucer. Fill half of each round with the lightly cooked ground beef and veggies, pull over the unfilled half on top of the filling and seal making a sort of scalloped edge. Cut two or three slashes in the top, brush with egg and bake until golden brown. At least that's how I make them. Great for picnics and I bet John would enjoy one. I believe they were originally made for the Cornish miners lunch. Am I right JACKIE (who's munching on her pasty).

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2019
    Should add, the potatoes, carrots and onions are cut small, diced really.

    I Thought you would all like a smile! As you all know I'm no great cook.
    I decided to make a batch of muffins using a new recipe.
    My eyesight is bad with the blind spot and the recipe was small print.
    When it came to mixing everything together dopey here is thinking it seems awfully dry for a muffin mix. Anyway Annie baby, - press on. Filled the tins with this lumpy mixture and then it dawned on me. I'd read 2 cups of flour as 3 cups. Anyway I shoved them in the oven and I ended up with rather tasty English rock buns!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another cold but sunny day, what's new? I am sitting again tonight and have to be there by 4:30, so another long night. Will go to Mass tomorrow.

    Jackie, welcome home and you really amaze me, you are like superwoman. When do you begin home therapy? Are you able to let George and Betty outside and then back inside? I wish you the speediest of recoveries and an end to any pain. Keep up the good work.

    Anne, your pastry is like our panani:
    A panini or panino is a sandwich made with Italian bread, usually served warmed by grilling or toasting. However, in many English-speaking countries, a panini is a grilled sandwich made from many types of bread. Examples of bread types used for modern panini are baguette, ciabatta, and michetta.

    Patsy, it looks like you are getting clobbered with snow in the Northeast. Stay inside and stay warm until it all melts.

    Lin, finally you get to have some fun and enjoy a day with friends and activities.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yes Anne, Cornish pasties were the staple diet of miners in this area baked with 2 flavours, steak and veg one end and strawberry jam in the other. That gave them a 2 course meal! In this county they have to use beef skirt to be authentic although mine today was a cheese and onion pasty!

    Sandy, The procedure in England is to send us home with a long list of exercises to do over the next 6 weeks. Already I'm walking 5 minutes twice a day on crutches as well as exercises. No therapist involved which puts the recovery in the hands of the patient. Suits my independent streak! I've had a call to let me know more equipment will be delivered Monday including a trolley so I can wheel food from kitchen. Betty and George can get into garden as I can easily walk with crutches to open the door.

    Neighbours on the way to watch 2nd rugby match so back later.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No bread involved in our pasty's SANDY, so nothing like a panino. Think of pie crust pastry. I'm trying to get PATSY to have a go at a PASTY! So funny, just change the letters a bit ! PATSYs pasty's. You could open and name a bakery Patsy!
    Excuse me! Think all the ice outside is making me giddy!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas tra la la! It is snowing big fat fluffy flakes. Very pretty but this time of year unwelcome. It is interesting about Jackie’s trolley. John got me one because that is one of my problems. Carrying anything. I easily stumble. What a bumbling dodo I can be. But it is so handy. I see John grabs it occasionally to haul big loads around the house.

    Now about these pasties, I looked up on the internet and I can fill them with salmon and mushrooms and onion. I agree that John will love these. I decided to make 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭-shaped ones for a valentine dinner. Now to figure out something to use on the inside so it will not be too dry. I do try to fix special dinners because eating out on holidays here is crazy. Not too many nice places to eat and what we have is usually jammed.

    I am taking apart the drawings and cleaning glass...replacing the smeared backing on one. Katie, once again keeping a watchful eye on the whole procedure.

    We talked to our son last night and he is still dating this “young thing” that on the surface seems to fit. She works for Greenpeace! Damon says that it seems right that he would date an activist. He grew up in a family with CAUSES. Hummmmmmmmmm!
    Very pretty out...but cold. The snow flakes are so pretty!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2019
    I'm enjoying imagining PATSY's large snowflakes drifting down! I used to love the smell of snow! Sorry about the extra framing effort, though the love you have for Katie makes the extra work worthwhile, I suspect.
    ANNE (and JACKIE), your pasty somewhat resembles my Mother's "pierogi" which was similarly shaped and made with a pie-like crust except more pliable. She would braise some onions and beef and heaven knows what else, cool and chop it and use it to fill the circles, which she then clamped together with fork tines until she had them securely closed! I think she brushed them with either egg yolk or oil and as I recollect, she fried them till browned but not crisp. Baking sounds like a great idea. We adored them as a special treat! You say you're not a great cook, but from the sounds of it, I don' agree!
    SANDY, you are still not appearing automatically, and somehow I believe it's the MFP website.
    Your Hawaiian adventure is drawing closer and will arrive before you notice it. How exciting.
    LIN, happy for you to be having all your classes and groups back again. Too bad about Amazon's treatment of your Chinese vendor. I'm rather hocked, since I've never had a problem with returns or replacements. Are you a Prime member?
    JACKIE, hurrah for you! Amazing how differently the 2 countries treat hip recoveries, isn't it?

    Perhaps I'll actually make it to bed by midnight. Feeling much better except for an outer metatarsal bone in my left foot. Tremendously painful when standing or walking but I expect it will disappear.
    <3 BUZZ
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just waiting for Michael and GF to show up and take me grocery shopping. Out of most staples and apparently another snow/freezing rain/snow thingy coming through again on Tuesday so must get stocked up!.
    I think i will take a leaf out of PATSYs book and make a heart shaped chicken and veggie pasty for Valentine's Day, but only because it's Jilly's third birthday. Just a fun thing to do with a little dog who's brought me three years of joy.
    I TRY BUZZ, but the best cook in our family is Marks wife, Mary Jo. Wonderful cook and difficult to live up to. Fortunately I usually manage to salvage and eat all my mistakes!
    Hope JACKIE is still galloping around on her crutches and maybe, hopefully, thrown them away. I was reading earlier about a lady in the USA who's job is transporting pets across the country to their owners. She's been just about everywhere and even sleeps with the dogs, cats, hamsters, bunnies etc in her car rather than have the hassle of hotels. It combines her love of animals with her wanderlust and pays about $35,000 a year. I can imagine Jackie doing that in her youth.
    Hope everyone, LIN, SANDY, MARIE and JERI and all our other friends are waking up to a pleasant Sunday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It took me forever to get myself washed, dressed, some washing up cleared and pets food bowls picked up off the floor. My neighbour popped in to carry my cup of tea then later she and her partner walked Betty and George on the moors where naughty Betty ran and ran to get herself back to the car park so lots of exercise all round to catch her!! I'm thinking she's had too many changes this past week and feeling unsettled although now curled up on the sofa next to me. George is also worrying about the changes so off his food but we'll get there.
    My leg is double it's normal size but there's little discomfort so on the mend. I'm still using 2 crutches so need confidence in the cement used to attach everything new in my hip although they do stop me rushing and twisting in the wrong direction.

    Happy birthday to Jilly Bean and a big hug from her English friends. xx

    Patsy, flaky pastry is good for pasties as they don't get too dry. I'm sure it can be purchased pre-prepared otherwise a fiddly job!

    I love that cartoon Buzz thank you. It gave me a big smile but then you always do!

    Sandy please don't get tired out. I know you'll do anything for anyone but take some me time too.

    My neighbour is dropping in to change the tight stockings that are supposed to stop any VTE although I've warned her it will be a struggle! We'll have a laugh if nothing else!

    Hello Lin and Jerry plus anyone else missed. Another rugby match about to begin. :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It took me forever to get myself washed, dressed, some washing up cleared and pets food bowls picked up off the floor. My neighbour popped in to carry my cup of tea then later she and her partner walked Betty and George on the moors where naughty Betty ran and ran to get herself back to the car park so lots of exercise all round to catch her!! I'm thinking she's had too many changes this past week and feeling unsettled although now curled up on the sofa next to me. George is also worrying about the changes so off his food but we'll get there.
    My leg is double it's normal size but there's little discomfort so on the mend. I'm still using 2 crutches so need confidence in the cement used to attach everything new in my hip although they do stop me rushing and twisting in the wrong direction.

    Happy birthday to Jilly Bean and a big hug from her English friends. xx

    Patsy, flaky pastry is good for pasties as they don't get too dry. I'm sure it can be purchased pre-prepared otherwise a fiddly job!

    I love that cartoon Buzz thank you. It gave me a big smile but then you always do!

    Sandy please don't get tired out. I know you'll do anything for anyone but take some me time too.

    My neighbour is dropping in to change the tight stockings that are supposed to stop any VTE although I've warned her it will be a struggle! We'll have a laugh if nothing else!

    Hello Lin and Jerry plus anyone else missed. Another rugby match about to begin. :)
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning

    Jackie. Sounds like you are doing great. Wonder Woman for sure.

    The foods you’ve been talking about sound great.

    Oh here comes Ed. He wants to do another crossword puzzle. We do them everyday. NYTimes, LA times, various ones. The easy ones Monday and Tuesday. I have a subscription so I can go back in the archives. We really enjoyed it. All done on our iPads.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) As it turns out I only sat for a short time last night. They decided they didn't want to stay out late so just went to dinner. So that was a pleasant surprise. Going to Mass today and then some errands, a video call with the kids, riding my bike and then relaxing.

    Jeri, you and Ed are a super couple, always doing something together. Talk about Wonder Women you are right there with Jackie.

    Jackie, don't be in a hurry to heal, let nature takes it's course. I know you hate being incapacitated but your surgery was only Wednesday. You are lucky to have such a great neighbor but I know you do a lot for them as well.

    Anne, enjoy your shopping day. I am so ready for spring as I bet you are.

    Buzz, I have no answer as to why you can't see my post, it is just weird.

    Lin, busy at Church???

    Patsy, I don't want to disagree with you but I think Portland has some wonderful restaurants, the views alone are beautiful.

    I better get in the shower and get moving. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Good day. Running along slowly today. Since I only got a couple of hours sleep Friday night, I was very fatigued yesterday but still spent the day at the library. Perhaps since I was so tired, everything that was remotely amusing just tied me up in stitches. I planned to use colored pencils yesterday but was too tired to get close to applying the color I wanted. When I got home, I did a few things and then went to sleep. I did not get up until quite late but I texted last night letting the church secretary know I wouldn’t be there today. I woke up to fairly heavy snowfall, warnings to drive very slowly and many cancelled events and closed churches. I was happy I had already decided to stay home.

    Apparently almost every day this week may have some snowfall and/or freezing rain. Wow, I hope that is wrong. Well, if I have to stay in, I can do it.

    I made a two serving batch of oatmeal this morning and then immediately started some soup. I have just finished some of that lovely vegetable soup. Yummmm. I did run out of unsalted vegetable broth so just placed an order for more. Also out of fresh onions and most fresh vegetables. But I have the nice pot of soup or leftovers and lots of things in the freezer. I hope to get to the store to pick up my Rx as I will run out of that in a couple of days.

    Buzz, I do have an Amazon Prime membership but the guaranteed refunds now do not apply to all third party vendors who do their own shipping rather than allowing Amazon to ship for them. The world becomes more complex and it easier to lose your money!

    Anne, I hope you get all supplied again. After all, with the Bean’s birthday on the horizon, special treats would be in order.

    Jackie, doing well. Wahoo! I am so glad you have people just stepping up to help. You are a wonder but an extra hand (or two) couldn’t hurt. Naughty Betty, but she is in another unknown situation with her routine upset. Faithful George. Smiles.

    Sandy, your day sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

    Jeri, aha, crossword puzzles. Another enjoyable activity, although I like the easier word searches or online scrabble.

    Patsy, good for you. Such patience to get everything back to pristine condition. Some days, I would not be able to do that.

    Best wishes dear Sneakers.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow JACKIE luv! You are doing a great deal after such a serious surgery! Follow SANDY's suggestion and allow yourself a bit of downtime so you heal properly. The "cement " takes time to really become part of your body, and moving quickly or the wrong way can undo much of the work these surgeons have done so be careful! AS far as the compression stocking: did it come with directions for putting on or removing? I have a much easier time applying mine inside out, turning the foot in, and slipping my foot into the foot first, then working it carefully up the leg, rather than holding it up and trying to put my leg down, into it! Also, there are ribbed rubber gloves that help smooth them over the leg! If you want to pursue my method, just let me know and I'll send links! You are a pretty special gal to have friends helping you willingly, rather than hiring an aide or short term helper! What you are going through is quite difficult, as you don't have to be told!
    SANDY, take good care of your "time for yourself"! You are so generous with others!
    ANNE, I love Jilly's celebration plans!
    JERI. what a neat way to get puzzles done; that's true togetherness!
    LIN, what's with you and no sleep? There's only room here for one "no sleep babe" and right now, that's me! Don't let yourself get into that pattern, as it becomes a difficult one to break! I keep trying to get more beauty rest, which I desperately want and need! Watch out for snow and ICE!

    I watched "The Wife" today, with Glenn Close doing a fantastic job! Yesterday they showed "The Widows", which mesmerized me, with Chicago's corruption making dTrump look like an angel! Viola (Violet?) Davis was in it, and as splendid as usual. Very convoluted plot but I didn't nod off once!
    I brought a bagel up from lunch and shall enjoy it with a tuna salad for Sunday supper.
    <3 BUZZ
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another snow warning coming our way, I hate winter. We are going for the kids pictures later this afternoon, so I hope it holds off until we are done. In only 3 weeks I will be in Hawaii where I hope the weather is wonderful.

    Buzz, believe me I do take care of myself, in fact I slept over 9 hours today. I wish you would do the same. <3

    Lin, I never did ride the bike yesterday so I will have to make up for that today. More ice storms and snow coming, do you think it will ever end? I didn't order my China order from Amazon (been there done that) and they did answer one question. I am now trying to get them to expedite my new swimsuit but I am beginning to doubt it will make it in time.

    Anne, are you frozen in??

    Hello to all our wonderful sneakers, but I must get on with my day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello. I was off very early this morning for Tai Chi and Qigong. Very good class. Then off to do as many errands as possible before our next expected storm. More snow and some freezing drizzle expected. I guess it is about a county away right now. I didn’t make all the stops I would have liked and the stores did not have everything I’d hoped to purchase but I do have fresh fruits and veggies and a Rx refill. So pretty good.

    Sandy, I heard from the company in France that had shipped my used book. They have a shipping receipt showing a December 23rd date. They also said shipping to the U.S. has become quite a problem. They would like me to wait another few days as they are confident it will emerge from our U.S.P.S. system soon. I have waited this long so I will wait. At least I know they will respond to inquiries. Good luck on expedited shipping. I am not certain that exists these days.

    Well, I hope everyone is a-okay.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A bright sunny day with a chill in the air but since I'm housebound for a few days I can enjoy the view from my windows without worrying about being cold. My day is almost over and after another awful night trying to get comfortable in my bed I will be sleeping on the sofa for the foreseeable future. It's Monday so I was without my friends who work and decided it was time to organise my little cottage in an effort to make life easier. Ha, easier said than done but I think it's sort of working. The trolley and stool were delivered mid afternoon so whoopee, I can make my cuppa and drink it sitting in comfort rather than doing a balancing act. My hip is complaining so overdid things but will take note and slow down from now on.

    Buzz, thanks for the stocking advice which is similar to the way I helped a friend in the past. This time I took note of the ease with which the nurse put mine on by using the small plastic bag they came in like a sock that she slid the stocking over then once over my heel she pulled the bag out through the toe hole. My neighbour is a keep fit nut and had no problem stretching them out and pulling up my legs.... I was impressed and think she missed her calling.
    Thanks to you all for the kind words and advice. All taken on board. <3

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, just like SANDY and LIN I'm sat here waiting for the snow, freezing rain, snow to arrive once again. I got really stocked up with food yesterday, enough for two weeks, so me and Bean won't starve come what may. It's sort of snowed all day on and off, but the deadly stuff supposedly arrives overnight according to the weather station. I'm hoping my little family will stay off the roads and stay home tomorrow.

    Today I had a go at making Brown Rice and Stir Fried Vegetables from my new vegetarian recipe book. It was amazingly good and I have enough for tomorrow. Yesterday when I bought the tofu Mikes old but new again girl friend who was with me kept saying "ugh" but she doesn't know what she's missing poor lass.

    JACKIE, you are always so busy and independent - but you must be a good girl. Take things easy and let nature take its course. The good news is, with the wintry weather we are getting there is no way you would be out in the garden weeding anyway etc. If one has to have a hip replaced now is probably the best time (if ever). Small comfort I know! for such an energetic lady. I think you will be amazing once this early healing period is over.

    Marie's Tony remains in the hospital undergoing assessment. Marie has no idea when he will be home. She's says her heart is breaking when he pleads to go home and he says everyone is trying to part them.
    And that was my exciting day!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone, busy busy day and evening with important meetings about big changes here. Losing some dear staff!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi ho sneakers...raining but warmer, thank God! Still looks dark, gray and wintery out. No daffodils or any little buds on the trees. Spring is having a hard time trying to sneak in the door. But I have high hopes!

    I developed laryngitis, something to do with dry air in the house and the evils of central heating. gets me every year about this time. I croak and squeak around for a week or so. I sound much worse than I really am. Not sure but John may enjoy my reduced amount of jabbering.

    Jackie: I must wear compression stockings everyday. I have become quite expert at struggling these crazy stockings on my chubby short legs. Patience! and as you heal, maybe you will not need these devil-designed compression stockings.

    Lin: it is interesting how we are wired differently. John gets absolutely stir-crazy if he cannot get out everyday. He must run at least one errant or he becomes truly demented. I can putter around the house for days on end.

    Anne: happy birthday sweet Little Jilly!

    Hello to all you sneakers....