Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Heavy snow! More later. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2019
    We’ve had quite a bit of snow but right now just slow flurries. Not planning on going anywhere as the wind will pick up later. Following Anne’s example, I did not try to take my trash cart to the curb. I shoveled a path last night but didn’t try to push it out there. I have enough room in the cart for another week.

    Take care Anne.

    Jackie, I continue to be astounded at your recovery.

    Sandy, wahoo, did you see the news about a guy who won $1 million in a spin of a wheel at a casino after a qualifying Bingo win? Now that would help your Hawaii fund!

    Buzz, how is your mouth feeling? And my night of insomnia was likely related to the exciting party day followed by a late cup of coffee and leg spasms. I don’t think it will become a habit.

    Patsy, I can stay home for days but I want to go when I want to go! Which can be the downside to inclement weather. My dad had to get out of the house each day or he would go crazy. No matter the weather, he would drive into town and have coffee with someone or do a little shopping or something. I am some odd balance between the two extremes.

    Jeri, how are you?

    Hello Marie, Karen, Diane and the rest of our Sneakers.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow! Arctic conditions here. Madly swirling snow in high winds. The whole street appears to be staying safely at home. I pray Marie stays home. Tony phones her constantly for her to drive to the hospital. Apparently conditions get worse as the day progresses changing to ice pellets this afternoon.

    I've just made a batch of muffins, correctly this time! Comfort food!
    Going to be a quiet sort of day, that's if the electricity and furnace continue smoothly.
    Anne of the Arctic.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Mid afternoon and I'm waiting for my pedicurist to arrive. More rest periods for me as I know I did too much yesterday but did manage by leaning in to the shower cubicle earlier to remain relatively dry while washing my hair at the same time giving the floor a good soaking! I feel human again. Ever slowly pushed my Shark round the carpets so know now I'm independent.

    Anne, your weather does sound awful although I suppose this time of year anything can happen. Mmmmm, muffin comfort food... why not? So sad for your neighbour and no answers either which is desperate.

    Lin, like you I can happily spend a few days on my own but when I want to go somewhere hate anything disrupting plans.

    Time for my foot care and since she is a trained nurse will ask a favour and get stockings changed!!

    Take care everyone
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! After all kinds of poses the pictures are done and turned out beautiful. Here is one of the four siblings that I just love.
    We went out to eat after the pictures but the weather was awful. I drove home very slow and even managed to stop at Walmart for a return. More snow and rain is in forecast and I am supposed to sit for Lisa to go to her meeting, but we will see.
    My ex left a message that he is in the hospital because his feet swelled up and he could hardly walk. He also told my son he was without heat for nine days but didn't call anyone. He and his roommate turned the oven on and boiled hot water on the stove. He should be coming home today after a heart doctor checks his heart. Babe called after I got home to tell me that he just got back from the ER because he had such bad stomach pains. They checked him out but told him the wait was 5 hours and suggested he go home and see his doctor today so that is what they did. He has appointment at 2:30 this afternoon. Is something in the air????

    Jackie, you really are superwoman but I wish you would slow down just a bit. I don't think vacuuming was a good idea but that is just me, sorry. Enjoy the pedicure, that should feel wonderful.

    Like Anne and Lin I am so sick of this weather, we need some sunshine!!!

    Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Where does time go. It flies away instantly at times. Every time I fill up my pill case I can’t believe another week of my life has slipped by.

    I am off to the Women’s Breast Center today for an ultrasound and hopefully a breast biopsy if they can see the suspicious area. Fingers crossed. My daughter, sweet darling, tells me “who needs to cross fingers when you can pray to the big guy in the sky”. She tells me her and the kids have been praying for me every day. I think I am in good hands all the way round. 😊

    Still working hard at getting in my 10,000 steps every day and filling my activity rings on my Apple Watch. As I probably told you, I compete with my DD’s. It does inspire me to be fit.

    As both Anne and Sandy said this weather is awful. Even my sister in Washington state is having snow storms. Gee

    We’ll have a great day everyone.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just had to smile. My drive is fairly windswept of snow, so where has it gone?
    It's gone under the garage door gap and into the garage.
    I've never had a double garage full of snow before! Had to trudge through snow to reach the garbage bins.
    Love what your daughter said to you JERI. Love that the children are thinking of you and saying their prayers. You are much loved.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi! I am going downstairs to watch First Man. I remember every moment of that huge event. I am still amazed that we sent men to the moon in little more than a tunafish can and actually got them back to planet earth...most of the time. I also remember that awful time when we didn’t.

    We had a few hours of unpredicted sunshine. It was a GIFT. But the rains have now returned. We are under a flood watch. We are at the confluence of about 6 rivers plus the big Columbia flowing into the Pacific. Lots of water. Lots of rain. We will keep watch on our little creek. It often threatens our little road. A washout is disaster for us. It is our only way out.

    Hope everyone is safe and warm.

    Sandy the photo was just charming. What a beautiful little family.

    Jeri, all my best wishes on your upcoming appointments. I feel sure all will be fine. Good to have all those prayers and good thoughts holding you up.

    Here’s a hug and good wishes to you sneaker sweethearts.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    zzzzzz Perhaps you figured out I lost my post, AAAaaaaaag. It could not handle my foie gras, I guess! Perhaps tomorrow, as I'm dead tired now, but all is well except my post has disappeared!
    :s Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A lovely day, warmer than average so of course I'm frustrated I can't get some gardening done but don't worry, a severe talk to myself about patience and a means to an end has calmed me down. I've also left a message for George's groomer asking if she can find a gap in her schedule to pop in to brush George because right now I can't physically do it. He's alright at the moment but I know it wont be long before the knots appear! My feet feel wonderful after yesterday's pedicure and my stockings were changed without effort because the lovely lady is also a nurse so knows exactly how to attack them and another washing load first thing has me up to date.... I should operate this way all the time!!!

    Oh dear Anne, snow under the garage door; so do you wait for it to melt? Can't imagine a snow blower would be an option! If I was you I'd shut the door on it and ignore for now assuming you are still living the dream in a Winter's Wonderland!

    Jeri, I do hope your ultrasound put your mind at rest and lifted the worry from your shoulders.

    Buzz, lost posts are so frustrating I know but the important thing is we don't lose you as you're loved too much. <3

    Sandy, another stunning photo of your gorgeous family and they do look so happy. So they should with you in their lives. Don't worry about me vacuuming. The Shark lifts itself off the ground and I made sure I kept it straight in front with no twisting. My cottage is so small it didn't take more than a couple of minutes and with the constant flow of traffic including the dogs and cats I couldn't not do it before my pedicure... too embarrassing! :o

    Since I can't sit for more than 10 minutes on the chair by my laptop at the moment I'm going to have to wish you all a safe Wednesday and move. Hi to all I missed.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hello all. The snow will remain in the garage until spring I guess. There's no way this mama bear is venturing out of her cave and onto the ice. It's quite exciting really. Yesterday's snow turned to freezing rain and along came Brian (three cheers for Brian) with his snow blower. Terribly hard for him to clear the drive because it was all icing up and with much crunching he slowly moved down the drive having to stop every five minutes to chip at the exit chute. He finally cleared the icy slush and with dire warnings explained the drive looked clear but is actually another skating rink. Our forecast for today is snow and yet more all day snow. This mama bear and her little "cub" are staying inside.
    The entire street stayed home all day yesterday. The kids had a wonderful tobogganing snow day, the schools and universities closed and most businesses (except Michael's - he was not happy) with buses skidding off the road and onto the ramps. Today is supposed to be worse than yesterday in the aftermath. Oh to be in Canada now that February's here!
    There, that's my weather forecast for the day. Whatever you all are suffering, ice, snow, flooding, heat, fog etc I hope all us sneakers have a wonderful day and dive into tomorrow's chocolates early. We deserve a treat!
    Happy Valentine's Eve to all us sneakers,
    Hugs from Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning. Our blizzard force winds have abated and the wind chill is, I think, about -10degrees F. The temperature is forecast to rise but clouds are coming once again so I am hoping for a little glance at the sun today.

    Today is Tai Chi day! Here’s hoping my garage door opens and my vehicle behaves. Looking forward to getting outside. I didn’t poke my nose outdoors yesterday. ;) So, I am ready to go.

    Anne, I am sorry. You are absolutely in the freezer of ice and snow. Come on Canada, warm up!

    Buzz, sorry you lost your post. Good to hear a bit from you though.

    Jackie, you have everything running so well. Amazing! Truly, of all the hip surgeries my friends and acquaintances have gone through, no one has progressed at your pace. Be safe my friend.

    Jeri, praying for you as well. <3<3

    Patsy, I need to get my name on the list for that DVD. If it is out on a DVD. I don’t even know that. Sounds inspiring. And praying your road stays open.

    Sandy, gorgeous family. Never a bad photo. I hope everyone is okay now. I hope it is not something in the air.

    Hugs all round.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) We have SUNSHINE and it is in the 20's, much better than yesterday where we had blowing snow to make driving a little more difficult. I did go to sit so Lisa could go to her meeting but then Rob texted her and told her to send me home and stay home because of the weather. She still was able to do her sauna bag and get her pictures from Walgreens so she was happy. They may go to a meeting together tonight they will let me know later this afternoon.
    Babe went to doctor and is having tests done on Friday, his stomach is acting up. My kids dad is still in hospital with atrial fibrillation. He is also diabetic and his feet are all swollen so they want them to go down before sending him home. Never a dull moment on my life. lol

    Lin, sorry you are still so cold, but I hope you get to enjoy your day. I know how much you love Tai Chi. <3

    Anne, remind me to never move to Canada, it's a nice place to visit but all that snow and ice?

    Jackie, you are doing amazing and we are very proud of you. Won't it feel wonderful to walk the dogs with no pain? Is your other hip okay or is that going to need replacing also?

    Buzz, new plan, try posting in the morning after breakfast when you aren't so tired. lol Just a thought.

    Patsy, Bohemian Rhapsody just came out in DVD so I am hoping to rent it from Red Box. I also want to see the Wife before my friend's Oscar Party.

    Jeri, I was praying with your family for good news.

    Have a great day everyone!!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hello Everyone

    Thanks for the good wishes and prayers. That means a lot to me.

    Biopsy is over now I have to wait for the results. The doctor was optimistic that it was okay. Said he liked to err in the side of caution and it was probably okay. Hope he is right.

    Sore Achilles’ tendon today. Actually it’s been bothering me for the last week but I stopped taking muscle relaxants as I wanted to have a glass of 🍷 when we go out to celebrate Valentines Day tomorrow. LOL. The muscle relaxant keeps it feeling okay but you can’t drink alcohol with it. Boo

    Off to run errands. Have a great day.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I should have read this page before I opened the computer and started checking my bank account! Yes I will try to do it in the earlier part of the day , SANDY! Excellent suggestion. I ended up discovering my new teeth (front bridge) brought my checking account down below my safety preference, and after a transfer I somehow discovered my papers for 2018 taxes seemed rather mixed up so I organized those to make room for my 2019 receipts
    so here I am at 11:30 PM, just coming on board! Whew! Somehow, my paperwork is not as organized as it was a few years ago!
    I'm freaked out over your weather, everybody. I certainly will not complain about my dreary rainy day! Ice has always been a horror so all of you suffering from the storms please be extra careful! ANNE, just stay out of the garage for the rest of winter! Where is that lying groundhog, anyway!
    JERI, all those beautiful vibes coming your way are bound to affect all the prayers positively!
    JACKIE, sounds like you are the supergal we all suspected you are! It sounds also as if you understand you mustn't overdo! Just continue to heal nicely with all our best wishes floating your way!
    SANDY, The Wife was wonderful, and the day before that we watched The Widows. Very convoluted, but I thought it was excellent.
    At last night's Birthday Dinner, the appetizer was a dismally made ceviche; a medley of translucent raw shellfish that I told chef he must have forgotten to marinate in lime juice! But the filet mignon with a foie gras topping was over the top! Butter soft! I'm wondering how they will top that at tomorrow night's Valentine dinner dance. While I won't be dancing, I will wear red. I'm suddenly able to walk on that painful left foot (which has kept me in my motorized wheel chair) after discovering y metatarsal arch did not drop; I discovered a corn near the side but on the bottom of that foot! I stuck a callous remover on for 2 days, and when I removed it, it removed the corn!!! Weird, but great to be free of the pain!
    PATSY, I remember how we used to love when school was called off so we could toboggan down the hills! Yes, dear friend, stay snug at home with Katie and First Man!
    LIN, do you love the smell of snow when you finally get outdoors? Delicious... but be very careful of icy patches!
    Midnight...bedtime. Love you all o:)
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.........................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYBODY. I wish I could sneak off and buy a box of chocolates, but no, it will take my sturdy winter boots all their time to sneak to the front with this weeks and LAST weeks garbage. Was St. Valentine Italian? It's hard to believe he was born in the frozen north!
    I wonder what's lurking in the mail box way down the next road. No Valentine cards for sure, but maybe tax receipts and the inevitable bills.
    I got a sad evening phone call yesterday from Dawn in Yorkshire, UK. My friend of 78 years. No surprise at our age. Dawn, Noreen, June and Anne have been friends since starting school but sadly now we are three.
    Life goes on, and is there a faint hint of spring in the air? The squirrels thought so yesterday in gently falling snow.
    Happy Valentine's Day girls. Let's enjoy!
    Annie and Jilly send hugs. xxxxx
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Of course I had to look St. Valentine up. He was indeed Italian and apart from being the patron saint of marriage and engaged couples he's also the patron saint of beekeeping JACKIE. Alas, he was a martyr and died on his saint day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    I have my meeting today but first stopping at Babe's to pick up my check and money for Hawaii!! He said no one will be home at that time and he wants me to have it before he goes for his tests tomorrow. Things are not pleasant there with his son and wife arguing and Babe is really stressed. Nothing I can do to help except listen.

    And to Jilly:

    Gotta Run,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good day <3<3<3<3

    Happy Valentine’s Day all.

    I am at the library with my friends today. First time we have gotten together for weeks! We are so happy and of course so much to chat about.

    I am going for a Tai Chi lesson a bit later. Wahoo!

    Everyone take care. Happy day to the one and only Jilly Bean.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not sure what a birthday is, but thank you everyone for your good wishes. Anne says she'll try and get me out to help with the garbage to celebrate! JILLY BEAN.